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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sorcerers are becoming the next Bright Wizards


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Yes...it's totally impossible to even consider 27/1/13 (healing dotbot spec) as viable




Yeah but you aren't going to be topping any warzones with damage in that spec.


Which is the point, all you did was gimp your healing so you could throw out a couple of DoTs every now again to get the 75k damage medal.


Well done, but that isn't viable in the sense you can actually achieve anything, and if the game didn't have such a stupid medal mechanic, no one would do it.

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^ Corruption/Maddness spec


No consumption was used in the making of this WZ most of the healing was on myself during combat or the ball carrier.


Oh. he hilarity of that screenshot.


1. it wasn't a 300K/200K screenshot. Rounding up 50K doesn't really make you good. You can't just take 50K from damage and put it on healing, it doesn't work that way.


2. You got lucky as far as your opponents went. The vast majority (6 out of 8) were either bad dps, healers, OR freshly joined (or afkers). What this means is that you probably had very low pressures throughout the game which allowed you to DPS and heal without much interruption or damage pressure. Your zero deaths is plenty proof.


3. You lost. Which furthers the argument that stats don't mean ****.


4. You weren't the highest damage in the warzone, neither were you the highest healing. The whole "sorcerer tops both damage/healing" scenario simply does not exist unless the geared sorcerer is in a game without healers.


5. Despite your 350K damage, your highest single target damage is 3380, with biochem stim and adrenal - proving further proof that the vast majority of sorcerer's damage come from AoE and DoTs, and provides little to no burst pressure.


6. The rest of the stats, including the score, tells me that you topped the "chart" but failed the game. A sorcerer has so much utility in huttball that in a game where is so little damage pressure. you shouldn't have lost. It can be inferred that the "most" of what you did were probably just to throw a heal or two on the ball-carrier instead of actually sacrificing your tunnel-visioning time to complete the objective (aka running ahead to receive passes and using friendly-pull to complete goals).


Keep trying though, I am enjoying this.

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Yeah but you aren't going to be topping any warzones with damage in that spec.


Which is the point, all you did was gimp your healing so you could throw out a couple of DoTs every now again to get the 75k damage medal.


Well done, but that isn't viable in the sense you can actually achieve anything, and if the game didn't have such a stupid medal mechanic, no one would do it.


Yeah Dots are surely useless.

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Assassins are so easy to negate in huttball. It's not even funny. The one advantage my assassin has is cloak/force sprint to jump over the bottom layer of fire. Although you could have one stealth at the end zone but ops could do that too.


They also can make force speed remove movement impairing effects and some take full advantage of this. They still have the instant AoE knockback.. Force Shroud... They are harder to negate then any other class to be frank short of a Juggarnaut/Guardian using charge on someone at a ledge after being knocked off or Intercede on an ally.

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Bad example as AOEing the nodes is the foundation if a win there lol.


That's why whenever 2 good teams meet there they both get stuck at the door. There is next to no way to burn even the glass cannons down fast enough to get an 8sec window to plant without interruption before the next wave of defender respawns hits.


I say again, too much sustained survivability. If a class has all the utility, cc and control that sorcs has, use of it and smart play should be mandatory. Sorcs don't even utilize those things as often as they could, since they can just stand in the thick of it melting faces off.


Dunno what dream world you are living in, that apparently a Sorc can stand in the middle of it all face melting people.


Firstly, survivability requires movement, it requires getting away from the melee because they hurt a LOT.


Secondly, the class has NO face melting abilities at all, all of our damage is low level compared to every other class.


Thirdly, Sorc/Sage is NOT that good at AoE damage, like most AoE damage in the game it is a bit naff. You have to channel it, it is clearly visible to everyone and thus avoidable, and you are a sitting duck while doing it. Except for random procs which are unreliable.


Sorc/Sage from my experience deal their damage by hitting many targets at once, not by doing one single AoE attack, but by DoTing many targets and having damage ticking on many targets.


One of our abilities will proc a buff that will allow the next damage dealing ability with a cast time to be instant.


I use it all the time, I will be hitting one guy, get the proc, tab target to someone else and DoT them with my biggest DoT which is now instant, than on to another target.


That is how we deal big numbers over the course of a Warzone.

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Yeah but you aren't going to be topping any warzones with damage in that spec.


Which is the point, all you did was gimp your healing so you could throw out a couple of DoTs every now again to get the 75k damage medal.


Well done, but that isn't viable in the sense you can actually achieve anything, and if the game didn't have such a stupid medal mechanic, no one would do it.


Way to twist your own argument =p


In the other thread you argued about how people were using WZ damage/healing dumps as an argument.


I'm pointing out an actual imbalanced spec which you litterally have no defence against that offers the best of everything (damage, survivability and healing) so you try to turn the argument in a different direction avoiding the fact I just pointed out where you were wrong.


What next are we going to try the "just interupt" argument?

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there's only 4 classes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Of course there's going to be alot of each class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Theres!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Four!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Classes!!!!!!!!!!!


Wrong franchise.

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How can anyone call Sorc OP...they are poor single target dps and they die in 3 hits against an equal expertise opponent- unless it's another Sorc/Sage they are fighting.


There's no biggie hits from a Sorc- if your hp is dropping that fast it's because multiple people are on you.


Stop looking at inflated AoE and Dot damage on the scoreboard- it just falsifies the actual combat potency of the Sorc (who is ONLY able to do damage when backed up by an adequate team). Oh wow, I just hit 4 targets for 1k damage...whoops, it's healed again (they don't even notice damage)...global cooldown, Dot...lightning on a single target for 300hps....12 melee all of a sudden around me because of lightning from my hands....insta gibbed.


Oh wow, BOY am I hitting SO HARD....


