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triple wielding?


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I know, I know, but hear me out. What if there was a style of lightsaber combat that utilized 3 lightsabers. Now obviously most people have 2 arms and this sounds silly. Also, Jedi like Pong Krell have 4 arms and it wouldnt make much sense for them to wiled 3 lightsabers, leaving one hand empty. I'm talking about a 2 armed bidal Jedi using 3 lightsabers. 1 in each hand, and 1 controled independently with the force. Like floating around him or something to that effect. Obviously the offesnive capabilities would be great due being able to attack with both hands at the same time. (basically Jar'kai) but also with the defense of having a lightsaber always at the ready to deflect any incoming attacks. But of course the 3rd saber would also be able to use for suprise attacks and what-have-you. Inspiration came from thinking about how some Jedi can throw their lightsaber and have it to return to them. This is just an extension of that in which the "throw" is indefinate. I also formed the idea after seeing a website that custom milled lightsabers for use as props, roleplaying, or dueling. One of the sets of matching lightsabers they made consisted of 3 identical sabers. Furthermore i remember a star wars game on the original playstation in which you could play as a few different Jedi (Plo Koon, Ki adi mundi, etc.) (it was a sidescrolling game, but i cant remember the name of it. If anybody knows which one im talking about feel free to help me out.)One of those Jedi was Mace Windu and he had an attack where he would slash and then duck while his lightsaber spun erradically over his head. Just trying to give more of an idea of the style im talking about. I also know that throwing one's lightsaber requires concentration to be able to move it around yorself and bring it back to your hand, much like moving any other object with the force. And to think about trying to do that while under attack and swinging 2 sabers of your own, it would be very taxing mentally and physically. But i think it could be done by some of the more powerful force users in the Order. I dont know, just a thought (albeit a long one). Anybody else got any thoughts?
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It wouldn't work at all. It takes concentration to use "Force Telekinesis" (for lack of a better term) on anything... even something small. And the telekinesis has never been precise... definitely not precise enough to be used in lightsaber combat.


But even if it was, they would have to concentrate on the "floating" lightsaber, so they wouldn't be able to fight effectively with their other lightsaber... much less two lightsabers.



At first I thought this would be a joke thread making comments about One Piece and Roranora Zoro.

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They only time I've seen three light Sabers used at once was



Kotor 2 after you cut off Darth Traya/Kreia only hand and she is able use three floating sabers aganst you. It was kind of a "hail mary" on her part and it didn't save her.



So I dont see it working.

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Try using a single saber and a double-saber.

Three sabers (or blades at least.)


That actually sounds pretty kickass.:D


I could actually see that working.


Sort of.


A bit impractical, but then again, when has Star Wars ever been about tactics? :rolleyes:


Come to think of it, didn't the one Jedi Master in "Return" pull off that form for a bit? Obviously was a bit of an emergency, but he still handled it pretty well.

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I could actually see that working.


Sort of.


A bit impractical, but then again, when has Star Wars ever been about tactics? :rolleyes:


Come to think of it, didn't the one Jedi Master in "Return" pull off that form for a bit? Obviously was a bit of an emergency, but he still handled it pretty well.


He didn't so much use both blades as he sometimes ignited the bottom half as a second way to block and parry.


The style -could- work, but it'd take a hell of a long time to master it. Pretty sure by the time you did you'd be an old man/woman.


Best option: Get extra limbs like Greivous.

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What the OP is talking about is the Kinetic Combat talent from WotC's Star Wars Saga Edition RPG. Attacking with a weapon wielded by Kinetic Combat still takes a standard action, so you can't attack with it and your normal weapons in the same turn. But you can make attacks of opportunity with it, so placing your Kinetic Combat weapon in the right place is very useful. . .
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You could either use the force to amplify your martial skills or telekinetic it's almost impossible to do both at the same time.


In theory you could control a number of sabers with telekinetics, but maintaining concentration would be hard to do. They exert a very strong gyroscopic force and need to be in near constant motion.


There is an example of a Jedi in the Clone Wars using two saberstaff's, but then he has 4 arms so that's cheating.




More sabers isn't a mark of strength, though an unexpected twist can sometimes tip a duel in your favor.


I prefer the method of Darth Zannah, let your foes defeat themselves.

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Its good to see serious replies and logical debates about this topic. Glad the typical "LAWLZ UR SO STOOPID CUZ YOU THINK THINGS THAT SOUND FUNNY! GO BACK TO (insert random game here) U CRAZY PERSON! IM TEH WINNERZ YOU SUCK!!!" reply hasnt popped up. I had never seen that one jedi with the 3 floating lightsabers, as my knowledge of the extended universe is incredibly limited. And i had actually gone out of my way not to mention one piece because wielding it with your mouth is silly and honestly, what self respecting jedi would hold a lightsaber with their mouth. It was more of a thought i was throwing around in my head that i wanted other's opinions on.


Okay so what if i change it around a bit. What if the third saber isnt constanly in motion around the user's body, but more only comes out when needed. Like to block or an "attack of opportunity" like someone mentioned (cant remember who sorry. didnt catch the name). A little more realistic for you lore-hounds? lol


P.S. Pong Krell is one of my favorite jedi simply because of his unique combat style. Way to take advantage of what your species was born with.

Edited by Stellanator
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