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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

4h. downtime... a SATURDAY???


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1. WoW competition for world 1sts works fine with alt times.


2. Do you really believe that this game will actually have competition for world 1st kills based on how challenging it is right now? :)


Oh I could care less about world first tbh. You know people will complain though. That is my point. Someone is always unhappy.


People just need to realize this game is not promising to be available 24/7 to all regions.


Downtime happens get over it. They have the metrics to know who is being affected and when. Patching on a Saturday most likely is not high on their priority list either.

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They couldn't possibly be trying to patch out an exploit or correct a critical balance issue or broken mission. That's unthinkable, so clearly it must be a massive conspiracy by everyone not in the EU to screw the EU out of their Saturday.




Seriously ladies, grow up already. It's a game. Go outside, call your mom, pick up some groceries to replace the penicillin farm in your fridge. Do something, anything, else.


Missing a few hours of SWTOR will not trigger the Apocalypse. If it were that critical, it would have been on the Mayan calendar.

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Missing a few hours of SWTOR will not trigger the Apocalypse. If it were that critical, it would have been on the Mayan calendar.


You can't know this 100% sure. For all we know the Mayans didn't know about SWTOR back in the days. I'm getting sick of the blatant lies and assumptions in this forum.

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People unsub for some really god awful reasons, don't they?


This will get me to unsub, actually. Gameplay issues can be patched, they are temporary. Scheduled downtime routinely falling on my primetime, however, is not temporary and will continue. It IS my dealbreaker. None of the other issues are. This one IS the most important issue to me and has been since the first downtime.

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This will get me to unsub, actually. Gameplay issues can be patched, they are temporary. Scheduled downtime routinely falling on my primetime, however, is not temporary and will continue. It IS my dealbreaker. None of the other issues are. This one IS the most important issue to me and has been since the first downtime.




Was considering subbing for long time. Decided to give them one more chance.


They just lost it.


Hope they go bankrupt. They deserve nothing else.

Edited by ninoss
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I typically work every Saturday. What an absurd comment you just made. Many people work on Saturdays. There's nothing whatsoever special about Saturday. This isn't grade school anymore, Junior, this is a grown up world and the world doesn't sleep on the weekends.


The complaints aren't about the downtime itself, they are about the absolutely obscene scheduling of the downtime.


Good for you. You work Saturdays. Now we all know something about you. Most other people I know work the regular full-time jobs that go from Monday-Friday from morning to evening. They sleep in on the weekends when they can to catch up on the snooze. But this isn't about the fact that you work Saturdays and others who don't work weekends..

My point of my comment is that the staff of Bioware are working for us uncluding the whiny people who complain about bugs and downtime. They're working on it so we can play a slightly better game. So stop being so ungrateful.

As for the whole downtime, like I said, they CAN'T cater to everyone. Some people work different shifts and can only play after midnight. Many people live in a different time zone. You make the North Americans and Europeans happy, what about the Aussies? and switch those around. Not everyone can be happy.


Stop whining and just be glad they still care enough to be fixing the game for us.


And a final note: Your comment had very little to do with anything being said. Very. Little.

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This will get me to unsub, actually. Gameplay issues can be patched, they are temporary. Scheduled downtime routinely falling on my primetime, however, is not temporary and will continue. It IS my dealbreaker. None of the other issues are. This one IS the most important issue to me and has been since the first downtime.


I agree with this 100%. I regret I put in that gamecard last week. Refund would be nice.

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Good for you. You work Saturdays. Now we all know something about you. Most other people I know work the regular full-time jobs that go from Monday-Friday from morning to evening. They sleep in on the weekends when they can to catch up on the snooze. But this isn't about the fact that you work Saturdays and others who don't work weekends..


Not very efficient if your factories run from 0800 to 1600 and only on five days a week.

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Originally Posted by silkforcalde

This will get me to unsub, actually. Gameplay issues can be patched, they are temporary. Scheduled downtime routinely falling on my primetime, however, is not temporary and will continue. It IS my dealbreaker. None of the other issues are. This one IS the most important issue to me and has been since the first downtime.


Being an American my game time isn't generally interrupted by scheduled downtimes but if they put millions in development for this game they couldn't at least make sure that downtimes for EU and US servers were placed within their correct locations? Nobody should be unable to play during their prime time.

Edited by MalakDawnfire
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Being an American my game time isn't generally interrupted by scheduled downtimes but if they put millions in development for this game they couldn't at least make sure that downtimes for EU and US servers were placed within their correct locations? Nobody should be unable to play during their prime time.


I am an American. I work the swing shift, like millions of Americans. On my realm, 4 am my time (1 am server) is actually the busiest hour that realm sees all day, and it's one hour after scheduled downtime. If the downtime was 3 hours later, it would affect a MUCH smaller population because daytime hours are easily the lowest population hours. People are either sleeping if they are night shifters, working, or at school. Barely anyone is playing video games.

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Good for you. You work Saturdays. Now we all know something about you. Most other people I know work the regular full-time jobs that go from Monday-Friday from morning to evening.


I can safely say that this is true about almost no one that I know. It's currently 10 pm and I'm at work with literally hundreds of co-workers.

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Yeah the constant, offensively long and obscenely timed downtimes are definitely making me strongly consider quitting this game.


Really? By MMO standards, I think they've had one maintenance run long... and they're pretty obviously doing them during the lowest-traffic hours, which I personally don't find "obscene" in any way whatsoever.


