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World PvP - Where is it?


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One of my biggest grudges with MMO's these days is the lack of incentive to explore territory and invoke random non linear PvP. My most enjoyable moments in MMO's are the brawls that spawn from something as simple as a random ganking, even when I'm on the receiving end.


Most players when they hit the level cap wont move from a couple of areas due to Warzones, (and maybe eventually Arenas or some form of PvE queuing system) that allows the general populace to vegetate in the major Hubs. Eventually players that continue subscribing will hit 50 and the many worlds they spent so much time on will be completely dead.


Bioware should be encouraging players to leave the cities, world pvp promotes a competitive environment and it's actually fun. One of the factors that get in the way of this succeeding is the game is too heavily instanced and it discourages people from moving around. Seriously, how many instances do we need to get on and off our ships? Why are we forced to walk around at a snails pace in majority of the indoor environments? Reduce the obstacles and do something that will draw our attention out there.


As for the elephant in the room.....


Like many, I'm not a huge fan of illum, WoW failed to interest me with this idea. However I'm sure some players do appreciate the concept. If Bioware insist on keeping Ilum around and assuming some form of balance is put in place, perhaps a time frame should be implemented so players are encouraged to hit the area at the same time. (Ie, illum Battle begins in 15mins) The victorious faction that completes objectives will receive X valor ect. One of it's fundamental flaws is not knowing when to go there. I'm aware this isn't an original concept but it works.


Bioware, if you want your game to succeed you will not only need to copy successful ideas, but come up with some of your own. If not, you're just another clone.

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In all honesty, it's kind of up to the player base to incite WPVP. There are plenty of contested planets on PVP servers where you can start a fight with the help of your guildies. I think right now everybody just thinks Illum is the only WPVP area.


Time to hop on vent and head to Tatooine!

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TOR, by design does it's best to make sure world PVP rarely happends.


- They've split questing zones into republic side and Imperial side. (no random world encounters)


- They've added level 50 elite guards to all outposts (no base raiding)


- Professions are easy to max and generally suck. (no point is farming mats in the world cause you either don't need them or can send your crew to get them which limits world encounters)


- Theres no traveling around planets because all the instances are connected to your fleet. (no one has to travel anywhere to do instances, further reducing random world travel/encounters)


There is basically nothing to do at 50 out in the world other than dailies on Belsavis and Illum. A boring pit desinged for pvp with no real point and lame gameplay. No traveling through places where you may encounter an enemy player cause you van teleport/flight path to where ever you want without stepping foot outside your 50 elite guarded outposts. All this basically makes world pvp extinct outside of the daily Illum pvp quest pit that i'm fairly sure no one enjoys doing.

Edited by sanork
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TOR, by design does it's best to make sure world PVP rarely happends.


- They've split questing zones into republic side and Imperial side. (no random world encounters)

- They've added level 50 elite guards to all outposts (no base raiding)

- Professions are easy to max and generally suck. (no point is farming mats in the world /limited wolrd encounters)


Sad but QFT.

I leveled my first Pub alt and when I got a Taris I was all excited until I realized I'm in a completely different, instanced, Pub only version of Taris. Emps get their own.

Like.. really? Seriously? Really dumb and not fun. How is my server in any way a PVP server????

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In all honesty, it's kind of up to the player base to incite WPVP. There are plenty of contested planets on PVP servers where you can start a fight with the help of your guildies. I think right now everybody just thinks Illum is the only WPVP area.


Time to hop on vent and head to Tatooine!



It's for that very reason they need to promote it, many people are lazy and will go for the easy farming option. Little do they know, they could potentially enjoy their PvP experience more in an environment that isn't restricted by the WZ rules, if they just left the freakin main cities.

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joined a pvp server to be able to face other organized groups anywhere, like ilum, the incentives in ilum should be everywhere, so that OPS can face eachother, gankers dont pvp


This can be achieved on any server. Ganking antagonizes people, it promotes rivalry between guilds. Fair enough you may not enjoy it, but I certainly do and I'm sure others feel the same way.

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TOR, by design does it's best to make sure world PVP rarely happends.


