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Explain how Sages are OP...


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Just curious.. Heal speced we get one major heal on a 1.4-2.5 second timer depending on if we use our super weak hot first... we have a channeled semi weak heal, a weak channeled at first aoe heal, and a decent shield. If you interrupt our main heal and focus us down, we die very quickly. My 2nd character is a 50 sage that hit 50 after the patch. 6 bags and only an earring... I get 4 shotted in warfronts. 3.5-4.5k a hit. Interrupt my main heal with an interrupt that stops me from using it again for a few seconds and I am toast.


What is OP exactly? My Vanguard is much better imo.

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Just curious.. Heal speced we get one major heal on a 1.4-2.5 second timer depending on if we use our super weak hot first... we have a channeled semi weak heal, a weak channeled at first aoe heal, and a decent shield. If you interrupt our main heal and focus us down, we die very quickly. My 2nd character is a 50 sage that hit 50 after the patch. 6 bags and only an earring... I get 4 shotted in warfronts. 3.5-4.5k a hit. Interrupt my main heal with an interrupt that stops me from using it again for a few seconds and I am toast.


What is OP exactly? My Vanguard is much better imo.


They aren't OP.


As with EVERY MMO, bad keyboard turning melee will never know how to deal with a ranged class standing at 30+ meters.


I can utterly decimate Sorcs/Sages on my Jugg or my Sentinel.


Its a L2P issue. Now if they replace Sorc/Sage with HerpTarcerDerp or LOLGRAV they'd have a point.

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They aren't OP.


As with EVERY MMO, bad keyboard turning melee will never know how to deal with a ranged class standing at 30+ meters.


I can utterly decimate Sorcs/Sages on my Jugg or my Sentinel.


Its a L2P issue. Now if they replace Sorc/Sage with HerpTarcerDerp or LOLGRAV they'd have a point.


I want to repeat exactly what you just said in your first sentence as a reply to your last one.


Edit: I guess it was your second one.

Edited by mutee
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I don't think it's a matter of pointing to any one thing and saying it's OP. I think the issue at hand is the toolkit BioWare gave the class to work with. It's quite expansive compared to other classes. Edited by Amp_
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When people are talking about Sorcs/Sages being OP, they are probably referring to the DPS specs within PvP and not healing specifically.


Sorcs/Sages really just have everything. Insane damage, nice healing, bubbles that absorb 3k damage on a short cooldown, interrupts, force speed, and CC's out the Wazoo. Bioware just gave one class too much and it's becoming obvious by the amount of Sorcs you see in Warzones.


As a Gunnery Commando, fights with good Sorcs generally go like this:


1.I see the sorc and begin to charge up Grav Round to start my rotation.

2.Sorc interrupts me so I switch to some instant cast abilities.

3. Sorc proceedes to CC the crap out of me while I struggle to use my abilities (Most of which have a cast time or channel)

4. I die just as my resolve bar fills up.


If I do manage to get a Sorc low, they will use their instant whirlwind CC, bubble up and then sprint away to heal up.


Sorc/Sage is by far the best PvP class at the moment in my opinion. This tends to make the Republic and Empire imbalance even more apparent considering that Consulars have an arguably boring story and some of the ugliest of all the armor sets (re: Queen Amidala Drag Queen) which drive people away.


Sorry if this came off as a rant but I'm tired of getting steamrolled by all the Battlemaster Sorc premades on my server.

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I don't think it's a matter of pointing to any one thing and saying it's OP. I think the issue at hand is the toolkit BioWare gave the class to work with. It's quite expansive compared to other classes.


^ this.


The complaint about sorcs isn't any one ability. It is that they have everything


The complaint about mercs is that they only need 1 ability.


They need to breed those 2 classes and come up with a class that doesn't have everything, but takes skill to play.

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I don't think it's a matter of pointing to any one thing and saying it's OP. I think the issue at hand is the toolkit BioWare gave the class to work with. It's quite expansive compared to other classes.


How? A big heal and a shield for defense. 1 channeled aoe, 1 high force instant attack, 1 channeled slowing damage attack, one disrupt, one stun, and a quick burst of speed.


Super low armor, and with the heal interrupt, we fold like an accordion.

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When people are talking about Sorcs/Sages being OP, they are probably referring to the DPS specs within PvP and not healing specifically.


