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Missing out on huge chunks of this game and it's ruining it for me. XP toggle please!


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I'm missing out on huge chunks of this game because it lacks a very small but important feature: the option to temporarily toggle off XP gains. Many mainstream MMOs offer this option. SWToR doesn't.


I'm simply leveling too fast. I get that some players enjoy this rapid leveling speed, and that's why I'm asking for a simple option to pace my gameplay more towards my personal liking rather than requesting an across the board cut to XP gains.


Simply by doing class and general planetary missions, I am now (and have been since my second planet) 6+ levels ahead of the content. I'm now at a point where I'm usually fighting gray-con enemies and doing gray-con missions, which is likely the only thing that is keeping the situation from getting any worse. This is not only killing any sense of challenge and fun in my combat, but is also interfering with basic gameplay mechanics. It has been my observation that we are not awarded companion affection points for conversation choices made on a gray-con mission. As this fits the status of most of my missions and flashpoints lately, you can imagine my frustration every time I miss out on these opportunities.


Despite desperately wanting to, I do not participate in PvP or space missions. I avoid grinding for crafting materials that are protected by mobs who aren't gray. I run Flashpoints and Heroics one time to sample the quest and then move on. The reason I'm forced to ignore many of these potential gameplay options is because I can't afford to level any faster than I already am. And yet, the simple addition of an option (one that has been made available in many other mainstream MMOs) to temporarily toggle off XP gains would greatly improve my gameplay experience. It would allow me to enjoy all the content the game offers without the risk of outpacing it. It would allow me to keep my quest levels closer to my character level, providing me with the means to prevent my gameplay from becoming completely non-challenging.


Players that, for some strange reason, hate the idea of other players having *options* will rally against this request, likely under the ridiculous flag that players are stupid and will forget to ever toggle their XP switch back on (which is ludicrous, as I'm sure it will eventually dawn on anyone once they realize their opponents are slowly outleveling them). They may also voice their concerns about the risk of PvP twinking. This argument has never prevented an XP-toggle from being introduced into other MMOs in the past, nor is it even relevant in a game like SWToR which doesn't even offer PvP brackets in the 10-49 level range. They will suggest that people like myself simply avoid doing quests, which is completely not an option to someone that plays games like this FOR the questing and leveling experience.


Please provide players with an option to toggle XP gains on and off. The lack of an ability to do this combined with the abundant methods of advancement and the huge XP rewards is literally ruining my desire to play this game. I've heard players request this feature before, but the nature of this feature really makes it one of those requests that should be fulfilled sooner rather than later (when you're level 50 with multiple alts and no longer need it). I just want to enjoy the game, and it's difficult to do that when one feels like they have to micro-manage every aspect of their leveling, to the point where I'm racing in and out of the fleet zones and cantinas to avoid gaining unwanted and unhelpful "rest XP". It is just ridiculous to be stuck in a position where that sort of behavior is necessary.


EDIT: I forgot to mention some additional, but important problems which occur when you out-level content.


It becomes very difficult to keep your crafting in sync with your level. You find that you don't have access to the crafting materials needed to make equipment appropriate for your level. In my case, this is because I'm literally 1-2 planets behind where I should be for my level, and the planets I'm currently questing on don't have the material nodes I need for the gear I want to make.


It's also one of the reasons why some players are struggling with money while others aren't. I'm paying for skills and crafting training at my level while being rewarded with quest rewards that are 6+ levels below me. The money that is going out is much greater than the money coming in through natural progression. Imagine trying to save for level 25 speeder training on level 19 payouts.


This situation becomes even worse if you attempt to fix the above crafting problem by sending your crew out on gathering missions (your only option outside the auction house in this case when the planet can't supply you with the correct nodes).


An XP toggle would alleviate all of this.

Edited by Apax
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Just skip entire planets like I did OP. I've skipped Nar Shadda and Alderaan because I space mission and PVP so much. It will make it great for alts, because I will have two entirely new planets to go through the next time around, meaning I can skip other planets if I choose to, or do less PVP/space missions and see them all.


