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Sorcerers are becoming the next Bright Wizards


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Im not a healer soc but u guys wanna nerf healing for soc. How u wanna do after NMM ops or 16 ppl ops. Dont blame healer after he suck on healing.


Force Lightning on well geared pvp guy is 500-600 a tick (about 2,5K to 3K ) in 3s. Killer ability.


i have all champion gears i dont have chance 1v1 with sniper only if i los him and he not chase me. Try to kill well geared Powertech or 1v1 with good maruder.

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Just guessing by your signature. If you are I'm surprised you held back so much in your post


haha, yea, it's me.



Just trying to make point here. This game is nothing like WAR as far as the casters are concerned.



If there was a class that was like Sorcs or Sages it would be a DPS AM. However, most people who've made class comparions so far, have only either played WAR for a month or just seen all the QQ about BW and Sorc...


I do feel bad for them, lol. I out-damaged and out killed pretty much every single one of my ****** Engineer.

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As the first RR80 Engineer and first RR100 Zealot on my respected Servers... and as a player who has played with the best guilds that ever existed on WAR..


Saying that a Sorc/Sage is ANYTHING like the BW is completely asinine.




When BW were OP, they had ONE ability that would to TON of AoE damage and on top of that, their moral 2 would stun everyone around them which ment that nobody could get out of that AoE. Simply, they would just stun and spam one button to kill everyone on the screen.


If you still claim that Sorcs are the same, I want any of you to go out and do as I said. Spamming Force Lighting may be one thing but there is no comparison between the classes... especially since Force Lightning hits for 700 per thick on single targets.




BW, after the nerfs, was and still is a time stamp class. All their abilities stack as such to where they can be used to burst a target at a 5-10 second mark and kill it instanly, however, that being said, it's ridiculously easy to counter that burst with a tank or a healer. Doesn't make it any less OP but proper groups in WAR had no issues with BW/Sorc.. actually, for any smaller scale fights, especially 6v6, BW and Sorcs were jokes and melee trains were ALWAYS prefered.


Saying that, Sorc/Sages will NEVER time stamp one pearson's HP at once.. It's not humanly possible no matter what buffs you use and while their damage is pretty steady, just like above, having any decent healers around that can cleanse and or such, renders their damage pretty much laughable as best.


There is a reason you see healers pumping out million + in healing during Voidstar games..


I think you missed the point .. he/she didn't mean Bright Wizard by mechanics -- he/she meant by general overpoweredness/detriment to the game.


Hey, speaking of Warhammer, remember the first fix to teh Bright Wizard issue not being a nerf to Bright Wizards, but a nerf to Engineers (Electro Magnets)? Ah, Mythic at its finest...

Edited by Doki
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I think you missed the point .. he/she didn't mean Bright Wizard by mechanics -- he/she meant by general overpoweredness/detriment to the game.


Hey, speaking of Warhammer, remember the first fix to teh Bright Wizard issue not being a nerf to Bright Wizards, but a nerf to Engineers (Electro Magnets)? Ah, Mythic at its finest...


Sorc and Sages aren't over powered... They don't come close to BW/Sorc.


As far as Engineers Electro Magnets were concerned... That wasn't a nerf, lol. That was a fix. You could pull people through walls and ****.

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Sorc and Sages aren't over powered... They don't come close to BW/Sorc.


As far as Engineers Electro Magnets were concerned... That wasn't a nerf, lol. That was a fix. You could pull people through walls and ****.


Was the electromagnet fix needed? Yes. But not NEARLY as much as the BW fix, which didn't come down the pike until many months after (essentally after the event horizon for the success of the game).


Besides, Electromagnet was the only real reason to run with an Engi, and that class was yet another one tossed on the dustpile in the face of the BW/WP redonkulousness...


Side note, did they even help out Shadow Warriors (I quit before the six month mark)? Talk about a class that gimped everything it was involved in...

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Of course if you send a group after one person, they'll go down fast. That works for all classes.


The point is that I can solo kill a jugg or guardian. I can't even get near a sorc while they're destroying me as if I had no armor. Heck, if 2 melee classes go after a single sorc, they'll still die before destroying the sorc.


This reminds me of the "if you put a healbot on a jugg/guardian tank, then they're unstoppable!" Well duh, so is anyone else. It's like you guys have no idea how PVP works or something.


Are you trying to balance the game on 1v1s? Sorry but what?! At the best, the classes are setup in a rock, paper, scissors method. As you stated, you can eat melee classes no problem. But ranged dps might be a bit more work. Sorry, but that is good class design.


If its a 2v1 and they can't beat a sorc I'm doubting the gear and/or the skill of both players. It is impossible to keep two targets mezzed long enouch - espeically with jump tos. Try again.

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I play a sage.. I can't 1v1 a sorc but that's irrelevant.. The point I'd consider is that One sorc may be easy prey for a trooper yet five + Sorc all focusing targets can decimate the enemy team. They ID and drop the healer and DPS then the tank falls.
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(For those unaware of Bright Wizards, they are a class in Warhammer Online. At launch, the class had far too powerful of attacks earned early on which resulted in the warzones being 50%+ Bright Wizards, with them topping the damage charts)


Now that everyone knows Operative changes are on the way, I'm seeing a lot more Inquisitors around - especially Sorcerers. It's like the Operatives are all rerolling the alternative stealth class, or the alternative facemelting class.


