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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly


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id like to add a couple..

even if i doubt some1 will read up to page 52..



a> the looting issue can be solved with a more intelligent loot system... 8 years after wow seems like a pretty good time to innovate the AI behind it? maybe? yes ofc more work.. whatdya say...


b> bad behaviour. well for 1 there is the ignore function, which should be crosservers. secondly, take what other have done. Windows provides players with "social ranking" as you can tag an account as "good to play with" or .. bad etc etc...

without having to use staff to regulate the comunity itself can help. if a player get 10 or 20 or more complains he can, for example, be penalized by losing priority in the LFG system to the first 10 (or whatever) players who join the list after him. Basically, if being an *** and bothering others is/ or can be punished by the comunity with temporary penalties, which reduce your chances of going to fp etc.. then any paying customer would adjust his behaviour. Misuse or abuse of such function is easily bipased by using a # cap of complaints which must be from different servers. so if for example. a player gets 5 complains from a minimum of 3 servers then he is punished with lets say a 1 week buff that makes him lose priority to other players in the lfg system..


seriously, steam and windows have used one username per client for all their products. so if lets say you've been a total pain in the neck while playing game X and all the comunity knows u and hates you and recognises you. so you drop the game and buy a new game, game Y, all the comments that players have posted on you for game X will be visible to players of game Y.

The issue of of bad behaviour encouraged by random grouping is easily solved by providing players with an identity which can be graded by other players. without having to use real names, fb accoutns and the sort, it is sufficient to provide a crosserver system with crosserver reputations.


This ofc requires for Bioware to develop programs that can do this. so no you guys cant go home for the weekend, infact go buy a hammok and put it in the office and buy canned food to last you for a month or 2....


I really love this idea!

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Top priority removed the social and pvp aspect from WoW. I have mixed emotions as I do like ezmode especially when it comes to low pop servers but then again the reward seems much less when your handed everything on a platter. There has to be risk involved to truly appreciate any reward. Yes we play games for fun but why exactly did you come to an mmo...


Came to a MMO to play a game for fun with friends I already have. Came to THIS MMO because it was Star Wars themed. The quality or substance of a reward is based on perception.


So in the spirit of compromise...ADD the LFG tool but limit XP gain via said tool so folks who actually play the game as intended have an edge. After all the reasoning behind LFG tools is to gain access to content during slow guild or server times right.... This way you get your content and some gear but you actually have to take yer lazy arse out into the game that took so much time to develop and play it like the rest of us.

It's not a compromise for me to get less XP for using a game mechanic, especially when you're argument is that it's because you and others are "playing the game as intended" and there for deserve an "edge". Going to have to vehemently oppose that one. The reason behind LFG is to access content regardless of guilds or server times. You thinkin someone is lazy because they aren't playing the game the way you subscribe to, is lazy reasoning at best.

Sorry. I acknowledge your right to an opinion. I just happen to disagree with it. A lot.

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Let's compromise , while i'm very anti lfg/lfd anything , I can compromise . I want some new playable races that are not as human like such as gungans , wookies , trandoshians , and the Yoda race . In exchange for the lfd /lfg tool that people keeps asking about .
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Let's compromise , while i'm very anti lfg/lfd anything , I can compromise . I want some new playable races that are not as human like such as gungans , wookies , trandoshians , and the Yoda race . In exchange for the lfd /lfg tool that people keeps asking about .



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Top priority removed the social and pvp aspect from WoW. I have mixed emotions as I do like ezmode especially when it comes to low pop servers but then again the reward seems much less when your handed everything on a platter. There has to be risk involved to truly appreciate any reward. Yes we play games for fun but why exactly did you come to an mmo...


So in the spirit of compromise...ADD the LFG tool but limit XP gain via said tool so folks who actually play the game as intended have an edge. After all the reasoning behind LFG tools is to gain access to content during slow guild or server times right.... This way you get your content and some gear but you actually have to take yer lazy arse out into the game that took so much time to develop and play it like the rest of us.


I hear your concerns and this type of attitude towards the matter is really progressive.

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I hear your concerns and this type of attitude towards the matter is really progressive.
Still it does not make sense at all.