Sorcs/Sages really just have everything. Insane damage, nice healing, bubbles that absorb 3k damage on a short cooldown, interrupts, force speed, and CC's out the Wazoo. Bioware just gave one class too much and it's becoming obvious by the amount of Sorcs you see in Warzones.


As a Gunnery Commando, fights with good Sorcs generally go like this:


1.I see the sorc and begin to charge up Grav Round to start my rotation.

2.Sorc interrupts me so I switch to some instant cast abilities.

3. Sorc proceedes to CC the crap out of me while I struggle to use my abilities (Most of which have a cast time or channel)

4. I die just as my resolve bar fills up.


If I do manage to get a Sorc low, they will use their instant whirlwind CC, bubble up and then sprint away to heal up.


Sorc/Sage is by far the best PvP class at the moment in my opinion. This tends to make the Republic and Empire imbalance even more apparent considering that Consulars have an arguably boring story and some of the ugliest of all the armor sets (re: Queen Amidala Drag Queen) which drive people away.


Sorry if this came off as a rant but I'm tired of getting steamrolled by all the Battlemaster Sorc premades on my server.


The shield is on a 45 second cooldown, not exactly short. You cannot apply it until 45 seconds later(less with talents).


1 short CC every minute. I do not know how that can CC the "crap" out of you. Whirlwind is NOT instant....


You are just making assumptions and exaggerations. Their damage is weak and only has 3-4 attacks. Their one big heal is easily interrupted and then they are toast...

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Sage/Sorc is not OP, they have the best utility when spec for it and a very easy hands on play well range class, but because half of melee are unskill with poor or sometimes false knowledge about sage/sorc and "there own class" not to mention half of melee play their class two-dimentional, forward only, they have no idea what LOS is.


I am used to kite 2 or more bad melee around the whole Huttball field, why? They are unskilled, when a pro-rage spec juggernaut or any class that know what they are doing they will always goes after sage/sorc and sage/sorc just go "poof" and die in less than 5 second, yeah with bubble on too.

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How? A big heal and a shield for defense. 1 channeled aoe, 1 high force instant attack, 1 channeled slowing damage attack, one disrupt, one stun, and a quick burst of speed.


Super low armor, and with the heal interrupt, we fold like an accordion.


I was under the impression they had more than 8 skills, no?

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How? A big heal and a shield for defense. 1 channeled aoe, 1 high force instant attack, 1 channeled slowing damage attack, one disrupt, one stun, and a quick burst of speed.


Super low armor, and with the heal interrupt, we fold like an accordion.


Mez that ALSO stuns. Bubble that CCs. Snares at long range coupled with damage. Instant cast procs.


And of course






Keep trying to play down your broken class.

Edited by EternalFinality
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The shield is on a 45 second cooldown, not exactly short. You cannot apply it until 45 seconds later(less with talents).


1 short CC every minute. I do not know how that can CC the "crap" out of you. Whirlwind is NOT instant....


You are just making assumptions and exaggerations. Their damage is weak and only has 3-4 attacks. Their one big heal is easily interrupted and then they are toast...


Dude cmon, no need to make stuff up. Here is the shield-




45 second cooldown? Try 4.5 seconds with a 20 second cooldown to the same target, not 45 . .


And yes, they can CC the "crap" out of you, at least compared to some other classes. knockback, stun, instant cast slow on a 12 sec CD, interrupt, and whirlwind can be made instant cast with talents ---> http://www.torhead.com/ability/3z5pMqh/haunted-dreams


oh and lets not forget that if you spec madness and take the madness talent, you main nuke that is instant cast channeled also slows the target by 50%. I started a sage and at level 22 i have so much more control than my 50 merc its absurd.


Also . . force speed lol.

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but because half of melee are unskill with poor or sometimes false knowledge about sage/sorc and "their own class" not to mention half of melee play their class two-dimentional, forward only, they have no idea what LOS is.


Fixed it for you, and I'll learn to play while I'm ROOTED FOR 2 YEARS SO CAN TAB OUT AND LOOK STUFF UP!


btw, it's been mentioned that LOS is a stupid OP classes solution to them not being OP. If you are being LOS'd you aren't being attacked. HERP DERP THE WAY TO BEAT US IS TO SURVIVE!!

