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Protection from Deserter upon joining would be nice


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It doesn't happen often, but every now and then I will join a Warzone at the most inconvenient of time; when the barrier just goes down, and by the time I've reached it (usually in Huttball) its back up now, and it won't go down before I get kicked due to Bioware not having thoroughly thought out what is a great mechanic.


Sure you could say "upgrade your PC so your loading times are faster" and I'm working on that, but I've even had friends and guildmates, whom have faster loading times than I do, have this happen to them as well.


All I ask Bioware is that you prevent this debuff from being place upon a player right as they join a Warzone. A great idea would be to lengthen the PvP Immunity a player obtains while zoning in, and tie the Deserter Immunity to that.

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It's the anti-afk mechanic that kicks people for being in the spawn area for too long, not a debuff for leaving the game.


If you spawn so that as you get to the gate it closes again then you can be in there for so long you get booted without ever being able to join the match.

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It's the anti-afk mechanic that kicks people for being in the spawn area for too long, not a debuff for leaving the game.


If you spawn so that as you get to the gate it closes again then you can be in there for so long you get booted without ever being able to join the match.


Oh I understand. I don't think I've been dropped for that before.


To the OP, how long does it take for you to load? I'm not giving you a hard time, but if you take the queue once it pops, you have a good 90 - 120 sec to start matches, and the debuff takes some time after that. My buddy has "long" load times but is almost always loaded into a match within 3 min or so.

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Oh I understand. I don't think I've been dropped for that before.


To the OP, how long does it take for you to load? I'm not giving you a hard time, but if you take the queue once it pops, you have a good 90 - 120 sec to start matches, and the debuff takes some time after that. My buddy has "long" load times but is almost always loaded into a match within 3 min or so.


It#s not a case of loading times since you could be a sub instead of a player at the start of the match.


It's a case of spawning in and running to the open gate just to have it shut as you get there and then having no option but to wait until it opens. The gate repeatedly opens & shuts so it only effects people who join the game at just the wrong time in the door cycle.

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Yeah its hard to believe your game is that slow. The icon you see at the bottom is not deserter debuff its the countdown until you are kicked out of the game. You dont have any disadvantage in having it up. In fact its always up when you are dead. You can even miss a couple doors, its very permissive to my taste. I dont know the real lenght but i think its over a minute.


I must admit that you are right that making it longer at the start of the game would not hurt the game since abuser would still be kicked without reward and players with dinosaurs could still play.

Edited by Ulysseus
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Yeah, I don't see any reason for not lengthening it. The deserter detection doesn't stop AFKers, as most of them are smart enough (and I use that loosely) to move their character out of the spawn zone and into some other area of the warfronts before AFKing.


Honestly, I've only ever seen the debuff kick innocent players.


I've had that issue, too. Mostly in Huttball, like you said. I have pretty good loading times, it's just sometimes I'll zone in and not have enough time to get through the barrier. I'm often kicked just as I'm jumping off that Huttball ledge.


I've also seen random glitches, though, where I'll respawn dead and not be able to move until the deserter detection kicks me.


Hell, yesterday one of our group in Huttball got some sort of weird permanent CC inside the spawn area where she couldn't move at all. One of our Sages killed herself so that she could try to pull her out of the spawn point, but the barrier took too long and she got kicked. Was a little lame, since the majority of our scores was 'cause of her.

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the afk debuff is 1 minute. The Forcefiels are less then 30 =/


And during the situations where I do join an in progress Warzone, that debuff is already at 20 seconds left, so theres no hope for me when it happens.


I'm going to be upgrading some parts to hopefully improve my loadtimes (mainly my harddrive, into an SSD (yes I know I'm late to the party)), but it still happens and thats why I want it changed.

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