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Chat Bubbles for 'Say'


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Simple Developers could use their time designing game content and fixing bugs in the game over spending time creating chat bubbles with less then 10% of the people use. Yes I say less then 10%, why in all my time playing MMOs I only met a handful of people that ever used them. Most people turn them off. Its a waste of development time.


Heh, i constantly see people using them in other games. Maybe you should play less shooters.

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I've never understood the desire for chat bubbles. I played one game that had them and I turned them off the instant I saw them...it turned the game into a comic strip for me.


I wouldn't be opposed to them being included as long as I can turn them off.


My feelings as well, I wouldn't care if they added them as long as I could turn them off and never have to see them ... ever ....

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like, **** NO!




i would be seriously pissed if i had to go through the trouble of toggling them off once per character!!!!!!!!!


maybe next time create a thread asking for /say chat bubbles and have it off by default. can't believe you people would try and inconvenience me to this degree.


why can't i just be left alone....

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I absolutely detest chat bubbles. If they want to add them, fine -- But only if it has zero effect on FPS (I've heard enough complaining about it, thanks, so I'm not just talking about my FPS) and doesn't divert resources away from creating things that, unlike chat bubbles, don't suck like a Hoover with a fresh bag.


Personally, I think chat bubbles were one of those things that gave SWG it's "OMG! We're like all Star Warsy, but we're cute! LOL :-)" feel. I'd rather drink bleach.

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Yes a million times yes!


Not only would it enhance RP (Yes I am part of this lovely minority), but even with a tap only for /say it gets really clustered still, what with the actual range of /say conversations.. So being able to see who says what just by looking at the bubble would enhance my general experience AND my RP experience by a thousand fold!


And it is even in the coding, so why it isn't in the game is beyond me..

Edited by Salabadon
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Yes I would love to see chat bubbles. UO had them as did SWG and I think even WoW did ....


Have them off by default that is fine with me. Then if you want them turn them on, if you don't it doesn't effect you at all.

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I've long been in the "why are those needed? I've RPed for years without them" crowd, but I've changed my mind, personally, after trying to RP in the Nar Shadaa cantina on the Lord Adraas server. At peak times, there are SO many people there (which is a wonderful problem to have!) that the chat scroll moves so fast there's no way to keep up with it, and comments directed to you inevitably get lost.


Having chat bubbles would allow people to angle their cameras to more easily see the conversation in the group they're with, rather than trying to follow a /say channel that on occasion has well over 100 people chatting in it. I may have never used chat bubbles before, but I'm definitely willing to give them a shot now.

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I've long been in the "why are those needed? I've RPed for years without them" crowd, but I've changed my mind, personally, after trying to RP in the Nar Shadaa cantina on the Lord Adraas server. At peak times, there are SO many people there (which is a wonderful problem to have!) that the chat scroll moves so fast there's no way to keep up with it, and comments directed to you inevitably get lost.


Having chat bubbles would allow people to angle their cameras to more easily see the conversation in the group they're with, rather than trying to follow a /say channel that on occasion has well over 100 people chatting in it. I may have never used chat bubbles before, but I'm definitely willing to give them a shot now.


I just like them because it connects you to the speaker. You see the character who is speaking right there. Is is a little thing, just a luxury really but one of those quality of life issues that everyone seems to want from an MMO. And really no reason not to add them as long as they can be turned off.

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I absolutely detest chat bubbles. If they want to add them, fine -- But only if it has zero effect on FPS (I've heard enough complaining about it, thanks, so I'm not just talking about my FPS) and doesn't divert resources away from creating things that, unlike chat bubbles, don't suck like a Hoover with a fresh bag.


Personally, I think chat bubbles were one of those things that gave SWG it's "OMG! We're like all Star Warsy, but we're cute! LOL :-)" feel. I'd rather drink bleach.


Put 'em in! My framerate is terrible anyway, whats another 1-2 fps loss on fleet? This game needs more cute, not like it's succeeding at serious

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