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1 031 445 total healing in a BG.


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Lol easy Mr. Sage.


Step 1: Enter a WZ

Step 2: Use the transform health to force ability when no enemy is around.

Step 3: Heal yourself

Step 4: Rinse and Repeat

Step 5: Profit.


You can stay out of sight/harm's way and keep doing that until the wz is over and I can guarantee you will get more than that. And no people to play with in WZs cos noone will want to play with you ever again.


You surely gimped the whole op and lost miserably. A job well done.

Edited by DarthTolis
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Horsesock has had many 700-800k games as a Sage (three piece battlemaster gear rest champ) while actually contributing to his teams win. Sad thing is most healers are mediocre at best so if there is ever a buff across the board to healing he is going to be even more ridiculous. Edited by Baramosx
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Im pretty sure Sage is the best healer sage Atm.


Prove me that im wrong if you can, and tell me whats ur highest healing score or highest healing seen in a bg!






I got 400k Shield in one match having my healer buddy sitting in acid pool just so i could see if I could.


Nothing special.


There are ways to get around to normal healing or shielding in all wz

Edited by Stuckov
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Please stop telling the OP good job and wondering what amazing trick he can use or how bad the enemy team was.


Numbers like this obviously indicate a sorc converting health to force and then healing him/herself. It's gimmicky, useless to the game, and proves that healing yourself shouldn't net you anything on the healing done stat in PvP.


Hope you enjoyed sitting in your corner all match doing this. Sounds boring as ****.

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He obviously did theres nothing pity about it lol.


The guy woulda got way more kill assists if he had healed players fighting for 1million.


I actually misread the screenshot my bad. Not sure what the point of this post was besides showing a broken system.

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Rest of team: 40+ kills.


Healer: 7.


If the OP was REALLY supporting his team like he stated so ina post, he would have a LOT more than just 7 kills. He prob just sat there with an enemy or two beating on him while he just kept healing himself.


Its akin to a tank standing and dps'ing a target the entire match and stating tanks neeed to have their damage nerfed because he did 400k, as a tank.

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If the OP was REALLY supporting his team like he stated so ina post, he would have a LOT more than just 7 kills. He prob just sat there with an enemy or two beating on him while he just kept healing himself.

Not really. The game is pretty terrible at rewarding kills for pure healers. I don't get a whole lot of kills playing pure healer on any maps, but slap in DoTs and some random damage and the kills start racking in.

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To those saying he was using Noble Sacrifice to drop hp and then reheal are WRONG! You will not get 1 mil heals doing this. That method is pathetically slow. He is using Salvation which is an AoE heal that crits for 600 per tick which is fast. Casting this on your whole team while the other team is using their AoE to damage them will without a doubt spike your total healing. I do commend OP for hitting 1 mil, I normally get 700k+ on voidstar. And yes we still never get past the first door when I do. Edited by LoL-K-Noob
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Sorcerers/Sages top damage and top healing. No balance needed clearly.


Someone posts a SS of himself top damage


Someone posts a SS of himself top healing


Conclusion: This class is top damage AND top healing.

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add that to the list of nerfing dps and tanking?


healing does not need a nerf. its already nerfed by 30% in PvP. i have seen some terrible healers. ive also seen some amazingly good ones. the OP is clearly the latter; nothing to nerf here


well the issue is alot of people get pitted against a group of healers making them really hard to kill cause alot of them can keep themselves up and hit pretty hard none theless , does it need a nerf in pvp situations only? yes , but not in the case of pve , if anything a system should be put in place , ive got couple but would be hard to implement , the best i can think of is increase that healing debuff in pvp from (i think 30%) up to 50 or 60% , simpelest thing i can think of , since the issue is when you have a cluster group of healers out healing the dps and still able to hit relatively hard then it seems unbelievably unfair to the group with less to no healers (lets face it there are some servers especially on empire where you have so few healers in warzones) and this is a big issue ive noticed in say Alderaan Civil War and Voidstar , theyre all just finding the spot to sit at and healthemselves to death (which would be sit at middle and run to the 2nd turret they control) and with voidstar just have a couple sit at the doors and 1 big group moving around between the 2. Healers are unbeliably OP in warzones BECAUSE you get alot of them on one team and then the other team will end up with little to no healers.and that team will just sit there banging their heads against the wall because no matter how hard they try they CANNOT out dps a whole group of healers (though ive seen some dps scoundrels literally 3 shot someone (guestimated 3 shot because it wasnt even a full 2 seconds before their target drops)

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Im pretty sure Sage is the best healer sage Atm.


Prove me that im wrong if you can, and tell me whats ur highest healing score or highest healing seen in a bg!





Nice void star results bro. Its really hard as a sage/sorc to get high healing on void star when all you have to do is throw down aoe heal on the ground at the doors.



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Nice void star results bro. Its really hard as a sage/sorc to get high healing on void star when all you have to do is throw down aoe heal on the ground at the doors.




Then do it. Heal for 1 mil and post a screenshot. Ill go easy on you, heal for 700k. I wont hold my breath.

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Then do it. Heal for 1 mil and post a screenshot. Ill go easy on you, heal for 700k. I wont hold my breath.


You're not the first to hit 1mil heals on VS and dont act like its hard. Im in BM gear give me a tank who can guard me and i ll can post the same results against a bad team that just aoes all day in front of the doors.


Try getting a million heals on huttball and then ill be impressed.

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Then do it. Heal for 1 mil and post a screenshot. Ill go easy on you, heal for 700k. I wont hold my breath.


I don't think anyone cares for that challenge because they can see past the fact that it's nothing but meter padding for e-peen... despite having no positive effect on the game in progress at all.

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Hes a sage, so he can remove his own health and just heal himself.


Wow.. People in this thread are amazingly stupid! -.-


Look at the Numbers and interpret them right!


Lokturk has 1.137 Healing per Second for the whole game in a Voidstar match.


So yes there are no acid pits in Voidstar...


The so called "lifetap-ability" uses a global Cd = 1,5 sek it drains 15% of your maximum health. At 16.000 Hp that would be 2.400 Hp lost. Overheal is not counted for these statistcs. The (talented) "Big Heal" has 2,5sec casttime and heals noncrit for about 2,5k hp.


If he just drains and heal himself up it would take him 4 Sek for 2500 hp which is around 600 hp/s.


THE ONLY WAY you can reach these Numbers is through spamming aoe heal the whole fight, which in void star is pretty easy and very effective if you yourself stay alive long enough. The low number of deaths of his own team proofs this.


The point empire had 0 points indicates they didn't breach the first gate and thats the best spot for a healer to place your AoEs when you're the defending faction...

This is no real question of healing-Skill but of good group coordination...


Still, Lokturk, i gotta admit pretty impressive numbers^^


If you people want to blame anyone learn to read the numbers before spitting out ******** all day -.-

Edited by Falkonwing
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