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Swtor kinda sucks


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When wow was released you couldn't queue for dungeons either. Back then we used the same system as we do in swtor.


Which made sense in 2005.



Nor were there any raids, arenas, barbershops, flying mounts, LFR, transmog, badge gear, daily quests, heroic dungeons, deathknights, alliance shamans, horde paladins, actual viable feral druids or boomkins, achievements, race/gender/name changes, realm transfers, bloodelves, draenei, pandas, pokemon and quite a few other things that I can't think of atm.


Here's the dilemma examplified: Once upon a time, the Model T Ford was a new and fairly revolutionary vehicle that took its then-very-very-new industry by storm.


Here's its list of ah...features.



Now, here in 2012, we've got things that are more like this. in the general market.


Here in 2012, if you're going to try to sell, say...a car, you're going to want it, in general, to be more like the Ford Focus in that contrast, not the Model T.


You're going to, unless you don't like success, study what works and what doesn't in the current market, you'll do everything you can to take what works and make it your own while omitting as much of what doesn't as you can.


Right? This seems reasonable to me in a pedestrian sort've way, and it holds up as a general sort've statement in my thinking.


So, what happens if you release...THIS? It might not actually be a complete disaster, provided you aren't making amateurish (or outright negligent) oversights and mistakes.


But, if all you're going to to is put a new body on the Pinto and import the same damned problems the original had, why the hell are you even bothering? Some history ought not and need not be repeated.




Heroic quests are completely optional, and a quite a few of them are actually solo'able depending on class/specc/level/companion/gear/tactics.



That's what questing usually is like. This is not the first game like that and sure won't be the last....


True 'nuff.




I will agree with this bit as far as the linear leveling goes. But if you are a completionist like myself, or just enjoy questing, you will literally outlevel every planet, which gives you somewhat the illusion of being able to "decide" what planet to level on by just doing your class quests and heaving to the next planet (which you are more than qualified for to quest levelwise).


I reasonably suspect leveling paths will diversify in the future. Pretty linear right now, no mistake, but I don't think that'll persist. I can't, in any case, think of any reason why they wouldn't come up with expanded storylines on existing planets and new planets with new storylines, expansions on class content and a'so on, so on, so forth.


They might've pulled some facepalm-worthy blunders in carbon copying system models and feature sets that are about as lackluster (and demonstrably poor ideas in some cases) as the 1980 Pinto would be considered as here in 2012, but they'll learn, improve and get better where they might be deficient or ...dare I say, new?...to manufacturing qwality MMO-age, but will probably also take what they're doing well to smashingly well and do more of that too.


Just my thought on that one.



The part of looking the same is quite wrong, due to all the custom gear that's around. You are not forced to wear your quest rewards, because you can mod pretty much any item you like the look of.


I lump this in with one of the Pinto-style blunders they lockstepped themselves into, myself.


People. Love. Customization. I mean c'mon, look at the character creation editors that are neither new nor bizarre in their offerings, and sure are getting prolific in their popularity, in single player markets, casual markets, MMO markets; bloody everywhere.


People like to play Pretty Princess Dress-Me-Up with costume/appearance editors too. Oh dear gawd do they like that.


Yeah, its very nice that we can keep moddable gear we like the look of throughout the entire leveling process and, for a time at least, into endgame...but who the slaphappy hell wasn't awake when character creation and appearance customization was on the table?


Missing the boat on this one isn't just one of those 'Well, we made some design decisions and, while we'd like that sort of feature, it just didn't work with our vision' type of deals.


It's more a "We don't like money, or succeeding, and we're pretty sure that we don't like Fun either." sort of blunder.


Truly, of all the mistakes they've made, this one is quite possibly the entire top 5 all by itself not for what they did, which is completely forgettable albeit basically functional, but what they did not do, did not capitalize on and did not seem to set themselves up very well to even alter that fact at any foreseable point in time.


Whazzit Gault says? "Sometimes you win some, sometimes you lose some. You...just lost some."


