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Operatives Nerfed. Sorcerers and Mercs win again.


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What are you talking about? The operative is a ranged / rouge class. Have you ever played a MMO with the rouge not being ranged?


I'm not sure where your going with this, you took my words out of context trying to make it like I claimed their open attack was a ranged one, which clearly I did not.

The specc they choose is really not my problem. My assasin is supposedly a DPS class but if I spec it as a tank, your meaning its a tank class and no longer a DPS class?




The operative is a ranged / melee class, end of discussion.


Think twice before your answering mate.

Rouge = red. So yes, I've played games where the rouge is not ranged.


Sarcasm aside, the Rogue in WoW didn't have any legitimate ranged ability besides Shoot until TBC. Wherein they got an AOE ability, which isn't quite ranged but it's close.


Scoundrels and Operatives are designed to fight in melee. Both their DPS trees improve their melee abilities. I do use Quick Shot quite often in PvP (it's my secret sauce) but that has a 15m range or something silly like that (does ~1500 damage with 580 expertise but costs too much energy to be a major part of our rotations). Essentially you snare them, hit them with a single shot, then it's back to working the middle like Rocky.

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offensive pvp guardian here,


operative nerf is unneccessary. i will /lol at them now. before they opened me to 40% life and provided a good fight afterwards. now they will open me to 60% and i dont bother about them anymore.


seriously, there is so much complaint on these forums and having a close look on it it appears 90% or even more are L2P issues only. it saddens me to see that the devs listen to this crap.

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powertechs are excited of this news as we plan one day to be top dog most OPed, right now everyone is focused on sorcs and mercs so we bid our time and wait to be kings of pvp ONCE AND 4 all


No chance, your class is getting ignored and is not even in the top 3 of a class threat list in another thread.

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So a 20% damage decrease on Hidden Strike and a nerf on the knockdown to 1.5 seconds.


The masses got what they wanted. Operatives are rendered harmless.


Predictions for the day after the patch?


Huttball - 4-5 sorcs, 3-4 Mercs vs the same.


No reason not to stack Sorcs. Most versatile and broken class in the game. Don't forget the sleeper broken, the Powertech either. A grapple, a leap, and the least mitigation-reliant tank in the game (meaning they are the best in PVP. Mitigation is broken).


Incoming Burial of PVP. (It already died.)


it was a bit ridiculous that I could be knocked down and have over half of my health taken away before i can even answer back (or get stunned AGAIN). I don't want operatives to be weak, I would just like to be allowed to react to being assaulted.

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Rouge = red. So yes, I've played games where the rouge is not ranged.


Sarcasm aside, the Rogue in WoW didn't have any legitimate ranged ability besides Shoot until TBC. Wherein they got an AOE ability, which isn't quite ranged but it's close.


Scoundrels and Operatives are designed to fight in melee. Both their DPS trees improve their melee abilities. I do use Quick Shot quite often in PvP (it's my secret sauce) but that has a 15m range or something silly like that (does ~1500 damage with 580 expertise but costs too much energy to be a major part of our rotations). Essentially you snare them, hit them with a single shot, then it's back to working the middle like Rocky.



So what does this make you? melee DPS or ranged DPS? I know the answer : Both.


But thank you atleast for explaining, unlike others here :D


"lets just ignore their ranged abilities and call the melee dps, eventho they carry around rifle........"



Rouges are generally known for being the stealth / ranged / close combat class, in 99% of MMO's. Nobody is saying your lacking melee abilities considering you crit alot with your opener, but don't deny the fact that your a ranged / cc class with stealth that wears a medium armor....?? Doesn't that make you giggle??



Don't know how we got into the discussion regarding your ranged abilities.


If we agree or not, the discussion ends here and lets focus on the main issue for now : nerfing you :D

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Sorry, Now you'll need to actually work to get kills... No more 8.5k Crit then 4k and 4k befor I stand up...


I don't feel bad for you... Some skill will now be required.


Most Operatives get people under 3k health befor the stand up.. Why would this NOT be broken?


I can kill Sorc's... Not a big issue.


Powertech's are annoying, thats about it...


Operatives are just stupid with their openers..



You picked Operative after you realized it was OP... why would anyone feel bad for these people...


+1 for you post.


I play a Sorc myself and I do not feel as OP as people pretend I am.