It is all about replayability, and that is why the XP is so easy to get in so many places OP and I love it! :D :D :D :D

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Not the answer. What you suggested:


Just skip entire planets like I did OP. I've skipped Nar Shadda and Alderaan because I space mission and PVP so much. It will make it great for alts, because I will have two entirely new planets to go through the next time around, meaning I can skip other planets if I choose to, or do less PVP/space missions and see them all.


It is all about replayability, and that is why the XP is so easy to get in so many places OP and I love it! :D :D :D :D


What I had already said:


They will suggest that people like myself simply avoid doing quests, which is completely not an option to someone that plays games like this FOR the questing and leveling experience.


The feature I'm requesting allows you to continue to play the way you want, while also allowing me to play the way I want. That is the beauty of an optional feature.

Edited by Apax
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The feature I'm requesting allows you to continue to play the way you want, while also allowing me to play the way I want. That is the beauty of an optional feature.

They will never do this, because it would stop people from playing alts, which would make them play less, which would mean less subs.

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Sadly that's the problem with a linear questing path. You're either right at where you need to be or ahead of it.


I can see they were trying to shake it up with bonus series. But I think the only way they could make that system work is that every planet had tons of bonus series areas that you could choose to do each play through.

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I was a bit bothered by out-leveling the content before I actually got to it. However, I think you are in a very small minority of players that would actually want to toggle off XP to play through all the content.


What I would suggest is to do all the quests anyway. Even if you get to a planet that is 24-27 and you are 28 just play the quests anyway. You'll get considerably less XP for quests below your level and you can still get the credits for completing the missions and seeing all the content. I believe I'm going to go back and finish the quests even though I'm level 50 to see them and for credits.

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I am not experiencing this. Sometimes I am 2 or 3 levels at most above the planet. In that case, I just only do my story quest, no side quests, and then move to the next planet and then I am at the level I should be for that planet.
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The feature I'm requesting allows you to continue to play the way you want, while also allowing me to play the way I want. That is the beauty of an optional feature.


Even if you are playing it for the questing and levelling experience, wouldn't you get a better questing and levlling experience on your alts as they would be seeing content for the first time through?


I'm not against adding in the ability to stop earning xp, but i don't think your argument is entirely logical.

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They will never do this, because it would stop people from playing alts, which would make them play less, which would mean less subs.


wow you don't back up that claim about not playing alts because it is nonsense right?


He is asking for an option to do something... meaning it wouldn't affect anyone who didn't enable that feature.

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Sadly that's the problem with a linear questing path. You're either right at where you need to be or ahead of it.


I can see they were trying to shake it up with bonus series. But I think the only way they could make that system work is that every planet had tons of bonus series areas that you could choose to do each play through.


Pretty much every MMO is linear, sure i can get to another zone in wow but the quest giver still has a grey quest that i can't take because i'm not high enough level. Same with EQ, DCU, LOTRO. etc, etc, etc

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What's stopping you from doing the quests anyway? Oh yeah, nothing.


The OP stated that he wanted to maintain challenge, which I don' disagree with.


OP, I understand that you play for the quests, so I can only assume that you are into story. As such, I'd suggest skipping everything except for class missions on certain planets. To experience all of the story, you'll need to play through each side 4 times. If you do every single quest, every single time, you're very likely to get tired off all of the side missions very quickly.

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On my toons I've never really encountered this problem. I do all the quests on planets and I usually stay on level or am 1 or 2 levels ahead (or one level behind in my sniper's case). Guess the only way for you to really experience those quests would be to roll an alt and try to manage how many quests you do.
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They will never do this, because it would stop people from playing alts, which would make them play less, which would mean less subs.


I'm sorry, but I believe your prediction is inaccurate and untrue. I point to all the other MMOs that offer an XP-toggle feature, which have plenty of players with plenty of alts running around as proof. If you have compelling classes, gameplay, and (in Bioware's case) storylines, people will make alts regardless of your concern.