Totally, absolutely applicable on the character creation/customization front.





Based on this statement I can say you have very little experience concerning rpg's, as pretty much the majority of rpg's are linear in some way or another. Though I'll admit that it would be nice if we had more choice in deciding where to level


Agreed, though again, I'm pretty confident in that we'll get the leveling path diversities in time.




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ive played wow for about 5 years so its hard not to compare. sure the game just came out but when wow came out it had more than swtor. first of all you cant queue for flashpoints. players are so unreliable so its hard to find a good group it takes for ever. theres too many heroic quests like i said it takes forever to find a good group and the heroics are impossible to solo. there is only 1 area to quest per alliance which is *********** ridiculous. they should have focused more on content and less on gosh darn voice acting. the side quests are boring you have to walk across the planet to get to them its just a big mess. because of the 1 zone per alliance per level it feels as though there no freedom to play the way you want and level at the rate you want because everyone is doing the exact same quests, getting the exact same gear etc. it shouldnt even be classified as a rpg imo in almost all rpgs theres freedom to choose where you want to level. this is basically a sad version of kotor. every thing else is pretty good i guess. but bottom line i think im gonna go for another 5 years on wow.


You could do none of that in WoW when it was 1 month old. Just fyi. I mean, when will people give it up? Bioware has a solid framework for a game here, and while yes it should of been released in a better state, or with added features, that doesn't mean they aren't going to be implementing them soon enough. It's biowares real first step into the mmorpg fray and well, they can't get everything right immediately off the bat. They need player feed-back and time, and they'll use that to get it right. You have got to stop comparing this game to WoW just because it has mounts, and a futuristic hearthstone. Just because it's 2012 doesn't mean the game should be omg super awesome and have every feature you could possibly think of while brainstorming ideas for 24 hours straight. That's not possible. They are added over-time, just like blizzard did.


Same with how blizzard's game was a trainwreck for weeks at launch in november 2004. Servers were horrible. Class design issues. Crashing. 24h queue times. Instances being unavailable. Exploits. Yadda. The whole "This is 2012, not 2004" argument really holds no water. It just doesn't. What successful mmos have there been in that time? Truly successful mmos. One. Don't say Rift, because it's popularity was shortlived. WoW has been the only game since 2004 to truly be a popular game.


The SAME people who come on these forums to complain about the game, and compare it to WoW, -- or tell the community how they are going back to WoW and demand compensation for their lost time -- are the same people who will begrudgingly go back to WoW -- sit in orgrimmar or stormwind for 5 hours straight with nothing to do but talk nonsense in trade-chat, bored out of their skulls. They will then goto the WoW boards and go on and on about why end-game sucks in cataclysm because there's nothing to do. The complainers will always complain. It's a fact of life. I guarantee every person who complains about TOR and goes back to WoW will go back to complaining about WoW too. People are expecting a game to be perfect, and live up to everyones exact specifications. It's NOT possible, and the sooner people accept that -- the better off they will be.

Edited by Rodanth_The_Wise
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You could do none of that in WoW when it was 1 month old. Just fyi. I mean, when will people give it up? Bioware has a solid framework for a game here, and while yes it should of been released in a better state, or with added features, that doesn't mean they aren't going to be implementing them soon enough. It's biowares real first step into the mmorpg fray and well, they can't get everything right immediately off the bat. They need player feed-back and time, and they'll use that to get it right. You have got to stop comparing this game to WoW just because it has mounts, and a futuristic hearthstone. Just because it's 2012 doesn't mean the game should be omg super awesome and have every feature you could possibly think of while brainstorming ideas for 24 hours straight. That's not possible. They are added over-time, just like blizzard did.


Same with how blizzard's game was a trainwreck for weeks at launch in november 2004. Servers were horrible. Class design issues. Crashing. 24h queue times. Instances being unavailable. Exploits. Yadda. The whole "This is 2012, not 2004" argument really holds no water. It just doesn't. What successful mmos have there been in that time? Truly successful mmos. One. Don't say Rift, because it's popularity was shortlived. WoW has been the only game since 2004 to truly be a popular game.


