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Scorpion "Griefer I" (OP)erative PvP ViD


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Disclaimer! All footage taken is vs other 50's of equivalent or greater gear.


Also posted on PvP Forums!


Wanted to throw this video at you guys pre-nerf and I will also release one post-nerf.

Enjoy and let me know what you guys think.


Shows the strengths and burst power of the Operative class, which does need to be tweaked.


In their current state they are very dependent on their stealth burst, need to tone down some of our burst damage but not completely gut the class.



Scorpion Operative PvP Video

Edited by Cyberwillow
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well we already know about the burst and buffs impact - so whats new?

pretty nasty editing so cant tell if you get cosumable pvp adrenal or pickup one. qutie sure you got stim up and relict.


btw if you do 6k HS and 4k BS then CS 6k HS then after nerf 4.8+4+4,8 (enemy still wont be able to prevent second HS without using breaker) ~14k hp dead.


finally using CS to just get the extra HS burst is pathetic.

Edited by Crawler
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yay another crit reel from a player that plays like *** out of stealth.


Operatives are bad outside of stealth... Everything about the class is built around the opener. Yes its insane damage but what else do they have? Try making a video of you playing 1v1 vs ANY competent class without using stealth, you'll get steamrolled so fast you won't know what hit you.

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Correction, not all Operatives are useless out of stealth. Some people just don't know have to keep them alive out of stealth and use CS like its cool. I can easily kill out of stealth if I had to, but I know my limits and don't just charge into battle or let people catch me out of stealth.


And I'll be for the nerf whenever Elemental/Internal damage can be better resisted. And when certain PvP action is taken for balance. 1 minute "immune to interrupts" is BS, not in PvP most OH **** buttons last 5 seconds if that. And when Jedi/Sith resist all attack abilites is tuned towards Evasion such as resisting certain types of attack.

Edited by DarkGrunt
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Operatives are bad outside of stealth... Everything about the class is built around the opener. Yes its insane damage but what else do they have? Try making a video of you playing 1v1 vs ANY competent class without using stealth, you'll get steamrolled so fast you won't know what hit you.


What I mean is, his play outside of stealth is poor. Not that great at being behind people, not using CC very well, that sort of thing.

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What I mean is, his play outside of stealth is poor. Not that great at being behind people, not using CC very well, that sort of thing.


you got that much information just from watching the video? daaaamn.. lol


i saw maybe 1 or 2 fights where he was snared and couldn't get behind the target, and the fights ended so quickly there was no chance to see what cc went up, the video doesn't show any in depth footage but you definitely cannot see if hes skilled or not by the video, just see people go boom in seconds!


the real question is... how many times did you get griefed by an operative? :rolleyes:

Edited by Reaperuae
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you got that much information just from watching the video? daaaamn.. lol


i saw maybe 1 or 2 fights where he was snared and couldn't get behind the target, and the fights ended so quickly there was no chance to see what cc went up, the video doesn't show any in depth footage but you definitely cannot see if hes skilled or not by the video, just see people go boom in seconds!


the real question is... how many times did you get griefed by an operative? :rolleyes:


There isn't much to go on yeah, but what little there is spoke some.


How many times did I get griefed by an operative? None. My operative was rank 40 in full pvp gear minus 2 pieces pve set.

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Disregard the 'of equal or greater gear.' Some of those people had 15k or less health, which you most definately did not. Also, watched through the first few minutes, and it was almost exclusively you jumping sorcs/snipers with no shields on.


If this is the only thing warranting a nerf, then all that is needed is a 15s cooldown on hidden strike.


Would be nice to see some real pvp anyways, where all cooldowns may not be up for every fight, instead of the 5 second kill clips of light armor classes attacking someone else.

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Try showing us some premade vs premade battles because that what u edited was nothing more than showing off.

I want you to kill a good ~550 Expertise Inqui Healer 1v1 without vanish.

U killed ppl that had no help from their teammates. You wont get that oppurtunity against a good premade grp and sorry to say but i can assure you that most of the guys you killed in your vids had not more than 350 expertise.


I can also do my 500k+ dmg on my op. But its a total different playstyle when played against a good grp than you showed us.

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Try showing us some premade vs premade battles because that what u edited was nothing more than showing off.

I want you to kill a good ~550 Expertise Inqui Healer 1v1 without vanish.

U killed ppl that had no help from their teammates. You wont get that oppurtunity against a good premade grp and sorry to say but i can assure you that most of the guys you killed in your vids had not more than 350 expertise.


I can also do my 500k+ dmg on my op. But its a total different playstyle when played against a good grp than you showed us.


You can talk it. Now show it. The video was fine for what it is. But if you are gonna bad mouth you need to put up or shut up.

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You want me to do 500k damage or what?

Every single good PVPer that knows just a bit from high rating matches from other games can tell you that none of the teams he matched in his video was a good premade grp.




This is a screenshot of my damage i did in a RANDOM grp 8hours ago. In a Premade grp 500k damage can be achieved with no problems at all.




I was in the grp with the Sith Inquisitor healer that healed for over 500k. Everyone else was random. Note that the Match ended 49 seconds before the normal ending. Maybe i also would have got over 500k dmg in this match.

Edited by Koboldius
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Hehe :D


Im not saying im better nor do i care who is the best operative player in the world.

All i want to say is, that his video only shows one side of the operative class and that it is a completly different story when faced against a good grp where you cant "oneshot" your oppenent with all your cooldowns.


Im convinced that he is a good player but those videos are one of the reasons classes get nerfed in MMOS.

Its the same with the infamous Indalamar video back in Classic WoW.

Those videos are just too onesided for me.


P.S: I wont do any videos. Im a total noob when it comes to editing videos and stuff. It would take me 1 Month to do a proper video :rolleyes:

Edited by Koboldius
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I'd like to see the post nerf 1.1.1 video




@OP: You're horrid; genuinely bad. Pretty much make the argument for 1.1.1.


Looking forward to watching you fail once your crutch is removed. . . . or watching you reroll to the next gimmick.


Seriously, your character carries a Rifle for a reason regardless of being Concealment specc'd - maybe when you figure out why you'll post a respectable video.

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Disclaimer! All footage taken is vs other 50's of equivalent or greater gear.


Also posted on PvP Forums!


Wanted to throw this video at you guys pre-nerf and I will also release one post-nerf.

Enjoy and let me know what you guys think.


Shows the strengths and burst power of the Operative class, which does need to be tweaked.


In their current state they are very dependent on their stealth burst, need to tone down some of our burst damage but not completely gut the class.



Scorpion Operative PvP Video



Sorry man, but this video proves nothing. Better try to zoom in on your buffs and gear rather than damage.


But wait, you already have all the gear need and probably biochem, so you doesn't give a fck about someone who just got to 50 or leveling up.


Nobody wants to look at the roots of the problem.

Edited by CorruptedFlesh
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