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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Can we get an update on the formerly ''utilize colors to chest piece'' feature


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I believe this used to be called the Color Match System. I would like to know more as well. Hopefully they just implement an appearance tab like EQ2 had, you can wear any item you want for its stats and put appearance gear in there own slot for looks. Its the best of both worlds. It seems like the only way to prevent people from exploiting the modification system with pvp and pve gear.
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It was already addressed in a sticky when the game first came out. They took out the feature because it was preventing the feel of gear progression. It's not coming back.


But getting a couple of orange pieces in BT/Esseles and switching the mobs out from levels 10-50 isn't hindering the feeling of gear progress?


Fail logic BW.

Edited by Mentocs
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It was already addressed in a sticky when the game first came out. They took out the feature because it was preventing the feel of gear progression. It's not coming back.


...in the same form.


In the very same post you're talking about they said that they're working on an improved/different version of the same feature. They removed it because simply changing the hue of the textures (I assume it was done in some way like that) was undermining the work they had done to get them to look they way they had wanted. Because they know we want the feature still they are working on a way to get it to work in a way that satisfies both them and us.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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With virtually no gear variety in existence right now for many classes, I see no reason for a match-to-chest option. Maybe it will be necessary once BW rolls out a "new content" patch featuring all the gear which already actually exists but they've chosen not to include right now. Till then, brown is brown, black is black, orange is orange... Edited by photoheathen
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What sucks is MMOs probably have a serious business model in place, so a crap load of stuff is planned later on, not because they can't do it atm, but because they want to save features for later months and years to keep people coming back and to attract new players.


That 'scares' me the most. Saving awesome features for years down the line, like an appearance tab.

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It was already addressed in a sticky when the game first came out. They took out the feature because it was preventing the feel of gear progression. It's not coming back.


I've already pointed out that their claim was an excuse to cover up a statement they had made in regards to it's removal in beta; which completely contradicted that sticky you are referring too. In beta they stated that they took it out because they wanted to see how the players felt with it not in the game. There was overwhelming disapproval of not having it in. When the game was close to launch they came back and stated that they took it out in order to make a better system that would take months to implement. Ha!


From what I gathered, someone in their art team got butt hurt that people weren't seeing the gear they designed in the colors they made them in due to the option to match all colors. So they took it out to keep them from crying. It's as simple as that. Now they are talking about throwing in an appearance tab; which totally contradicts EVERYTHING they stated beforehand.


Where did they find their PR reps, Washington?

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It was already addressed in a sticky when the game first came out. They took out the feature because it was preventing the feel of gear progression. It's not coming back.


That was a cop out.


The real reason is that for launch, BW decided (for some reason) to remove A LOT of gear sets from the game that were in the testing builds. In the finished product, each class only has about 5 or so unique looks and the rest of their gear from 1-50 is just palette swaps, which a color unify feature would obviously render pointless. Really, it's a problem that BW itself created. :(

Edited by LaManoNera
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Wow, that's a REALLY stupid reason given.


So, keeping the same custom orange from 10 (or thereabouts) to 50 and slapping in new mods doesn't give the feeling of gear progression? I mean, at least the other way there were subtle changes to the look... instead of absolutely none at all.


And, of course, the option would have been just that. An OPTION.

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Wow, that's a REALLY stupid reason given.


So, keeping the same custom orange from 10 (or thereabouts) to 50 and slapping in new mods doesn't give the feeling of gear progression? I mean, at least the other way there were subtle changes to the look... instead of absolutely none at all.


And, of course, the option would have been just that. An OPTION.


And the worst part? The whole thing worked flawlessly during the beta. I had absolutely no complaints with it.


Hey BioWare here's a hint: I'd rather have no feeling of gear progression then look like a complete clown! I kept my Black Talon chest piece from level 10-50 because it was the only decent looking piece of gear that didn't make me look like I belonged to the circus. How about that for gear progression?

Edited by pursang
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I believe this used to be called the Color Match System. I would like to know more as well. Hopefully they just implement an appearance tab like EQ2 had, you can wear any item you want for its stats and put appearance gear in there own slot for looks. Its the best of both worlds. It seems like the only way to prevent people from exploiting the modification system with pvp and pve gear.


I actually like Warhammer Online's system better. You could take any piece of gear and apply it's appearance to another. So there was no appearance tab, no second set of gear. The piece you wanted to wear for stat reasons took on the appearance of the piece you wanted to wear for looks.

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