The SAME people who come on these forums to complain about the game, and compare it to WoW, -- or tell the community how they are going back to WoW and demand compensation for their lost time -- are the same people who will begrudgingly go back to WoW -- sit in orgrimmar or stormwind for 5 hours straight with nothing to do but talk nonsense in trade-chat, bored out of their skulls. They will then goto the WoW boards and go on and on about why end-game sucks in cataclysm because there's nothing to do. The complainers will always complain. It's a fact of life. I guarantee every person who complains about TOR and goes back to WoW will go back to complaining about WoW too. People are expecting a game to be perfect, and live up to everyones exact specifications. It's NOT possible, and the sooner people accept that -- the better off they will be.



That's a very broad guarantee to make. Some that complain and criticize do so with the intention of conveying their interest in seeing something they like improve.


It is too heavy-handed and relegates itself to overgeneralized fallacy to essentially say that all complainers complain only to complain. Moreover, it's an untenable position to make sweeping statements from on logical grounds.


One of the chiefest and most vital forms of feedback in any project is criticism.


I surely won't dispute you on that there are right ways and wrong ways to deliver that criticism; I know very well indeed what a lot of the wrong ways are. Guilty party of all of them and all.


However, even ridicule and chastising can, despite their negative implication, be valuable and vital tools, particularly when applied correctly.


Frankly, I think the greatest majority of the problem of why so many complain so violently probably isn't too different from my own; we're used to being ignored.


We often jump directly into lighting fires in the vague, fringe hope that, if nothing else, the smoke might at least sting someone into caring about whatever we're on about.


It is, I think, the equivalent of yelling in an empty room. There's almost never any answer, the only feedback typically secured comes from forum moderators in the form of warnings and repudiations, or bans, and there's just not a lot of reason for many to believe that IF they present and conduct themselves in a more polite and constructive manner, that they'll be doing anything but being polite and constructive to that empty room.


For some, though not so much myself, I think that encourages them to scream and get outlandish. At least then they have the echoes as some manner of feedback; the vis a vis negative attention is sometimes better than no attention at all, perhaps?


And that is not to say that everybody with a complaint is necessarily attention-seeking to a dysfunctional and problematic degree either. Attention-seeking? Clearly; they have a problem and would like it to receive some attention.


By definition, it is so. It cannot be, and ought not be, assumed to automatically be a malfunction, disorder or deviance just for existing at all, because that is absolutely untrue.



Do you agree or disagree in any comment-worthy manner with any of this? I'd be interested in reading and possibly discussing your views in either case.

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Op, I'm sorry, but you don't seem to know anything about how wow started. All your points are over-exaggerated and wrong, others seem to adhere to your experience alone, ie. players wont group with you for fp's.


Swtor, with its fault, is better and has a lot more stuff than wow at launch, if you really dislike the game so much, just don't play it and go back to wow or something, its probably not for you.


What exactly do you mean by "shouldn't be called a rpg" and "just another kotor", Kotor is an rpg, and so is Swtor, Swtor is just the massivley multi player online type.


Although if your trolling,



Edited by TheLonelyTusken
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I want to know why no one seems to know that there is a LFG feature in the game. Sure its not up to par with say DDO. Which IMO is the best LFG feature in any game. yes even better than the one in wow. It launched with the game and doesnt Cross sever. It list every one looking for a group, what content they are going to do and the lvl of players they are looking for.


LFG feature done right. Cross server LFG to me would kill this game. But doing something like DDO's would make the LFG that is here better. But it DOES have an LFG.




The two biggets drawbacks in the current system are:


1) No global oversight of people looking for groups

2) A badly implemented or rather lacking LFG UI.


Also, the biggest helpful part, which most people don't seem to know about, is that you can mouse over the purple LFG icon in the LFG tool to read the full comment people have written down in their comment.


