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So who all plays both sides?


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I'm a little bored, bout to hit the hay before I gotta wake up and go to yet another boring day of college classes ( God I hate chemistry ). And well I was wondering, who all here plays both sides? I realized I've rolled three sith classes at the moment. My main is a bounty hunter Powertech, two alts are an assasin, and a marauder...( Method is play one day bounty hunter while other two are in cantinas, next day pick one of the classes, next day pick another class, then back to bounty hunter and through the cycle, though I tend to constantly go back to my bounty hunter cause hes always on a new planet, and the other two are just grinding through the same crap, other than the storylines, cause the story lines rock ) This opened my eyes to the fact that I haven't paid any attention to the republic yet! So I was thinking, So that I don't wind up doing the same story lines and everything else, im gonna roll the other advanced classes on the republic, opposite of what I've chosen for the sith. This way I'll have new story lines to carry me through. And yes, I do intend on sticking around long enough to do this, cause I currently love the game. As a buddy of mine described it, there's nothing crazy inventive about this game, but for once, I feel fulfilled. Bioware has truly made an mmoRPG. Anyhow back to the question, how many of you guys are doing something along the same lines?
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I have my almost fresh 50 Sith Assassin who is my baby. She'll be my main forever. I am just crazy that way. Despite what happens. Who gets buffed. Who gets nerfed. I'll keep her, thank you very much.


I do have a Jedi Consular though who is on another server I play once in awhile. I also have a trooper there as well. Nice to have something different and see the other side of the game.


I do also have a Bounty Hunter sitting waiting for me to play whenever I get to her. I just made an Imperial Agent this evening, as well.


There isn't really a 'cycle' I have onto how I play them though. Guess it just depends on my mood. I had planned to play my Bounty Hunter before my Imperial Agent but guess t hat has changed, for now anyways LOL

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Our community has two guilds, we alternate who holds meetings and guild events, so that we get to know each other.


Members can hop over onto their opposing faction character to join in RP, or do a bit of levelling, knowing that they are still amongst friends.


So most of our community play characters in both factions. :)

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I do... My main is a Sniper and will probably remain that way, but I have a character of each class, and will eventually play them all.


I don't feel the same "connection" to my faction as I did in WoW, where I could never bring myself to play Alliance.


I think this is a good point. In WoW, when I actually did play, I could literally never bring myself to make an alliance character. But that winded up being cause I thought alliance was overrated and overplayed( stupid nightelves and gnomes ).... Another big reason I've been wanting to step away from the Sith is because sith is kind of overplayed by everyone, atleast for now. Perhaps itll turn into what WoW did, where everyone will switch over to republic and sith will be left with the die hards.

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My main is a shadow consular, and I'm also playing a soldier. But I also have an imperial agent. I want to try the stories and game mechanics of many classes. That way, the discovery phase of the game will last longer, and fresher. Edited by Agifem
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Since you can have 8 characters per server, I made one of each class.

Primarily to check out the story for each class.


So far...

Sith Warrior Marauder = lvl 50

Bounty Hunter Powertech = lvl 31

Imperial Agent Sniper = lvl 27

Sith Inqusitor Assassin = lvl 23

Jedi Consular Sage = lvl 17

Trooper Commando = lvl 13

Smuggler Gunslinger = lvl 13

Jedi Knight Guardian = lvl 12


More time playing the Sith side because all my friends made Sith Empire characters.

Edited by Quiet
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I, too, play both sides!


My 50 Sith Assassin will forever be my main, near 'n dear but somedays you just need a break from the brutal beating of the 50s brackets and a change of pace in storyline should PVE strike your fancy for the moment.


I've got a level 10 Consular on my same server but have yet to dive into PVP as a healer, whereas I've always played hybrid tank/dps roles.


It keeps things fresh. :D

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I think this is a good point. In WoW, when I actually did play, I could literally never bring myself to make an alliance character. But that winded up being cause I thought alliance was overrated and overplayed( stupid nightelves and gnomes ).... Another big reason I've been wanting to step away from the Sith is because sith is kind of overplayed by everyone, atleast for now. Perhaps itll turn into what WoW did, where everyone will switch over to republic and sith will be left with the die hards.


I leveled in an RPPvP server in that game (not by choice, my RL friends were there and as it was my first MMO had no idea what I was getting into!), so I guess the PvP aspect got to me and made me feel a deeper connection to the Horde.


It even rubbed off when I rerolled RPPvE for an Alliance RP guild... I discovered I missed Thunder Bluff (my favorite city, I always logged out there and would often just walk around there aimlessly for quite a while) and, yes, the Barrens, too much! I just felt more at home Horde side. So even though I found awesome people Alliance side as well, it didn't work for me :(


I guess going into this game with the desire to try out all the classes did help this mentality I have in the game.

