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Powertech DPS in tank spec is too high compared to other tank specs in pvp


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Well, apparently the ability to do damage from 30m is very important to some people. I'm assuming Powertechs don't have any hard hitting abilities at the 30m range, so comparing that to Death Field sounds about right.


Timed sticky grenade + railshot does pretty good 30m dps. It isn't sustainable but it's a 3k-5k hit (well, two hits in quick succession) depending on your crits.


Death from above is quite large 30m AOE dps too, although again not sustainable.


Also having 30m stun and 30m grapple is pretty huge in terms of your 30m capabilities.


PT may not be blowing up noobs in 8 seconds of tracer spam but the idea they have no real 30m capability is simply false.

Edited by yukirshiro
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I have both bounty hunter builds. My Merc does a lot more damage than my PT. But my PT will often have greater total damage, because I am ignored more often and don't drop so quick. Deaths in WF equal a significant drop in total damage. Burst and total damage are not the same. Merc = more burst but less survivability. PT = less burst but more longevity
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Actually burst on PT and merc is not all that different (assuming PT is in melee range). The big difference is merc can keep pumping out loltracermissiles and *** pwn someone from 30m.


PT burst is quite good. Sustained dps leaves something to be desired.

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I would prefer they buff the damage potential of other tank specs instead of nerfing PT, but there's something seriously wrong with the disparity.


Part of it is the fact that a tank spec PT can do decent ranged damage where the other tank classes really need to be in melee range. But part of it just has to do with the trees and stances. A jugg for example gimps damage potential by using defensive stance because of reduced rage generation, and the jugg tank tree has very little in terms of significant dps. PT on the other hand gets a hugely buffed shockstrike and pull + root that makes it easy to bring targets to you and therefore stay within guard range while still doing very good dps.


The upshot is that a powertech can play guardbot without losing much effectiveness, but the other tanks really become a one trick pony.


TL:DR: Tank spec PT can still dps effectively, the other tanks can't. This makes playing a PT tank much more viable in pvp than any other.


The other tanks get HUGE utility in comparison, So, no, I don't think that's a good idea. Unless PTs/V's are gonna get more tools?


Also, I am assuming you mean pure tank, right? If so, then damage will be similar. Now, if you're talking DPS specs on a PT/V, sure...then again, they will have inferior mobility, inferior burst, and inferior sustained damage as compared t the other two classes that can tank.

Edited by OldManRelic
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as someone with a 50 vanguard and have been 50 since about 6 days afater EA started -



i dont agree with the op. shield spec'd vanguard damge is pathetic unless i'm against someone in mid to low 40's quest greens.


This sums it up, If we go full tank (31 deep) most are points are spent on shield passives or such. Which may i add are pretty much trash as seeing shields are nearly useless in pvp.


We have builds that can do decent to high damg but they are very rng and if not played right leave us sitting waiting on CD or Heat/Ammo, not to forget are only real def being are armor which most class's seem to ignore anyhow.


Compared to some of the other BS going on, We are at the bottom of the list.

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Uh well obviously a PT PVP tank spec doesn't put more than 25 points into shield.


I'm not talking about PVE heros who go 31 points in and spend it all on useless passives to boot.


Also PTs don't have any less utility than the other tanks. The only difference is you don't have to spec to get it, it's mostly all baseline.

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really? we have to spec in our stun, we dont have a knockback to push ppl away if we are ganked, we dont have a +armor talent we dont have a +endurance talent we dont have anything other than 2 ccs ( one cc more than the rest and we have spec for both of them while the rest of the ppl have it base line ) and if thats not enough we cant pull ppl into our range wich makes things pretty boring on illum, if you want to attack you need to charge into the mob that is the enemy faction where you will be oblitarated in seconds instead of pulling someone to YOUR mob like the assa and the pt :S


Where to even begin: force choke, force scream, backhand, force push.


Where are you even getting the impression that powertechs get a knockback?


Timed sticky grenade + railshot does pretty good 30m dps. It isn't sustainable but it's a 3k-5k hit (well, two hits in quick succession) depending on your crits.


3k-5k? as a tank spec? not likely.

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Yeah, that is the one big diff. But PTs get grapple, which is as useful on huttball as friendly jump.


But I will agree huttball is the one area where juggs are actually competitive with PT as tanks. But that's because the game is about gimmicks.

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3k-5k? as a tank spec? not likely.


Uh it's not that hard dude. Unless you're some noob that doesn't spec for at least 60% AP on the railshot. Or who uses PVE tank gear.


Note I said 3k-5k for the whole combo, not per hit. Sticky + rail is def 3k together.

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Also PTs don't have any less utility than the other tanks. The only difference is you don't have to spec to get it, it's mostly all baseline.


If you're facing powertechs only using baseline and losing, you need to look at what you're doing wrong.

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The powertech does have a lot more "offense" in the defensive tree at just about every tier, some of it pretty significant. Their tank "stance" has a buff to damage. I think that is what the OP was complaining about.


Not complaining per se. Like I said I'd like to see juggs buffed to have similar DPS in tank spec, not PT tanks nerfed.


But the idea there isn't a significant disparity is laughable.

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Uh it's not that hard dude. Unless you're some noob that doesn't spec for at least 60% AP on the railshot. Or who uses PVE tank gear.


Note I said 3k-5k for the whole combo, not per hit. Sticky + rail is def 3k together.


Yay, I can burn 40% of my ammo and most likely drop into lower ammo regen band and I've just managed to take 20% of someone's hp.

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If you're facing powertechs only using baseline and losing, you need to look at what you're doing wrong.


Who said anything about that?


PTs have plenty of utility, and most of it is baseline. Jugg utility is equal on huttbal but not as good anywhere else.

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Uh it's not that hard dude. Unless you're some noob that doesn't spec for at least 60% AP on the railshot. Or who uses PVE tank gear.


Note I said 3k-5k for the whole combo, not per hit. Sticky + rail is def 3k together.


lol, I use puncture, rail loaders, and steely resolve with pvp champion TANK gear and I'm lucky if I can crit 2k on someone with no expertise, maybe more if my ion cylinder procs.

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Agreed. Although they need to find some way to do it high enough in the tank tree that you can't combo it with the ridiculous sweep damage from a dps jugg spec.


Or, ideally they would nerf sweep/smash synergy and replace it with enhanced class-wide dps capability.


Yep not technically a buff rather a "nerf" or I would call it an adjustment to smash. It's terrible skill and terrible mechanic. In my opinion guaranteed crit is the worst. Makes all crit rating on gear completely worthless basically(and you can't avoid having crit on some gear pieces).

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