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Is a Republic accent an American accent?


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A lot of times when people try and mimic an American, West coast accent, they flatten the words right, but then they over pronounce certain things like thier R's and their Y's and their I's. The result sounds a bit off. There are so many accents in America though that people rarely care.
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The reason the Imperial accent ended up being British is because the Star Wars films were primarily shot in the UK when it came to studio work. Almost all the actors used for Imperial bit parts were jobbing British ones. I dare say most of the non speaking Rebel parts were British as well.


Antony Daniels, Alec Guinness, Caroline Blakiston, etc. are obvious exceptions (being British people with Rebel parts).


The game is just carrying on the tradition of associating the British accent with the Empire.

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Anyone else heard this. During certain story events most notably the beginning of the Foundry flashpoint your Empire character will try to "fake" being from the republic.


What occurs in what I can only describe as someone trying to do a bad American accent? Is it just me?


What would you call the Imperial accent then? It just sort of sounds sharper and more organized I suppose. (which I guess makes Americans sound dumb by contrast but that's not my intent)


Well that does it. I'm rerolling Empire. They have the Stig...er stormtroopers and they have access to better cars.... er speeders.




Yes i know the stig is not a stormtrooper and that stormtroopers don't exist yet in this time frame. I'm also aware that the empire has the same speeders as the republic. Sad when I feel the need to put a disclaimer on something that is intended to be mildly funny. Also it is rather unfortunate that the disclaimer is longer than the intended humorous statement. Yay for the hostile forums.

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One of the reasons I went empire at first was for the accent. American accents can just get painful after a time.


Would of liked to of seen a greater variety, especially in the Republic voice acting- as it seems they really did love to use the "Extreme" accents, as people have mentioned (Fake Southern Accents are just eugh)

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ewww why would you call someone that :'(


For wearing designer sweat suits to the theatre.


A lot of the rebel accents sound like English actors with a bad US (or Canadian, with the overly pronounced 'r' and pronunciation of 'process') accent and vice versa for imperials with bad English accents. I think it's funny.


The mix is so uneven, though, that I have to just assume that it's the proper regional dialect of Dantooine or something and stop noticing it.

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Well so far I've heard both the SI and IA switch accents to accommodate the story. I find it kind of neat because they are my two FAVORITE VA's (the male ones at least)


It's weird, it's like they are messing with their awesome voice to sound Republic, but I like them just the way they are.

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Anyone else heard this. During certain story events most notably the beginning of the Foundry flashpoint your Empire character will try to "fake" being from the republic.


What occurs in what I can only describe as someone trying to do a bad American accent? Is it just me?


What would you call the Imperial accent then? It just sort of sounds sharper and more organized I suppose. (which I guess makes Americans sound dumb by contrast but that's not my intent)


its actually a Canadian accent....

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What part of America is Obi-Wan Kenobi from?


I've found that the best (retroactive) in-universe explanation for SW accents is that it's based more on astrography than faction: Coruscant has English accents (which may originally derive from the Sith Empire or vice versa, it's impossible to say), which makes (certain) English and other British accents into prestige accents that non-Coruscanti on and near Coruscant try to emulate for social or political reasons. This results in the British and "snobbish" theatrical (over-enunciated and slightly but not-quite English) American accents. This would explain why Leia has such an accent in Episode IV. (Alderaan is another Core World and well within Coruscant's political sphere of influence, so they have those in-between accents.)


Broadly speaking, the Galactic North seems to have more British and pseudo-British accents, presumably because Coruscant has greater influence there. (Chiss are from the North, too, and therefore learn Basic as a second language from nearby Sith and/or Coruscanti...except that one fellow on Hoth who has an African English accent he may have picked up from Kit Fisto's planet...Ansion?) Far from Coruscant, though, especially in the Galactic South where there are fewer Humans and where Corellians are often the dominant Human presence because of their domination of major Southern trade routes, accents are more clearly American. (As an IA I remember running into at least one Imp officer on Tatooine without a hint of Brit.)


This could also explain the American accents of many Imps serving in the Outer Rim near Tatooine in Episode IV.


Of course there are exceptions, and of course it's ridiculous that accents and languages don't change over hundreds or thousands of years in SW, but this is my best attempt to make sense of it all, for what it's worth!


(I'll also add that I haven't played SWTOR as a Republic character yet, so I really don't know if my hypotheses hold up to what the devs did with that faction. If what I said doesn't work then...well, it may be hopeless.)

Edited by CatoFel
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Well so far I've heard both the SI and IA switch accents to accommodate the story. I find it kind of neat because they are my two FAVORITE VA's (the male ones at least)


It's weird, it's like they are messing with their awesome voice to sound Republic, but I like them just the way they are.


Haha, I hate their phony undercover accents, too , but if you've ever heard a British or Australian/New Zealander actor with a thick accent struggle to sound American (think Lee Adama actor in BSG reimagined or the Richard Cypher actor in *shudder* Legend of the Seeker, that's exactly what they sound like! It seems like a tendency to over-lengthen or mispronounce certain vowel sounds, especially [a] sounds, that are different for Americans.

Edited by CatoFel
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