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Who is your favorite Dark Lord?


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I can't decide, but I'll name 3.


Darth Revan- I swore I wouldn't get drawn into who apparently is an easier character be a fanboy of, but after playing KOTOR I was drawn into the flashbacks, story and such. Read the Revan book and did Foundry, and I have to admit he's one awesome character... Then again I'm more enticed with "Revan Reborn" not Darth Revan.. hmmm.


Darth Nihilus- Sure, Vitiate used the powers of hundreds of sith lords, with an extremely long ritual to drain a planet of life. But Nihilus did that by himself, just cause he was a litle hungry. His story is somewhat interesting, I'd love to see who he was before the Malachor V incident. He's just awesome, very powerful, a sith who uses a force drain variation naturally, and even after his death, whoever wears his mask gains force abilites. That little fun fact makes him more kick butt.


Darth Maul- Extremely underrated sith. This guy outsmarted and killed a Jedi Master as a child, made a unique double bladed lightsaber where you can have on side stay instead of both, and was able to fight both Qui Gon and Obi Wan at the same time. Further fact, he was younger than Obi Wan was at the time. Excessively young and still what I believe to be one of the strongest sith there's been. Had he not underestimated Obi Wan, and had time to develop, I think he could've become much much more powerful.



Those are awesome points!!! I forgot about Darth Treya, she reminds me of sideous because she manipulated everyone around her, not to mention her apprentice darth sion was so much into the darkside, his physical body is pretty much dead hard flesh

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Darth Traya, in my personal opinion was probably the strongest plot spin of KOTOR2.


The entire time she kept herself under the radar, weaving her fingers into everything and eventually brings everything full circle herself.


The fact that she also wanted to end not just the Jedi, but the Sith as well brings new light to the Sith game IMO. She just wanted what was best for the galaxy.

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1.) Emperor Vitate, our all-powerful Untimate Master.

2.) Darth Revan, master of the darkness and the light.

3.) Darth Malgus, for being as good as Vader but able to use Force Lightning

4.) Darth Sideous, the only Sith Lord ever to beat the Republic without fighting them.

5.) Darth Krayt, the only Sith Lord to throw the Rule of Two to the wind.

6.) Darth Nihlus, the only Sith Lord to completely wipe out the Jedi Order (if you played KOTOR II you'd know that the Meetra Surik, aka the Exile, was nolonger a jedi and that the council had given up on beating the Sith and focused on surviving.)

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1.) Emperor Vitate, our all-powerful Untimate Master.

2.) Darth Revan, master of the darkness and the light.

3.) Darth Malgus, for being as good as Vader but able to use Force Lightning

4.) Darth Sideous, the only Sith Lord ever to beat the Republic without fighting them.

5.) Darth Krayt, the only Sith Lord to throw the Rule of Two to the wind.

6.) Darth Nihlus, the only Sith Lord to completely wipe out the Jedi Order (if you played KOTOR II you'd know that the Meetra Surik, aka the Exile, was nolonger a jedi and that the council had given up on beating the Sith and focused on surviving.)


Sidious is the most powerful Sith Lord of all time.


Just pointing that out.

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Darth Caedus for me! Funny how no one else here mentions him at all. His list of accomplishments goes on, and he is a character with real depth (read about 30+ books with him in it).


Grandson of Vader


Controlled the galaxy for a period of time, the only other Sith to have that kind of control over the galaxy was Sidious.


Extremely strong in the force with some pretty amazing abilities such as but certainly not limited too: flow walking, battle meditation on a high level, amazing saber skills, shatterpoint (only other sith/jedi to do this was Windu) and much more.


On top of his skills, as a character was interesting, was the hero of the Vong war as a Jedi, turns to the darkside, then basically destroys the galaxy himself. I mean cmon its Jacen Solo were talking about, the charisma of Han and the force power from his Skywalker lineage.


I understand the popular choices of this thread though, this is after all a forum for the game, thus the majority of people here experience SW through mostly the movies and games not the books.


If I had to pick others it would be Vader from the movies, and probably Malgus from the game! I have a new found respect for Malgus after reading the book about him "Decieved".