On the other hand, I deal great dmg if you don't care enough to stop me.

I am squishy as hell .... thus if focused there's a big chance I'll just drop like a fly.


Again, +1 :)

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Sorcs have abit too much utlility and if paired up with 1-3 more they can lighting toast your *** pretty fast!


LOL, Sorcs have to much Utility and paired up 1 - 3 more sorcs and they can toast you - just ROFL.


After a discussion of classes killing you in 1 knock down and a gcd, your best hit agianst sorcs is 2 - 4 of them can kill you. Come on.......

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Originally Posted by Obiwansolkin

I play a 44 level marauder and was killed in two shots by an 11 level op.


LOL, really?

I have a level 14 OP. There is no way I could kill you in 2 shots with backstab and shiv. Have I killed 40+ players in Warzones? Yes I have, several actually. The reason I have is simple. They were either bad (ie keyboard turning/clicking) or engaged fighting someone else.

Stop lying please.

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So many bads, so little time...


Nerfing knockdown ==> Ops will drop the knockdown talent


That means Ops can use a 4 sec stun and an 8 sec mez.


Ops using more tactical stuns ==> bads will die MORE than before the nerf


I know you don't think you are bad, but if you are in here claiming that a similarly gear op with no buffs can kill you in 3 sec... then you are just trying to legitimize a defeat.


Ops will still open with Hidden Strike, you just won't get a full resolve bar. Which means that by the time you react (after Hidden Strike and Backstab), we will stun you for 4 sec. After the 4 sec stun, we will mez you until our Backstab and Shiv are both off of CD then finish you off. You will be even more stun locked after the nerf... but it just won't be as jarring an imprint of unexpectedly getting knocked on your face for 3 secs.


Ops still killing you ==> you still complaining... because you are bad.

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Ignorance at it's best. Some of us picked Operative because we like the Rogue type classes. Way to generalize.

Anyone who did this should be neither surprised nor upset. The MMO crowd almost universally hates rogue type builds. Anyone out there who has played a rogue-type in an MMO before likely wholly expected a heavy-handed nerf post release due to people being unhappy with being killed while stunned. It does suck that Ops depend on stealth so much in order to do their burst damage, the class will be hit pretty hard by the changes, but its not the end of the world, nerfs rarely are despite forum wailing.


Hopefully after nerfing the class they add some versatility or something to compensate for the lost ability to wtfmurder other PCs while they are still CCed.

Edited by SWImara
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The nerf is fine if you are at the endgame and have a full set of pvp gear. You still hit super hard and have good dmg. The problem is for everyone who is not at the very end of the gear grind the nerf is insane bad.


So basicly they gave everyone with a full time job the finger.

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So a 20% damage decrease on Hidden Strike and a nerf on the knockdown to 1.5 seconds.


The masses got what they wanted. Operatives are rendered harmless.


Predictions for the day after the patch?


Huttball - 4-5 sorcs, 3-4 Mercs vs the same.


No reason not to stack Sorcs. Most versatile and broken class in the game. Don't forget the sleeper broken, the Powertech either. A grapple, a leap, and the least mitigation-reliant tank in the game (meaning they are the best in PVP. Mitigation is broken).


Incoming Burial of PVP. (It already died.)


I see youve had a tough run in the game man. So sorry they couldn't taylor the game to your desires! I wouldnt blame you for unsubbing immediately as the game is obviously dead as of this post

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So we shouldn't include the 2 years of beta testing in which Operative was pretty much Overpowered?


Or the 4 months of Open beta testing when everyone realised that the Operative was overpowered?


We will pretend that guild forums were not alight with the information that Operatives could kill people before they could stand up?


Yeah we just ignore all that.


I know this was on page 2 but I had to quote it for stupidity. You are saying that everyone rolled Op because they knew it was OP from beta, yet they are one of the least played classes in the game? Your logic makes lots of sense...

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powertechs are excited of this news as we plan one day to be top dog most OPed, right now everyone is focused on sorcs and mercs so we bid our time and wait to be kings of pvp ONCE AND 4 all


Now that you have announced our secret plans to the world I must take action. 10 000 000 credits and a life with 80 twilek virgins on Hutta to whomever brings his head to me on a carbonite platter.

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Edited out snarkyness


LoS works wonders. Have a nice day.

Edited by Exartess
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