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Is the "Sniper" really a sniper??


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The range.. 30..35 for the sniper just seems odd to me. I have a Sorc that can shoot that far. Now I dont have a sniper (yet) and to be honest I dont know what you could do with gunslinger (because they use pistols) but it just seems like a sniper should have more range.. not all abilities.. just the snipe ability (or whatever it's called). Sure in a WZ like Huttball it may not change much.. or maybe it would, but it just seems strange that my sorc can trade off with a sniper. Shouldn't I need to close on him a little to do that? I think so... Now what would you give the gunslinger? To be honest I don't know.. but Im sure people could think of something. Maybe it's time we all shout about what needs to be added, instead of what needs to be nerfed. What say you?


*EDIT* Ok,so just an idea..

At lvl 50, the sniper gets the ability to go "prone"....

While in prone, he gets NO cover bonus,but gets a bonus of 5 or 10 meters to snipe (not all abilities).In order to use "cover" the sniper first must get to his feet... this would be the same as getting up after a knock down, (1 or 2 seconds). or whatever it is. This would make the sniper REALLY think about wanting to use this because when that jedi gets close enough to leap at you, or that Scoundrel pop's behind you and youre already on the ground and he still has a knock down to use on you, I think it would add some thought and complexity to the class.

Edited by Gorra-Syn
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The range.. 30..35 for the sniper just seems odd to me. I have a Sorc that can shoot that far. Now I dont have a sniper (yet) and to be honest I dont know what you could do with gunslinger (because they use pistols) but it just seems like a sniper should have more range.. not all abilities.. just the snipe ability (or whatever it's called). Sure in a WZ like Huttball it may not change much.. or maybe it would, but it just seems strange that my sorc can trade off with a sniper. Shouldn't I need to close on him a little to do that? I think so... Now what would you give the gunslinger? To be honest I don't know.. but Im sure people could think of something. Maybe it's time we all shout about what needs to be added, instead of what needs to be nerfed. What say you?


Is the Jedi Knight really a knight? Doesn't go around on horseback *or dewback, or ride any other animal* doesn't participate in jousts and tourneys, doesn't control a bunch of serfs. . .


And for the record, if you got longer range on snipe than that's exactly what the Gungslinger gets, longer range on their Snipe equivalent. You also DO out-range the sorcerer by about 5 yards, except they can talent into equivalent range with their channeled lightning and the chain lightning.

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Is the Jedi Knight really a knight? Doesn't go around on horseback *or dewback, or ride any other animal* doesn't participate in jousts and tourneys, doesn't control a bunch of serfs. . .


And for the record, if you got longer range on snipe than that's exactly what the Gungslinger gets, longer range on their Snipe equivalent. You also DO out-range the sorcerer by about 5 yards, except they can talent into equivalent range with their channeled lightning and the chain lightning.


Well the Jedi is an established character type in the Star Wars universe,unlike some other classes like the Agent. The "sniper is obviously taken from the real world sniper. And yes I know you would have to give the same to the Gunslinger, Im just say'n something else would be cool only because I would like to see the classes move away from the "mirror" a little and still have balance.

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Is the Jedi Knight really a knight? Doesn't go around on horseback *or dewback, or ride any other animal* doesn't participate in jousts and tourneys, doesn't control a bunch of serfs. . .


In the Star Wars Universe, a Jedi Knight does not equal to an Earth's Medieval Knight.


So the question is, in Star Wars, what is a Sniper really suppose to be capable of? Does it equate to an Earth terminology of a Sniper?

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So the question is, in Star Wars, what is a Sniper really suppose to be capable of? Does it equate to an Earth terminology of a Sniper?


Currently looks like it matches the description of stormtrooper from SW saga episode 4 and onwards(makes a lot of noise, dies in a blink of an eye)

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The range.. 30..35 for the sniper just seems odd to me. I have a Sorc that can shoot that far. Now I dont have a sniper (yet) and to be honest I dont know what you could do with gunslinger (because they use pistols) but it just seems like a sniper should have more range.. not all abilities.. just the snipe ability (or whatever it's called). Sure in a WZ like Huttball it may not change much.. or maybe it would, but it just seems strange that my sorc can trade off with a sniper. Shouldn't I need to close on him a little to do that? I think so... Now what would you give the gunslinger? To be honest I don't know.. but Im sure people could think of something. Maybe it's time we all shout about what needs to be added, instead of what needs to be nerfed. What say you?


The purple pvp gear for a level 50 sniper gives you 40m range for takedown and adds more range for two other abilities. So... yeah, they can really be a "sniper" if you train them to be ;D

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The purple pvp gear for a level 50 sniper gives you 40m range for takedown and adds more range for two other abilities. So... yeah, they can really be a "sniper" if you train them to be ;D


This is very cool, I did not know this.. It's good to hear. This makes me want to make a sniper.

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This is very cool, I did not know this.. It's good to hear. This makes me want to make a sniper.


You'll be dissappointed. One of that skills is talent that just exposes other snipers from cover and other one is 12s cd finisher on targets below 30%. Rest in the description is for gunslinger as sets share bonuses with mirrors for some odd reason.

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You're getting a little too into the realistic factor. Yeah...technically we snipers should be able to place a blaster shot in between your eyes from a mile away (and on a windy day).


However, that wouldnt balance well with other classes and game play since it would be pretty unfair.


Also, if you want to get realistic...why is it I can fly a 40 ton starship equiped with a full weapons system accross the galaxy, but have to pay 210,000 credits just to learn how to ride an oversized segway? >_>

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This has been discussed to death on the IA forums.


A Sniper is NOT defined as someone who shoots others over an enormous distance. A Sniper is actually someone who fires at targets from a concealed position or cover.