Warzones are beginning to look like Warhammer Online's Bright Wizard problem. In the Huttball matches I've played today, the worst so far have been one with 11 Inquisitors, and one with 12.


10 out of the 11 Inquisitors were Sorcerers in the first one, and 8 out of 12 were Sorcerers in the second.


Should we view this as merely growing pains, as a portion of the playerbase looks for another class to play? Or do you think this is going to be a longterm problem, where the game becomes Sorcerer Wars of the Old Republic (to quote a guildie)?


They can reroll sin all they want, alot of assassin aspects are bugged/gimped compaired to other DPS classes. If they wanna reroll to the next flavor of the month it would be Merc.

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I play a sage.. I can't 1v1 a sorc but that's irrelevant.. The point I'd consider is that One sorc may be easy prey for a trooper yet five + Sorc all focusing targets can decimate the enemy team. They ID and drop the healer and DPS then the tank falls.


Ummm, any number of DPS focusing one target == dead target. This is one of the primary reasons pre-mades beat PUGs, pre-mades call targets and focus, PUGs ... well, they don't. I have been with pugs I will call out the primary opposition healers and still noone attacks them, I even mark them when I can.


Please, don't call a class overpowered when it is a group focusing a single target.


As for the sorc itself in a 1 vs. 1, on my 50 scoundrel it's not too bad but I have a few interrupts on him, my 36 commando now has issues with them, but of course he has no real interrupts yet. Want to kill a sorc? Use your interrupts.

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I love how Sorcerers are always treated as if they are All three specs in one.... Despite Lightning being a joke in PvP since they have to root themselves to do damage. Madness is their "PvP" spec while corruption may be good but i have yet to see a Corruption Sorcerer be as unkillable as a heal Spec Merc/Commando...



The QQ about sorcerers is mind boggling due to how their only worth in Huttball is the extraction/AoE kb chain.



PuG players just mad that their UBER DPS character jumps a solo Sorcerer and wasn't able to kill him. Sorcerer's have a lot of escapes.... so do jugs who learn how to intercede...

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Was the electromagnet fix needed? Yes. But not NEARLY as much as the BW fix, which didn't come down the pike until many months after (essentally after the event horizon for the success of the game).


Besides, Electromagnet was the only real reason to run with an Engi, and that class was yet another one tossed on the dustpile in the face of the BW/WP redonkulousness...


Side note, did they even help out Shadow Warriors (I quit before the six month mark)? Talk about a class that gimped everything it was involved in...


Engineer were good. UF + full DoT load = insta death


To many played them as pull pots insted as Granadiers.


That being said, Sorcs and Sages still don't come close to BWs. Sorcs can't annihilate everything in their paths. They're a complete class that's for sure bit there are better DPS class in this game.


As far as SW are concerned, they're probably the best RDPS in WAR right now.

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Ummm, any number of DPS focusing one target == dead target. This is one of the primary reasons pre-mades beat PUGs, pre-mades call targets and focus, PUGs ... well, they don't. I have been with pugs I will call out the primary opposition healers and still noone attacks them, I even mark them when I can.


Please, don't call a class overpowered when it is a group focusing a single target.


As for the sorc itself in a 1 vs. 1, on my 50 scoundrel it's not too bad but I have a few interrupts on him, my 36 commando now has issues with them, but of course he has no real interrupts yet. Want to kill a sorc? Use your interrupts.


If the way to kill a sorcerer is to use your interrupts and interrupts only work on one sorcerer. Then having 2+ sorcerers increases the difficulty greatly. Sure, interrupt one or two of them but what about the other four?

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If the way to kill a sorcerer is to use your interrupts and interrupts only work on one sorcerer. Then having 2+ sorcerers increases the difficulty greatly. Sure, interrupt one or two of them but what about the other four?




So sorcerers should just instantly die when you attack them right? Just wilt under your character's massive E-peen because you attacked them?



Its called a stun? You jump them... this is no different then when you attacked Runepriests/Warrior Priests/Zealots or anyother class that uses cast on times...



Stop using 1v1 pug logic...

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Engineer were good. UF + full DoT load = insta death


To many played them as pull pots insted as Granadiers.


I played as a grenadier, and I found them very ineffective. Sure, I could DoT up people, but out-of-control AoE healing essentially cleared off all the DoT/Damage. Essentially, I was numbers generating for the opposing healers.


Top in damage (unless with a good BW), bottom in kills. That was the consistant story for Engis in my day.


Good to hear about the SWs though, I remember on launch having two in your BG essentially meant that it was an instant loss, as their DPS was so low it wasn't even worth bothering. It got so bad I remember people yelling at SWs to get out of the BG because they were wasting a spot and ANYTHING else would be better...


Mythic, such fond memories of your class balancing I hold, close to my heart...

