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Sorcerers are becoming the next Bright Wizards


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It does require you to spend talent points on it. And not damage the target. And still probably end up moving because the knockback range isn't really that far. Learn about this stuff before you speak, seriously.


Then they can instant whirlwind CC you, if that breaks early then it stuns.

They can spec that bubble to stun on damage break.


If you are melee they can easily knockback then snare with force lightning and no CD. Or they can stun from 30m. I mean seriously if they go halfway up two tress they get like 5-6 different CC abilities, that is just ridiculous.

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i always try to win huttball.

Here is a WZ that pitted my premade + 4 pugs who seemed decently geared vs another premade with decently geared pugs.


The score was 1-1 until they scored with 1 minute remaining in the game.


Is there something you're trying to prove. That screenshot you just posted shows 2 mercs healing more than you did. It also shows dps much higher than yours. Grats, you did both as a healing spec. Viable? Sure. Overpowered? Hardly.

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i always try to win huttball.

Here is a WZ that pitted my premade + 4 pugs who seemed decently geared vs another premade with decently geared pugs.


The score was 1-1 until they scored with 1 minute remaining in the game.


I'm trying to understand the point of this new screenshot. It seems like a very nice game from the screenshot, a game where the teams are relatively even in gear/skills.


Your damage/healing were good, but not overpowered in any way compared to others.


This screenshot, in fact, shows that sorcerers don't mean **** when it comes to warzones. The fact that you team had more sorcerers didn't win you the game.


In fact, this screenshot is plenty proof that other classes (every class) can deal a lot of damage, earn a lot of medals, and win games without the "sorcerer boost."


Thank you for proving counter-evidence to the argument that sorcerers are overpowered.

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Yeah.. grav round spammers really don't have much room to say much. Oh they escaped.. THE HORROR!


Grav Round / Tracer missle is also lame, I made a Commando to see for myself if the "defences" were justified.....they were not, far from in fact.

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Make the Static Barrier debuff start when present shield drops. Make sprint 1 min CD. Problem solved.


Also, put the Static Barrier talent in the the healing tree and high enough up to not be picked up by any sepc.

Edited by Lastboss
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Oh look they're greyed out because the Sorc is out of range...


I know what my abilities are and I use them all.


Unless you're getting knocked off platforms in Huttball or other such terrain issues, they should still be in range. (especially since saber throw is 30m if I recall correct)

Edited by Kuari
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Unless you're getting knocked off platforms in Huttball or other such terrain issues, they should still be in range. (especially since saber throw is 30m if I recall correct)


Some parts of the platform are quite buggy and will give you "not in sight" despite you being able to see them clearly, they litterally have to be right at one side for you to saber throw > leap back up.

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One of the better ideas I've seen.


Along with moving the AOE KNOCKBACK ROOT up in the talent tree.


These would be acceptable changes imo, particularly the root talent.


The shield talent would greatly impact healing specced sorcerers in both PvP and PvE though. Not sure how viable that would be.

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Some parts of the platform are quite buggy and will give you "not in sight" despite you being able to see them clearly, they litterally have to be right at one side for you to saber throw > leap back up.


Like I said, unless they're getting knocked off platforms. There's a reason I agree there are big problems with them in Huttball but not much else. A lot of reasons.

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Bad example as AOEing the nodes is the foundation if a win there lol.


That's why whenever 2 good teams meet there they both get stuck at the door. There is next to no way to burn even the glass cannons down fast enough to get a 8sec window to plant without interruption before the next wave of defender respawns hits.


I say again, too much sustained survivability. If a class has all the utility, cc and control that sorcs has, use of it and smart play should be mandatory. Sorcs don't even utilize those things as often as they could, since they can just stand in the thick of it melting faces off.


Yes and no during the Actual fight ppl normally dont try to plant the Bomb rather then kill the Defenders off so that you can do it. Often you are fighting infront of the Door and AoEing 8 guys with your medicore Force-Storm wont really kill anyone and wont even make the Healer break a sweat i rather pick a Target(Healer prefered) and focus him, thanks to chain lightning i usually hit ppl around him too and rack some DMG up.


Yes you CAN get a nice bunch of Utility if you specc into it but that means you are Sacrificing DMG. And even with all that utility you drop real Quick.


Dont get me Wrong the Class can use some tweaking (The Flash bubble should only work on yourself and maybe should be specced in the Healing Tree) but its far from OP.

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I'm trying to understand the point of this new screenshot. It seems like a very nice game from the screenshot, a game where the teams are relatively even in gear/skills.


Your damage/healing were good, but not overpowered in any way compared to others.


This screenshot, in fact, shows that sorcerers don't mean **** when it comes to warzones. The fact that you team had more sorcerers didn't win you the game.


In fact, this screenshot is plenty proof that other classes (every class) can deal a lot of damage, earn a lot of medals, and win games without the "sorcerer boost."


Thank you for proving counter-evidence to the argument that sorcerers are overpowered.


