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How slow travel time threatens Warzones


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How's about people STOP requesting things they learned or requested in other mmo's,

"because don't forget the people who make comments that swtor isn't that modern" are the same people requesting old crap from other mmo's. Instead of turning swtor into something dare I say it, WOW, why not try learning new ways to play with new mmo's, and stop contradicting yourselves, saying how this mmo should have stuff wow had or any other mmo, at least come up with something unique to this mmo, instead of requesting **** from other mmo's or crap idea's because your use to playing one style on gameplay and can't expand your brains to include new idea's. "have fun":D

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People don't "have to" find shortcuts. They are choosing to do that to avoid what are, in my opinion, perfectly reasonable travel times. Again, yes, it could be made shorter, but it's hardly excessive as far as travel time goes, especially compared to other MMOs.


You obviously disagree, but from where I'm sitting, if people are choosing an exploit over relatively short travel times, then the exploit (and, again, a certain degree of laziness) is the real problem.


If waiting for the queue to pop up and waiting for the AFK to kick you out is a better option than traveling, in my opinion, traveling is an issue. I've never complained about walking around / traveling in an MMO before. Not. One. Yet in this one, it's the #1 complaint from my squad of merry men. I have never heard them make a point about complaining about travel times in an MMO either.

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If waiting for the queue to pop up and waiting for the AFK to kick you out is a better option than traveling, in my opinion, traveling is an issue. I've never complained about walking around / traveling in an MMO before. Not. One. Yet in this one, it's the #1 complaint from my squad of merry men. I have never heard them make a point about complaining about travel times in an MMO either.


I'm sorry, but it does sound completely ridiculous. I bet I can get from any planet to the fleet faster than these people who are supposedly exploiting to avoid travel times.


You should have been around for the 10 minute waits when SWG launched. And even then I didn't think it was too long, as you got to meet people while you were waiting.


I simply think the travel in this game is actually intelligent. It follows a logical progression to get you from one place to another, while staying on story and providing the player with better immersion. I think it's quite brilliant.

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If waiting for the queue to pop up and waiting for the AFK to kick you out is a better option than traveling, in my opinion, traveling is an issue. I've never complained about walking around / traveling in an MMO before. Not. One. Yet in this one, it's the #1 complaint from my squad of merry men. I have never heard them make a point about complaining about travel times in an MMO either.


no, you're right, I would rather not have my own ship and just have to wait at a spacedock for a shuttle that everyone rides to come pick me up that takes maybe....5-10 mins to get there. And I'd rather only get to QT back to one bind point instead of being able to pick. Yay! Other MMOs travel is so much better!


Travel times in this game are ridiculously short. The issue it, people want to get back to the fleet quickly, and a completely free exploit to save 5 mins is worth it...its a free fleetpass. People would continue to use this exploit even if the EFP had only an hour CD. Because you can easily get to the farthest reachs of ANY planet, complete multiple quests and still not have cleared the Hour CD to get back instantly. Thats just the fact of the matter.

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I tend to agree that people are just lazy lol.


I have no issues with travel in this game. If anything travel in this game is far superior to every mmo simply because of the sprint skill. In SWTOR you run about 30% faster than most other mmo's when out of combat...


Now...If the game didnt have a sprint skill I'd probably get frustrated. But as it stands right now you run ridiculously faster in SWTOR than your average mmo.

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I think people are as it was said lazy gameplayers, there is a difference to mmo games and arcade games, one is longevity the other is a quick fix. by that I mean arcade style of play is for single/multiplayer games and longevity is for mmo style play, alot of you younger players are turning mmo's into arcade style games with these silly request, swg case in point was dumb down to suit the younger players to get faster lvling and that is what alot of this boils down to, rushing to lvl up or rushing to help other guild members who put themselves in stupid positions in the first place....I hope and pray that BW do not make the same mistakes as swg and other mmo's that shall not be named, by turning swtor into another easy arcade type game.;)
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no, you're right, I would rather not have my own ship and just have to wait at a spacedock for a shuttle that everyone rides to come pick me up that takes maybe....5-10 mins to get there. And I'd rather only get to QT back to one bind point instead of being able to pick. Yay! Other MMOs travel is so much better!


Travel times in this game are ridiculously short. The issue it, people want to get back to the fleet quickly, and a completely free exploit to save 5 mins is worth it...its a free fleetpass. People would continue to use this exploit even if the EFP had only an hour CD. Because you can easily get to the farthest reachs of ANY planet, complete multiple quests and still not have cleared the Hour CD to get back instantly. Thats just the fact of the matter.

- Your ship is nothing but 2 loading screens.

- At least getting to the "space dock" to wait in other mmos have taxis that bring you to them. (Not you FFXI, you're worst, in everyway)

-Better level design made QTs more of a gift than a necessity.