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sorc is not overpowered or broken.


you people whined like little girls with skined knees til operatives got the crap kicked out of them, next is sorc, i guess.


perhaps (and this is just me) the fault lies not with the classes, but in your complete lack of skill.


have you all considered the possibility that you just suck?

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sorc is not overpowered or broken.


you people whined like little girls with skined knees til operatives got the crap kicked out of them, next is sorc, i guess.


perhaps (and this is just me) the fault lies not with the classes, but in your complete lack of skill.


have you all considered the possibility that you just suck?


Do you know who whined about Operatives?



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So sorcerers should just instantly die when you attack them right? Just wilt under your character's massive E-peen because you attacked them?



Its called a stun? You jump them... this is no different then when you attacked Runepriests/Warrior Priests/Zealots or anyother class that uses cast on times...



Stop using 1v1 pug logic...


1v1 pug logic? I'm talking about a team of Sorcs.. I'm saying that healers shouldn't melt face. There is a tradeoff.. And you can't stun an entire team of sorcs especially if you are on the map with three control points. You never get the benefit of your entire team behind you.

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In did read a thread in december before I actually bought the game and someone was talking about swtor as a long term beta tester for serveral months.


He told the people that bioware will bite in his own back that this class has just one stat which increase healing and damage - both. A very powerfull class from lvl 10-50 in battlegrounds. Already in the short beta weekends players talked about sorcerer/sages and how powerfull/op this class is....


There is a reason why so many did start this class....and there was almost no infos about the operative for example and for the short beta weekends the operative class didnt show its full potential since the class is a late bloomer in comparison to the sorcerer/sage ...which are powerfull from lvl 1-50.


Its no secret why we have masses of sorcerer/sages in this game, because people did not choose what they like to play but because the class was known as overpowered already in the beta weekends.


Ya, they even nerfed them once during Beta if I remember correctly because they were known to be OP and they still ended up OP lol.


You have no clue what you're talking about if you think "force regeneration" is what healing sorcerers are depending on for healing.


Edit: If I were to spam my best heal (dark mending), I would run out of force after about ~8-9 casts.


Ya, sorc/sage healing is all about the temporary buffs you give yourself via talents. Force bending is available early and and can be readily abused, creating possible hybrids, but force surge is late tree.


All these Fckwits complaining about the Stats-Screen at the End of the Match and the Fact that Sorcs/Sages are on top.....all these Fckwits not realizing that Sorcs do great AoE DMG.


You could do 500000 DMG in a Voidstar and still havent done sht for your Time when all this DMG was done to Enemy Crowds and was healed away.


But hey as long as ppl can come here and QQ after they have been killed by good players they are Hapy.


You're an idiot if you think AOE pressure damage is worthless, is all healed away, or is not still valueable even when some of it is healed away. Properly played it takes 3 healers to keep your AOE pressure damage in check while still properly pulling off their healing job. Otherwise your eating their resources AND their GCD's making everyone's job easier as there is less focused healing going on.


I understand it can be a subtle thing, but it turns entire WZ's sometimes.


You're also a bigger idiot if you do not also use single target pressure damage AND especially take advantage of the openings you create with all pressure damage. Though to get the most of it you need a couple smart players on your team who know how to dynamically switch targets and re-prioritize mid fight.


I'm sorry pressure damage isn't all derp derp derp gameplay like burst damage can sometimes be, but that does not mean it does not have it's place. Nor does it mean in any way that it's not effective.

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1v1 pug logic? I'm talking about a team of Sorcs.. I'm saying that healers shouldn't melt face. There is a tradeoff.. And you can't stun an entire team of sorcs especially if you are on the map with three control points. You never get the benefit of your entire team behind you.


You are suffering from a delusion. Sorc do not heal and melt face.


That simple.


if your argument is that one class does okish DPS and other members of that class can heal them....what is the complaint? That one class is healing another while they DPS? That applies to every class in the game.


Your complaint appears to be, remove healing so I can kill people.

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1v1 pug logic? I'm talking about a team of Sorcs.. I'm saying that healers shouldn't melt face. There is a tradeoff.. And you can't stun an entire team of sorcs especially if you are on the map with three control points. You never get the benefit of your entire team behind you.


Dude their healers have no DPS output. If you played a Sorcerer specced Corruption you would realize how imbecilic your statement is.


ANd if you face an ENTIRE TEAM of Socerers and you can't kill one then your DPS, Tanks, and Healers are bad....



So in summation your logic is pug logic. The only time a Team of Sorcerers did good was in Huttball and they were getting ANNIHILATED by two Ops.... Extraction the tank running the ball.


Sorry but you are just BAD.

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You are suffering from a delusion. Sorc do not heal and melt face.


That simple.


if your argument is that one class does okish DPS and other members of that class can heal them....what is the complaint? That one class is healing another while they DPS? That applies to every class in the game.


Your complaint appears to be, remove healing so I can kill people.


Even on my dirty fighting spec I toss heals and get between 20k-100k a match depending on how much it's needed. Keeping your main healer or your tank with his CD up alive wins fights more than you contributing DPS, unless you can quickly vape key people killing your team :).


Also tends to keep you in a spot that's less exposed than DPSing yourself at that particular moment.

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