Then there are also some bugs like resetting your LFG comment whenever you zone out, aswell as not automatically removing you from the LFG tool when you have a full party.


Not only that, the /who or search tool seems to be lacking currently. Also it's not really known or explained atleast how to properly use it, aswell as other types of info not showing, like what guilds people are in for example.


Luckily they have already announced that they are going to improve the LFG tool.


I reasonably suspect leveling paths will diversify in the future. Pretty linear right now, no mistake, but I don't think that'll persist. I can't, in any case, think of any reason why they wouldn't come up with expanded storylines on existing planets and new planets with new storylines, expansions on class content and a'so on, so on, so forth.


This is something I really do hope aswell. Uptill now almost every mmo has done this wrong in some way or another. I really hope that instead of just adding new planets only, they'll consider adding new zones to existing planets, and give more incentives to simply revisit the existing planets (hopfully not simply by adding dailies).


And to add to this, one of the things that pretty much every mmo seems to do wrong is creating a really dynamic, living world. WoW started implementing some nice things in cataclysm, improving this a bit. As an example, the phasing technique they used in the worgen starting area. I'm not sure if everyone is familiar with it, but basically, as you progress through the starter area the world around you starts to change. Parts of it submerge underwater, and stay that way forever.


Another quick example is the famed Isle of Quel'Danas from the the Burning Crusade expansion. While it wasn't exactly the same as the new phasing the implemented in Cataclysm, it felt amazing because the world literally changed around you as you progressed through the questline (though on a serverwide scale, not so much personal).


There's nothing more loathing than arriving at Booty Bay six months after the expansion's release only to see the same goblins still wacking their hammer on the same bank at the exact same spots without there having been zero progress.


Then there's also things like day-/nighttime cycles and weather changes. I'm really dissappointed they haven't added day-/nighttime cycles. I can get it from a perspective of not every planet having the same cycles as we do in realtime, or simply having different cycles based on position/movement when it comes to planetary scale. But I really hope they willl reconsider adding this at some point.


Concerning weather systems... I don't know if they have this implemented yet or whether they still will (since they'll be going f2p, and I haven't played it in a very long time), but Aion had an amazing vision for this. I'll add a link to their weather:

(skip to 3:02-3:40 to for the relevant weather system).


Yeah, its very nice that we can keep moddable gear we like the look of throughout the entire leveling process and, for a time at least, into endgame...but who the slaphappy hell wasn't awake when character creation and appearance customization was on the table?


Missing the boat on this one isn't just one of those 'Well, we made some design decisions and, while we'd like that sort of feature, it just didn't work with our vision' type of deals.

I actually do agree with this partly. For one, in my opinion there definately should've been more options in character customization as a whole.


However, there was an additional customization option in the beta, something they refered to as unify chest colors (iirc). This feature supposedly allowed you to color all your gear to represent the color scheme used in your chestpiece, essentially making you not look like a clown all the time.

They removed this feature pretty close to launch however, because they weren't completely happy with how it worked at the time. As far as I know they are still working on it. Atleast, that's what they stated back then. I'm not sure if they gave up on it however, as there's been little feedback regarding it.

Edited by Arell
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bottom line i think im gonna go for another 5 years on wow.

...and not a single damn was given.


Everything you wrote is is wrong. WoW at launch didn't have even half of the content that ToR has. Questing in ToR is boring? Bet in WoW is a delight to read all those walls of text that translate into "Go kill 10 boars". One of the thing that made me stop play WoW is the fact that the leveling in Cata was just as boring as ever and all I was doing is click on the quest gives, accept the quest without reading anything and open my map to se where the quest sends me. Best time i had in WoW was in BC.

