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4h. downtime... a SATURDAY???


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Scheduled Maintenance


Date: Tuesday, January 31st, 2012




All game servers and swtor.com will be offline during this period. This maintenance is expected to take no more than eight hours.


Where you getting your facts?

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Scheduled Maintenance


Date: Tuesday, January 31st, 2012




All game servers and swtor.com will be offline during this period. This maintenance is expected to take no more than eight hours.


Where you getting your facts?


The fact that there is emergency maintenance tomorrow - go check the notice at the top of the forum list page.

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Scheduled Maintenance


Date: Tuesday, January 31st, 2012




All game servers and swtor.com will be offline during this period. This maintenance is expected to take no more than eight hours.


Where you getting your facts?


At the very top of the info it says there will be a small downtime tomorrow (saturday) However I hardly think 4hrs is a big deal. And someone said they are just trying to screw over EU and how they would never do it during US prime time.


I honestly wouldn't care if they did because its ONLY 4HRS

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That is a LOT of hours in the second-most played time for EU players lost. Considering we have seperate servers and pay higher sub fees, that is simply not acceptable by any modern standard.


I don't know why I even care so much as I've already given up on this - but Americans, please realize that this is a MASSIVE issue for EU players, and it will remain so - in the end, it WILL affect your gaming as well as BW won't have the funds to do what they want to do due to lack of EU subscribers.


That ^^

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Its so bizarre to see thread after thread of people entering martyrdom over bugs, glitches, missing content and exploits but the second they try to fix anything they just move over to "not being able to play" crying. Its pathetic...


Timing is everything.


Who am I fooling. We're dealing with EA here. We already purchased the product. That's good enough for them. What happens afterwards doesn't really concern them.


Hence the poor customer support. At Blizzard the customer used to be central. (which I admit degreed over time, but it's still there, just in a lesser degree)

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Ok lets have alt times to patch. Then people complain about not getting the patches/content at the same time.


But why do the Americans get the patch 12 hours before us! How can we compete for world firsts!! WAHHHH.


Its a game calm down and enjoy it do not whine just because you cannot play for 4 hours... Watch a movie or something. It is not the end of the world. Most MMO's have random downtimes for hotfixes and stuff on top of weekly maintenance issues. Especially BRAND NEW MMOs that have been out for less than six months.


You might enjoy life just a bit more if you spent less time crying over things that are non issues.


1. WoW competition for world 1sts works fine with alt times.


2. Do you really believe that this game will actually have competition for world 1st kills based on how challenging it is right now? :)

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Fact is that the US get the optimal maintenance window based on population, while the EU maintenance window is having a direct impact on a large amount of players. That, my American friends, is a difference in quality of service that an AAA MMO-Title simply should not have.


This quite simply isn't true. For the US servers, primetime is 9 pm to 2 am. The downtime falls at midnight. On my server, The Swiftsure, there's a larger late night community than daytime community. If you were to look at the server at say, 2 pm then it would say "light" but if you were to look at the server at, say, 4 am it would have a queue.


The downtime hits my realm exactly when it picks up in population. A much better timeframe for downtime would be daytime hours when people are at school or work. Like how WoW does it (WoW downtime is 6 am to 2 pm for 8 hour maintenance).

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Its so bizarre to see thread after thread of people entering martyrdom over bugs, glitches, missing content and exploits but the second they try to fix anything they just move over to "not being able to play" crying. Its pathetic...


Makes ya wonder doesn't it?


Are the complaints sincere, or is the complaining itself the goal?

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What an absurd comment. I am typically only able to play 4 hours of the day. If the downtime falls on those 4 hours, then I am unable to play for 24 hours out of 24.


Absurd that you go one day without playing this particular game? I get upset as the next person when I have set time aside for play and the game is not up. Then I get over it and go play another game or read a book or see a movie or listen to music or ...

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Makes ya wonder doesn't it?


Are the complaints sincere, or is the complaining itself the goal?


What an absurd comment and an absurd post you responded to. You assume the same people complaining about content are the same people complaining about the downtime. They are not. They are two different, distinct groups of players.

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It's as if the Bioware team that implements patches isn't located in EU time zones and deserves to not have to implement patches at hours inconvenient to themselves and the entire US continent just so EU players don't get butthurt.i




they takem $ they can be inconvenienced with no sympathy from me:)


EDIT : Most MMo's actually have seperate maint times for EU/US for this reason. I guess all that voice acting cut into the alowable manhours for maintence personel

Edited by BMBender
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Absurd that you go one day without playing this particular game? I get upset as the next person when I have set time aside for play and the game is not up. Then I get over it and go play another game or read a book or see a movie or listen to music or ...


I'm actually not upset about the Saturday downtime, I don't play this game on Saturdays.


I'm upset about the constant downtime forcing me to be unable to play on monday nights / tuesday mornings. The best day of the week for me to play. Monday IS my gaming day. If I can't play on my best day, then I will simply go to the game that I CAN play on my best day, WoW, even on days when there is maintenance.

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The never-ending "Fix your game!" followed by the "Stop giving me fixes when I want to play!" posts.


The lovely folks at Bioware are WORKING during their lovely Saturday morning so YOU can PLAY the damn game. They can't cater to everyone at the same time.

Ungrateful pile of whiny Nerfherders.

Edited by Zhedahara
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The never-ending "Fix your game!" followed by the "Stop giving me fixes when I want to play!" posts.


The lovely folks at Bioware are WORKING during their lovely Saturday morning so YOU can PLAY the damn game.

Ungrateful pile of whiny Nerfherders.


I typically work every Saturday. What an absurd comment you just made. Many people work on Saturdays. There's nothing whatsoever special about Saturday. This isn't grade school anymore, Junior, this is a grown up world and the world doesn't sleep on the weekends.


The complaints aren't about the downtime itself, they are about the absolutely obscene scheduling of the downtime.

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You people will never be happy. You whine because there are bugs/exploits/poor performance. So Bioware tries to fix these things and has to bring down the servers to do so. Then you people whine because you can't play. This isn't Burger King, you can't have it your way all the time. Which is more important? The servers coming down for a few hours or you continuing to play and whine with bugs and such still in the game?


Yes, it sucks that they do maintenance during some countries' prime times. But if Bioware's employees are up during your prime time, that's when they go to work and do that fixing. They're working on a Saturday just like you to fix the issues.


Watch tv or play a console game while they do the patch. It's not like it's going to be down for weeks. Just a few hours.

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