So a Sniper fits perfectly fine in that regard. What bothers me is that a Sniper is such a sharpshooter, yet everything gets dodged or deflected.

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This has been discussed to death on the IA forums.


A Sniper is NOT defined as someone who shoots others over an enormous distance. A Sniper is actually someone who fires at targets from a concealed position or cover.


So a Sniper fits perfectly fine in that regard. What bothers me is that a Sniper is such a sharpshooter, yet everything gets dodged or deflected.


Yeah I know.. Im not saying all abilities should get more range, just the 1 or 2 that do 35m as of now.

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Also, if you want to get realistic...why is it I can fly a 40 ton starship equiped with a full weapons system accross the galaxy, but have to pay 210,000 credits just to learn how to ride an oversized segway? >_>


Good point... (currently killing all npc on the way for money =_=)

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I think sniper should get maybe upto 50 range while in cover / crouched.


This may seem a lot but really it isn't. In most areas be they pvp or on planets doing missions there is only so far you can realistically see and have LOS.


It takes maybe 1/2 a second to crouch and about a second to roll into cover. In this time your target could have advanced 5m towards you.


Sometimes when you roll into cover you end up upto ~5m away from your traget.


Couple this with activation time on abilities and you very rarely feel you have any range advantage.


Now a Sorc does not need to use cover. They have energy shields. Force speed to dictate range. Also many other usefull combat and utility skills. Now I'm not say nerf the Sorc. What I am saying is make the sniper a sniper.


When facing a sniper targets should be concerned that the sniper will get the first shot.


So I say make range of riffle abilities 50m not 35m while in cover. This to me will make the class really work in it's role.

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So a Sniper fits perfectly fine in that regard. What bothers me is that a Sniper is such a sharpshooter, yet everything gets dodged or deflected.


People never realize how much longer they get to live because of this crap.


Ambush... waiting... BOOM! *Deflect*

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A Sniper is NOT defined as someone who shoots others over an enormous distance. A Sniper is actually someone who fires at targets from a concealed position or cover.





.....cause all the snipers I read about, use a glowing red stop sign for their concealment.........

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.....cause all the snipers I read about, use a glowing red stop sign for their concealment.........


Cover requirements to fire specials is absurd. I get bonuses to to defenses to be in cover but if I stand up to fire in cover than why cannot I be out of cover to fire aimed shot? zieglar is 100% right. Cover should only be a bonus to defenses.


You have a deployable cover. Your can use regular cover which causes you to roll out of range. I don't agree that concealment cannot be a see-through glowing cover device. Its a firing behind a shield.


I should get a bonus to damage and hitting if I hit you from behind. IE I actually did snipe you.


That is my suggestion on the mechanics of cover....


See ya in game. I'll be the guy glowing in hunkerdown like a turret immune to cc in pvp. You won't miss me as I don't even bother trying to flee anymore since I have zero escapability, resolve is busted, my defenses don't last.


We are portal pvp turrets. Bh/trooper is better. But, its fun. I enjoy my smuggler and do fine. Its just lacking core functionality. Its not going to get jedi love. Or BH love. Smugglers are always last to get developer love.


If a dev reads this 90% of us just want our specials to be usable on the move like every other class. It sucks being the stationary class. Everyone knows standing in a spot is bad, yet we have to do this to be viable in pvp.


I do alright in the nub war zones. I am afraid at 50 I am going to be highly useless to groups.

Edited by PlagaNerezza
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My main is a sniper. If we need the names to reflect the actual, my class should be called "redeployable fragile turret".


When my defenses are up its not awful. Its when I cannot CC, push back, defend or run away. Which happens fast in some pvp I might as well have a special called "respawn". I will get cc'd and smashed.


I cannot run away. I cannot do anything but deal some dps if I am only rooted and just get ready to hit the cloner.


Oh well... If I wanted carebear I would have played Sith inquizator.

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I know that everyone says nerf this or nerf that, but I think Sniper is one of the classes that needs to be buffed in order to be on par with other classes. With the way things are now, there is simply no reason to play one. There are plenty of other hybrid classes that have more utility and can easily match a snipers damage. If their single target DPS was boosted by at least 25%, then they would be contenders.
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Snipers are fine really... You want to know what is my definition of a Sniper? A guy who can set up a quick kill, which is exactly what we do.


We have a humongous burst, with 1.1.1 I bet our burst will be the highest in TOR and we are overloaded with all kinds of CC/debuffs and defensive cooldowns.


There are two problems with Snipers - cover is buggy and our Champion set is horrible - I had to remod all of it, because apparently some wise guy at EAware decided that snipers need to break 110% accuracy with their PvP set, while also having a ton of +20ish endurance mods instead of 30+ ones.


My set is pretty much custom mix of 2/3 Operative/Sniper set with almost all mods and enhancements replaced with those with emphasis on endurance and surge. I run around with 17500 HP buffed and 82% crit damage and tomorrow I will get more with finally hitting Battlemaster. I am not squishy at all and I can nuke down people hardcore, if I pop my Biochem and relic, I can burst wipe the floor with Battlemaster Sorcs/Sages before they can even say Force Speed.

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My set is pretty much custom mix of 2/3 Operative/Sniper set with almost all mods and enhancements replaced with those with emphasis on endurance and surge. I run around with 17500 HP buffed and 82% crit damage and tomorrow I will get more with finally hitting Battlemaster. I am not squishy at all and I can nuke down people hardcore, if I pop my Biochem and relic, I can burst wipe the floor with Battlemaster Sorcs/Sages before they can even say Force Speed.


Hey hey hey! Silence with all that talk. Do you really want to give the newbs more reasons to call more nerfs on Agents??

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