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I am not experiencing this. Sometimes I am 2 or 3 levels at most above the planet. In that case, I just only do my story quest, no side quests, and then move to the next planet and then I am at the level I should be for that planet.


I underlined why you are not experiencing this problem. You are skipping quests.

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Turning off xp gains would ruin pvp. As it is, level 10s can dominate pvp because of how the rank up to 49 is calculated. A level 10 in full blues can get upwards of 70% damage reduction and ridiculously high dmg output. The only thing keeping people from twinking in pvp is forced xp gains.
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I'm missing out on huge chunks of this game because it lacks a very small but important feature: the option to temporarily toggle off XP gains. Most mainstream MMOs offer this option. SWToR doesn't.


I'm simply leveling too fast.



I agree. I don't play excessively (maybe 2 hours a day, if that--and I don't play every single day). I don't play the grind and kill kill kill for xp (though it seems individual kills don't net much xp thankfully). I don't pvp (though I often end up on pvp servers due to friends' preferences) so have yet to enter any wz or hutball.


Yet it's very easy, after doing class quests on a planet, one or two side quests and a couple flashpoints, to end up with a slew of greyed out quests on that planet. Sure, I could still do the quests for rp purposes, items to sell, etc., but the fact that the quests grey so quickly with very little effort on my part suggests the leveling is a bit to fast.


I wouldn't want them to make a change to the overall mechanic, thus messing things up for people who want to get to 50 as fast as possible, but the ability to toggle off xp would be great.


Edit: OP, have you submitted this to the Suggestion Box? http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=349

Edited by Lunazen
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funny how every player is different, when I started playing the game a month ago, I was experiencing the opposite, I was 1 or 2 levels below the mobs I was fighting, until I realized that I was mission out on extra xp I could gain by doing the bonus missions or side missions, I have adjusted my gameplay and now I am at the right level I am supposed to be when I go to the next planet my stroyline sends me to. I don't think the game is the problem, but the way we play it instead. I suggest you understand the mechanics of SWTOR, the way the game works before letting the entire community know you are unhappy, nothing wrong with letting people know how you feel about something, except we have hundreds of WoW trolls littering the forums already, so a post like this makes you sound like you're just one of them, even though by reading your post, I firmly doubt you are. Good luck, I hope you find a solution to your problem like I did, this game is great and will have a great future, but only if its community learns to understand that what they're playing is not WoW, is SWTOR.
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I'll add this to the original post, as I forgot to mention some additional, but important problems which occur when you out-level content.


It becomes very difficult to keep your crafting in sync with your level. You find that you don't have access to the crafting materials needed to make equipment appropriate for your level. In my case, this is because I'm literally 1-2 planets behind where I should be for my level, and the planets I'm currently questing on don't have the material nodes I need for the gear I want to make.


It's also one of the reasons why some players are struggling with money while others aren't. I'm paying for skills and crafting training at my level while being rewarded with quest rewards that are 6+ levels below me. The money that is going out is much greater than the money coming in through natural progression. Imagine trying to save for level 25 speeder training on level 19 payouts.


This situation becomes even worse if you attempt to fix the above crafting problem by sending your crew out on gathering missions (your only option outside the auction house in this case when the planet can't supply you with the correct nodes).


An XP toggle would alleviate all of this.

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What's stopping you from doing the quests anyway? Oh yeah, nothing.


^ This.


There's nothing stopping you from ignoring the XP of an area and doing all the content anyway for purely story reasons. I know you'll faceroll the content, but I fail to see that as an issue since once you get past Tat you'll be remembering the 'old days' when you leveled quickly quite fondly.

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What's stopping you from doing the quests anyway? Oh yeah, nothing.


This is the answer. If you want a way to effectively cut your XP, just go and do the low level quests. Now, what it sounds like is that you want to level to 50 in the same amount of days/hours/minutes but to always have the content meaningful towards this goal. If that's the case... get over it. =P


This thread makes no sense at all. I feel bad that you are frustrated, but your frustration isn't logical.

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