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Voldemort, oh.. wrong forums.. :p




Nahhh.. Has got to be Vader, Started loving him from the oment he pwned that imperial officer "I find your lack of faith..", What a powerful scene. After him it's gotta be Siddy (Palpatine), The guy is evil and just friggin likes it.

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Sith I think are kewl: Caedus, Vader, Starkiller, Malgus, Bane, Sidious, Vosa (of Star Wars: Bounty Hunter), Revan, Yun (Of Jedi Knight 1).


My favourite Sith, if I was forced to choose... Caedus, though Vader is a VERY close second. Bane comes in at 3rd, the rest are indistinct of order.

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Darth Caedus for me! Funny how no one else here mentions him at all. His list of accomplishments goes on, and he is a character with real depth (read about 30+ books with him in it).


Grandson of Vader


Controlled the galaxy for a period of time, the only other Sith to have that kind of control over the galaxy was Sidious.


Extremely strong in the force with some pretty amazing abilities such as but certainly not limited too: flow walking, battle meditation on a high level, amazing saber skills, shatterpoint (only other sith/jedi to do this was Windu) and much more.


On top of his skills, as a character was interesting, was the hero of the Vong war as a Jedi, turns to the darkside, then basically destroys the galaxy himself. I mean cmon its Jacen Solo were talking about, the charisma of Han and the force power from his Skywalker lineage. QUOTE]


honestly I hadn't thought of it that way, but I would put Ceadus as a higher pick than most other sith lords, he had a bit more depth to him than some others.


Revan used to be my favorite, just because how epic it was in kotor to be someone huge like that, the jedi hero and the former dark lord of the sith, but the old republic has really made my support of him waiver. Darth maul though, I go back to that moment when i was younger and first saw him fight qui gon and obi wan and it was just epic

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Just finished reading Darth Plagueis....highly recommend it....he was like the Einstein of the


Sith....took the then current understanding of how the force manifests in the physical realm


to another level with the end result being that he could manipulate midi chlorians on a


cellular level....




At the height of his power (which ironically was shortly before he "retired") he could kill and


resurrect at will....he loses some points for being a little too naive concerning his charming


apprentice Sidious

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Darth Sidious due to his cunning and manipulation, he managed to turn the republic itself into the empire without people really realising that he was sith (until the death star was built and all the jedi were wiped out bar obi and yoda), didn't have a long life but even so.


Also darth vader, not just because of who he is in the movies but due to his whole aura of fear, hell i can remember as a kid ******** myself whenever i seen him on an advert or in a picture, scared the crap out of me that mask. Plus he returned to the lightside to save his son. Good ending.

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1.) Emperor Vitate, our all-powerful Untimate Master.

2.) Darth Revan, master of the darkness and the light.

3.) Darth Malgus, for being as good as Vader but able to use Force Lightning

4.) Darth Sideous, the only Sith Lord ever to beat the Republic without fighting them.

5.) Darth Krayt, the only Sith Lord to throw the Rule of Two to the wind.

6.) Darth Nihlus, the only Sith Lord to completely wipe out the Jedi Order (if you played KOTOR II you'd know that the Meetra Surik, aka the Exile, was nolonger a jedi and that the council had given up on beating the Sith and focused on surviving.)


I was surprised that Emperor Vitate only got one mention in this thread. The guy lured pretty much all of the Sith Lords at the time to his planet, broke their minds all at once, and forced them to complete a ritual that allowed him to devour not only their life force, but that of the entire planet! Not just all life forms on the planet, but even the force no longer exists there because Vitate just devoured it all. On top of this he led his people to Dromund Kaas, rebuilt the Sith Empire, launched the most successful military campaign in the history of the Galaxy, and is immortal at over 1400 years old. Even still, according to the new lore associated with SWTOR, Emperor Vitate is the one responsible for turning Revan and Malak to the Dark Side. He broke their minds with ease and in an instant. Actually, I don't think there's even an account of him ever having a Lightsaber duel. Every opponent he's ever faced, he defeated without even having to raise a finger by just breaking their minds. He killed his father at something like 6 years old just using his mind. I just don't see how any Sith Lord's power or accomplishments can rival his, except maybe Sidious through cunning and manipulation.