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ive played wow for about 5 years so its hard not to compare. sure the game just came out but when wow came out it had more than swtor. first of all you cant queue for flashpoints. players are so unreliable so its hard to find a good group it takes for ever. theres too many heroic quests like i said it takes forever to find a good group and the heroics are impossible to solo. there is only 1 area to quest per alliance which is *********** ridiculous. they should have focused more on content and less on gosh darn voice acting. the side quests are boring you have to walk across the planet to get to them its just a big mess. because of the 1 zone per alliance per level it feels as though there no freedom to play the way you want and level at the rate you want because everyone is doing the exact same quests, getting the exact same gear etc. it shouldnt even be classified as a rpg imo in almost all rpgs theres freedom to choose where you want to level. this is basically a sad version of kotor. every thing else is pretty good i guess. but bottom line i think im gonna go for another 5 years on wow.


I never played WoW, but the general concensus is that SWTOR has more at launch than WoW had at launch... but personally I find content comparisons like that to be kind of pointless.

Queueing for Flashpoints (I assume this is a reference to a Dungeon Finder): No, this is not an option. Maybe it will be added later, but the community is somewhat split about whether they want one, and Bioware seem to be prioritizing bugs and adding more content ahead of this sort of tool.

Players are unreliable: Saying that the game sucks, and then complaining about the community? ok... but if you want to find good groups, join a Guild and run content with them rather than picking up random groups.

Too many Heroic quests: Excuse me? Can we frame this Bioware? We have a player who thinks we have too much content in the game :)

Heroics are impossible to solo: Of course not, they are Heroic instances. If you want stuff to solo, you have entire planets to play in.

Focus more on content and less on voice acting: ok, I am confused. On the one hand, there are too many heroic instances, on the other there is not enough content. And as for the voice acting, hello?? This is Bioware (story-driven game developer) producing a MMO that was billed as a story-driven journey, not a MMO grind-fest.

Rest of your post: You seem to want a completely open-ended sandbox game like SWG or EVE Online. This is not one of those so I suspect this is not going to be the game for you. You are not forced to work purely on the storyline content, but as that is where the majority of the content is based, you have a choice - play your own way or see the content.

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Well I'm one of those closed beta vanilla players, and for me WoW was more "epic" when it came out, but I think it's mostly because we are so spoiled today when it comes to the standard of games.


Flame me all you want, but overall (screw the "to easy, catering for casuals etc etc etc") WoW has more quality feel to me (my own opionion ofc).


Now comparing SWTOR to vanilla is wrong, and I dont care if Blizzard has 7 years on development behind them, but in terms of comunity, quality and content I dare say that blizzard is ahead of the game and there is a reason why they have 10 times the subs then the next competitor (if it is 10 times anymore, who cares).


Now I do like SW:TOR I havent had this much fun since my first warrior in vanilla WoW, the story and the levling was awesome for 40 levels (thats when I hit my first "MY GOD DO I REALLY NEED TO RUN BACK AND FORTH THIS MUCH" period), but once I hit 50, and I didnt rush, I listned to the dialog, did some pvp, enjoyed all quests, heroic quests and bonus series, I really did, 50 just took the air out and I didnt feel compelled to grind gear and alignment.


Anyway, I'we started levling a ranged class, and I'm soon done with the "unique" part aka starting planet there and allready not looking forward to the common planets.

This is something that blizzard learned and did better for every expantion, and really nailed when they redid the quest flow in cataclysm and something I hoped Bioware would learn from to.


Lastly for me, the customer service of bioware, considering the massive hype and franchise that Star Wars and the old republic is, should have been alot better.


But that said, the game has been fun, I enjoy the story I look forward to future updates and most likly will add time abit later down the lane, right now I'm just going to reinstall my old Kotor games and enjoy those once more!

