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Operatives Nerfed. Sorcerers and Mercs win again.


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Oh please. It takes about 30 hrs /played to get to 36 and get Hidden/Jarring Strike. As soon as people spent a little time getting hit by it, a ton rerolled. It was totally a FOTM thing. My server went from Operatives being as rare as Snipers to almost a third of players in low level zones being Operatives.


And guess what? After nerf was announced on PTR, that immediately dropped off and now we have a ton of Mercs instead.


Not FOTM my big behind... :rolleyes:


I'm usually the only Operative in warzones in the 50 bracket on my server. Sorcs usually make up about 50% or more of the warzone population. See, I can post my anecdotal evidence too!!!

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totally agree


wow had its problems in the begining but it ended up being the most popular mmo out there.


coming from someone who raided as a paladin in vanilla this game is not broken at all.


that class literally could not tank(had no taunt or anything)


and only had to go half way into the healing tree and could literally forget all the other points and heal the same


they were broken.


and they didnt fix them till the next expansion pack. which wasnt for 2 years.


it doesnt mean they werent fun to play they just had issues with what they were supposed to be.


and people still played.


so why a month after the game has come out do we expect people to fix every little thing that is wrong with the game.


they are people who are doing a job to make this game good but it takes time. They cant just fix everything imediatly


also the reason wow sucks now is because they listen to the whinny player base. After going to blizz con i dont want the company to listen to the players. We arent game developers we dont know what makes a game good leave it to the proffessionals


Because that was over ten years ago in the MMO world.


Look at the launch of Rift. That's how it's supposed to be done these days. Probably the most clean, bug free launch in the history of big MMO's. SWTOR doesn't get a free pass because you can compare their launch to a game that came out 10 years ago and it's better than that.


If that's the logic we're using, well then this game sure beats the hell out of anything I've been playing on my playstation1.

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People will still whine about Operatives even post-nerf. The people who will complain post-nerf are the same people who cried about rogues for the past 7+ years of WoW. They hate the idea of a class that can surprise you from stealth with bonus damage and a stun. They mostly just suck at PvP and can't figure out how to counter it.


They won't be satisfied until the knockdown is completely removed, and the stealth opener does the same damage as an out-of-stealth attack. At which point, Operatives/Scoundrels will just be a very boring, generic melee class.

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Sorry, Now you'll need to actually work to get kills... No more 8.5k Crit then 4k and 4k befor I stand up...


I don't feel bad for you... Some skill will now be required.


Most Operatives get people under 3k health befor the stand up.. Why would this NOT be broken?


I can kill Sorc's... Not a big issue.


Powertech's are annoying, thats about it...


Operatives are just stupid with their openers..



You picked Operative after you realized it was OP... why would anyone feel bad for these people...


Hey look, another faceless forum goer making up damage numbers. Let me help you out.


Best case opening salve = 6.5k 2k 2k, now you have a full resolve bar


Lying has really got to stop here

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So a 20% damage decrease on Hidden Strike and a nerf on the knockdown to 1.5 seconds.


The masses got what they wanted. Operatives are rendered harmless.


Predictions for the day after the patch?


Huttball - 4-5 sorcs, 3-4 Mercs vs the same.


No reason not to stack Sorcs. Most versatile and broken class in the game. Don't forget the sleeper broken, the Powertech either. A grapple, a leap, and the least mitigation-reliant tank in the game (meaning they are the best in PVP. Mitigation is broken).


Incoming Burial of PVP. (It already died.)


u mad bro? l2p with the skill set you now have, just think of how bad your Sniper bretheren has it...

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Oh please. It takes about 30 hrs /played to get to 36 and get Hidden/Jarring Strike. As soon as people spent a little time getting hit by it, a ton rerolled. It was totally a FOTM thing. My server went from Operatives being as rare as Snipers to almost a third of players in low level zones being Operatives.


And guess what? After nerf was announced on PTR, that immediately dropped off and now we have a ton of Mercs instead.


Not FOTM my big behind... :rolleyes:


By your master insight to in game populations and logic, all these fotm people you claim are complaining, would not be complaining. They would now be cheering at the nerfs so they can faceroll on mercs instead. :rolleyes:

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i run 21k+ hp self buffed as a tank


and when i lose half my hp in 3-4 hits before i can even react after a stun, then a class seriously needs a nerf.


If i wanted to play 1 shot pvp, i'd go back to WoW


3-4 hits bringing you to 50% is 1 shot PVP? This is one of the worst QQs I've seen about Ops yet. How entitled are you to think it's unfair that 3-4 hits can bring you to 50% doing 10k dmg? (and they all have to crit btw). After the Op does this he really has no other abilities to keep up sustained dps. It sounds like you, and a lot of other QQers, just want to have it easymode vs every other class. Everyone just went after Ops first because it was an easy target.

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I created a concealment operative on Dec. 15 and leveled it to 30 or so as concealment. It was pretty fun. I then created another operative and made it a healer. For the last 15 levels or so, I've been leveling mainly by doing my class quest and PvPing. I'm still only level 44. I don't think most people rush to 50 as fast as they can. I'm taking my time, especially since this is my "first" character in this game.


As a healer, concealment operatives can be frustrating. I've had a couple of 1v1 against other operatives around my level (they're almost all concealment), and I haven't had a whole lot of trouble with them. However, in a group setting, a good one can change the flow of the battle pretty quickly. I'm specced for increased stealth detection, but when things get intense, it's much easier to sneak up and pop me. It is at least somewhat preventable if the rest of the team is also doing their part to help detect stealthers.

Edited by belialle
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It does work. What people DON'T tell you is how quickly it starts degenerating. Something many people are quick to take advantage of.

SHUSH! I like people not knowing that. Either people assume I have a full resolve bar and dont cc me OR they assueme I can't cc them and burn thier cc breaker on a cc that breaks on dmg anyway.

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