- They've split questing zones into republic side and Imperial side. (no random world encounters)


- They've added level 50 elite guards to all outposts (no base raiding)


- Professions are easy to max and generally suck. (no point is farming mats in the world cause you either don't need them or can send your crew to get them which limits world encounters)


- Theres no traveling around planets because all the instances are connected to your fleet. (no one has to travel anywhere to do instances, further reducing random world travel/encounters)


There is basically nothing to do at 50 out in the world other than dailies on Belsavis and Illum. A boring pit desinged for pvp with no real point and lame gameplay. No traveling through places where you may encounter an enemy player cause you van teleport/flight path to where ever you want without stepping foot outside your 50 elite guarded outposts. All this basically makes world pvp extinct outside of the daily Illum pvp quest pit that i'm fairly sure no one enjoys doing.


Yes they have done done all this, which is my point. What I'm getting at is, do you prefer it this way or do you feel the game needs changes to encourage WPVP?

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dude ganking is for stealth classes, they attack when you are low on health, pvp is fun when it is even, that is why competitive pvp with premades rules, ganking promotes lalala pvp, there should be many areas like ilum i'm all up for that. Edited by Nomiematiko
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dude ganking is for stealth classes, they attack when you are low on health, pvp is fun when it is even, that is why competitive pvp with premades rules, ganking promotes lalala pvp, their should be many areas like ilum i'm all up for that.


Then you prefer an inclosed organised environment, that's fair enough. But I don't agree with you that ganking is restricted to stealth classes nor is it "lalala". Ganking by it's very nature is attacking someone when they aren't prepared. There have been many occasions on several MMO's when someone has failed to gank me and I kill them. Before you know it everyone from the area is fighting at tat location due to all the spam in general chat.


I miss this about these games.

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Yes they have done done all this, which is my point. What I'm getting at is, do you prefer it this way or do you feel the game needs changes to encourage WPVP?


NO i don't prefer it. Whats the point of making a world in a MMO if nothing happends between the players in it? It's pointless is what it is. They should work on all the points i listed. I was so disappointed leveling 1-50 and seeing about 10 republic players total out in the world. I've already unsubbed cause i don't play mmos where the only fun pvp is in warzones.

Edited by sanork
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I need to have a reward for the pvping, ganking is for stealth classes because u choose when to attack, and you will only attack the classes that you can win easily, in MMO's there are classes that are superior to others, rock paper scissor, so ganking is no fun at all, only for a few players, you can still go and gank people in Corellia/voss/belsavis and ilum for example, but you cant exepct a reward for it, i do it just for the fun.
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NO i don't prefer it. Whats the point of making a world in a MMO if nothing happends between the players in it? It's pointless is what it is. They should work on all the points i listed. I was so disappointed leveling 1-50 and seeing about 10 republic players total out in the world. I've already unsubbed cause i don't play mmos where the only fun pvp is in warzones.



I couldn't agree with you more. However I haven't unsubscribed as I am for the moment still enjoying this game. I also have hope they will change it for the better given enough time, I would like it if players would make suggestions if they agree with us and just maybe Bioware will do something about it. Merely writing them off before they can add any major content patches doesn't help. Of course no one says you must keep playing, after all we all do what we see is best.

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Ilum is kinda fail. It's so boring that I dont even do my dailys there, i maybe go there when republic is dominating, then i fly around with my speeder to pick up those boxes...

is this supposed to be fun ?

or sometimes i go there and there are 8 imps flying and taking boxes lol. and then they kill me.

or sometimes im just alone there and there is other imperial and we decide not to kill each other and happily collect boxes..

the idea of those boxes is very boring boring boring.


i play on PvP server and i remember that only in last 2 maps i had something like PvP with other players and their companions, somehow our quests and some npc's interfered and we just met each other. other than that playing on PvP server meant nothing else but getting killed by sith 3-4 times in the whole journey from 1 to level 50. and maybe killing 2-3 times other players.


So to sum up.. I love PvP, but all I can do now is to play warzones and pray to never get hutball(i hate hutball its so boring). then after 3 daily wins I go to Ilum and collect 5 artifacts and just too tired to do daily quest and too bored.

i mean collecting boxes has nothing to do with PvP.


PvP has to yet appear in this game, I hope as soon as possible..

