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Explain how Sages are OP...


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Dont nerf me bro




It doesn't matter what anyone says. Forums are screaming nerf, so sorcs will be nerfed. Sorcs screamed and screamed to get their hard counter nerfed into soft squishy build-a-bear cuddly wuddly smugglers wielding shotguns with a cork on a string as ammo. Now, they are screaming because they want to stay on top.

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I always laugh so hard when somebody says sages have a ton of CC. I'm beginning to think people have reverted to a strange state of half-illiteracy, as they can only write but not read. Here's the CC we have:


1. AoE blind from bubble - the bubble needs to end by itself, so it's on 30s cooldown (that's how long the shield lasts) and all you need to do is take down the shield. It doesn't work if you tear the bubble. It's also talented and it's high in a tree, which is utterly useless in PvP above telekinetic wave.


2. Lift - lift is a very good debuff with one problem. Any damage breaks it. Ofcourse we can use it to stop someone to heal ourselves, but... wait, we can't. You either are a healer and have it on a 1s cast or you're speced in dots and have it instant. See? Dots? How long will an enemy be lifted if he has 3 dots on him? Right until one of them ticks. How long is that? Weaken mind ticks once every 2,5s, mind crush ticks every second. That's less than one GC. How's that even a debuff? It also fills 3/4 of your resolve bar, does no damage whatsoever and has a 40s cooldown if talented.


3. AoE 5s root. It's not freaking 5s. It's 2s, damn it. It breaks after 2 seconds if you are damaged in any way. Get it? 2 seconds? Are you also aware of the fact, that root = 100% slow, so you actually can jump while rooted? The KB range is crap, but just about enough to get you in minimum range for a jump. It's also talented and also in the useless tree.


4. Stun - Yeah, that one is awesome. 4s if talented (again - useless tree). 50s cooldown. Charges more than half of the resolve bar. Instant, does up to 1k dmg. A really nice skill. The only real CC a sage/sorc has. Everything else breaks on damage, is talented and in the tree you wouldn't really like to have in your PvP build.


5. 2s root. Top of the dot tree. Instant cast, 9s cooldown, 2s root. Doesn't break on damage, lasts a little bit more than 1 GCD, which essentially means we can land one more instant before it breaks. It's, just as I mentioned, a slow, so you can use your abilities, charge, jump, whatever.


6. Permslow - Yes, sages get an instant, ranged permslow. It's range is exactly the same as a sentinels jump. They also have a permslow. How does it help sages then? It doesn't. Everybody has a permslow or is pretty close to it. I don't have to mention how useless it is against any ranged class? I hope I don't.


Here's what makes sages powerful: Awesome burst damage capability, which, if backed up with no lags and consumables, can tear people apart in seconds. The base of the burst is telekinetic throw, which is a channeled skill, so it's obviously pretty easy to interrupt with anything and *puff* burst is gone. Sage has to stay in rotation, otherwise it doesn't make much sense.


Sages are not overpowered. You are underpowered. A bad player will always complain. I just rerolled a sentinel some time ago (which I also played during beta) and it's amazing how easy it is to tear down a sorc. He's not even able to fire a single skill before his bubble and 50% of his health are gone. Before you start saying, that you do 2k dmg per hit tops, look at your gear. If you expect to destroy worlds with quest greens I hate to break it to you, but you're not much more than a fly to someone in Battlemaster gear. He'll tear you apart while browsing youtube and move on regardless of the character he plays.




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I've said this before, but I still think it holds true:


I know, it isn't level 50 (OMG THAT'S WHEN BALANCE MATTERS!!), but not everyone is going to level each class to 50 to see the imbalance, and they don't have to if they have some common sense (I have a lvl 50 Op, so I'd love to talk about that as well).


BUT, go start 2 new characters. One Inq/Sage. One IA/Smuggler.


Get to level 10. Start leveling via the healing tree.


At level 14 (after you get sprint, I don't wanna see players without it in freaking Warzones. It should be a level 10 talent anyway) go PvP.


Yea, it's waaaay early in the game, but this will give you a general idea of where balance in this game currently is. Don't worry, I can verify that without a premade group, these imbalances hold true at level 50, both in PvE and PvP.


I'm guessing most players that rolled a Sorc "healer" won't make it passed level, eh 25 as an Op healer.


You'll then see how much of a crutch the class actually provides.

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It doesn't matter what anyone says. Forums are screaming nerf, so sorcs will be nerfed. Sorcs screamed and screamed to get their hard counter nerfed into soft squishy build-a-bear cuddly wuddly smugglers wielding shotguns with a cork on a string as ammo. Now, they are screaming because they want to stay on top.


Lol they won't be nerfed. You mad now?

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It's easy to kill a Sorceror if you can actually get to melee range. Even with the elements you listed it's pretty much impossible to stay at melee, and no, not everyone has a Permaslow and yes, it is useful against ranged classes as you dictate the range of the fight. A Sorceror can simply run away, around a corner, and can heal, the permaslowed opponent cannot.


Playing as a melee, if I actually attack at melee range as they ignore me they're an easy target. Otherwise I'm pretty much kited to death. Infact a Sentinel is probably one of the worst classes against a Sorceror.


Charge to get to melee, Sorceror uses AoE knockback and Force Run's away. /dance for the next 10-15 seconds.

Edited by savionen
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I don't think it's a matter of pointing to any one thing and saying it's OP. I think the issue at hand is the toolkit BioWare gave the class to work with. It's quite expansive compared to other classes.


But you do realise that we need this toolbox to be able to work right ?

I agree... there's maybe 1 or 2 things are seriously OP about sorc but last time I checked, you had to spec for the get them (Knockback AoE root = spec & that's only one I can think of... IMO this is the OP'est thing in this game.)


Take a look @ the core of a madness sorc and tell me there's anything in there that's OP... and don't start with "Madness" which makes our force lightning have no CD.

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It doesn't matter what anyone says. Forums are screaming nerf, so sorcs will be nerfed. Sorcs screamed and screamed to get their hard counter nerfed into soft squishy build-a-bear cuddly wuddly smugglers wielding shotguns with a cork on a string as ammo. Now, they are screaming because they want to stay on top.


I agree with what you say about ops/scounds, countered sorcs/sages well but as sorcs are the most popular class they all just qq'd about being a light armour wearing class getting bursted down by a burst assassin class. And honestly i doubt they'll be nerfed because bw doesn't want to piss off the majority -.-

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