Things get better against LOW EXPERTISE...that's where those damage counts come from- against guys just stepping into pvp without a single champ bag to their name while a BM Sorc pegs them.


A solo Sorc against anyone...should be a free kill. They are nothing more than annoying insects...glass without a cannon.


We just don't have burst...which for PvE is fine- but an alpha or burst is far more important than mediocre AoE or slow Dot damage.


This is total garbage. I've got a Commando with around 600 expertise who is nearly Battlemaster and I get totally destroyed by good sorcs. They can easily neuter my damage with Interrupts, CC's and Pillar Humping while I'm sitting their constantly stunned or rooted with dots rolling on me and purple lightning flying everywhere. Not to mention they can just sprint away if I manage to get their health low.


I'm constantly in Top 3 Damage, Medals and Objectives and don't have any problems 1v1 other classes except maybe good Juggernauts. But go ahead and tell me to L2P while you desperately defend your class from the inevitable nerf.

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Sorcerers can be killed by any ranged class. Merc/commando, powertech/vanguard, sniper, even operative with melee opener and going ranged after the knockback.


Each of these have a higher burst dps than sorc.


Problem is unrivaled utility. No class should get all of the below at once (hybrid spec, I'm using it too):

- stun

- instant mez for 8 sec

- aoe mez from shield

- shield can be cast on other players - compared to self cast, half as strong shield of operative

- aoe knockback on a short cooldown (SWs knockback is single target with longer cooldown, BH aoe knockback is also on longer cooldown)

- aoe knockback with root - only sniper has similar

- healing

- 35m range, like sniper

- dot self heal (like marauder)

- main attack is a slow, regenerates energy, proc shortens cast of chain lightning or crushing darkness, also another proc makes the above tick in 1 GCD.


And light armor is just 5% lower mitigation than melee classes medium armor.

Also, sorc's class buff is 10% mitigation for internal/elemental damage (but that should be on for everyone)


So sorc is not OP damage wise, but if you add up all the tiny bits, they become powerful.

And the number of CC they do gets multiplied by the number of players who reroll sorc!

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Because it is not viable. Dots do very little damage. And a half-*** healer is very easy to take down.


Actually it is very viable and isn't just DoT's as it comes with no cooldown force lightning.


You heal off your DoTs, you can self heal, you have the shield, you have mitigation from talents, you still have your utility, the name of the game is....outlast


DoT > Lightning > Bit of heal face tanking > Force speed > DoT > Lightning


Bubble and CC as and when it's needed.

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Oh. he hilarity of that screenshot.


1. it wasn't a 300K/200K screenshot. Rounding up 50K doesn't really make you good. You can't just take 50K from damage and put it on healing, it doesn't work that way.


2. You got lucky as far as your opponents went. The vast majority (6 out of 8) were either bad dps, healers, OR freshly joined (or afkers). What this means is that you probably had very low pressures throughout the game which allowed you to DPS and heal without much interruption or damage pressure. Your zero deaths is plenty proof.


3. You lost. Which furthers the argument that stats don't mean ****.


4. You weren't the highest damage in the warzone, neither were you the highest healing. The whole "sorcerer tops both damage/healing" scenario simply does not exist unless the geared sorcerer is in a game without healers.


5. Despite your 350K damage, your highest single target damage is 3380, with biochem stim and adrenal - proving further proof that the vast majority of sorcerer's damage come from AoE and DoTs, and provides little to no burst pressure.


6. The rest of the stats, including the score, tells me that you topped the "chart" but failed the game. A sorcerer has so much utility in huttball that in a game where is so little damage pressure. you shouldn't have lost. It can be inferred that the "most" of what you did were probably just to throw a heal or two on the ball-carrier instead of actually sacrificing your tunnel-visioning time to complete the objective (aka running ahead to receive passes and using friendly-pull to complete goals).


Keep trying though, I am enjoying this.



i always try to win huttball.

Here is a WZ that pitted my premade + 4 pugs who seemed decently geared vs another premade with decently geared pugs.


The score was 1-1 until they scored with 1 minute remaining in the game.

Edited by OsirisZoran
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An AOE KNOCKBACK ROOT doesn't require you to move to get away from melee.


It does require you to spend talent points on it. And not damage the target. And still probably end up moving because the knockback range isn't really that far. Learn about this stuff before you speak, seriously.

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This is total garbage. I've got a Commando with around 600 expertise who is nearly Battlemaster and I get totally destroyed by good sorcs. They can easily neuter my damage with Interrupts, CC's and Pillar Humping while I'm sitting their constantly stunned or rooted with dots rolling on me and purple lightning flying everywhere. Not to mention they can just sprint away if I manage to get their health low.


I'm constantly in Top 3 Damage, Medals and Objectives and don't have any problems 1v1 other classes except maybe good Juggernauts. But go ahead and tell me to L2P while you desperately defend your class from the inevitable nerf.


So because you get outplayed and kited, they need to be nerfed? Maybe you should try laying off the grav round spam?

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It does require you to spend talent points on it. And not damage the target. And still probably end up moving because the knockback range isn't really that far. Learn about this stuff before you speak, seriously.


Oh no, there's limitations on the god move? It might break early if you cast a ranged damage + snare move on them? Damn, instead of being completely shut down they're only partially shut down?


And that's only CC#1. If you close back into melee range, they do the second. Or they sprint.

Edited by EternalFinality
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So because you get outplayed and kited, they need to be nerfed? Maybe you should try laying off the grav round spam?


Yeah.. grav round spammers really don't have much room to say much. Oh they escaped.. THE HORROR!


Do you know what Root does? 100% reduction in melee damage?


Use your range attacks in the meantime if you can, saber throw and such. You wouldn't believe how many Juggarnauts/Marauders I see completely ignore their ranged attacks..


Or ops/scoundrels for that matter.

Edited by Kuari
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