If devs implement a LFG tool, and if we are using it, then we are actually playing the game as intended. Claiming otherwise is preposterous.

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Let's compromise , while i'm very anti lfg/lfd anything , I can compromise . I want some new playable races that are not as human like such as gungans , wookies , trandoshians , and the Yoda race . In exchange for the lfd /lfg tool that people keeps asking about .


Sure, since we are asking for completely different and random things, my compromise is this: We get a LFG tool, and the rest of you can keep eating lunch. Sounds just as reasonable.

Edited by MalignX
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I will say this: looking for flashpoints in this game is no where near as bad as it was during the Burning Crusade (yes, I said it). However, I share the opinion of many that it takes an exorbitant amount of time to find a group to run a normal or heroic FP. I usually only try after I've done all my Belsavis/Ilum dailies since those yield the most results in the least amount of time. Conversely, I never seem to have too much trouble finding groups for those dailies since it seems a lot of other peeps (on my server at least) seem to share this ideology.


A LFG tool is needed, server only, can't wait until it's put into the game.

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Posted this in another thread. It got shut so I'm posting it again here:


Asking for tools which increase and encourage group game play within server communities != community destroying.


"Look at all these new people on my server I got to play and converse with.... to bad this tool that allowed that is destroying the community!"


People just want to retain their insular social circles and not allow anybody else to join them or participate with them. People who don't want a LFG tool aren't interested in building communities - they're interested in preserving their "members only" clubs.


"Find a group of players to run instances with!" quickly turns into "I'm not going to run instances with anybody BUT them because I might group with a baddie".

Edited by GripenWard
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I'm getting tired of TOR right now. If we don't see a proper cross server LFG soon, I'm out - until chapter IV.

It's not a childish threat by the way. Just a way to remind to not underestimate the problem.

I'm on Sanctum of the Exalted, Empire side, and this server shines with terrible delays for finding a group, if group is formed in the first place. And no , re-rolling on another server is not an option.

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Let's compromise , while i'm very anti lfg/lfd anything , I can compromise . I want some new playable races that are not as human like such as gungans , wookies , trandoshians , and the Yoda race . In exchange for the lfd /lfg tool that people keeps asking about .


I honestly don't know if this was a joke or not.


If not - well first of all this is not exactly a bargaining table. Also, we will most likely never see wookies, "yodas" or gungans as a playable race because of a simple reason.


Have you bothered to look at the already playable races? They were all picked and implemented for a specific reason, namely their similarities. They are all about the same size, they are humanoids and you can use the same voice actor for all of them.


If you wanted to implement new races which differentiate from that scheme then you would have to get new voice actors, modify armor and clothing etc... Yeah. Won't happen.

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Posted this in another thread. It got shut so I'm posting it again here:


Asking for tools which increase and encourage group game play within server communities != community destroying.


"Look at all these new people on my server I got to play and converse with.... to bad this tool that allowed that is destroying the community!"


People just want to retain their insular social circles and not allow anybody else to join them or participate with them. People who don't want a LFG tool aren't interested in building communities - they're interested in preserving their "members only" clubs.


"Find a group of players to run instances with!" quickly turns into "I'm not going to run instances with anybody BUT them because I might group with a baddie".


Quoted for truth. Once again.


I'm getting tired of TOR right now. If we don't see a proper cross server LFG soon, I'm out - until chapter IV.

It's not a childish threat by the way. Just a way to remind to not underestimate the problem.

I'm on Sanctum of the Exalted, Empire side, and this server shines with terrible delays for finding a group, if group is formed in the first place. And no , re-rolling on another server is not an option.


I hear you brother.


Also: Double Post.

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I will say this: looking for flashpoints in this game is no where near as bad as it was during the Burning Crusade (yes, I said it). However, I share the opinion of many that it takes an exorbitant amount of time to find a group to run a normal or heroic FP. I usually only try after I've done all my Belsavis/Ilum dailies since those yield the most results in the least amount of time. Conversely, I never seem to have too much trouble finding groups for those dailies since it seems a lot of other peeps (on my server at least) seem to share this ideology.


