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PvP - How it is ...deal with it


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It could be, but this is the inferior option of splitting PvE and PvP progression. Aesthetics are also completely opinionated, so this solution could even result in people who want to PvP doing PvE (which they don't like) in order to get gear. Several players also do not care about aesthetics.


Does it need to be expertise exactly? No, but PvP players should become better or the best by PvPing. The question here is should Top Raider Guy be just as viable as Top PvP Guy in PvP? The answer is no, mostly because this removes an entire path of character progression (Read: time players play the game). So the reason why it's inferior is that it could remove nearly half of the time players spend playing the game and progressing their character. No one wants this, not even the players. Of course, with so many people quitting or rerolling, that may not be an issue, but that's irrelevant because I'm speaking on terms of a working system, not a broken one. What I proposed is that it's easy to get entry level gear, but hard to get the top gear (which isn't *that* much better). This keeps it a bit more fair, and keeps progression pretty much the same.


Also the random loot system is stupid. I'd much rather spend 3 hours PvPing and progressing to another battlemaster piece (Say 1/4 the way) rather than looking back and saying "Oh hey, no battlemaster commendations again, I just wasted 3 hours of my time". Too frustrating for players, and some are quitting because of this.


I just think in time, very short time really, we will start to see a trend. No new pvp'rs thanks to the current system. RNG and expertise both will deter potential new players. Imagine if you can stepping into a warzone for the first time in your orange whatever you got by 50 gear, opening up on someone with your best attacks with the result being something like 10% dmg and blam you get mowed over in 3-4 shots by the person you opened on. The expertise stat is so huge and in time I think it will prove ill for pvp..unless you plan to just hang out with the select few from the older pvp crowd in the future.

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Agreed. But they should become better by honing their skills through practice, not by having better gear.


You're playing the wrong game genre if you think that, or you desire a complete revolution in how all PvP is conducted, pretty much breaking away from this "MMORPG genre". Your suggestion appears to be to remove all character progression entirely. This isn't feasible unless you replace it with something else to give character progression, such as skill rankings, etc. Even then, the idea that your character becomes more powerful is something that has time and time again proven to be very popular for keeping players playing games. I don't think this can be changed since almost all players expect to become more powerful as they play when getting into an MMO. This could work for a new game, but making this switch in SWTOR is too dangerous, I would say even mass exodus dangerous.


That said, I nor anyone has all the ideas. There could very well be a solution out there that works after removing all gear progression, so toss out constructive ideas. Personally, I think this game just needs a few tweaks and it'll be pretty solid (PvP progression wise, I could rant on other problems this game has of course!)


Also I believe that the the difference between Champion and Battlemaster is near perfect (short of all this mass accuracy on Battlemaster). Any Champion has a good chance at any Battlemaster. The difference is that Battlemasters are usually far more skilled due to putting more time in, and they have a *slight* advantage. Also, considering complaints are happening now, most battlemasters people see only have like 1-2 pieces, tops. VERY few players have full battlemaster. The title right now mostly just shows they've spent a ton of time on their character and in warzones, so beware.


Also Champion gear is already pretty easy to get, probably too easy if Centurion gear was easy to get. Like I said in my first post, I don't really see a huge problem here other than feeling a bit powerless for a two-three weeks while you stockpile champ bags. After this, PvP is quite balance gear wise.

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When you have level 10 to 49 achieving a more competative balance than a single level does because of the gear they get then there is clearly a problem with that gear. Does that concept not register with people or is it just those who have all the gear and dont want to lose their advantage that 'dont get it'.


Those with the gear don't want to be a flying spaghetti to the new fresh 50's.

They don't want to have fair fights. They fear to lose. They fear change.

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what are you even talking about.... that makes no sense.


for clarity the above was a reply to me saying


Originally Posted by Roak

could've put a resiliance like stat on raid gear, but then people wouldn't need to grind for pvp gear.


How does a content specific stat for one type of content that already uses gear as its main progression reward (raiding) make less sense than making progression for a totally different type of content about a different set of gear.