Besides everyone knows Vader was the chosen one.


Vader was the chosen one, but wasn't he created by the Midi-chlorians themselves? Sort of an immaculate conception by the force itself in order to bring balance? Which he did by ultimately defeating Sidious, destroying the Sith, and ending the rule of the Galactic Empire. In the end, Vader was turned back to the Light Side by Luke and was able to die at peace with the force.


I can't remember where I read it but there was some speculation in a book or some kind of lore that Anakin's birth was actually the result of Plagueis' and Sidious' meddling with the Midi-chlorians in order to create the "ultimate dark side being." Anakin being the Midi-chlorians response to their meddling.


But man, as a kid watching Star Wars, Vader was boss for sure. I don't know that any Sith Lord can ever really take the place of him for me as a fan. For most of us that first image of Vader boarding Princess Leia's ship will always be huge. And the classic, albeit cliche, lines like "I am your father" and "I find your lack of faith disturbing" while force choking that Imp will always be great. Even my little boys think Vader is boss and they have way cooler things to compare him to these days than I did growing up.



With all that being said, I still have to go with Darth Bane as my favorite. I think his deep understanding and adherence to the Sith Code is what was most appealing about him for me. The rule of two ultimately created the greatest Empire the galaxy had ever known under Sidious and Vader.

Edited by Nerzhul
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Hmm, let me see...


Darth Vader - Because, ever since watching the original trilogy over a course of three weeks with my dad as a kid, he has captured my imagination. Besides, I actually find the Fallen Jedi aspect more interesting than the full-blown sith thing.


Darth Revan - Especially the now non-canon Dark Side version. Because Revan was mine (at the time) to be and shape.


Darth Maul - Well, not much about him, but you got to agree, he had style :cool:


Darth Sion - I find him more interesting than Nihilus. There is something about prefering to avoid death and living in constant excruciating pain, rather than give in and perish, that is just so very Sith.


Darth Traya - Surprised we haven't had a character like her on either of the sith characters. A mentor that is not really just our master. She just scream "mysteries of the force". I adored her.


Sith Emperor - Pure power, pure selfishness. Pure sith. Can't go much wrong there.


Darth Sidious - For all of his immense skill with the force, his greatest achievement was achieved by manipulation and politics. It is hard not to respect that. He always struck me as the most farsighted force user.

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I was surprised that Emperor Vitate only got one mention in this thread. The guy lured pretty much all of the Sith Lords at the time to his planet, broke their minds all at once, and forced them to complete a ritual that allowed him to devour not only their life force, but that of the entire planet! Not just all life forms on the planet, but even the force no longer exists there because Vitate just devoured it all. On top of this he led his people to Dromund Kaas, rebuilt the Sith Empire, launched the most successful military campaign in the history of the Galaxy, and is immortal at over 1400 years old. Even still, according to the new lore associated with SWTOR, Emperor Vitate is the one responsible for turning Revan and Malak to the Dark Side. He broke their minds with ease and in an instant. Actually, I don't think there's even an account of him ever having a Lightsaber duel. Every opponent he's ever faced, he defeated without even having to raise a finger by just breaking their minds. He killed his father at something like 6 years old just using his mind. I just don't see how any Sith Lord's power or accomplishments can rival his, except maybe Sideous through cunning and manipulation..


Sidious could devour worlds of billions of life forms with a single thought, and WITHOUT the use of a ritual, the same one that Vitiate HAD to use in order to gain power.


It is noted that the Ancient Sith Lords bowed down to Sidious, while it is a proven fact that the ancient Sith shunned Vitiate for the most part (save Marka Ragnos I believe).


Sidious could also create lightning storms that could devour entire FLEETS and PLANETS, as well as manipulate an ENTIRE GALAXY with the Clone Wars using the Force.


Nobody compares to Sidious.



Edited by MaceTowani
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