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2/31/8 PVP - Off my rocker?


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After the recent buff to Dark Charge and fiddling around with templates in game for weeks (till I am practically broke). I have had an interesting amount of success with this.


First off I almost always solo in pvp. So a mix of damage and survivability is what I craved. I still like the 31/0/10 template a lot and I could see myself trying that again.


With this template though I have been able to put out consistent damage while staying alive in the thick of combat. Dark Charge just feels to good to pass it up now, regardless of what spec I am using. I felt like all my points in the surging charge talents were going to waste. Very rarely was I getting into 1v1 fights where it was the better choice and even then it was questionable.


I also like to keep guard up and as we all know you are required to use dark charge in order to guard anyone. I lost count of the paladins awards I have received, while still dishing out damage and still earning 7-9 medals (on average) a match.



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You've peeked my interest. Now I'm gonna have to try this when I get home.


edit: Do you use discharge at all with this build?


That was my first negative reaction to this concept is just that discharge becomes pretty worthless. The value of surging charge isn't in the actual charges but in what it does to discharge., so this build lowers the cooldown of discharge and makes it hit harder but its the weak AE dark charge version- which feels like a PvE ability.


Not saying build can't work. I too always look at better ways to spend points in the deception tree other than saber conduit and static charges.

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That was my first negative reaction to this concept is just that discharge becomes pretty worthless. The value of surging charge isn't in the actual charges but in what it does to discharge., so this build lowers the cooldown of discharge and makes it hit harder but its the weak AE dark charge version- which feels like a PvE ability.


Not saying build can't work. I too always look at better ways to spend points in the deception tree other than saber conduit and static charges.


I use it very little. It is good for stopping multiple people capping an object or with three or more enemy players in close proximity.


The Recirculation talent is actually more of a filler.

Edited by Jnaathra
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I really don't understand why everyone goes 2 points into Thrashing Blades rather than Charge Mastery. With Surging Charge, EVERY ATTACK except discharge will get 6% armor reduction. Every single attack. Instead of boosting one attack slightly that is only a filler you use for better shock when discharge is on CD, Duplicity is not up and you can't use Assassinate.


Other than that it's pretty much the same specc I use, really enjoying the double shocks, especially after getting the PvP set bonus, makes for some hardcore burst.

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I really don't understand why everyone goes 2 points into Thrashing Blades rather than Charge Mastery. With Surging Charge, EVERY ATTACK except discharge will get 6% armor reduction. Every single attack. Instead of boosting one attack slightly that is only a filler you use for better shock when discharge is on CD, Duplicity is not up and you can't use Assassinate.


Other than that it's pretty much the same specc I use, really enjoying the double shocks, especially after getting the PvP set bonus, makes for some hardcore burst.


Except the OP's build uses Dark Charge for survivability over Surging Charge. Granted, Charge Mastery would still provide some more resistance but the more damage argument wouldn't apply to this particular build.

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Got almost the same build. Only with surging charge enabled and everything that comes with it.


At lvl47 i m beast like pvp while my gear is pretty bad (gear is lvl41).

Getting 7+ medals in pvp is very easy. You just have to know when you need to use dark charge and when surging charge.


Also for easy medals taunt every time for easy protection points. ;)


But the build is very strong. At lvl45 is was fighting elite's lvl 48-49 without a healer and the fight wasn't that hard. (I do use biochem).

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Full surging charge should not be underestimated. With the right setup it can hit like a truck, but of course has less utility than dark charge.


I find the key to any deception build to actually be low slash, as it allows for assassins to have enough interrupts to really put a stop to healers very easily in a one on one fight. Using dark charge I don't think you would have enough burst to for fill this role... so I sort of wonder what the purpose of low slash becomes. I guess if you are going for an uber shock build then it works.


The whole concept just doesn't seem focused enough.

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