Especially when it has been proven in the past that pvp progression based on skill, not gear, is better (examples: ultima, daoc, eve, shadowbane, darkfall, early wow)

Edited by Roak
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There is no way to reconcile the very existence of expertise at it's current level of effectiveness and even the slightest of head nods to fairness. It's too good. It removes any skill gaps and places a gear gap instead. There is no reason to have a stat that works so well as to turn any non-geared person of the same level into cannon fodder. On top of that, anyone and everyone who farmed the old non-bracketed system for marks already had the advantage over the people they were farming. All this only servers to make pvp about everything except the player. If anything, they should call it Expertise Versus Expertise.


I just wish you super fast levelers would just admit that you don't want to lose the ability to "poop all over noobs" based purely on having more of the pvp stat. But, as we all know, that will never happen. Not one of you people white knighting this broken system would deign to enter a WZ without all your expertise. Not one of you would admit it's broken. It's too much in your favor. The average person can't not cling to it for dear life if you're on the geared side of the table. I understand. You have power over people because of it. Look in the mirror, admit that's what's happening, and stop talking like it's a fair and balanced system.


Personally, i'll just roll alts and do the sub 50 WZ's. It's more fair, more fun, and I feel like I'm playing against people and not some BS system thrust upon me for having the sheer audacity to level to 50. If they ever get around to leveling the playing field some, then I'll consider pvp on my main. Until then? 50 = pve.

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You're playing the wrong game genre if you think that, or you desire a complete revolution in how all PvP is conducted, pretty much breaking away from this "MMORPG genre". Your suggestion appears to be to remove all character progression entirely. This isn't feasible unless you replace it with something else to give character progression, such as skill rankings, etc. Even then, the idea that your character becomes more powerful is something that has time and time again proven to be very popular for keeping players playing games. I don't think this can be changed since almost all players expect to become more powerful as they play when getting into an MMO. This could work for a new game, but making this switch in SWTOR is too dangerous, I would say even mass exodus dangerous.


That said, I nor anyone has all the ideas. There could very well be a solution out there that works after removing all gear progression, so toss out constructive ideas. Personally, I think this game just needs a few tweaks and it'll be pretty solid (PvP progression wise, I could rant on other problems this game has of course!)


Also I believe that the the difference between Champion and Battlemaster is near perfect (short of all this mass accuracy on Battlemaster). Any Champion has a good chance at any Battlemaster. The difference is that Battlemasters are usually far more skilled due to putting more time in, and they have a *slight* advantage. Also, considering complaints are happening now, most battlemasters people see only have like 1-2 pieces, tops. VERY few players have full battlemaster. The title right now mostly just shows they've spent a ton of time on their character and in warzones, so beware.


Also Champion gear is already pretty easy to get, probably too easy if Centurion gear was easy to get. Like I said in my first post, I don't really see a huge problem here other than feeling a bit powerless for a two-three weeks while you stockpile champ bags. After this, PvP is quite balance gear wise.


I hear what you are saying, and you are right, I may well be playing the wrong genre as it stands right now (though from what I read at least GW2 and possibly other games are looking to change this). The problem as it stands right now is I feel pretty much obligated to PvP in this game at least a couple hours a day if I want to have any hope of remaining competitive. It's starting to feel like a second job more than a game, and I doubt I'll continue to find the motivation to keep up with the rat race.


Your point about NEEDING the progression is interesting though. I mean at some point, people will have all the Battlemaster gear and their progression will end. Will they quit PvPing at that point due to lack of incentive?

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Your point about NEEDING the progression is interesting though. I mean at some point, people will have all the Battlemaster gear and their progression will end. Will they quit PvPing at that point due to lack of incentive?


The idea is that by the time many players have full Battlemaster gear, new content will be released, and the cycle continues. It's how these games work, like it or not. As for the select few hardcore players who hit it very quickly, well those are hardcore players. They'll probably come back once new content comes out.


I'll use WoW Arenas as an example: there are seasons and rankings, just like professional sports, and new gear is released each time (content in this case). Not sure how SWTOR plans on doing this though. The arena was about being the best with rankings, so even if you had the top gear of the season, you would still play to "win" essentially. SWTOR doesn't have an equivalent of this, but it's apparently in the works (probably by the time many players get Battlemaster gear!). Not saying WoW's style of progression is the best, it's just an example.