But it's possible it's just me and I've lost patience with useless time sinks in my old age.

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It has become increasingly common knowledge (thanks mostly to ticket responses from GM's, who suggested it to me when I became thoroughly stuck) that queuing for a WZ and then waiting the timer out in the spawn room will instantly teleport you to the fleet rather than your previous location, and recently I have seen warzone queues filled with several people who plan to do nothing but sit in the spawn until the timer expires so they can travel faster. The combination of the 18 hr fleet pass and some people not having access to the security vendor have made this the path of least resistance and the negative impact on warzone queues will only increase. Please find a way to fix this problem.


This is pure genius, I can wait for 20 minutes for a wz queue to pop then idle out of the wz and get sent to the fleet immediately!!!! Why didn't I think of that!?!?!

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More then that why are the mounts 90/100/110%. 10-20% for another 280k-310k+. I cannot think of a single reason why the mounts aren't 100-150-200.


To leave room for improvement in future content that will include faster speed licenses.

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Travel times in this game aren't slow. People are just lazy.


The right answer to this isn't to speed up travel. It's plenty fast enough already. The right answer is to remove the "respawn in fleet" exploit.


Travel times are extremely slow, what the hell are you talking about? There's a difference between being lazy, and not wanting to deal with poorly designed instancing because it isn't fun and appealing.

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I think a lot of the complaints boil down to the "quality" of your travel. There isn't anything on the space ports for people after they have done the quests associated with that planet so you're essentially just running down hallways that are pointless. Granted, some of them have vendors on them (Although, the only one of consequence that I can think of is Ilum with the security vendor). Add the overly long loading screens some people have and I can understand their frustration.
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Personally, I think 9 to 15 minutes real time spent to do essentially nothing, is a long long time. In other games, if there is a significant wait, you can go make a sandwich or something.


With this game, it's not only the travel time, but the tedium of travel. I can't just click the option to take me there, I have to navigate through a dozen mini-zones interconnected by several load screens.


I can see both sides of this arguement. On one hand, the steps technically make sense and bypassing them seems that it would take something away from the immersion. But on the other hand, people don't want to go through that much hastle to get from one planet to another.


I hate to make the reference, but it fits. In WoW, people complained all the time that taking a Flightpath ruins the enjoyment of traveling and getting out to see the world. Yet everyone, without exception, would opt for the quick travel of the FP. I really see that here. People are quick to point out that there are benefits to slow travel, but if the option were available to quicktravel, people would use it.


The game already has a couple of limited versions of this. 1) on a planet, you can use a quick travel option to move around on the same planet, and 2) Fleet passes. No one ever complains about these, yet they are EXACTLY what people want, but more often.

Edited by Glowrod
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Quality of travel? you mean running through area's to get from a to b to c to d and people are requesting to remove this to cut down travel and make it arcade in style. Hows about people cut out questing at start at lvl 50, why not? anything that people request to remove from mmo's serve no purpose than to shorten the gameplay and style of play, it's not immursion people are wanting it's fast action, arcade style. MMO's I fear are becoming no more with request like this.:confused:



And please remember, how many other mmo's have failed because of going the arcade style route.;)

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Dude there is nothing wrong with travel times. Back in wow7 years ago you had to run with no mount till you were level 40. So from that we know swtor>wow. And because swtor>wow the travel is fine along with ability delay, fps and whatever other problems you "think" you might have.


It's a Jedi mind trick from swg. Game.. Is.. Fiine..

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Travel may not be as fast as it *could* be, but it's not slow. It's just not.


I'm not just talking out of my butt here. I've timed it, and so far the longest it's ever taken me to get from point A to point B, even if those points are on different planets, is under 9 minutes. It's much shorter if I use Quick Travel during that process. Try it yourself if you don't believe me.


Now, I haven't tried timing travel in any of the other MMOs I play, but I'd lay down money right now that says that in the same type of scenario (any random point A to any other random point B across, say, different continents) that you would quite often come up with results far in excess of 10 minutes.


I'd ask you to lay off the insults, but based on the way you started applying them so liberally based on my just holding a different opinion from yours, I realize asking for a civil discussion with you is pointless, but thanks for the heaping pile of irony in your response. However, I have a hard time seeing sub-10-minute times to get from any one point to any other being "slow." It's not instant, and there may be some additional steps, but it's not unreasonable at all. I'd even bet it's faster than most, if not all, other MMOs.


Go to Dromund Kaas - load screen - ship- load screen- run through starport - elevator load screen - taxi to npc- "Oh you need me to go BACK to the fleet? - taxi, starport load screen- ship load screen -choose the fleet-exit ship load screen-fleet elevator load screen. "Oh you need me to go back to kaas city?