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when wow came out, it didnt have the random dungeon finder...

that came out near the end of the BC expac... im guessing 3-4 years after release...


the heroic zones quests... if im not mistaken, is exactly what wow is gunna add in panda land... but its not instanced in tor, its open world


you are basically comparing apples to oranges

or in this case, a sprout to a full grown tree

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ive played wow for about 5 years so its hard not to compare. sure the game just came out but when wow came out it had more than swtor. first of all you cant queue for flashpoints. players are so unreliable so its hard to find a good group it takes for ever. theres too many heroic quests like i said it takes forever to find a good group and the heroics are impossible to solo. there is only 1 area to quest per alliance which is *********** ridiculous. they should have focused more on content and less on gosh darn voice acting. the side quests are boring you have to walk across the planet to get to them its just a big mess. because of the 1 zone per alliance per level it feels as though there no freedom to play the way you want and level at the rate you want because everyone is doing the exact same quests, getting the exact same gear etc. it shouldnt even be classified as a rpg imo in almost all rpgs theres freedom to choose where you want to level. this is basically a sad version of kotor. every thing else is pretty good i guess. but bottom line i think im gonna go for another 5 years on wow.


First of all, if you've only been playing WoW for 5years you weren't playing when it first came out. When wow first came out it had NO heroics (only lvl 60 dungeons like Scholo and Strat) and only 1 raid, a 40 MAN Molten Core (it was impossible to get a 40man PUG together with no LFG). It wasn't until the first major content patch that ZG came out and then even longer after that until Blackwing Lair was released. This game has heroics all the way up, flashpoints (equiv to WoW heroics) AND many operations (which equate to WoW's raids). What more could you want for launch in terms of content?


This bugs me. How quickly people forget. The group queueing system of WoW was actually implemented during Burning Crusade (at least a year after the launch of the original game).


Really? first you complain that there's not enough content then you complain there are too many heroics? I've actually had no problem at all on either of my 2 main characters finding groups for heroics. There's usually a few other people questing on the world I'm on and since heroics can be repeated daily even people who've done them before can help me out or vice versa. Heroics aren't meant to be solo'd anymore than WoW heroics are. Would you expect to be able to solo any WoW heroic as a fresh 85? or any of WoW's instances while lvling up for that matter.


LOL even WoW only really had 2 different places to level at a time. You either did you level specific zone on Kalimdor or Eastern Kingdoms.... that's it. You wouldn't try leveling in Winterspring (a lvl 55-60 zone) if you're only lvl 44. Same thing with SWTOR (and any progressive game really) it's PROGRESSIVE.


Running outta colours here. Really..? REALLY? Keep in mind that up until the last 2 years or so you had to walk EVERYWHERE in WoW until you lvl lvl 40! And even then you only got a +60% speed mount. And you say THIS game has a lot of running around...? The side quests are pretty much identical to WoW. Go find X of these or go kill X of those. So I don't understand why WoW's side quests are ok but not TOR's lol.


What game allows you to level wherever you want? WoW certainly doesn't as I already mentionned in my Plum coloured text. Do you even know what RPG stands for? Role Playing Game. Did Fable allow you to go wherever you wanted? No you unlocked new places sequentially as you completed the story. Same with ME, KOTOR, FF (any of them), and pretty much any other RPG. It's PROGRESSIVE


I'm sorry, I'm not a SW fanboi or anything and this game does have it's share of problems but none of your points make ANY sense lol. Enjoy WoW though... I'm interested in something different and new.

Edited by Jakyre
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so you played wow for 5 years and tell us about what it had when it came out?


well, WoWs been out for like 7 years i think, but yeah wow had just about the same amount of stuff, just more walking was involved, and considering previously MMO's had been meant for the "nerd crowd" people diddnt know what they were doing, but now with many people having had wow under their belts, swtor is alot easier...


that being said this game still needs things

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just my opinion i know i said some stupid things but the main thing that pisses me off and no one is replying about is the face that there is only 1 zone to play in for example nar shaddaa is for levels 20-26 but there is no other 20-26 zones. in wow there was i like freedom when i play rpgs
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first reply (hi),


I have to disagree with the orginal post (like so many).


In wow you didn't have many zones to level. You where stuck on the same zone untill you reached a level and pass on. It aint very different here.