On a side note, why can't any crafters make expertise gear? This could also help remedy the problem of fresh 50s being uncompetitive.


EDIT: On a personal note, I too became a bit bored of PvP after a while. Then I starting trying and experimenting with all the skill trees (usually one week for each different spec) and I've honestly done several warzones just for the fun of it with no reward to gain. Just a suggestion if you're looking to have a bit more fun.

Edited by Sarlin
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The idea is that by the time many players have full Battlemaster gear, new content will be released, and the cycle continues. It's how these games work, like it or not. As for the select few hardcore players who hit it very quickly, well those are hardcore players. They'll probably come back once new content comes out.


I'll use WoW Arenas as an example: there are seasons and rankings, just like professional sports, and new gear is released each time (content in this case). Not sure how SWTOR plans on doing this though. The arena though was about being the best with rankings, so even if you had the top gear of the season, you would still play to "win" essentially. Not saying this style of progression is the best, it's just an example.


On a side note, why can't any crafters make expertise gear? This could also help remedy the problem of fresh 50s being uncompetitive.


I know that they plan to introduce Ranked Warzones at some point, though I'm not sure how that will work out. I would suspect that some excellent PvPers will go do that which should make the regular Warzones more friendly to newer and less geared 50s, but human nature being what it is, I'm sure a lot of them will stay in the regular Warzones to farm the easier targets.

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Just wondering, what if the stat differences on all the level 50 gear was minimal and all of the rewards were purely cosmetic/convenience oriented. I mean what if you could only get a pro looking speeder from many hours of pvp or could only get the cool dark hooded cloak with the skull on it, or many other cool looking sets to make your toon look how you wanted etc. Even convenience rewards like bag space, lower cd on quick travel, or a little jet pack you can only use at fleet. Idk but I think a reward system like that would be cool and keep people playing/grinding but would reduce the "power" disparity associated with the huge stat differences on the gear.


The out come of battles would be bases more on skills and ability this way but Im wondering if people would still play/grind as much just for cosmetics/convenience.



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Just wondering, what if the stat differences on all the level 50 gear was minimal and all of the rewards were purely cosmetic/convenience oriented. I mean what if you could only get a pro looking speeder from many hours of pvp or could only get the cool dark hooded cloak with the skull on it, or many other cool looking sets to make your toon look how you wanted etc. Even convenience rewards like bag space, lower cd on quick travel, or a little jet pack you can only use at fleet. Idk but I think a reward system like that would be cool and keep people playing/grinding but would reduce the "power" disparity associated with the huge stat differences on the gear.


The out come of battles would be bases more on skills and ability this way but Im wondering if people would still play/grind as much just for cosmetics/convenience.




Skill based pvp!? The horror! You must be one of those people who want free epix lolool!11

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Getting so tired of the doomsdayers that repeatedly saying things like "it becomes completely only a gear gap, and not a skill gap." I agree, expertise on an enemy makes him harder to kill. In a one on one scenario, they are doing an extra 15% (max) damage to you, and you are doing 15% (max) less damage than them.

Ok, this is at the max disparity. I have read MULTIPLE times in this thread alone that expertise is making people 2 SHOT you.

NEVER, even at lvl 25 against a lvl 50 600 EXP MERC, did I ever get 2 shot. Sure, I got killed plenty of times by people high exp, and I really didn't get too upset about it, because they leveled and geared out faster than me. Kudos to them.

You know what I did do after getting destroyed by that TM spamming merc the first time? CC'ed his healer, interrupted his TM spam, and a teammate and I nuked him down.


Hitting 50 fresh was difficult, no doubt about that. You have to play smarter than at 1-49, and you have to use better teamwork. Honestly, the people complaining about exp either made no friends on their way to 50, or are (not trying to be offensive) not as effective as others in PVP. It's completely ok! If some people weren't average or below average, there would be no "above average" players. Unfortunately, coming to the forums to complain about people destroying you doesn't make you any better at pvp. Finding other people to play with, and practicing, does. Good Luck! :)

Edited by isast
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Uhm, I call ********. All level 50 PvP gear is attained by a RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR, aka a bloody lottery. That isn't rewarding you for the time you've spent whatsoever, and it's simply the wrong system to work with.


