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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

613 exp, 4 shot by Tracer Missle spam.


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Well, I was pretty much wiped out in less than 4 seconds yesterday as a result of the above. Being stuck in the pit in Hutball, the offending ranged Imp (who was also in the pit) shot me down in less time than it took me to think "ouch, I had better try and break line of sight"


It was actually quite embarrasing to watch how quickly my health bar depleted to zero as a result of just one Imp range fire targeting me.


As a Scoundrel I could not really do much about that,(whose ranged capabilities are poor by comparison) and any pillar by which I could try to get behind to break LoS was further than those few seconds away.


Do I think there should be a nerf ? Probably not but I also think it's pretty pointless to reply to concerns about this by saying "Oh, just break LoS". Not least because the ability to use cover and break Los in some warzones is pretty lacking.

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And one again, people think tracers are OP just because that's the only thing they see cast...


There's a distinct difference in some of the opinions. Some think they are OP, I think the class is kindergarten easy.

Edited by Bbizzle
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This is a big part of the reason I went Pyrotech. I don't rely on cast times as much, and power shot is way less distracting than tracer missile. I get focused a lot less. Still get focused by melee fairly often since I only have my 25 sec knockback, stun, incapacitate, and a RNG snare... but it beats being targeted by half the team and having someone focus on me the rest of the game.


I agree, though I honestly have much less issues with melee now than I did before since switching to Pyro. My mobile damage output is still pretty good even though I can't stop to cast power shot or unload to proc more railshots. Whittling them down to about 40% with dots, TD and rapid shots then finishing with an insta-fusion seems to suffice against most. Many simply don't bother snaring you when they engage because they're expecting a Tracer spammer. Let us stand still and freecast, and we can dish out some pretty hefty burst as well.


I said this before in another thread; I dunno if you've ever watched Naruto, I did when I was younger. Going from Arsenal to Pyrotech was like Rock Lee removing those weights from his hands and legs in that tournament in the early episodes. I have a feeling if Tracer does get nerfed, and people start going over to Pyro/Assault, they're going to realize they were complaining about the wrong spec.

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Exactly. I will almost always call a merc as main target before a healer.


I also target them first - not because they're easy pickings, but because they can demolish my Guardian tank in 5-6 GCDs, provided they get their crits.


Granted, they are not hard to shut down. However, I'd rather be next to the enemy healer, kicking them in the face and choking the sith out of them.

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if you get killed by tracer spam you are not playing right and deserve the death.

how hard is it to focus them.

how hard is it to cc them or interrupt their cast so they can use it again for 4 seconds.


its tracer cast

tracer cast-interrupted

stands there thumbs up their *** for 4 seconds

tracer cast-CCd still getting hit in the face

tracer cast-interrrupted once again.


people that simply tracer are completely horrible. they die VERY fast due to having no idea how to play their class. The ones that ACTUALLY take advantage of their other skills in pvp are more of a problem but still arent that hard to shut down.

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And people are OK with this?


I see that they're nerfing Operative since they can kill you in 4 globals, yet we're leaving Merc Damage alone when they do the same thing?

You are talking bullshit and spewing words.


Show a video or it is just an other throwup. 1.8k crits gonna 4 hit you? let me see.

12k HP / 4 = 3k.


You are so full of ******** that it hurts. I keep getting hit by others for up to 3k but I have never seen any crits from a BH or trooper doing 3k.


You just suck balls at PvP.



And if you think BountyHunters are so freakishly OP, roll one and see for your self how *********** stupid it is.

No damage, just AoE, no CC or utility, squeesy as hell, no counter to melee what so ever.

Welcome to the world of hard core PvP. Challange like hell.


If you want easymod PvP, roll Yedi knight/Sith warrior or imperial agent/smuggler.

Edited by Mamono
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You are talking bullshit and spewing words.


Show a video or it is just an other throwup. 1.8k crits gonna 4 hit you? let me see.

12k HP / 4 = 3k.


You are so full of ******** that it hurts. I keep getting hit by others for up to 3k but I have never seen any crits from a BH or trooper doing 3k.


You just suck balls at PvP.



And if you think BountyHunters are so freakishly OP, roll one and see for your self how *********** stupid it is.

No damage, just AoE, no CC or utility, squeesy as hell, no counter to melee what so ever.

Welcome to the world of hard core PvP. Challange like hell.


If you want easymod PvP, roll Yedi knight/Sith warrior or imperial agent/smuggler.


Depends on how close to 3k you want the examples to be. The 'Epic Bounty Hunter' vid posted earlier in this thread cleary shows him getting off several critical hits from tracer missle that are around the 3k mark.


Of course, this is all debatable, depending on what evdence you look for and where you look for it. Anecdotal evidence from all camps is unreliable (ie just because you haven't seen those 3k hits doesn't mean they don't exist)


Smugglers easy ?! Not really, again it depends on which warzone and who you face. Out of stealth for example, my scoundrel, effectively a mlelee class at that point has to play it really carefully, not least because scoundrels are somewhat lacking in melee abilities. It's a very small pot to pull goodies from.

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With 613 expertise I would assume you have at least 16000 HP. Are you saying that Tracer Missiles hit you 4 times in a row for 4000+ damage? ...Or could you possibly be mistaken?


I can confirm he is telling the truth. Same thing has happened to me.


Although, tracer missle is their "main ability", you can't JUST nerf it. You would have to give them a LOT of buffs.

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Can someone please show me a picture of tracer hitting them for over 3000 in full champion gear.