Now, i haven't played SWTOR for a very long time (few days) and have played (like many) wow for a long time (yes - since the very first release) and wow had many bugs that point of release. Raiding got good when BC hit the streets.


I actually enjoy the starwars setting after years of hacking and slashing orcs and elves and such. I was a bit dissapointed with the space combat but i'm sure it will improve over time.


Cya around


Edited by Rblkwa
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ive played wow for about 5 years so its hard not to compare. sure the game just came out but when wow came out it had more than swtor. first of all you cant queue for flashpoints. players are so unreliable so its hard to find a good group it takes for ever. theres too many heroic quests like i said it takes forever to find a good group and the heroics are impossible to solo. there is only 1 area to quest per alliance which is *********** ridiculous. they should have focused more on content and less on gosh darn voice acting. the side quests are boring you have to walk across the planet to get to them its just a big mess. because of the 1 zone per alliance per level it feels as though there no freedom to play the way you want and level at the rate you want because everyone is doing the exact same quests, getting the exact same gear etc. it shouldnt even be classified as a rpg imo in almost all rpgs theres freedom to choose where you want to level. this is basically a sad version of kotor. every thing else is pretty good i guess. but bottom line i think im gonna go for another 5 years on wow.


It has potential but I agree, it leaves a lot to be desired - and I think they wasted a lot of valuable time and resources on voice-acting.


In it's current state calling it an MMORPG is misleading, and it's more like a single-player adventure/action game with a Co op mode, which is how an earlier poster aptly described it.


Rather it's successful or not will depend on how quickly they add new content, change the space travel system - and they desperately need to add some more depth to the gameplay. The legacy system coming in March may be just what the doctor ordered. Time will tell.

Edited by JeremyDale
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All I have to say is: 1,000,000 accounts + under 10 days = fastest growing game of all time.


LOL! I just realized I sounded like T7! I love that little guy. :)


KnightGreg, a huge amount of those accounts were pre-ordered before the game even came out - so trying to link a correlation between the amount of accounts to the quality of a game is a little misleading.


The bottom line is there is a hunger in the market right now for a new MMORPG, so everytime a new one comes out that shows promise players throng to them initially.


The real test is going to be see how many accounts is still there after 6 months or so, not the first 10 days, as that's not a good indicator.

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ive played wow for about 5 years so its hard not to compare. sure the game just came out but when wow came out it had more than swtor. first of all you cant queue for flashpoints. players are so unreliable so its hard to find a good group it takes for ever. theres too many heroic quests like i said it takes forever to find a good group and the heroics are impossible to solo. there is only 1 area to quest per alliance which is *********** ridiculous. they should have focused more on content and less on gosh darn voice acting. the side quests are boring you have to walk across the planet to get to them its just a big mess. because of the 1 zone per alliance per level it feels as though there no freedom to play the way you want and level at the rate you want because everyone is doing the exact same quests, getting the exact same gear etc. it shouldnt even be classified as a rpg imo in almost all rpgs theres freedom to choose where you want to level. this is basically a sad version of kotor. every thing else is pretty good i guess. but bottom line i think im gonna go for another 5 years on wow.


PS Im about to tear this post apart.


first of all you cant queue for flashpoints. < This feature did not come into WoW untill I believe it was TBC.


players are so unreliable so its hard to find a good group it takes for ever > This is nothing to do with the game, your just unlucky.


theres too many heroic quests like i said it takes forever to find a good group and the heroics are impossible to solo. Now try soloing a level appropriate heroic in wow let me know how it goes.


there is only 1 area to quest per alliance which is *********** ridiculous, Umm you sure you have the right game, you have ONE PLANET with multiple zones.


they should have focused more on content and less on gosh darn voice acting. This is a GOOD thing, and WoW had BUGGER ALL CONTENT at launch, it had Molton core at launch, that was it.


the side quests are boring you have to walk across the planet to get to them its just a big mess. The side quests USUALLY tie in nicely with the mainline quest. (And its not that much walking.


it shouldnt even be classified as a rpg imo in almost all rpgs theres freedom to choose where you want to level, WoW did not do this either, You had like 3 zones PER BRACKET , and that was only due to races.