A LFG tool is needed, server only, can't wait until it's put into the game.


I think we need a X-LFD but it's lunacy to expect it any less than within a year, Bioware doesn't even have the parameters set up for X-server PvP let alone the PvE addition to that.


The straw that broke the camels back was having a tank bail in the middle of an instance for wife aggro and having to goto fleet to spam and then having our group disband. That was a colossal waste of time, I refuse to have that happen again :(

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I'm getting tired of TOR right now. If we don't see a proper cross server LFG soon, I'm out - until chapter IV.

It's not a childish threat by the way. Just a way to remind to not underestimate the problem.

I'm on Sanctum of the Exalted, Empire side, and this server shines with terrible delays for finding a group, if group is formed in the first place. And no , re-rolling on another server is not an option.


Personally I have another 2-3 months of class stories that I may go through, I'm trying to save them though because outside of switching factions I don't know how fresh they'll be the 2nd time through due to how linear this game is.

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Personally I have another 2-3 months of class stories that I may go through, I'm trying to save them though because outside of switching factions I don't know how fresh they'll be the 2nd time through due to how linear this game is.


I've got a Juggernaut and a Marauder, it's not exactly thrilling to do the same storyline twice. There is even very little difference in the finale of the storyline no matter what options you choose throughout.

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I've got a Juggernaut and a Marauder, it's not exactly thrilling to do the same storyline twice. There is even very little difference in the finale of the storyline no matter what options you choose throughout.


Yeah, I wanted to make a BH tank cause i have the healer and couldn't do it. At least WoW gave me leveling options between PvP/DungeonsQuesting with experience boosters and the abilitty to shut off XP all together. Would some more of that stuff here :_)

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The people that are willing to invest the time into playing MMO's are of two overwhelming categories; teenagers with a lot of free time, and people in their 20's and early 30's.


I remember the old days of MMo's. I remember the 2 hour searches for a healer or tank, just to clear the first boss of an instance and disband shortly after. Then, you're not able to finish that instance because you're locked to that group until the lock releases. While a younger crowd may have all the extra free time to just try again tomorrow, adults find themselves with lives and responsibilities to take care of.


This is a new era of gaming, companies aren't just catering to children anymore. We as adults simply don't have the time and/or refuse, to sit on the fleet spamming chat for missing rolls to fill.

This is an absolute waste of game time when your time is already limited.


LFD systems weren't implemented to to appease whiny anti-social nerds, they are absolutely necessary to the adults who play. They do not discourage the togetherness of a community, in fact, they preserve it. The idea of re-rolling on another server (away from your community) because yours is underpopulated is an outright insult to the community aspect that Bioware is claiming. And the idea of finding a group of people you like to group with quickly becomes a group of people that will not group with anyone else.


There is an argument that people behave like children when they think they'll never see the group again since their not on their own server. This isn't even a questionable argument, those people are going to act like rejects no matter what group or server they are in.


One of the most important reasons for having a LFD tool is so that everyone can experience the game content. What use is it spending so much money on expanding game content with new Operations and Flashpoints if a large percent of the players never get a chance to see them? You can't expect people to pay consistently for a game that they don't really get to play outside of the main storyline.


The truth is, the overwhelming majority of people do not want to revisit the old days of spamming for groups. Spam in chat does not build communities, it's a source of annoyance which has the exact opposite effect.


/e: Also think of all those underpopulated or terribly out of balance faction servers, x-server LFD and PVP will save those communities, since you won't have to close down or merge servers eventually. ( Or they won't have to take your advice and re-roll on another server. -.- )

Edited by McBinary
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The people that are willing to invest the time into playing MMO's are of two overwhelming categories; children with a lot of free time, and people in their 20's and early 30's.


I remember the old days of MMo's. I remember the 2 hour searches for a healer or tank, just to clear the first boss of an instance and disband shortly after. Then, your not able to finish that instance because you're locked to that group until the lock releases. While children have all that extra free time to just try again tomorrow, adults find themselves with lives and responsibilities to take care of.