Edited by archifikoss
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I play almost evenly between both sides. I always have, because I don't see the need for faction-hate and exclusivity.


That said, I do like the Republic more. Mainly because, after doing the Jedi Consular starter quests and writing something that REQUIRED that I think deeply about the Jedi Code, I realized that the Jedi's really are much more kick-*** than the Sith. Not to mention... Troopers...

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I play both sides of the fence. This is mainly because I really wanted to play Alliance, but my guild insisted on being evil for a change, so I rolled a BH. I've made 7 of my 8 slots so far. They are as follows:


Bounty Hunter - Mercenary

Sith Inquisitor - Assassin

Sith Warrior - Juggernaut

Imperial Agent - Sniper


Trooper - Vanguard

Jedi Consular - Sage

Smuggler - Scoundrel



I actually split my time evenly through both sides. This is probably counter productive, but I am having a blast. I really enjoy the challenge of the Alliance, since it seems about 2/3 of players are Sith.

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I actually split my time evenly through both sides. This is probably counter productive, but I am having a blast. I really enjoy the challenge of the Alliance, since it seems about 2/3 of players are Sith.


Someone have difficulties to forget another game *wink*





I've started Empire, with my guild. I wanted to play a bad character for once. Ended with a Neutral Imperial Agent, slightly dark, but not much.

But my guild voted for a change, so we have re-make our guild on the Republic side. My new main character is a Jedi COnsular, that fit perfectly my personality. She is so sweet and gentle and wise !! <3


I think I prefer Republic.


I can't really play my IA anymore now. Not because I dislike the Empire, but because I want to play where my community is active.

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I play both sides on several different servers. I find that in a game like this there really is no need to pick a faction and stay with it....faction loyalty just doesnt mean the same thing. Also with all the different classes/stories to experience I just hate the idea of limiting myself and not trying them all. That is just too much to miss out on.


On top of that I find that things in this game arent what I expect or dont always go as I think they will. For example, I have always played a light side tank type of character and I have always wanted to dual wield. So naturally, the first char I made here in TOR was a Jedi Knight. I got her to lvl 14, dual wielded, then havent played her since. I just had a hard time connecting with the character and feeling immersed in her story. I do plan on going back and trying the class again in the near future and choosing dark side options to see if that changes my experience any.


Also I love commandos and the heavy weapons they usually wield so obviously I made a Trooper. I was disappointed a bit there. I think they made the female trooper character waaaaay too butch. I HATE her voice and all of her comment choices/actions. But I really love the class itself and the combat abilities. As an ex-military member I just feel that you can be pretty, feminine, and able to kick major a**.


I have found that I connect better with my Imperial side characters but I honestly think that is because the stories and choices etc better appeal to my personality and play style. But I do like both sides and play them pretty evenly. I tend to play whatever char Im in the mood for on any given day then switch to the other side for a bit when I need a change of pace. I like to keep things fresh and not let myself get bored.


My overall goal is to play every class to lvl 50 on both the light and dark sides (and maybe even all neutral if I get overly ambitious lol). I am taking my time with it tho and am in no rush since I am not really into PvP and dont overly care to do nothing but grind the same old flashpoints and warzones etc over and over every day till I quit. >.<

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I play both sides, though I find myself liking Republic more and more. Empire makes me feel like I must always be evil raaa!! Republic side, the quests make it feel like I can pick and choose when I want to be good or evil.


It's just this weird feeling. /shrug

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I'm a jedi at heart :p But my mains (plural--I always have two) are Imperial Op and Sith assassin. Friends I play with from various other games all chose to be baddies, so I go where they go. But when I'm on my own and have time to spare, I find balance on the light side of the force.
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I have 6 Empire characters and 2 Republic (Gunslinger and Scoundrel), mainly for PvP purposes


I prefer Empire because the overly pro-Republic story gets irritating after a little while, particularly because I think the republic is just as corrupt as the Empire, just less open about it


I also prefer Empire for aesthetic reasons

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I've been mainly playing Republic because I've always wanted to be a smuggler. My main is a Smuggler Scoundrel Light Side and Healing Spec.


I wanted to also see the Gunslinger side so I made that as well, but didn't want the story to be the same so he is Dark Side.


I have a baby Jedi Knight as well.


I just started Empire side with a BH who will be light side, and a Sith Inquisitor who will be dark.


I'll eventually try a Trooper, not sure light or dark, and a Sith Maurader dark side.


Playing differant from time to time is fun for me. But my main will be my Smuggler.

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I do... My main is a Sniper and will probably remain that way, but I have a character of each class, and will eventually play them all.



Same here. (Well, my main is a Sage though). I played all my characters at least until they classed up (except for my Agent). Not only is it fun to play as the other classes, I like to experience the story of each of them.

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