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4h. downtime... a SATURDAY???


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Sorry, but this is absolutely redicilous. This is the same kind of reasoning, X killed Y, so it's right that A kills B too. I pay for this game and during the week I'm unable to play as my appartment at my university doesn't have a game grade rig standing. So yeah, I'm looking forward to playing a game in the weekends I'm paying for. TBH, if any other company would deliver a product so badly, I would cancel it.


It's always the same; it's always America first, Europe second (and Australia third, but considering you're all convicts, it's your own fault).


You agreed to the TOS when you decided to play this game which means the servers can go down at anytime for any reason and there's nothing you can say about it because you clicked 'I Agree.'


If you were one of the people affected by the bugs/exploits that have been fixed over the last few patches, you wouldn't be complaining. I haven't been affected by any of them myself, but I can imagine it'd be a very frustrating experience. Learn to look past your own bubble and your feelings of entitlement.


And the last statement you made just proves your own immaturity/stupidity.

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Its really not as big of a deal as your making it...If you can't play another game or do something else during the downtime (Take a nap...if you're complaining about US people sleeping during ours...go sleep too...nothing is stopping you...after a 2 hour nap, most of it is gone and you can go get some food or something...browse Reddit...Its not difficult)
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That's it for me Im off.


CRITICAL UPDATES are applied IMMEDIATELY, way to convenient that they constantly fall on EURO peak times and US quite times....... waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy to convenient.


Well they gave us notice at 12.10 (US time) that it was going to happen, so, if they took it down straight away then at least it would have been a few hours less for us europeans...


But no, it was so urgent they could wait until the normal patching time...

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I have seen some stupid comments in my Life but this wins the Gold star *Golf clap.

I think your Tin foil hat is broken.


again you post coming to rescue of bioware


I am not the only one that notices the constant satream of posts disappearing particularrly in customer service forums


pay attention yourself instead of being so sarcastic with your posts in defending bioware


so thanks for your goldstar but your very niave if you do not think they do this


hell there is one poster that only post on CS forums and tries to come off as one of us but always defending bioware and trying to make others seems silly or petty with anything they bring up


this particular poster has HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of posts all defending bioware and trying to stomp out fires ,,,


you can easily find this poster if you go to CS forums and pay attention


do not call attention to this by asking said poster to stop shilling in threads ... just observe it and note it ... if you call attention to it the thread/post gets immediately removed and a warning for being RUDE is attached to your account even though you only asked politely for the person to stop shilling ... and since people flame each other all the time on heree about trolling with no warnings ... you be the judge as to what is happening in the CS forums or go try it yourself ... not hard to figure out

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Well I just logged in after watching my favorite football (Soccer team, if your from the Americas!) team get knocked out of the FA Cup, SIGH! :(


Now I tried to join the server around 9.30am GMT, and of course I quickly became aware that the servers were going to be taken offline today, apparently for maintenance purposes.


I live in the UK, and if maintenance is required and urgently needed, then fine! I can be patient, and I'll fill my day with other arrangements, np! :)


However, I do feel a little confused!


You see I just logged in at 3.30pm GMT, and to my surprise! When the launcher opened, the client didn't download a single bloody file? :eek:


So exactly, what was the reason for the servers to be taken down during Europe's peak times? No offence Bioware! IMHO Your going about running your first MMO, completely wrong!


People would understand a lot more, if at the very least you would extend them the courtesy of explaining exactly why, this needed to be done, during these times!


Now the USA maybe a big country approx 3 billion in population, however I'm pretty sure last time I checked, if you added the population of all the countries within the European Union it was around 5 billion.


What exactly are you trying to say to your player base here?


What? You would rather have a possible 3 billion subscribers, as opposed to the combined possible 8 billion subscribers, you could have, if only you would just implemented a split zone maintenance schedule? I mean seriously! In today's economy were money is tight, this complete lack of customer consideration, is enough to cause people to unsubscribe!


Now i haven't been to the USA in about 2 years! However I'm pretty sure that, last time I was there! Saturdays and Sundays were still, largely considered to be the weekend! You know! Those two very short days you get off from work, were you can actually spend what little money you've made after you've paid all your household bills! To pursue your very own interests or hobbies, if you like!


Well like most things you pay for in your leisure time, IMO an MMO, can be classed, as a hobby or an interest, or even just a means of entertainment, like paying to watch a movie at the cinema etc, etc.


