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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Everyone reroll to Empire


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The WZ win/loss thing is true. You can have streaks where you go 1:10 rather easily as repub. Part of it is, your average repub team is


1 10-19

3 20-29

3 30-39

1 40+


Empire is usually


1 10-19

1 20-29

2 30-39

4 40+


The only time you get a win repub is when you have a couple 50s in your team to counteract the 2-5 50s the empire always has. Repubs must pvp less or just have a significantly lower population.


And half the time the reoub team has no idea what they are doing. No strategy in any match. Don't watch caps, don't defend doors/cannons, dont pass the ball, stand at our goal as leap target. Its like /facepalm wtfbro use, your skull for a second

Edited by grandmasterub
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I don't understand all the players who whine about how quests are better and gear cooler looking on the Imperial side than the Republic side. I started as an Imperial and got my Sith Marauder to 50 and was happily doing HMs when some of my guildies decided to make Republic alts. So I rolled a JK and, I hate to say it, but it's been really hard to go back to my SW. I like the quests much, much better on the Republic side. Republic Taris is way more fun and interesting than Empire Taris. Same goes for Republic Tattooine. Plus, I'm sorry, but JK gear is way better looking than Sith gear. There are no idiotic, three-foot long shoulder pads and you have helmets that actually let you see your character's face. The biggest complaint seems to be that you can't put your robe's hood down, but you know what? At least you get robes! Sith are stuck with armor that is alternately either bland or ugly. I'll take the Jedi robes any day over that.
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Depends a lot on how much you like the planets I guess.


My least favorite planets are Coruscant, Nar Shaddaa and Taris (the really sad part is, Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa are very similar), and those are the first non-starter planets for the Republic. It's a bit brutal for me, but at least after that it's pretty smooth sailing.

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This thread is simply you trying to get other people to switch with you. Then you can tell yourself you had to switch because everyone else was doing it. It'll soothe your ego.


I'm not rerolling Imp just so my game is easier. At some point I may roll an Imp alt just to see what it's like, but for now I'm Republic.


You want to switch, switch, but do it without needing other people to switch with you to make yourself feel better.


Switch alone, switch proudly and say, "I'm switching because I'm an easymoder and Republic is too difficult for me".


nope, warning people about how they will miss out in the game and wont have fun if they roll Republic.

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Troll post. If everyone rolled empire, there would be no reason to play.


Wrong, if everyone rolled empire there will be ZERO queue time and ZERO time looking for a group. Cant say that for republic. We are getting more same faction warzones so Huttball isn't the only one we will play. See you on Ilum in the center with our fellow battlemaster geared imps.

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Here are the advantages for being Empire over Republic:


-Good economy

-A lot of people online to quest with

-Endgame content has a lot of people in top tier gear to do with

-Able to do Ilum daily/weekly

-Able to do Warzone daily/weekly in 9 matches

-Complete control in Ilum world pvp

-90% win ratio in Warzones

-Get top tier gear fast

-Good story

-Better looking Gear

-No animation lag on abilites


Those are off the top of my head. There is ZERO reason to roll Republic, you will just gimp yourself and wont have any fun spamming LFG and losing 24/7 in pvp. If you are Republic allready, reroll Empire.


This is not WoW! Having fun ruins the community!

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This is the stupidest post I've read. I have a 40 on Empire, and a 30 on Republic, why would you believe that everyone should re-roll Empire? First of all, that would ruin the PvP aspect of the game (not making any comments on how I think of the PvP already). Secondly, everyone is entitled to their own opinion on the story lines and the characters, and some people actually like to play as a good guy, and believe the Republic is the way to go. I don't see why uptight Empire has way more players besides the fact that the gear is better and there's more people to find. I don't have any complaints finding groups on the republic, it's not like it's THAT BAD. And as far as general chat goes, it seems as if the trolls and the scums decide to hit up the Empire side more than the Republic.


But the bottom line is, let people play what they want to play, don't TELL them, or FORCE them to re-roll, that's stupid! What if I told you to pick a different Mario Kart character because yours is gay.



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This is the stupidest post I've read. I have a 40 on Empire, and a 30 on Republic, why would you believe that everyone should re-roll Empire? First of all, that would ruin the PvP aspect of the game (not making any comments on how I think of the PvP already). Secondly, everyone is entitled to their own opinion on the story lines and the characters, and some people actually like to play as a good guy, and believe the Republic is the way to go. I don't see why uptight Empire has way more players besides the fact that the gear is better and there's more people to find. I don't have any complaints finding groups on the republic, it's not like it's THAT BAD. And as far as general chat goes, it seems as if the trolls and the scums decide to hit up the Empire side more than the Republic.


But the bottom line is, let people play what they want to play, don't TELL them, or FORCE them to re-roll, that's stupid! What if I told you to pick a different Mario Kart character because yours is gay.




The pvp aspect of the game would improve. We would get faster queues for Huttball while we all circle center of Ilum in full battlemaster. Sure its your choice to stay or roll republic, but have fun with your long queues, lack of people, and getting roflstomped in pvp.

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OP is right, everyone else just mad at hard truths. They should just drop Repub and let empire play against each other in all 3 warzones.


I look forward to The Great Huttball War with my Bounty Hunter. Im also glad BioWare will continue to favor empire by releasing more same faction warzones. See you at Ilum bro as we faceroll the 2 republic guys who go there and share chests :D

Edited by LoL-K-Noob
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