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One Sticky Seriously?


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I come from playing a sorc lvl 50, 52 valor. Everyone is qqing about sorc/sage being op so I figured I would find out. Surely someone has at least leveled a marauder to 50 and can give some advice to those of us just starting out.


What do you want to know thats not in the stickey?

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I come from playing a sorc lvl 50, 52 valor. Everyone is qqing about sorc/sage being op so I figured I would find out. Surely someone has at least leveled a marauder to 50 and can give some advice to those of us just starting out.


I don't know where you're getting your clearly wrong information but none of us are 50. Marauders cap out at 45.

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LOLOLOLOLOL thats funny..... but not helpful, I.E. the point of this post, thanks


What is the point of this post?


If you want to know something specific, ask your question. If you have a problem with the amount of guides, its because our class isnt something you can teach, and we realize without combat logs there isnt much information to be had.


So you want to know about rage, or do you just have a problem that its not right at the top of the page?

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I think its more 60-70% of this board are too busy learning to juggle while playing the piano so they can play the Marauder, and the rest are telling everyone who comes here to L2P, but cant tell them how to go about doing that.


I'm actually learning to play drums for a metal band while solving a Rubik's cube, but sure, whatever works.

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How about "Reserved for Rage"


Force charge

Hit a force crush (or choke)

Wait a second or three

Hit smash


Run around building focus for a bit, waiting on your CD for smash to roll around


Obliterate into a crowd

Hit a force crush (or choke - whatever is available)

Hit smash


Run around building focus for a bit, waiting on your CD for smash and choke/crush to roll around


Force charge

Hit a choke/crush

Wait a second or three

Hit smash


Sprinkle in Force Screams and Vicious Slashes to taste. Whiff mightily on Ravage, spam Force Scream HOPING that it comes out less like a whisper and more like a RAAAAAAAAWR, watch helplessly as you're chain CC'd from <everyone else but JKs/SWs>, fling your mouse across the room because Disruption is broken (people can instacast whatever you just interrupted despite what the tooltip says), watch people walk through your Force Choke, watch channelled abilties channel but don't affect damage.


There. That's Rage in a nutshell.


(Actually the above paragraph can be applied to all three trees)

Edited by Lashlarue
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LOLOLOLOLOL thats funny..... but not helpful, I.E. the point of this post, thanks


If you can't read talents and figure out how to play Rage.... I just don't know how much I can help you.


>Stack Shockwave



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If you are raged spec skill the fury return with predation and help your team with permanent predation.


But only a handful of people know about that anyway. Especially splitsecond before you die so you get your 30 fury back right when you spawn.

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Get yourself a piano and master it.


That would be the first step if you want to succeed at marauder. Succeed meaning keeping up with tracer spaming bh.


Oh yeah, some spare keyboard and mouse come in handy as well. You'll figure out why.

Edited by gibmachine
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I almost thwarted all the evil Air Particles, however i underestimated the sheer number of these cretins. I tried to run, but my instincts told me I should keep swatting the air. I tried to use Saber Ward to help hold them off but to no avail, it must be on CD still, its hard to tell with thos.....NOW IT GOES OFF!? Its been 12 Effin hours!? ***.


Oh well, maybe I will have better luck after I head back in to slay some Republic scum using Force choke...


What could go wrong!?

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