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Operatives Nerfed. Sorcerers and Mercs win again.


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OK, I'm sorry, but while op are a bit OP, an 11 op isn't two shotting anyone, period. This shouldn't even be something I need to say.



Dont know about a marauder but a level 11 was hitting my level 35 sage for 1100-2500 a hit.

3 ops in game finished 1 2 and 4 in damage. Dont know what happened this past week, but wow. I have a level 40 Scoundrel and i cant even hit that hard. What buffs are allowing that kind of damage constantly because at 11 he doesnt have a spec

Edited by Luciferhawke
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And just because you believe they don't doesn't make that the case either. The fact is though they gather the data.


If you don't like the fact they don't knee jerk and instantly nerf Mercs and Sorcs into the ground and instead test internally for long periods, that's your issue.

If you don't like the fact they nerf something because they don't want a single person to be able to kill anyone solo in 6-8 seconds, that's your issue.


The funny thing is you believe them. You believe they actually didn't nerf Ops because of the forum outcry and the massive crit screenshots, and then cook up some "our internal tests showed higher than average kill speed" while at the same time finally nerfing the expertise and stim buffs that actually made it possible.


Ignorance is bliss.

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The funny thing is you believe them. You believe they actually didn't nerf Ops because of the forum outcry and the massive crit screenshots, and then cook up some "our internal tests showed higher than average kill speed" while at the same time finally nerfing the expertise and stim buffs that actually made it possible.


Ignorance is bliss.


Considering I've seen it happen without those buffs, just not quite as fast and have in fact been victim of it in Champion gear? Yes I believe it. I very much believe it because I was victim of it. Personal experience > any words you can express. If personal experience is ignorance, then, well, I don't know what to tell you.


Trust me, you're talking to a VERY cynical person here. Your assumptions don't mean much.

Edited by Kuari
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Sorry, Now you'll need to actually work to get kills... No more 8.5k Crit then 4k and 4k befor I stand up...


I don't feel bad for you... Some skill will now be required.


Most Operatives get people under 3k health befor the stand up.. Why would this NOT be broken?


I can kill Sorc's... Not a big issue.


Powertech's are annoying, thats about it...


Operatives are just stupid with their openers..



You picked Operative after you realized it was OP... why would anyone feel bad for these people...


Ignorance at it's best. Some of us picked Operative because we like the Rogue type classes. Way to generalize.

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Most classes are as efficient as you let them be.


The easiest class to severly nullify are mercs which are prone to interrupts and lacks mobility if they're specced Arsenal which most are.

If you can't beat a merc.. well I feel abit bad for you, a class who's main damage ability keeps it locked down for 1.5 sec and highly prone to interrupt :)


Operatives on the other hand don't have so much AOE but man! when you're on the ground... it really hurts! Someone should tell them it's not polite to stab people in the face when they're laying on the ground!


Zerker buff and some biochem+relic love and you'll easily do 7k hidden strikes and after that it's pretty much a coffin for the poor guy on the ground :)


Sorcs have abit too much utlility and if paired up with 1-3 more they can lighting toast your *** pretty fast!

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The easiest class to severly nullify are mercs which are prone to interrupts and lacks mobility if they're specced Arsenal which most are.

If you can't beat a merc.. well I feel abit bad for you, a class who's main damage ability keeps it locked down for 1.5 sec and highly prone to interrupt :)


See, I agree with you... for the ones who use only grav round/tracer and not the abilities that gain stacks from it. The smart ones kill most people either way. Use of full auto/unload, rail shot/whatever the trooper version is and the 31 point talent in the tree is far rarely then what their power entails.

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Sorcs have abit too much utlility and if paired up with 1-3 more they can lighting toast your *** pretty fast!


when paired with 1-3 more any class can toast anything.


get 4 marauders jumping on the same sorc. the sorc will be dead before he can react. and they can continue doing that on the leap - cooldown.



the only reason people think that sorc is overpowered is because 90% of all the pvp happens in huttball. there, and only there the utility of the sorc's is the best. on other maps its not nearly as good.

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when paired with 1-3 more any class can toast anything.


get 4 marauders jumping on the same sorc. the sorc will be dead before he can react. and they can continue doing that on the leap - cooldown.


Bubble pops - all Marauders are CC'd.


