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Please do something about population


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I understand this game is new, and I really want to give it a chance. However seeing numbers like this in the Republic Fleet when I get home from work is very, very disheartening.


Can't you merge servers or something to get the populations up? This is supposed to be a standard population server. If seeing 7 people at peak times is standard I'd hate to see low pop servers.


Please do something to fix this! Listen to your community and step up.



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Sometimes this happens to me on the Imperial Fleet on my server. Generally it means there is more than one instance housing players.


Have you opened your map to see if you were on Fleet [2]?


I'm sure I was on the main instance. The most I have seen on the Republic Fleet is around 25 people max, and that was about 2 -3 weeks ago. Since then the population has dropped dramatically. :(

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Well, for one i wonder when u took that screen (as you cut the intresting portion showing time of day out) as peak on "my" server i see at least 70 - 90 (100+ on weekends) ppl in fleet and at least between 35 - 45 on most planets i go to. So i have to say it's pretty much serverdependant (if your SS is taken at peak, which i highly doubt).
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I feel this pain too...


I logged on after work last night...


6 people on Hoth


Maxed to 10 when I logged off after playing 3 hours.


Try to get a group with that for some heroic missions


I hate to admit... I have left many heroics undone as you just cant get the required healer / tank / DPS mix. I guess I can solo them later but no xp and no loot means I probably wont...


I think as soon as I max this guy out... I will be starting a new character on a more populated server..

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I have to admit that I haven't seen this issue at all. I'm not sure if Vrook Lamar is a high pop server, but we never really did have queues or anything during launch. Even during off hours, there are usually 30-50 people in the Fleet and around 10-20 on a leveling planet (Tatooine). In more primetime, that goes up dramatically. I usually see around 100-125 in the Fleet and 60-70 on my current planet (Tatooine). Last Sunday, population on Tatooine hit 100 O.o


It may be that certain servers are extremely imbalanced - so everyone is Imp (or Republic), and the other side is sparse. This probably occurs more often on PvP servers.

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Well, for one i wonder when u took that screen (as you cut the intresting portion showing time of day out) as peak on "my" server i see at least 70 - 90 (100+ on weekends) ppl in fleet and at least between 35 - 45 on most planets i go to. So i have to say it's pretty much serverdependant (if your SS is taken at peak, which i highly doubt).


I'll take a pic tonight too and be sure to include the time. I'll update this thread with the information.


I'm not trying to start a flame war and I'm not trying to piss off the fanbois, I also want this game to succeed. But when I'm looking to do a flashpoint or a heroic; having a pool of less than 10 players isn't easy to get a group with.

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I was the only person on quesh the other day.


I know quesh always has low populations, but i felt kind of sad at that.


and my server is usually standard and heavy during prime time.


This has always been how the game felt though, populations were higher sure but planets after tatooine always felt empty to me even when there were queues.


I think they designed the game with too many planets, people just get too spread out over them.

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So your complaining about low populations but you don't list what server you are on or the time frame you are playing.

You say your population is fine but you don't list what server you are on or the time frame you are playing.


Well what is the point of posting then ?


If you list where you are you might get support for your cause.

The reality is there are 140 + servers out there and they aren't all full or empty.


And if you are thinking about moving servers, which one do you go to ?

Kind of hard to choose when nobody says what server they are on.


The entire discussion becomes a waste of time.

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Part of it is also the imp vs rep ratio. I rolled both imp and rep on my server and it seems to be a 1:2 or 1:3 ratio between the factions. So if the rep fleet is around 30 then theres prob 60-90 imps on the imperial fleet.


It seems my server usually is standard load and sometimes heavy during peek but theres always 60+ (usually around 80) on the rep fleet.

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OP I have the same issue on my server and have posted about it in several threads. I play imperial side and there were 12 people in the fleet when I got home from work yesterday.


People will likely tell you to reroll, which in the end only hurts your server more.


Other people will shout at you because they believe you are furthering some sort of 'this game is failing' agenda.


And some people will say that there are 100+ in their fleet so everything is fine (not understanding or acknowledging that you are on a different server).


Anyway I'm hoping Bioware will do the right thing, check the numbers, and merge the servers as appropriate.

Edited by Wizzrobe
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Kind of hard to choose when nobody says what server they are on.


The entire discussion becomes a waste of time.


well i'm on Lord Adraas and I always see 100+ instance on any planet i have gone to so far at peak times, I see 200+ on fleet and i never have issues grouping for any content so far. This is also on the Republic side. The Sith side is a little more populated but as a whole on the server the pops are well balanced.

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So your complaining about low populations but you don't list what server you are on or the time frame you are playing.

You say your population is fine but you don't list what server you are on or the time frame you are playing.


Well what is the point of posting then ?


If you list where you are you might get support for your cause.

The reality is there are 140 + servers out there and they aren't all full or empty.


And if you are thinking about moving servers, which one do you go to ?

Kind of hard to choose when nobody says what server they are on.


The entire discussion becomes a waste of time.


I never said the "population was fine" If anything I'm stating the opposite.


The server is ICECAP. The time was 4:30PM.

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OP I have the same issue on my server and have posted about it in several threads. I play imperial side and there were 12 people in the fleet when I got home from work yesterday.


People will likely tell you to reroll, which in the end only hurts your server more.


Other people will shout at you because they believe you are furthering some sort of 'this game is failing' agenda.


And some people will say that there are 100+ in their fleet so everything is fine (not understanding or acknowledging that you are on a different server).


Anyway I'm hoping Bioware will do the right thing, check the numbers, and merge the servers as appropriate.


Spot on. I'm not trying to incite 'OMG THIS GAME IS FAILING!!!!!!!1111'. I'm simply stating what I'm observing and asking for change, and trying to do so in a mature manner.

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