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No, You May Not Roll on Items for Another Class and Strip Out the Mods


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I prefer fairness. Not someone else dictating to me how I should roll. We already have someone here telling me my companion has lower priority than them.


Yeah, I think everyone prefers fairness, don't you? But, I got you now, I don't agree but that's alright, have fun gaming!

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I prefer fairness. Not someone else dictating to me how I should roll. We already have someone here telling me my companion has lower priority than them.


How is rolling need on a greed roll being fair. Looks more like someone trying to get an edge on the rest.


So you're saying that your companion who was not in the fight has the same rights as the other three who were?

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Except you still are trying to brand me as "helping myself" when i've already stated I do not. And as I stated much earlier in this thread, the number of times i've hit Need in ALL groups i've been in since I started playing this has been 0. But I can still see the system for what it is without my personal opinions of it interfering.


Then you're opinion is closer to mine than thiers and I don't quite understand why you're defending the right to be selfish :confused:

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How is rolling need on a greed roll being fair. Looks more like someone trying to get an edge on the rest.


So you're saying that your companion who was not in the fight has the same rights as the other three who were?


I have the same right. End of story. What I do with anything I win is my business only.

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Then you're opinion is closer to mine than thiers and I don't quite understand why you're defending the right to be selfish :confused:


I'm not defending selfishness. Everyone is selfish in some way. But the thing is, the system doesn't tell you what can be needed on and what can be greeded on, the player decides that. he problem is that some wish to push what they feel should be need or greed on others. And i'm sorry, wanting a better chance to get gear you feel you need is selfish. Just as is someone wanting to roll need on everything just because they can.


And that is why I don't let my opinions on how I feel it should work interfere with understanding how it DOES work.

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How is rolling need on a greed roll being fair. Looks more like someone trying to get an edge on the rest.


So you're saying that your companion who was not in the fight has the same rights as the other three who were?


Basically you feel a companion item should be greeded, someone else however does not. What right do you have to tell them that they are wrong? You only believe your way is right, it's not a fact that your way is right.

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Basically you feel a companion item should be greeded, someone else however does not. What right do you have to tell them that they are wrong? You only believe your way is right, it's not a fact that your way is right.


Again, I'm not saying you don't have the right ...I'm asking you to concider the other three players in the instance before rolling need.


(If you already do that I have no quarrel with you)

Edited by Grecanis
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No ...he's got access to the kick button. His rules if he wants it that way ;)


Bit late kicking someone at the end of the run eh ?




Fine ...what server are you on?


A Bioware one. Come on now, are we going to get all petty now and start asking for peoples name and show size?? Because they are unwilling to allow you to bully them?

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Again, I'm not saying you don't have the right ...I'm asking you to concider the other three players in the instance before rolling need.


(If you already do that I have no quarrel with you)


The other 3 have their own roll button... they can choose how they wish.

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Again, I'n not saying you don't have the right ...I'm asking you to concider the other three players in the instance before rolling need.


(If you already do that I have no quarrel with you)


And that's fine to ask, but if you are the only one in the group who feels that way, YOU leave. If most of the group feels that way, the rest can look elsewhere. But in the end it's you asking people to do it your way, even if you don't think you're asking that. You want them to consider the other 3 people, but the system already does that, everyone has the same chance to roll. You think that someone wanting an item for stats has a higher priority over someone wanting it for looks or for a companion, that is YOUR opinion. Hell look at it this way. I consider someone telling someone else that their need for their direct character is more important than the other players need for looks or their companion NOT considerate. They're saying my need is more important than yours.

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Bit late kicking someone at the end of the run eh ?


He was laying the rules down at the beginning ...stay with me now ;)


A Bioware one. Come on now, are we going to get all petty now and start asking for peoples name and show size?? Because they are unwilling to allow you to bully them?


No ..I was just going to add you to my ignore list.

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He was laying the rules down at the beginning ...stay with me now ;)




No ..I was just going to add you to my ignore list.


Well my details are on the other version of this thread. If you really want them.


If you were keeping up, you'd see that i already stated, I wouldn't be joining any group where the leader tried to force me to roll his way.

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A Bioware one. Come on now, are we going to get all petty now and start asking for peoples name and show size?? Because they are unwilling to allow you to bully them?

I would like to know that simply to be able to not run PUGs with you beforehand. It's nothing personal. I thought we all did agree that it's fine to have different opinion on loot rules.


If everyone already knows how it works and is fine, there won't be issues in the first place. But if you're NOT fine with it, why should the ones who ARE speak up? You're the one with the objection.

Again - you have a point (good one). I simply thought it's the minority that should state their loot rules, not the ones who follow social contract which is common (and thus much more widely known). In the end though... Does it matter who state loot rules first? Both groups have to find out after all.


So you are unwilling to accept your chances in a 4 way entitlement to the loot. You insist on having a higher benefit to it than everyone else. Interesting dynamic.

And you find that interesting because...? He will not need on class items someone else needs and they will not need on his. Everybody gains something for giving something up (and if no one need then they all roll greed).

Edited by Maccaroth
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So you are unwilling to accept your chances in a 4 way entitlement to the loot. You insist on having a higher benefit to it than everyone else. Interesting dynamic.


Why are you starting again? We have already settled that if given the choice he would go with the group who gives 100% chance of gear for his class if it drops, while you settle for the 25%

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I would like to know that simply to be able to not run PUGs with you beforehand. It's nothing personal. I thought we all did agree that it's fine to have different opinion on loot rules.


No problem at all. Like I said, I posted them in the fore-runner of this version of the thread.

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Guys. If I were you I would stop posting. You are being trolled by someone who wants you to think they are all anti-establishment. In game you know they are all "Yes Sir. No Sir. I will roll just like you want me to." Don't waste your time.
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So you are unwilling to accept your chances in a 4 way entitlement to the loot. You insist on having a higher benefit to it than everyone else. Interesting dynamic.


No ..I'm willing to accept my chances. I'd even accept removal of the need button so long as it came with a 60 minute trade window so I can give away stuff others needed more.


If I thought they would play it that way I'd stay.

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Guys. If I were you I would stop posting. You are being trolled by someone who wants you to think they are all anti-establishment. In game you know they are all "Yes Sir. No Sir. I will roll just like you want me to." Don't waste your time.


Troll ?

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