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Sorc/sage are really well put together. They have just the right abilities for PvP. They have a lot of choice to use as to where I as a merc only have three damage abilities. Upoad, TM an Heatseeker. Two I have to root myself. It just seem the other has more interupt then I have abilities. Then when I get in trouble I have nothing to get away. I can't wirlwind and sprint away. I believe their heal are better but I am not heal speced so if they are I understand. You must understand that I think the ones that take offense to these types of threads are heal speced Sorc/sage. Now every match in PvP I've been in Sorc/Sage rule the top of the leaderboards. I am hoping it is skill not just the class.


In a few of the matches when I do go one on one with sorc/sage they alway have two or three ways to intrupt me from my casting while I only have one and it isn't that good. No if I run up to them I have two more my rocket punch and my jet blast.


I am not saying there OP I'm just saying they are better suited from PvP. Now I have see Pyro's and Sorc/sage go one on one and it seems when they go against another profession that has more kiting ability and free running they get beat.


Now the profession I will try next will be jugg. They have about the most intrupt abilities I have seen.


I think everything is semi balanced well. People just seem to forget sometimes you are outmatched talent wise. I have seen video from all classes and must say I have seen some good players.

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Sage/Sorc is not OP, they have the best utility when spec for it and a very easy hands on play well range class, but because half of melee are unskill with poor or sometimes false knowledge about sage/sorc and "there own class" not to mention half of melee play their class two-dimentional, forward only, they have no idea what LOS is.


I am used to kite 2 or more bad melee around the whole Huttball field, why? They are unskilled, when a pro-rage spec juggernaut or any class that know what they are doing they will always goes after sage/sorc and sage/sorc just go "poof" and die in less than 5 second, yeah with bubble on too.


lol, the old, "people who play melee are bad and those who play sorc are gud" argument. How classic!

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Its a L2P issue. Now if they replace Sorc/Sage with HerpTarcerDerp or LOLGRAV they'd have a point.


sounds like a L2P to me. Commandos are forced to spam Grav Round. If we do Grav round 5 times we get 20% more armor penetration. we get 10% reduced damage. it makes full auto do more damage. makes are next high impact bolt do 30% more damage. and makes are demolition round do 25% more damage. so why wouldn't we spam Grav round. For the 10% damage reduction and 20% armor penetration alone makes it worth doing. so yes I will start every fight with 5 Grav Rounds, Demolition Charge, High Impact Bolt, Full Auto rinse and repeat. Unless I see a clump of Imps together then I will unload all my AOE.

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Fixed it for you, and I'll learn to play while I'm ROOTED FOR 2 YEARS SO CAN TAB OUT AND LOOK STUFF UP!


btw, it's been mentioned that LOS is a stupid OP classes solution to them not being OP. If you are being LOS'd you aren't being attacked. HERP DERP THE WAY TO BEAT US IS TO SURVIVE!!


First thing people need to know about pvp is that survivalability is greater than dps in a MMO, why? Because "dead dps = no dps" One of the reason sage/sorc is so focus hated is because of their ability to survive from the amount of utility they got.


If you are dying more than 5 times in a Warzone, you are doing something wrong.


Also just to list a common overlook on sage/sorc knockback:


Overload/Force wave have 20 seconds cooldown with 2 seconds root(5 if undamage) if spec, Force Leap/Charge has 15 seconds cooldown with build in root and interrupt and when spec it gives 4 seconds immunity to cc.


My point? L2P

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lol, the old, "people who play melee are bad and those who play sorc are gud" argument. How classic!

They weren't saying that about Scoundrels were they... "OMG I cant see scoundrels coming I getz knocked down to the ground and back blasted.... Its not fair when I cant see them to Knock back lighting stun interrupt force run lighting and then lolz" haha

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lol, the old, "people who play melee are bad and those who play sorc are gud" argument. How classic!


It is common knowledge that range is easier to master than melee, also HALF of melee in game are bad, in fact they are so bad and unskill they think it's the game design problem but good news is half of melee are good player and knows what they are doing.

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They aren't OP.


As with EVERY MMO, bad keyboard turning melee will never know how to deal with a ranged class standing at 30+ meters.


I can utterly decimate Sorcs/Sages on my Jugg or my Sentinel.


Its a L2P issue. Now if they replace Sorc/Sage with HerpTarcerDerp or LOLGRAV they'd have a point.


Translation: I love my OP class.

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