Only champ gear is rng if your not at lvl 60 valor.

The PvP gearing process doesnt really take effect till your lvl 60 valor at which point you get even less bags/day but you are now able to control what battlemaster gear and champ gear you want.


Champ bags should give the chance to aquire champion commedations.

Battlemaster bags give champion commedations and a chance to get a battlemaster commedation. Champ bags should follow the same model champ bag should have (and they arleady do give cent comm's with a chance to get a champ comm.


Battlemaster gear should also be raised in price to add to the grindyness that champ and cent comms are. or all should be reduced.



The original post i made has nothing to do with what the bags drop currently.

The gear is easy to come by and i got a near full champ set but I use my columi set just as often or a mix of the two ......ideally you'll be mixxing the 2 untill ya have a full set of one anyways. My gearing had nothing to do with luck but 100% to do with time invested.


My character currently has 18 days played time on it. I've done my dailies every day since hitting lvl 50 pvp and pve ....works out to be about a 3 hour investment in playtime per day to complete all dailies - this includes the 17 daily quest on belsalvis and illum.


After the 3 hours i usually screw around in pvp or run a couple more flashpoints.


I've invested my game time effciently to aquire my gear probably be a few more weeks before I see battlemaster.


How much time have you invested for your gear?

You may think your more skilled then me but we are both working the same job for the same rate of pay ..........dont cry cause my paycheck is bigger.

Edited by Fainflinnn
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The op is saying that it does not matter if a person has expertise or not, do you realise that there are people with stacked expertise still being killed in pvp? he's saying that expertise is not the blame of people being killed in pvp, there are people already after a month calling for a buggy game to be tinkered with because they are being killed in pvp, WHAT PART OF THAT ARE YOU MISSING?


Sorry for all the confusion. I was referring to the OP of this thread; that's why we're disconnecting. The OP only speaks to the fact that expertise is awarded with time put into the system. So I guess I'm missing the thread to which you're referring.



you CANNOT judge an entire game simply by your own experience of it.


I'm confused again. Have I cited anything about my actual experience? I think I've been careful not to inject my personal experiences into the discussion. I'll check back through my threads, though.



I'M NOT SAYING THE LOOT SYSTEM IS FAIR what part of this are you having difficulty grasping? but facts are, the more you put in the more you get out, your loot will come eventually, it won't be that when the next three bags you open have the items you need, you will be complaining about something else by then.


I'm only complaining about the fact that the current system implements technology that doesn't operate properly (RNGs).



but facts are, 1000 bags are better than 10, the guy who plays for ten hours gets ten bags, the guy who plays for 168 hours gets 168 bags (i know this isn't exact figures) are you honestly trying to tell me that those 10 bags all have the best loot? no of course they don't chances are the guy with the 168 bags is getting lucky, Q.E.D time spent = rewards


But this isn't true. That's my entire point. That's my response to the original post who claims that expertise comes with time played. That assertion isn't true. Every thread I make here is responding to his assertion. It can be true, but it's not true. And guess what, I'm basing this off of EVERYONE'S experience. Mine least of all.


The fact that you listed this example demonstrates that we're not connecting here.


You receive 1000 bags with a drop rate of 10%. You receive loot based on a (broken) RNG which provides you with 100 items. The RNG determines that you should receive 80 boots tokens, 15 relics, and 5 implants. 1000 bags took 1000 hours, and you equip a grand total of 100 expertise (for arguments sake, but this is pretty close).


I receive 168 bags with a drop rate of 10%. I receive loot based on a (broken) RNG which provides me with 17 items. The RNG determines that I should receive 3 helms, 3 chest, 3 legs, 3 gloves, 3 implant, relics and a weapon. 168 bags took 168 hours, and I equip a grand total of 600 expertise (for arguments sake, but this is pretty close).


