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Why is Crafted Gear not the best?


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Clearly out classing someone with full sets of Raid gear or PvP gear that you earned over weeks of playing is just something I dont agree with. Sure, you earned it but what about the guys that will never be on par because they have real lives. I play alot and I get my gear so im not someone who can only play a few hours a week.


Again, go off of skill and not gear. Or at least make crafted gear on par with everything else like someone above stated.


Not saying you dont have skill when you have all of this gear, you might be the best ever who knows. But someone that is just as skilled or better and dont have as much time as you is being put at a disadvantage here. Crafted gear would help everyone.


One thing maybe is make crafted gear on par with raid/pvp just look better or something I dont know but it would fix the whines in WZ's at least about the Imp being cheaters etc etc. Im Republic btw


That is your problem actually. You don't agree with a system that has been used by most MMOs for a long time. Endgame group gear is suppose to be the best.


Can't you see the point here?


Bioware wants you to do endgame content.

Edited by Aisar
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Clearly out classing someone with full sets of Raid gear or PvP gear that you earned over weeks of playing is just something I dont agree with. Sure, you earned it but what about the guys that will never be on par because they have real lives. I play alot and I get my gear so im not someone who can only play a few hours a week.


Again, go off of skill and not gear. Or at least make crafted gear on par with everything else like someone above stated.


Not saying you dont have skill when you have all of this gear, you might be the best ever who knows. But someone that is just as skilled or better and dont have as much time as you is being put at a disadvantage here. Crafted gear would help everyone.


One thing maybe is make crafted gear on par with raid/pvp just look better or something I dont know but it would fix the whines in WZ's at least about the Imp being cheaters etc etc. Im Republic btw


If you have couple of hours per week to play, these games aint for you. Also "real life" card is outdated, majority of raiders in MMOs are generally older than for example PVP folks. They also generally have above average jobs and many has a family. What you choose to do on your speartime outside "real life" obligations is anyones to choose, if they want to spend evenings at home playing while you watch TV they get more out of games of this genre.

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Does anyone else remember the level of outrage on the forums a few months back at the mere suggestion that crafted gear be on par with loot at endgame?


It's just stupid and wrong. It would break the grand design.


Some people don't understand that. Gimme gimme gimme

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When did it fail hard? Oh, never. Its over 10 years old and people still play it. Its not going anywhere. It has had mistakes like every other game but Failing no.


Yes, it has 5k players. And after laucnh and peaking at 250k subs it went straight dowhill in player numbers in couple of years ending up to 5000 players worldwide atm.

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Clearly out classing someone with full sets of Raid gear or PvP gear that you earned over weeks of playing is just something I dont agree with. Sure, you earned it but what about the guys that will never be on par because they have real lives. I play alot and I get my gear so im not someone who can only play a few hours a week.


Again, go off of skill and not gear. Or at least make crafted gear on par with everything else like someone above stated.


Not saying you dont have skill when you have all of this gear, you might be the best ever who knows. But someone that is just as skilled or better and dont have as much time as you is being put at a disadvantage here. Crafted gear would help everyone.


One thing maybe is make crafted gear on par with raid/pvp just look better or something I dont know but it would fix the whines in WZ's at least about the Imp being cheaters etc etc. Im Republic btw


Part of playing an MMO is a certain time commitment. If someone cannot commit the time due to whatever reason than they shouldn't gain the same advantages as someone who does.


Flip the argument for a sec. Imagine you are the guy with the ability to devote a ton of time. How are you going to feel/react when the guy who just started is right where you are gear wise?


EDIT: For perspective the average MMO player plays around 21 hours a week.

Edited by PjPablo
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If you have couple of hours per week to play, these games aint for you. Also "real life" card is outdated, majority of raiders in MMOs are generally older than for example PVP folks. They also generally have above average jobs and many has a family. What you choose to do on your speartime outside "real life" obligations is anyones to choose, if they want to spend evenings at home playing while you watch TV they get more out of games of this genre.


You didnt read my post. I dont play only a few hours a week. A few hours a day probably but I play enough to get the things I need and PvP. Was talking about all the folks who dont have the time. There is no "real life" card, it is a fact for all gamers and will never be outdated just refreshed when ever new game comes out.

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Because a standard, run of the mill theme park MMO needs to have all BIS items be bind on acquire so you have to get each and every one of your characters through the gear grind so you can either meet whatever arbitrary gating mechanic they add to end game raids or arbitrary PvP stat they add to PvP gear.


They think it makes them more money by keeping you subscribed.

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Flip the argument for a sec. Imagine you are the guy with the ability to devote a ton of time. How are you going to feel/react when the guy who just started is right where you are gear wise?


So you'd be ok with it if they made crafting the best stuff take a reeeeally long time?

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Part of playing an MMO is a certain time commitment. If someone cannot commit the time due to whatever reason than they shouldn't gain the same advantages as someone who does.


Flip the argument for a sec. Imagine you are the guy with the ability to devote a ton of time. How are you going to feel/react when the guy who just started is right where you are gear wise?


EDIT: For perspective the average MMO player plays around 21 hours a week.


this. a thousand times this ^


plus endgame group gear is suppose to have a certain level of prestige

plus endgame group gear is suppose to be best to encourage endgame participation

plus endgame group gear encourages people to play more

plus hardcores love to distinguish themselves from poorer players


that's the way it is. Thanks everyone :cool:

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So you'd be ok with it if they made crafting the best stuff take a reeeeally long time?