Edited by Akyio
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I need to have a reward for the pvping, ganking is for stealth classes because u choose when to attack, and you will only attack the classes that you can win easily, in MMO's there are classes that are superior to others, rock paper scissor, so ganking is no fun at all, only for a few players, you can still go and gank people in Corellia/voss/belsavis and ilum for example, but you cant exepct a reward for it, i do it just for the fun.


What's stopping any class from attacking any other class when they are busy picking daisies? Nothing.


My point is despite who wins it can lead to larger brawls. You mention there aren't any rewards for this, this is what I'm talking about. Give rewards for world pvp, if you choose a PvP server you should be expecting this kind of behaviour. I for one don't need it as the reward is the enjoyment for participating, but if it encourages others then I'm all for it.

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- They've split questing zones into republic side and Imperial side. (no random world encounters)
While most questing areas are different for the two sides, each planet has a bonus series -- on contested planets, this is usually a shared quest area.


As well, while they are different areas, you can usually easily get to the enemy questing area by following one of the roads that lead off your explored map. If you go to the enemy questing zones, it should be easy to find enemies around your level to fight.


What the questing system does do is reduce the amount of random ganking of questers by high level characters -- there is no reward and enemy quest areas are somewhat inconvenient (but not difficult) to get to.


I've only been killed by a high level character once, and he made sure that I saw him first and gave me time to prepare for the battle (I was 43). Most encounters that I have had have been with someone within 2 levels of me -- or the occasional level 50 that didn't end up fighting me.


World PVP is easy enough to find if you look for it.


Of course, being Republic the world may be more target-rich for me than for Imperials.


EDIT: I like the current World PVP system and I suspect that a lot of people that have rolled on PVE servers might like it more than they expect if they try out a PVP server.

Edited by sjmc
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I got jumped by a few Republic players (not at once, several different incidents) while leveling on Alderaan.


I couldn't help but notice that all of them made the same mistake of trying to kill my tanking companion while I (a Sith Sorcerer) simply stood back and turreted them.

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One of my biggest grudges with MMO's these days is the lack of incentive to explore territory and invoke random non linear PvP. My most enjoyable moments in MMO's are the brawls that spawn from something as simple as a random ganking, even when I'm on the receiving end.


Most players when they hit the level cap wont move from a couple of areas due to Warzones, (and maybe eventually Arenas or some form of PvE queuing system) that allows the general populace to vegetate in the major Hubs. Eventually players that continue subscribing will hit 50 and the many worlds they spent so much time on will be completely dead.


Bioware should be encouraging players to leave the cities, world pvp promotes a competitive environment and it's actually fun. One of the factors that get in the way of this succeeding is the game is too heavily instanced and it discourages people from moving around. Seriously, how many instances do we need to get on and off our ships? Why are we forced to walk around at a snails pace in majority of the indoor environments? Reduce the obstacles and do something that will draw our attention out there.


As for the elephant in the room.....


Like many, I'm not a huge fan of illum, WoW failed to interest me with this idea. However I'm sure some players do appreciate the concept. If Bioware insist on keeping Ilum around and assuming some form of balance is put in place, perhaps a time frame should be implemented so players are encouraged to hit the area at the same time. (Ie, illum Battle begins in 15mins) The victorious faction that completes objectives will receive X valor ect. One of it's fundamental flaws is not knowing when to go there. I'm aware this isn't an original concept but it works.


Bioware, if you want your game to succeed you will not only need to copy successful ideas, but come up with some of your own. If not, you're just another clone.


I'm not sure what's missing on PvP servers, as I chose not to play on one in this MMO. But if I had to venture a guess as to why open world PvP is lacking, it's due to soo many instanced phases player are constantly in. People get on their class quests, get their heads down and don't interact with the players around them.

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I got jumped by a few Republic players (not at once, several different incidents) while leveling on Alderaan.


I couldn't help but notice that all of them made the same mistake of trying to kill my tanking companion while I (a Sith Sorcerer) simply stood back and turreted them.

Can tanking companions taunt you into attacking them? I've found myself attacking the tanking companion a couple of times, but it might have been the auto-targetting. Other people attack my tanking companion too. Edited by sjmc
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Ganking by it's very nature is attacking someone when they aren't prepared.


Technically, "Ganking" is when a single player is attacked by many players. Many people misuse the term to define any defeat in which there was a an unfair advantage and that is an incorrect use of the term.

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