1000 hours got one person 100 expertise. 168 hours got a second person 600 expertise. Using a "R"NG (because they're never actually random) leads to this sort of disproportionate average. It can be argued, statistically, that within reasonable confidence intervals this assertion of time=expertise isn't true. The 1000 hour person could continue to receive the same 3 unique items without EVER receiving a 4th. The 4th could be assigned as an extreme outlier in an RNG that clumps around other items in the set.


This is actually happening.


Now, the OP makes the point that time will net expertise. This is true. Are you glad? I've responded to the immediate point made by the author of the thread. Do I need to create a seperate thread containing further evaluation of the initial claim? Is there absolutely no room for extending the logic to more deeply examine the effectiveness of the ideas posted? All you have said is that anyone who tries to carry the original idea out further into a more realistic approximation is derailing the thread or trolling. You need to learn how to use higher cognitive processes. We need to be able to take a starting point, and carry it further. This is where real analysis comes from, and it's the sort of thing that can expose glaring issues within a game system. I can't even believe I've been responding to you this much. I'm done with it, say what you want. You aren't protecting the integrity of the thread, you're simply trying to stir the pot or you're really that myopic. Either way, I'm wasting my time.

Edited by MPagano
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Only champ gear is rng if your not at lvl 60 valor.

The PvP gearing process doesnt really take effect till your lvl 60 valor at which point you get even less bags/day but you are now able to control what battlemaster gear and champ gear you want.


Champ bags should give the chance to aquire champion commedations.

Battlemaster bags give champion commedations and a chance to get a battlemaster commedation. Champ bags should follow the same model champ bag should have (and they arleady do give cent comm's with a chance to get a champ comm.


Battlemaster gear should also be raised in price to add to the grindyness that champ and cent comms are. or all should be reduced.



The original post i made has nothing to do with what the bags drop currently.

The gear is easy to come by and i got a near full champ set but I use my columi set just as often or a mix of the two ......ideally you'll be mixxing the 2 untill ya have a full set of one anyways. My gearing had nothing to do with luck but 100% to do with time invested.


My character currently has 18 days played time on it. I've done my dailies every day since hitting lvl 50 pvp and pve ....works out to be about a 3 hour investment in playtime per day to complete all dailies - this includes the 17 daily quest on belsalvis and illum.


After the 3 hours i usually screw around in pvp or run a couple more flashpoints.


I've invested my game time effciently to aquire my gear probably be a few more weeks before I see battlemaster.


How much time have you invested for your gear?

You may think your more skilled then me but we are both working the same job for the same rate of pay ..........dont cry cause my paycheck is bigger.


Something doesn't add up here. You've played SWTOR roughly 12 hours a day 7 days a week since release, you aren't at Battlemaster yet, and you have invested your game time efficiently to acquire gear?

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Something doesn't add up here. You've played SWTOR roughly 12 hours a day 7 days a week since release, you aren't at Battlemaster yet, and you have invested your game time efficiently to acquire gear?


I havent been directly farming for battlemaster or i'm sure I would have it.

I probably put more time in while I was grinding the dailies away but I have my rakata peices and skip over them more now.

I maybe play 10 pvp matches a day and run about 2 dungeons at this current point.

And I spent alot of time helping other players with whatever comes up.

Ya i'm use my time invested well for gearing myself up and playing with the community.


out of the 1032 hours o possible playtime (this doesnt count server being down or anything like) i've played 432 hours of it


In those 432 hours

I've got a full columi set

near full champ set.

almost got a 2nd champ set (theres 2 types of heavy)

14 million credits

Had all the epic patterns for artfice but just dropped that for biochem this morning.

and i mean all the epic patterns for all lvls of the crew skill.

I've interacted with probably 1000 players directly on both factions

valor rank 47


Ya i know ***! I;'m in my off season for work so I'll only be able to play crazy liek this for another month before I go back to grinding away at the dollar signs.