I sympathize with Europeans, but given that they've gone with an "anybody can log into any server from anywhere" approach, it's really the only way to do it that makes sense.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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Being an American my game time isn't generally interrupted by scheduled downtimes but if they put millions in development for this game they couldn't at least make sure that downtimes for EU and US servers were placed within their correct locations? Nobody should be unable to play during their prime time.


There is more to it than that. System changes in the tech industry are generally done in the off-hours based on the location of the work being done on purpose. Believe me, developers, sysadmins, etc, do not want to be up, doing 4 hour long patches, maintenance and other crap in the wee hours of the morning, they would rather be freaking asleep. No company in their right mind will pay for extra staff, to push a build to various time zoned servers, when they can just get it all done at once.


Local systems will be less taxed as the offices aren't up and running at the same time. And build release support staff are, at that hour, pretty much solely dedicated to that one aspect, versus having to possibly multi-task other issues that crop up during an average day. It is also very possible, whomever they use for their Networking could be running updates during the same time frame, thus they are aiming to coincide this downtime with that one, to limit overall downtimes.


I worked graveshift for years in the ticketing industry, pushing new builds, monitoring network updates. This, did sometimes cause the ticketing site for Chelsea to become unavailable. Or our offices in Australia to not have their ticketing system up and running for a brief window.


I mean if it is that much of a bother to all the non-America's timezones, you could always play an MMO whose support staff is EU based....then you don't have to winge about this crap ALL the time. I still played all these games as a graveshift employee, which made your timezone, basically my timezone. Just maximize your time, get the other crap you need to do over the weekend done during that 4 hour window.

Edited by Horobi
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I think that the problem isn't that they patch the game or not. The problem lies in the fact that they know that they will have to patch tomorrow and they've already chosen a timeframe (meaning that it's not just a quick and very critical patch), but they've chosen a terrible time frame on a weekend for half of their customer base. If we can wait till EU prime for "whatever that the patch solves" to be fixed that means that what they're going to patch is not so critical and could wait some more hours, and if it is, then why wait, just patch it when you have it ready.


Add to that the fact that usually (and inevitably right now) the EU always gets/can get the worst part on maintenance days (time, extended maintenaces, etc.) and you have why people are starting to get tired and ask for an improvement. Remember that the game is officially supported here, with EU specific servers, EU staff, etc., and it was promised time after time that there would be no discrimination against either US or EU.


Also, they're getting paid, and when you work on operations you know that you can be called any time to fix stuff. So the time that the patch guys have to work doesn't really matter as customers (not that I wouldn't feel sorry for them, as I know how it feels on a job like that).



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I am an American. I work the swing shift, like millions of Americans. On my realm, 4 am my time (1 am server) is actually the busiest hour that realm sees all day, and it's one hour after scheduled downtime. If the downtime was 3 hours later, it would affect a MUCH smaller population because daytime hours are easily the lowest population hours. People are either sleeping if they are night shifters, working, or at school. Barely anyone is playing video games.


Another swing shifter here, along with my husband, and our entire guild of American swing shifters + a few Oceanic friends, and THIS IS OUR PRIME TIME!


There's nothing to do at 2am except game or go to the bar, and... no thanks, I have zero interest in going to a bar.


I'm quite aware that I'm a second class citizen due to my hours. But THIS STILL STINKS. Why can't they do all the maintenance at once, at the very least, instead of twice, a few days apart?


And I love the advanced warning they gave for this patch on the 28th. It's not even announced on the main page, it's just tucked into the details of the regular patch on the 31st!

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Really? By MMO standards, I think they've had one maintenance run long... and they're pretty obviously doing them during the lowest-traffic hours, which I personally don't find "obscene" in any way whatsoever.


I sympathize with Europeans, but given that they've gone with an "anybody can log into any server from anywhere" approach, it's really the only way to do it that makes sense.


I've been over this. They are doing maintenance during prime time on my realm, The Swiftsure West Coast PVP. It is NOT during the lowest traffic hours. It is during the HIGHEST traffic hours. When responding to my posts, make sure you know all the facts.


Edit: WoW, the biggest subscription based MMO in the world DOES do maintenance during the least trafficked hours, they have done years and years of testing and they know when to do maintenance and affect the least amount of players. Using Eastern Time zone, this game goes down at 3 AM. WoW, however, goes down at 6 Am. This game goes from 3 AM to 11 AM, WoW would be down from 6 AM to 2 PM.


Those are the lowest traffic hours.

Edited by silkforcalde
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Come on guys 2am to 6am CST is noone's prime time anywhere in the world. Prime time is defined as the time after dinner but before you go to bed. Its normally for TV purposes 8pm to 11pm. So its either super early morning or mid morning for everyone. They have to do it at some point no matter when people will be unhappy. Its 4 hours and I hear people talking about how they wont be able to play Saturday.


Its Saturday morning not all day Saturday or all weekend. The other patch isnt until Tuesday.

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Come on guys 2am to 6am CST is noone's prime time anywhere in the world. Prime time is defined as the time after dinner but before you go to bed. Its normally for TV purposes 8pm to 11pm. So its either super early morning or mid morning for everyone. They have to do it at some point no matter when people will be unhappy. Its 4 hours and I hear people talking about how they wont be able to play Saturday.


Its Saturday morning not all day Saturday or all weekend. The other patch isnt until Tuesday.


I wake up at about 1:30 pm. I eat breakfast at 2 pm. I go to work at 3 pm. I eat lunch at 6 pm. I get home at midnight. I eat dinner at 1 am. I go to bed at 6 am.


I am, however, east coast playing on a west coast realm. This game goes down at midnight for west coast players. That's absolutely ridiculous. I've been an online gamer since '96. Midnight has and will always be the most popular time of the day for online games.

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