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What class dominates pvp?


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Sith Inquisitor = OP for quite some time now

You could easily see a SI topping DPS at the same time they top healing meters.

I had multiple 50s in beta all the way up to launch btw. Unless something dramatically changed for SI they are still dominant.

Edited by Austegard
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Funny how everyone insists everything is "perfectly balanced" although noone has seen any endgame pvp yet. You really cant tell whats op by now (Although im sure there are skills/ mechanics that are..)


Maybe "nubs" will be whining about how underpowered Mara is, until some pro guys find out what to do to kick az with him. Suddenly hes OP and whine starts all over.

Thats just an example of course I dont know how balance is going to turn out.

Edited by CLSPRO
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Sith Sorcerer/Jedi Sage still is the most played and was during beta as well. They don't do the highest damage but they do decent damage as well as not having a punishing resource system and many useful utility abilities. They have slows, stuns, knockbacks, dots, heals, sprint and a very nice shield.


It would appear that ranged have a bit of an advantage over melee in general for warzone pvp. World pvp is another issue and stealthers usually have the greatest advantage there. Not sure if any of that helps.



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No real answer to the question at hand, mostly because the classes are the most balanced right off the bat. That being said, if it's like every other MMO, that will change in a matter of months once there are enough qq'ers in the same class that don't know how to play. Gawd I hope that's not going to be the case.
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Sith Sorcerer/Jedi Sage still is the most played and was during beta as well. They don't do the highest damage but they do decent damage as well as not having a punishing resource system and many useful utility abilities. They have slows, stuns, knockbacks, dots, heals, sprint and a very nice shield.






Yeah all this together makes for a MAJOR pain in PvP as a melee class. I find Consulars/Inquisitors to be very difficult to take down as a Sentinel. I am fine with Sages/Sorcs getting all the CC and knock backs, but giving them to Shadows/Assassins is just plain annoying. I find myself unable to take one of them out, even if I get the first hit, AND a few good hits after that. I usually get knocked back, CCed, attacked...and then knocked back and CCed again.

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if you were actually good, you yourself make the class good. Since you played wow, ill give you a reference: When 1400 rated pvpers copy the best comp, they are still 1400. If you pick a class based on others peoples performance, you will never be as good as if you just picked a class you liked
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Reroll Guardian. They knock you back? Charge them. You: 1, Them: 0.


Once I get the reduction on charge from the Watchmen tree I see this getting better. Talent trees and "late bloomers" are a major issue in PvP currently. I've played games where the teams were "equal" in level and utterly wiped the floor with anyone I came in contact with, mainly because of team work. I have also played matches where there was a 10+ level difference. We still had good teamwork, but when you lack abilities and talents it doesn't matter very much.




The real problem I see is how Inquis/Consulars have their abilities "mixed". Going Assassin you keep most of the CC and knock back, and lose a small amount of range on your range attacks. Keeping the CC is a major boon, since JK/SW get very CC, something I find rather odd. Shouldn't melee have at least one ability to lock down a ranged enemy/stun them?


The major issue I have seen is Sorcs using the damage reduction bubble+heals but still pumping out the DPS. My quick and dirt solution for this would be make healing and dps two different stances. "Heal stance" cannot cast the main DPS abilities without major cost/can't cast them at all, while the DPS loses most of the healing. I know some classes have this already, but I think it would be a nice way to even the field out.

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The major issue I have seen is Sorcs using the damage reduction bubble+heals but still pumping out the DPS. My quick and dirt solution for this would be make healing and dps two different stances. "Heal stance" cannot cast the main DPS abilities without major cost/can't cast them at all, while the DPS loses most of the healing. I know some classes have this already, but I think it would be a nice way to even the field out.


Or you could get to endgame and watch the bubble pop from a sneeze by your character..


all you need to do is around 3k damage...most classes can do that in a single GCD

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Honestly, When it comes to PvP I agree with most that you should have done more personal research, Everyone is of their own opinion so here is mine:


I never played the republic, I was Sith in beta and I loved PvP with my class which was a Empire Agent -> Operative. They are a stealth class, with a epicly strong Backstab ability. At level 16 in PvP I was Backstabbing + Stun and killed them by third move and noone knew what hit them. and by the time they hit the ground, I was already stealthed again.


Cheap? Yes. Under-rated? Yes. Best PvP class in my opinion? Agent/Smuggler

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i hope you people never stop using 'wow player' as an insult while you play an mmo from a studio the same size with a bigger budget


never change mmo players, never change


I do not understand why you said this. Why would you be on these forums if you are not a mmo player? You just insulted yourself.

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So whats the class that just faceroll kids?

for republic side.

Im extremely big on PvP. Looking for a class that just does extremely high damage in PvP


All the comments below you are basically saying that you have no sense of play style but just to roll on strong class to beat everyone.

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