Edited by Fainflinnn
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We all realize RNG is random. In fact it's the first letter. Unfortunately, repeatedly stating that it is not a FACT that more bags doesn't = more CHANCE at gear is making my wince. I'm not sure if you didn't make it through even a high school math class if you don't understand how odds work : /

You are saying there is no difference between obtaining 200 bags and 10 bags because some people have gotten all their gear in 10 bags. If this actually makes sense in your head, you need to literally (not a joking statement) go to school.

You are now applying that all players are magically on the same playing field once they have opened their tenth bag. Opening more would in this case not increase your odds in this crazy false reality. Let's look at real odds (we will assume a base 20% chance to obtain ANY gear piece because i don't know what the actual chance is) and see how loot distribution is actually working:


UNGOLDY Lucky person (which you are saying is a very common situation) opens 8 bags and gets unique gear in every single one:

1st Bag=20% chance to get a gear piece.

2nd Bag=20% chance to get a gear piece, 87.5% chance it is unique

3rd Bag=20% chance to get a gear piece, 75% chance it is unique

4th Bag=20% chance to get a gear piece, 62.5% chance it is unique

5th Bag=20% chance to get a gear piece, 50% chance it is unique

6th Bag=20% chance to get a gear piece, 37.5% chance it is unique

7th Bag=20% chance to get a gear piece, 25% chance it is unique

8th Bag=20% chance to get a gear piece, 12.5% chance it is unique

ODDS of this happening= .2*.2*.2*.2*.2*.2*.2*.2*.875*.75*.625*.5*.375*.25*.125=.00000000615... or 1 in 162,601,626 people. VERY common.


Fortunately, most people with a thread of sense don't claim this happens, and realize that as you get more bags, your chances increase. That's how math, and RNG, works.

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The idea is that by the time many players have full Battlemaster gear, new content will be released, and the cycle continues. It's how these games work, like it or not. As for the select few hardcore players who hit it very quickly, well those are hardcore players. They'll probably come back once new content comes out.


I'll use WoW Arenas as an example: there are seasons and rankings, just like professional sports, and new gear is released each time (content in this case). Not sure how SWTOR plans on doing this though. The arena was about being the best with rankings, so even if you had the top gear of the season, you would still play to "win" essentially. SWTOR doesn't have an equivalent of this, but it's apparently in the works (probably by the time many players get Battlemaster gear!). Not saying WoW's style of progression is the best, it's just an example.


On a side note, why can't any crafters make expertise gear? This could also help remedy the problem of fresh 50s being uncompetitive.


EDIT: On a personal note, I too became a bit bored of PvP after a while. Then I starting trying and experimenting with all the skill trees (usually one week for each different spec) and I've honestly done several warzones just for the fun of it with no reward to gain. Just a suggestion if you're looking to have a bit more fun.


Did you invent MMORPGs, cause you sir speak a lot of truth on the topic. BW should hire you.

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It can be argued, statistically, that within reasonable confidence intervals this assertion of time=expertise isn't true. The 1000 hour person could continue to receive the same 3 unique items without EVER receiving a 4th. The 4th could be assigned as an extreme outlier in an RNG that clumps around other items in the set.


QFE (error)


Basic rule of statistics. They couldn't continue "forever" without EVER receiving a 4th. True, they might not get it before an expansion, and the odds will never change for them regarding the chance per bag to receive that item, but they *would* get it eventually. Your point, however, is not lost on me. I get that there are flaws with the system, and I agree! I think it should be purely commendations as well.


At the same time, however, you really shouldn't EXPECT to receive that particular item. When you get a token, be excited that you got lucky, and continue on with your commendation farming, to use them to fill in other slots. That is why not every tear is token-based. You might get screwed on Champ tokens due to RNG not being in your favor... luckily, Champ tokens are not the only gear in the game! Stop getting so hung up on these things and enjoy the game :)

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Personally, i'll just roll alts and do the sub 50 WZ's. It's more fair, more fun, and I feel like I'm playing against people and not some BS system thrust upon me for having the sheer audacity to level to 50. If they ever get around to leveling the playing field some, then I'll consider pvp on my main. Until then? 50 = pve.


This is my fav so far on this thread. You can truly tell who's full of it and just doesn't want to have to "try" at PvP and cries when they lose.