Who on earth in your company? Thinks it's a good idea! To charge people a monthly subscription, and then basically rob them of the time, using said product, for which they've actually paid for?


They say there's "Method in Madness", I say "Madness has no Method"!


Foolish! Very foolish, IMHO, and you could at least offer all European players 1 free day of gametime! Even CCP have done this in the past, with Eve Online, and they are a stubborn company.


exactly regardless of what was fixed or anything.. They could of done it at different times for EU and US... No reason whatsoever to do them at same time. No need at all to take down all servers at same time for server side patching.



12:00 midnight UK time they knew they were taking the servers down 8 hours later. They waited until off peak US

Edited by corbanite
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I'm Australian and every MMO patches when I get home from work and finishes after I go to sleep. We'd been trying for years to get WoW to patch the Oceanic servers in the morning our time and it never happened. Know why? Because they were apart of the same data center as the US severs. If the EU wants separate patch times then deal with the fact that you won't be able to switch between US and EU servers.


Or you know, get a life or find something else to occupy your time with instead of ranting and raving like a spoiled child.


Thanks for playing, but try again next time.




I'm sure if it was a bug affecting you that was fixed with this latest patch you wouldn't be complaining.


Well said brother well said

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You all sure are an entitled lot aren't you? Who is less important than you who should have half their Saturday eaten then, or should they stagger the patches so that everyone has half of their Saturday eaten so they can wallow in self pity with you?


You were planning on unsubbing anyways if you actually did unsub, quit trying to act like this is the reason why.

No, not really. I'm a casual gamer and I do not game during the week. It's at saturday and sunday that I do game and when I see that a quarter of my potential game time get's eaten away in a weekend, it disappoints me. Especially considering that I'm not the only European customer that get's hit this way and that BioWare obviously does not care about us. Perhaps you have the time to game at various different times, but to me the Saturday is one of the few times when I can game.


Of course the game doesn't revolve around the time when I can game, but I can not imagine that I'm the only one that games during the weekend. BioWare isn't very considerate towards the EU player base, but is towards the American playerbase and putting them central. A problem that could be simply avoided by splitting server times. I do not see how that has to be a problem in 2012. I see a lot of 'But WoW didn't have X at launch either!', yes that's too bad, but that's exactly the same in any market or specific sports - entrants have to adapt to the standards of that day, not to those of 7 years ago.

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When you clicked accept on the EULA you agreed that the servers may go down during your play time. Human CentiPad going on here, "Why wont it read?!?!?".


Yea, it COULD go down, doesn't mean it SHOULD go down. Don't take phrases of what I said out of context. The idea is that they lack the means to make me accept downtimes. What you are saying is that I could very well end up paying for 30 days, and the servers are down for 30 days too? It's like paying and ISP or cable provider and not receiving internet/cable tv. If that's the case, I at least expect a:






A discount




1 extra play day


That my friend, is called customer service, and BW, as much as I love their work and respect them, terribly fail to deliver. You'd imagine that the game with the highest budget in history could afford to hire 10 people to answer the community on the forums.

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Even if they said something. We aer still gonna have this 70isp page.. Seriously.. People are gonna QQ regardless!


Pretty much. WoW has had tuesday maintenence for years and yet people still to this day pitch a fit when it happens. I want compensation, you favor xy and x...Im gonna unsub! See ya all tuesday.

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Well they gave us notice at 12.10 (US time) that it was going to happen, so, if they took it down straight away then at least it would have been a few hours less for us europeans...


But no, it was so urgent they could wait until the normal patching time...



You do know that requires manpower...which probably didn't come in until later in the morning right?

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Frankly, as a US player who only plays in the evening, I would have preferred the patch to occur during working hours so I'd be at work during the downtime :p But I understand if midnight might statistically be their lowest population time. Like many other posters I was completely unaware that the patch notes dated the 31st would ninja in a maintenance at the only time I can run Ilum without being massively swarmed by imps.


I really expected the bug to be a critical bug ripe for abuse that couldn't wait for the 31st but... nope. When I logged in last night, I had no idea there was a patch, the only announcements I saw were 15 minutes prior to shutdown while we were running a mission. Even the forums listed "31st" instead of 28th until you read the letter.