You my freind are NOT a vanilla wow player and I'm sorry but have NO RIGHT at all to compare this game to wow, I played WoW for 8 years (got it 2 weeks after release) Sounds like you came into it in TBC when WoW peaked its highest. WoW had a god awful launch classes were not balanced AT ALL and "Endgame" was most classes spamming ONE BUTTON some had 3.


Paladin - cleanse (Install de cursive, bind key to cleanse stick healer on follow and just tap the button while watching TV, that was paladin raiding in vanilla wow.


Mage, One spec only and that was frost and only frost bolt was ever used, occasionally decurse.


The point is WoW was HORRIBLE when it was first out, SWTOR is 100 times better than wow was in vanilla, sure theres bugs, what mmo DOES'T have bugs. But the content is there.


Yes it needs fleshing out, but thats what an MMO is, a game that EVOLVES, WoW is a COMPLETELY different game from back at release.


A good MMO has the groundwork layed out and a smooth launch (I believe SWTOR has had the best launch in MMO history, I could be wrong there), WoW certainly didn't, I still have nightmares about those 4 hour long ques :S


Give the game 6 months and if things goto plan, SWTOR will cripple WoW, PROVIDED Bioware can keep up with the majority of players with regards to new content and that they listen to the community.

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KnightGreg, a huge amount of those accounts were pre-ordered before the game even came out - so trying to link a correlation between the amount of accounts to the quality of a game is a little misleading.


The bottom line is there is a hunger in the market right now for a new MMORPG, so everytime a new one comes out that shows promise players throng to them initially.


The real test is going to be see how many accounts is still there after 6 months or so, not the first 10 days, as that's not a good indicator.


True. I guess having Star Wars and Bioware attached to the title kind of help it too. However, this game is beast. I never played WoW so I can't honestly say if this is better or not. All I know is this game is going to destroy any social life I have/had left. Now time to get on my JK and try to kill Darth Angral. Wish me luck peeps. :D

Edited by KnightGreg
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ive played wow for about 5 years so its hard not to compare.


Yes it is. I pretty much didn't listened to whatever you said , after you said this. And less voice acting, are you kidding? the voice acting is what makes this more special and interesting compared to all the other MMORPGS out there now! If you are comparing this to the idiotic game then, your argument is void.

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Ok, this one got me to bite. Im not the type to really ever post anything however I got to, this is just at OP and others that are griping. First of all I have played WoW on and off the whole time its been out longest hiatus during Wrath. Vanilla WoW=omg certain classes could not even kill creature 2 lvls below them(hi warriors) Some classes 2 shotting others?(Rogues). Talk about getting a group together?? LoL you better have a good group of friends or at least one or else Iron Forge and org is where you were or how about 30min+ pvp ques for same server battlegrounds. :) 24+hour AVs even.


So far in this game Im actually loving the questing I usually dont play to many story driven RPG's but this one got me in it. I dont think I have ever had fun questing before. So this is boring compared to WoW's questing? You dont even have read the quest text in WoW. Map says go here ok kill this kill this done derp. Now I have not experienced any flashpoints yet or much of any pvp but this really is not bad for a month old LIVE Mmo game.


Blizzard has fixed WoW to where its at today, despite what many of us WoW babies fail to realise is thats been what 7-8 years now :X? If you are gonna hate than just go play WoW, Ive canceled my sub. I'll see where this game goes, so far my biggest GRIPE IS?? Hi res Character textures and really want them >:/ I love my in game toon to look cool, not wearing smeared xbox kotor 1 armor.


Theres plenty of other constructive posts im sure in this thread too! Got to page 3 then went to reply. Not bashing anyone but really think before you starting blasting something. Its the empire too not the Alliance. ffs

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