As I said earlier if the mats were very difficult or time consuming to acquire, sure. This typically means acquired via completing content so we really do come right round to time and needing to complete content.

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Part of playing an MMO is a certain time commitment. If someone cannot commit the time due to whatever reason than they shouldn't gain the same advantages as someone who does.


Flip the argument for a sec. Imagine you are the guy with the ability to devote a ton of time. How are you going to feel/react when the guy who just started is right where you are gear wise?


EDIT: For perspective the average MMO player plays around 21 hours a week.



If I played 40 hours a week and had everything there was to offer that I grinded myself or with a guild and some dude leveled to 50 and crafted his own gear and had exact same stats as me......I would not care at all. I would just compare myself to him, am I better or is he. Skill wise, I dont care what hes wearing.

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You didnt read my post. I dont play only a few hours a week. A few hours a day probably but I play enough to get the things I need and PvP. Was talking about all the folks who dont have the time. There is no "real life" card, it is a fact for all gamers and will never be outdated just refreshed when ever new game comes out.


Well folks who dont have time wont have chance to get the BiS gear, and they dont need it.

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If I played 40 hours a week and had everything there was to offer that I grinded myself or with a guild and some dude leveled to 50 and crafted his own gear and had exact same stats as me......I would not care at all. I would just compare myself to him, am I better or is he. Skill wise, I dont care what hes wearing.


Nice example but it does not make sense. Someone who crafts should not be able to get BiS just from doing that compared to someone who did so much work with other people in endgame.

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As I said earlier if the mats were very difficult or time consuming to acquire, sure. This typically means acquired via completing content so we really do come right round to time and needing to complete content.


Just do it like WoW did in Sunwell, you get the mats from raids.

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If I played 40 hours a week and had everything there was to offer that I grinded myself or with a guild and some dude leveled to 50 and crafted his own gear and had exact same stats as me......I would not care at all. I would just compare myself to him, am I better or is he. Skill wise, I dont care what hes wearing.


I think that might put you in the minority then. I don't think a lot of players would be as accommodating as you would be. Witness the Ilum/valor outrage from BMs.

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Yes, it has 5k players. And after laucnh and peaking at 250k subs it went straight dowhill in player numbers in couple of years ending up to 5000 players worldwide atm.


lol you've never played DAOC thats obvious. The greatest PVP game ever made for MMO's. The best PVE content mixed in with the RVR. Not to mention a dungeon design that has never ever been repeated. (DF)

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As I said earlier if the mats were very difficult or time consuming to acquire, sure. This typically means acquired via completing content so we really do come right round to time and needing to complete content.


That, to me, seems reasonable. What's unreasonable is that something should never, under any circumstances, be achievable because one type of player wants to be considered elite.

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lol you've never played DAOC thats obvious. The greatest PVP game ever made for MMO's. The best PVE content mixed in with the RVR. Not to mention a dungeon design that has never ever been repeated. (DF)


I loved DAOC. Hell I even loved Trials which some old DAOCers would probably burn me at the stake for saying. ;)

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lol you've never played DAOC thats obvious. The greatest PVP game ever made for MMO's. The best PVE content mixed in with the RVR. Not to mention a dungeon design that has never ever been repeated. (DF)


Thats you and some players oppinion but majority of the 250k players that was highest amount of subs at any time disagrees with you. IF it was that great, it wouldnt have lost over half of its subs in just over 2 years and it would have more than 5k players playing it.

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Yes, it has 5k players. And after laucnh and peaking at 250k subs it went straight dowhill in player numbers in couple of years ending up to 5000 players worldwide atm.



250k, 10 years ago wasnt alot? It was a hell of alot. The servers where packed if you ever played then. Hell even now with the 5k the 1 server holds them all and there are people everywhere on the 3 realms.


Straight downhill? I guess in a way yes but WoW is the same and so is every other game. When it gets old it goes downhill. When you hit 80 years old, your body will not be like it was at 20.


Im tired of defending DAoC, I quit that game. You just simply dont understand it I guess. DAoC is actually a great success, far from a failure.

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Unless mats are insanely rare or hard to acquire crafter gear should never be BIS. Some may disagree with the 'work for gear' approach but IMHO the best gear should only come from PVP and PVE content respectively.


The best stim packs and medpacs are made from dropped items in pve... why cant' armor be the same???? I personally think it's a slap in the face of armortechs.

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I think that might put you in the minority then. I don't think a lot of players would be as accommodating as you would be. Witness the Ilum/valor outrage from BMs.


Thats only because of the gear issue and knowing that the Empire will have an advantage for a long while now.

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players who call themselves elite have a whole range of issues, not many starting with some pixel shiny in a video game.

Crafting for high level gear is not like crafting in wow an tor where time investment is irrelevant.

It took months to reach the top in DAOC crafting an Vanguard for that matter, easily the second best crafting system seen. They earned the right to make the best gear an they did. Like everything MMO shinys should be durability linked, an fall apart eventually, this creates an economy. What we have now is an endless shiny trough an the levels of greed unseen ever in gaming are just unbelievable.

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