Because I don't believe it.


(less there naked.)



(would also be nice if your targeting him so I know what kinds of buffs he has.)

Edited by Daecollo
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There isn't always the option to LoS or even attack the TM guy.


Either way you put it the TM guy wins. You engage someone in the middle and he starts spamming on you there is nothing you can do about it. Before you have LoS'ed you are too crippled to even fend of the guy still pounding on you.


If you go and attack the TM guy you leave mid dominance to your team.


Way too powerful ability for a combobuilder. It should be more along the line of voltaic slash and btw your defensive cooldowns are your double knockback.


No melee class can even start touching you regardless how they play it.


Marauder walks in -> kb 1, charge in -> kb 2.

Assassin opens up -> kb 1, force speed -> kb 2.


I don'T have problems against TM boys, because most of them are just majorly unskilled, but sometimes you do come across someone strong and well there is no way of fighting him on equal terms he is always ahead of you.


However I don't care you guys can talk all you want about it end of the day it will get nerfed. Blabber around all you want, won't change a thing exactly like operatives are up for another nerf until they apply the golden rule to them: 2 gcd's rampup as minimum before you deal upwards of 5k, simple as that.

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I just don't see how a marauder/sent can lose to a merc/commando, you can pretty much chain interrupt tracer and all they can do is watch/run or use other abilities.



The "Epic Bounty Hunter" Video was a Fully Champion geared level 50 hitting level 20s with no expertise, pre1.1 adrenal stacking as well.

Edited by Daecollo
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There isn't always the option to LoS or even attack the TM guy.


Either way you put it the TM guy wins. You engage someone in the middle and he starts spamming on you there is nothing you can do about it. Before you have LoS'ed you are too crippled to even fend of the guy still pounding on you.


If you go and attack the TM guy you leave mid dominance to your team.


Way too powerful ability for a combobuilder. It should be more along the line of voltaic slash and btw your defensive cooldowns are your double knockback.


No melee class can even start touching you regardless how they play it.


Marauder walks in -> kb 1, charge in -> kb 2.

Assassin opens up -> kb 1, force speed -> kb 2.


I don'T have problems against TM boys, because most of them are just majorly unskilled, but sometimes you do come across someone strong and well there is no way of fighting him on equal terms he is always ahead of you.


However I don't care you guys can talk all you want about it end of the day it will get nerfed. Blabber around all you want, won't change a thing exactly like operatives are up for another nerf until they apply the golden rule to them: 2 gcd's rampup as minimum before you deal upwards of 5k, simple as that.


That second KB won't even put you out of melee range. It's 4-5 damn meters or so. It can knock you off a platform in Huttball, but other than that it's largely ineffective as a gap creator. Add to that it doesn't snare and that the snare from his first KB should be wearing off at that point and he's a sitting duck, or he's limping away (because you did snare immediately when you got into melee range, right? Yours lasts a lot longer.)

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How would it, with a 8 sec cooldown, you could easily stack it ?


Just look at marauders annihilation stacks that has a 15 sec buff that stacks each time you it lowering the cooldown of annihilate by 1.5 seconds, which has a 12 second cooldown, so you initially have a 3 second window to use it.

Im sure many of the other classes have something similar too.


Is there any real reason why a cooldown couldnt be added to tracer shot ?


It would decrease mercs burst abit, so they would have to dps longer to get full stacks instead of killing people in 6-8 seconds.


Is annihilation an instant ability or casted? cause I would accept a CD on TM if they made it instant, considering how much of arsenal spec hinges on TM buffs and debuffs you would have to make it a shorter CD than 12 seconds, something in the range of 5-6 seconds would be fine.

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Shrugs, it's such a noticeable sound effect that if I hear it I immedeatly start looking for the Trooper. I usually either **** behind a pillar, or CC/interrupt him. If you interrupt a bad Trooper (most of them who I run into in PUG WZs) who does nothing but spam Grav Round, it's pretty much a free kill. They have to turret to do good damage so it's pretty easy to catch one who has horrible positioning. If you let them turret and freecast then they are going to blow people up.
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Also, even IF TM or any other spammable skill would kill someone with adrenal relic trinket w/e zerk buff and 100% crit chance, that means nothing.


You are not supposed to SIT there, without using any defensive ability, or interrupt, or CC, or LOS, and take it like a bauss in the back, ignoring dmg coz you have 615 expertise and you're like a mountain assaulted with toothpicks.


You have to prevent dmg, mitigate it, avoid it. Is simple as that. How fast can an OP or Scoundrel drop you with their relics and stuff popped when you don't move a finger? How good is your expertise then? What about a sniper / gunslinger?


You make tests that prove nothing. You should find more relaxing / constructive ways to spend your time in game IMHO :-)


OTH, NERF ELEVATORS! They kill peeps in full pvp gear with 615 expertise! You can't los it, you can't CC it, they 1 shot you!!!!


You know it will get nerfed when the running thought is "You must play defensive (no matter what you are) and outplay them. Sure, they're allowed to just rotation spam on you but if you want to outdamage them, YOU need to stun and interrupt them and hope they don't do the same to you."


The whole "you can only beat me if you play 10x better than me" argument is silly.

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With 613 expertise I would assume you have at least 16000 HP. Are you saying that Tracer Missiles hit you 4 times in a row for 4000+ damage? ...Or could you possibly be mistaken?


^ also, the cast on tracer is more than a global, and you can LoS/interupt tracer.

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