That was kinda my point :) FYI not all of those SI are sorcs. some are assassins

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(For those unaware of Bright Wizards, they are a class in Warhammer Online. At launch, the class had far too powerful of attacks earned early on which resulted in the warzones being 50%+ Bright Wizards, with them topping the damage charts)


Now that everyone knows Operative changes are on the way, I'm seeing a lot more Inquisitors around - especially Sorcerers. It's like the Operatives are all rerolling the alternative stealth class, or the alternative facemelting class.


Warzones are beginning to look like Warhammer Online's Bright Wizard problem. In the Huttball matches I've played today, the worst so far have been one with 11 Inquisitors, and one with 12.


10 out of the 11 Inquisitors were Sorcerers in the first one, and 8 out of 12 were Sorcerers in the second.


Should we view this as merely growing pains, as a portion of the playerbase looks for another class to play? Or do you think this is going to be a longterm problem, where the game becomes Sorcerer Wars of the Old Republic (to quote a guildie)?


99 percent of the time it's a learn to play or gear issue. Most of the whine comes from ops who think everyone else should be nerfed coz they were. That pretty much sums it up for me. Roll one like all the others who think its op and you will see it really isn't. You can only be good at dps or heals or average at both. Quite simply most of the qq is from ignorant, ill informed players who expect to be able to own warzones in pvp with crap gear and 3 skills on there bar. If everyone was the same level and gear level then these people could speak with a bit of experience but most of them do not have a clue about the class, that's the truth. Problem is whiners cannot handle the truth - they don't know how to stun, interupt and focus them down..

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If by 30m you mean 10m? Blade Storm is also 10m. Only leap is 30m




You were saying? I cross referenced it with other sites too.. Darth Hater and r2-db for example.


And wow that's Juggarnaut only, Marauders have ways to escape dying at least when knocked off platforms. 2 seconds isn't often going to be a death sentence except at low HP

Edited by Kuari
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You were saying? I cross referenced it with other sites too.. Darth Hater and r2-db for example.


And wow that's Juggarnaut only, Marauders have ways to escape dying at least when knocked off platforms. 2 seconds isn't often going to be a death sentence except at low HP


See, this is exactly it. People who complain don't even know the skills from their own class. It's really sad.

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You were saying? I cross referenced it with other sites too.. Darth Hater and r2-db for example.


And wow that's Juggarnaut only, Marauders have ways to escape dying at least when knocked off platforms. 2 seconds isn't often going to be a death sentence except at low HP




Oh...right. 10m.

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Its not growing pains m8. The class is overpowered in its current form and anyone with half a braincell knows it.


The only people who deny it are the Sorcs themselves and they arent biased much.


No burst damage and drop 1v1 to all other classes that are similarly geared. No nerf coming sorcs way. Yay! Get over it.

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To counter you I wanna state two things: The inquisitor/Consular class have been popular since release! And about 50% (on my server atleast) actually plays as shadow/assassin.. Plus, if it is any class that is being facerolled (atleast on my server and empire side) it's the BH. It's been a steady increase in BH's since the first videos popped up with BH's running around doing the "1 button rotation". Now, why someone would even want to play such a class I have no idea, but hey! Operative is also pretty near a "1 button rotation class", and that was also being played for its pure power. Edited by Drengir
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So because you get outplayed and kited, they need to be nerfed? Maybe you should try laying off the grav round spam?


Except that everything in the Gunnery tree is setup to synergize with Grav Round. I need Grav Round Debuff stacks to increase Demo Round damage, to allow me to use High Impact Bolt, and to proc Curtain of Fire for Full Auto.


I don't just Spam Grav round but it is our bread and butter dps ability as a Gunnery Commando. You take this away with ranged interrupts and we are left with only a fraction of the damage output.


How do you suggest I not be kited when they have roots and snares while I don't? Full Auto has a snare affect but I have to stand still in order to use it so it kinda defeats the purpose if they are running away.

Edited by Barakus
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How do you suggest I not be kited when they have roots and snares while I don't? Full Auto has a snare affect but I have to stand still in order to use it so it kinda defeats the purpose if they are running away.


They are running away for a reason...*cough*


Obviously, you do more than fine against them...hence the running part.

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Not good enougth excuse,if there is too much of something then is a tell tale sign of something,it was not Op's/Scoundrels the casting classes did their number to that class.


sorcs were polling the highest on every forum at a point when the classes skills were fairly unfinished, largely unknown and less than 1% of the playerbase had ever seen one (ie early beta).


Yeah that was all about being OP...

Edited by Adzzy
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In order for Sorc to be on par with Bright Wizard the dots would have to tick for the spell maximum each tick. Meaning if you had a dot that did 4k over 12 seconds, the dot would tick for 4k every time over 12 seconds. This was the main coding error that allowed Bright Wizards to destroy Warhammer before it ever had a chance to establish itself. The fact that the devs let it go as long as they did should have ensured that they never worked in the industry again. I believe this beyond any other factor is what killed that game. By the time it was corrected it was already too late.
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