This is a new era of gaming, companies aren't just catering to children anymore. We simply don't have the time and/or refuse, to sit on the fleet spamming chat for missing rolls to fill.

This is an absolute waste of game time when your time is already limited.


LFD systems weren't implemented to to appease whiny anti-social nerds, they are absolutely necessary to the adults who play. They do not discourage the togetherness of a community, in fact, they preserve it. The idea of re-rolling on another server (away from your community) because yours is underpopulated is an outright insult to the community aspect that Bioware is claiming. The idea of finding a group of people you like to group with quickly becomes a group of people that will not group with anyone else.


There is an argument that people behave like children when they think they'll never see the group again since their not on their own server. This isn't even a questionable argument, those people are going to act like rejects no matter what group or server they are in.


One of the most important reasons for having a LFD tool is so that everyone can experience the game content. What use is it spending so much money on expanding game content with new Operations and Flashpoints if a large percent of the players never get a chance to see them? You can't expect people to pay consistently for a game that they don't really get to play outside of the main storyline.


The truth is, the overwhelming majority of people do not want to revisit the old days of spamming for groups. Spam in chat does not build communities, it's a source of annoyance which has the exact opposite effect.


/e: Also think of all those underpopulated or terribly out of balance faction servers, x-server LFD and PVP will save those communities, since you won't have to close down or merge servers eventually. ( Or they won't have to take your advice and re-roll on another server. -.- )

Gooble Gobble Gooble Gobble, One of Us! one of Us!



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The people that are willing to invest the time into playing MMO's are of two overwhelming categories; children with a lot of free time, and people in their 20's and early 30's.


I remember the old days of MMo's. I remember the 2 hour searches for a healer or tank, just to clear the first boss of an instance and disband shortly after. Then, your not able to finish that instance because you're locked to that group until the lock releases. While children have all that extra free time to just try again tomorrow, adults find themselves with lives and responsibilities to take care of.


This is a new era of gaming, companies aren't just catering to children anymore. We simply don't have the time and/or refuse, to sit on the fleet spamming chat for missing rolls to fill.

This is an absolute waste of game time when your time is already limited.


LFD systems weren't implemented to to appease whiny anti-social nerds, they are absolutely necessary to the adults who play. They do not discourage the togetherness of a community, in fact, they preserve it. The idea of re-rolling on another server (away from your community) because yours is underpopulated is an outright insult to the community aspect that Bioware is claiming. The idea of finding a group of people you like to group with quickly becomes a group of people that will not group with anyone else.


There is an argument that people behave like children when they think they'll never see the group again since their not on their own server. This isn't even a questionable argument, those people are going to act like rejects no matter what group or server they are in.


One of the most important reasons for having a LFD tool is so that everyone can experience the game content. What use is it spending so much money on expanding game content with new Operations and Flashpoints if a large percent of the players never get a chance to see them? You can't expect people to pay consistently for a game that they don't really get to play outside of the main storyline.


The truth is, the overwhelming majority of people do not want to revisit the old days of spamming for groups. Spam in chat does not build communities, it's a source of annoyance which has the exact opposite effect.


/e: Also think of all those underpopulated or terribly out of balance faction servers, x-server LFD and PVP will save those communities, since you won't have to close down or merge servers eventually. ( Or they won't have to take your advice and re-roll on another server. -.- )


let's not call the other side children or anything too condescending otherwise they won't speak with us. That being said I agree with your sediments about time, very good post that cuts straight to the issues at hand.

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let's not call the other side children or anything too condescending otherwise they won't speak with us. That being said I agree with your sediments about time, very good post that cuts straight to the issues at hand.


True, I can see that viewpoint. I hadn't intended to convey condescension, rather to separate the demographics.


Edited the original for a little more PC approach.

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I could get behind a SAME server group finder but not a cross server one. Cross server gives you no consquences for being a *****-job. So yes for same, no for cross.


Only consequences for #@!% jobs is the /ignore function. Any more than this and it'll be %*#@ jobs abusing whatever system you put into place to punish them in the first place. Or, in my opinion, the ability to "punish" other players will bring out the #%!$hat in people more than a RDF will.

Edited by MalignX
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