Or simply use the AOE KNOCKBACK ROOT.


See, Sorcs don't actually die when 4 things leap onto them. A marauder would though (well, he could live 5 seconds more by popping his suicide invul)

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Nobody really did this. The game's been out for a month. Almost nobody playing an Op right now did so because it was the "flavor of the month".


Actually, there were a ton of Scoundrel and Operative rerolls the last two weeks before they announced a nerf. They seem to have all disappeared now.

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So a 20% damage decrease on Hidden Strike and a nerf on the knockdown to 1.5 seconds.


The masses got what they wanted. Operatives are rendered harmless.


Predictions for the day after the patch?


Huttball - 4-5 sorcs, 3-4 Mercs vs the same.


No reason not to stack Sorcs. Most versatile and broken class in the game. Don't forget the sleeper broken, the Powertech either. A grapple, a leap, and the least mitigation-reliant tank in the game (meaning they are the best in PVP. Mitigation is broken).


Incoming Burial of PVP. (It already died.)


Want in game lessons on why your post is so over the top it is hilarious?

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Seems like people making these threads think that balance means that every class has every ability, the same survivability and the same utility under the sun- that way it's fair... durp...


There's eight aclasses for a reason. They all play their part. Wish people could just understand that and play the damn game.

Edited by coolnamesrtaken
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i dont get why ill you anti Op people are celebrating. If you got pwned before yer just gonna get pwned harder now after the nerf.


all ops are gonna drop the knockback skill out.we will now open with the same move, cept now we are gonna insta stun you right away. And that stun wont fill your resolve bar like the knockdown did. an dif yer still alive after that yer gonna get flashbanged and finished off.


all this wasnt possible before since our knockdown filled your resolve bar.


Have fun gettin smashed harder now and i cant wait to hearyou qq,s.

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Sorry, Now you'll need to actually work to get kills... No more 8.5k Crit then 4k and 4k befor I stand up...


I don't feel bad for you... Some skill will now be required.


Most Operatives get people under 3k health befor the stand up.. Why would this NOT be broken?


I can kill Sorc's... Not a big issue.


Powertech's are annoying, thats about it...


Operatives are just stupid with their openers..



You picked Operative after you realized it was OP... why would anyone feel bad for these people...



Wow. Ignorance, gross generalization, assumtion and a whole pack of lies. All in one post!


The single post more or less exemplifies what is wrong with the pvp forums.


Sometimes i just dispair at the stupidity of humans.

Edited by Lykurgus
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I really liked all the posts about getting 2-shot by lowlvl ops/scoundrels...


You do know we only get our opener at lvl 36 right?




So tired of reading how 40+ are benig killed by an 11 Op...serious?


We don't even aquire our 2nd mele ability (discounting Back-Stab) until 20!


This game is about your de-stun ability...if it's not on cool down, yes, Ops have an advantage, however, if it's abailable...you're up and in the fight and should really win...this is the same with every class - I caveat that by saying I play 5 different classes.


Learn to counteract...learn each classes' strengths and weaknesses...learn to play....


My 2 cents...

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Remove the root effect (Im sure its root isnt it) from Force Lightning and give Tracer Missile an actual cooldown (1.5 seconds for a skill that can 4k crit is more than slightly retarded).


If BW took those steps, 90% of the people complaining would be pretty happy.

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So tired of reading how 40+ are benig killed by an 11 Op...serious?


We don't even aquire our 2nd mele ability (discounting Back-Stab) until 20!


This game is about your de-stun ability...if it's not on cool down, yes, Ops have an advantage, however, if it's abailable...you're up and in the fight and should really win...this is the same with every class - I caveat that by saying I play 5 different classes.


Learn to counteract...learn each classes' strengths and weaknesses...learn to play....


My 2 cents...


operatives below lvl 40 or so are not so dangerous, their quiet balanced with the rest of us.


But at end game lvl, I'm tired of getting 12-13k hp taken away while I lay down during those few seconds. It's end game PVP, there shouldn't be a class dealing that much dmg to ANYONE.


Why should the operatives opener deal out that much dmg compared to mine, as an assasin??


Like I said before, You are a ranged class, stealth abilities wearing a medium armor.


Your best advice can be directed back to you now, figure out how to play your operatives.

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