Can anybody here tell me what the most imbalanced system of PvP in SWTOR is right now?



It's the 10-49 bracket. Ding ding ding! You know how much of an advantage a level 49 player has over a level 10? HUGEMOUNGOUS!!!!!

A level 49 has almost all of their abilities and skills, where as a level 10 has only a few skills.


I'm a jedi shadow. And you are telling me that a level 49 who has Clairvoyant strike and all the bonuses to crit and shadow stance etc, is on an equal playing ground as a level 10 who can't cloak, can't do resilience, can't pop defensive cooldowns, can't interrupt, pretty much can't do anything except spam one button that costs too much force.


All you guys complaining about level 50 pvp not being "fair" and then saying "I'm going to do the 10-49 bracket cause it's fair" are the biggest hypocrites I've met yet. You are completely full of it and should have their account deleted for such statements.


It's quite amazing the audacity of some people. This is why the forums are horrible.

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This is my fav so far on this thread. You can truly tell who's full of it and just doesn't want to have to "try" at PvP and cries when they lose.


I do just fine on my lowbies in that bracket. Sub 30 lowbies. I have a blast. Sure, sometimes I get smoked. And sometimes, I do the smoking. I don't enjoy the 50 bracket where my damage is muted, my healing is muted, and my resistances are muted. There isn't anything in the 50 bracket for me. There's only suffering through RNG and gimped mark grinding until I turn the gear corner. Especially when walking into that bracket without gear makes you a target. Everyone sees you without gear and knows taking you out is a non issue.


If that's the kind of scenario you can get down with, then enjoy. I'll be getting my pvp fix without having to play "roshambo, most expertise goes first."

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I can finally post on the forums wow.... and this gets to be my first post....


I feel there does need to be an overhaul in the PvP reward system if not the gear itself, personally I like the gear the way it is but then again I am already mostly champion gear ans was one of those unkillable sorc healers before the 50's bracket patch. I'm glad they made a 50's bracket....


the arguement that at 50 every one should be the same and Skill should determine the winner.... I'm sorry take your socialistic views of fairness and go back to wow where even the dumbest retard can kill the lich king and wear purples..... people who spend more time playing PvP deserve their rewards and just because you hit 50 yesterday and the 50's that have been around since forever are owning you doesn't mean the system is broken, it means you need to earn your spot on the hill like everyone else....


now What I do think needs to be fixed is how you obtain your gear, I personally believe the RNG bags are what truly kills the PvP experience for most people..... here I was lvl 50 opening my first few bags after finishing my dailies and my weeklies and BAM my luck was so damn awesome I was already on par with the veteran lvl 50 PvPers..... that's just not right.... what I would propose as the Valor system is now, you get Gladiator, Centurion, champion, and battlemaster.... the gear should be restricted to these valor lvls, I'm only valor 40 on my sorc <been unable to grind it up as once the 50 bracket patch hit PvP literally died on Kath hound. > that would give me the right to wear Centurion gear put the lvl 50 blue gear back in, make it the Gladiator gear, ect. remove the unassembled tokens from bags all together. increase the commendations that drop from bags a bit, 50% might seem a little too much to some too little for others but right now it's a joke.... this prevents people from hitting 50 at valor lvl 1 and running around decked out with champion gear. it also rewards those who PvP often enough that when they hit 50 they're already atleast in the cent- champ lvl off valor and don't have to worry about the the 50 blue gear unless they really want to. if people don't want to lose the unassembled drops offer an exchange vendor. turn that 8th earpiece into 5 commendation or something.


People should WORK for their PvP gear, not get lucky, the Problems I DO see with what I suggest comes from Ilum and the capability to farm enough valor for battlemaster within hours.... there are a few things I could think up I'm sure to fix the republic base camp issue on some servers, but not in this thread .....


Bottom line of the argument concerning PVP at lvl 50 and the difference in Gear ..... YOU SHOULD HAVE TO EARN IT, stop expecting things should be given to you with no effort, contrary to popular belief you are not special. you haven't earned the right to be awesome just by being lvl 50

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