It's intentionally done to string us a long to make leveling longer, it isn't fun, it isn't immersive I don't know why some of you defend it.

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It has become increasingly common knowledge (thanks mostly to ticket responses from GM's, who suggested it to me when I became thoroughly stuck) that queuing for a WZ and then waiting the timer out in the spawn room will instantly teleport you to the fleet rather than your previous location, and recently I have seen warzone queues filled with several people who plan to do nothing but sit in the spawn until the timer expires so they can travel faster. The combination of the 18 hr fleet pass and some people not having access to the security vendor have made this the path of least resistance and the negative impact on warzone queues will only increase. Please find a way to fix this problem.



I noticed this on accident a few times, because every time I play Alderaan, the speeder doesnt render and I get sent to the fleet, kind of anoying when you don't avtually want to go there.

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It has become increasingly common knowledge (thanks mostly to ticket responses from GM's, who suggested it to me when I became thoroughly stuck) that queuing for a WZ and then waiting the timer out in the spawn room will instantly teleport you to the fleet rather than your previous location


Hmm, well, I've queued up for WZs while on my ship (takes less time to respawn there afterwards), got in, started moving to where the other players are, and about two seconds later, poof, off to the <bleeping!> fleet I go. No waiting. Just trying to get in the damn thing.


It's annoying as H E Double Hockey Sticks. It's happened the last two times I've tried to get into a WZ.


My point being - I'm not doing this to get to the fleet, I don't want to get to the fleet, but it's happening anyway.

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Because some of you want to destroy mmo's, it doesn' stop with quicker travel times, in wow it's a different fantacy game, as with startrek online which has transporters, starwars never did apart from speeders and space ships and starports, it's keeping inline with the fantacy of the films. which and someone did say this in another post, that they didn't show all the traveling in the films, which is a stupid comment to make, as this is a starwars mmo, MMO's have always been and should always stay long lasting gameplay.


That you build your avatar in time and follow the worlds lores and have plenty of detail in mmo's that you wouldn't get in single or multiplayer games, a good rpg is what mmo's are all about, not quick action games that you get from one place to another in a mater of seconds. MMO's are meant to be done in time, not rushed;) If people find things like this boring, then perhaps mmo games aren't for you.

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Go to Dromund Kaas - load screen - ship- load screen- run through starport - elevator load screen - taxi to npc- "Oh you need me to go BACK to the fleet? - taxi, starport load screen- ship load screen -choose the fleet-exit ship load screen-fleet elevator load screen. "Oh you need me to go back to kaas city?


It's intentionally done to string us a long to make leveling longer, it isn't fun, it isn't immersive I don't know why some of you defend it.


Go back to WOW you completely reasonable person!

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I'm not reffering to fleet passes, I'm reffering to cutting out parts of the maps, spaceports,lifts and the immursion of getting from one place to another. Instant transport from one place to another is fine if it has a long cool down period to stop it being abused. Having instant travel in starwars does not fit the lore in the starwars universe. We already have one quick travel which isn't zapping us from one side of the map to another, it's a request for a transporter and the cool down time is good, so it's not abused and as it sends for a trasporter, it's keeping inline with the starwars lore.;)


So cutting the CD on fleet pass to 1 hour will destroy the MMO? Did Glenn Beck write this post for you?
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Go to Dromund Kaas - load screen - ship- load screen- run through starport - elevator load screen - taxi to npc- "Oh you need me to go BACK to the fleet? - taxi, starport load screen- ship load screen -choose the fleet-exit ship load screen-fleet elevator load screen. "Oh you need me to go back to kaas city?


It's intentionally done to string us a long to make leveling longer, it isn't fun, it isn't immersive I don't know why some of you defend it.


Exactly. I'd rather have to do 10 more quests to level up over seeing 10 loading screens.

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Quality of travel? you mean running through area's to get from a to b to c to d and people are requesting to remove this to cut down travel and make it arcade in style. Hows about people cut out questing at start at lvl 50, why not? anything that people request to remove from mmo's serve no purpose than to shorten the gameplay and style of play, it's not immursion people are wanting it's fast action, arcade style. MMO's I fear are becoming no more with request like this.:confused:



And please remember, how many other mmo's have failed because of going the arcade style route.;)


Because cutting down on pointless travel is totally the same thing as being instantly max level.


I do agree with you that most people want to get to their task quickly. However, the ports are areas that serve no purpose to players that have gone through them already. Hell, even the instanced quest zones/caves/whatever are locked to you after you have done everything associated with them. In general, travel is pretty quick (From the space travel, speeders, fleet passes and quick travel) it's just that the massive low point are all of the ports and stations. I think removing them would stream line interplanetary travel. It wouldn't be game breaking if they stick around, just an annoyance really.

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