I'm really wondering how many game hours were lost to a few people "losing connection to the connection screen" compared to 4+ hours of everyone unable to login. The needs of the many outweight the needs of the few. :cool:


From the perspective of global patches and fairness, I'm sure the engineers in Ireland would prefer to patch during their normal work hours too. BW should learn from Apple, when they time their release schedule on iTunes, it starts at midnight in each timezone (meaning when a title is released to their appstore, it starts at midnight in New Zealand, and becomes available at midnight in each local timezone, in a rolling fashion). Yes, New Zealanders get their releases first every time, but hey it's takes into account global users everywhere, and they can say "XYZ will be available at midnight." Not GMT, CST, but midnight in YOUR COUNTRY. At least Bioware could patch at a certain time in each geographical zone.

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exactly regardless of what was fixed or anything.. They could of done it at different times for EU and US... No reason whatsoever to do them at same time. No need at all to take down all servers at same time for server side patching.



12:00 midnight UK time they knew they were taking the servers down 8 hours later. They waited until off peak US


How do you know they could have done it at a different time, please link evidence.

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Another idiotic decision by Bioware. A weekend patch and downtime is unheard of in any major MMO. When i cancelled my sub the other day, i got a survey and my biggest criticsm was how out of touch Bioware and the CS seem to be with the community.


Unbelievable Jeff!


sad to see another Oct 08 go. seriously

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The typical MMO company says "This emergency maintenance is required to fix an exploit.:


then throw in:




Improved service to reduce the number of player disconnections to the character selection screen.


Then nobody says anything.



That is a blatant UNTRUTH. They could have announced the exact reasons for the maintenance, given out ALL the information (which they are not at all beholden to do) and there STILL would have been crying over it and a 75 page thread threatening to unsub because EU are PAYING CUSTOMERS and they expect everything to be a certain way.


By the way, all those threatening to unsub, I'd bet a dollar to a donut the majority of them don't do any such thing.

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Yea, it COULD go down, doesn't mean it SHOULD go down. Don't take phrases of what I said out of context. The idea is that they lack the means to make me accept downtimes. What you are saying is that I could very well end up paying for 30 days, and the servers are down for 30 days too? It's like paying and ISP or cable provider and not receiving internet/cable tv. If that's the case, I at least expect a:






A discount




1 extra play day


Not sure.

All we get is: "thank you for patience."

that is mean

"yes, we f*ck you, again and we will do that again and again and you will pay for it, fool"


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Read it.


HOWEVER - I don't want you to cancel. I want you to keep giving Bioware money so EA doesn't push this to the F2P graveyard. Unless you just really hate the game and don't think it has any chance, just deal with the growing pains people! For as much as EU players have been inconvenienced by these downtime, I have as well. But I've also played these games since EQ launched - this will happen with any decent game. Bioware isn't the first to have bad timing with fixes, and won't be the last. Don't fool yourself into thinking that there will be a "perfect" setup with a MMO company.


Well at last to late for me. I just hit the "cancel"-button. I have only little time a week to play and if BW dont want me to play during that time they aint worth my money. But this is not only because of this single saturday. Its because it looks like BW dont care about community at all. There have been a lot of complaints about this topic and still BW hits again and again into this open wound instead of change something and put a pavement on it.

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No, not really. I'm a casual gamer and I do not game during the week. It's at saturday and sunday that I do game and when I see that a quarter of my potential game time get's eaten away in a weekend, it disappoints me. Especially considering that I'm not the only European customer that get's hit this way and that BioWare obviously does not care about us. Perhaps you have the time to game at various different times, but to me the Saturday is one of the few times when I can game.


Of course the game doesn't revolve around the time when I can game, but I can not imagine that I'm the only one that games during the weekend. BioWare isn't very considerate towards the EU player base, but is towards the American playerbase and putting them central. A problem that could be simply avoided by splitting server times. I do not see how that has to be a problem in 2012. I see a lot of 'But WoW didn't have X at launch either!', yes that's too bad, but that's exactly the same in any market or specific sports - entrants have to adapt to the standards of that day, not to those of 7 years ago.


Quite frankly, as much as I see people saying "omg you're treating us like garbage, DOWN WITH AMERICA" I'd hit the power switch on the EU servers just to troll people. They do one big patch due to convenience. Regardless of what time it is, someone's primetime is going to get ate into. It's usually Australia, this time it's EU. Every time it's the same thing.


Sure it sucks, but bringing the American hate over here makes people care even less. It's not like we sit here and demand they do everything on our schedules.

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