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Whats the point in playing a pure DPS class?


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Forcing players to become hybrids?


Why? There's no need.


Whether A DPS Operative manages to throw out a couple of weak heal with no skillpoints invested in them does not decide the outcome of the game!




Dps might not have the utility(heals/guard) and CC(stuns) like those hybrid classes however. what they lack in that they make up for in interrupts being 1/3 the time to stop abilities more often and lots of ways to slow and even though we might not have the channel dmg we can still hit just as hard in the same amount of time.

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I'm trying to grasp this as I'm seeing bounty hunters and other classes like Inquisitors doing all types of insane damage, yet being able to provide protection in Warzones along with heals. So what is the point of playing a class that can only do damage?


Well, I do apologize that you didn't actually follow the game before release. This has been an on going conversation for the last...uhm, year. The answer has always been the same. PURE DPS classes are there for people that enjoy pure DPS classes, this in no way gimps the people more comfortable playing Hybrid classes from being equally effective if they spec for it in there own lines. For being dumb enough to pigeon hole yourself, you do on average 5% more damage than those that don't like painting themselves in a corner.


The end result, the conversation hasn't changed in a year, i don't expect to see it change for another year. Either get happy real quick with the facts or reroll. Pure and simple.

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They aren't. Just because this is the forum, it doesn't mean that we don't play the game and know truth from lies.


He is correct if a healer is topping the charts you have a bad team. a healer cannot top the charts if they are being forced to move.. infact if they are being forced to move around they cant do anything really. Try being in a wz pick out the healers and start making them move.. youll notice they cant heal they cant dps when they are moving therefore they wont be of any help to their team in any way/shape/form.


and to all classes. that pretty new button that intterrupts skills.. doesnt mean it shouldnt be attached to your toolbar. USE IT! it will stop healers and spammers in their tracks.

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I have a shadow and a sentinel that I play. I can tell you jsut because they can put up numbers doesnt mean I cant totally destory them as a pure dps class. On my shadow no inqus stands a chance if i jump on them. On my sentinel they last a little longer but they will die and I will come out easily with 90% health after the confrontation.

Mercs are a different story. those single button spam ******* you run into make me so angry in warzones. however I can still defeat them 1v1 on my sentinel just not on my shadow.


I mainly play my sentinel since I like that class alot more. As pure dps I usually am top in dmg with relative ease. My only goal in every wz isnt to protect or heal but to jump on and just start destroying those healers then turn to the tanks because I have a few attacks that Ignore all armor and its pretty much true dmg.


The only reason why these tank classes and healer classes seem to put up more damage than alot of pure dps classes is because they can spam their 3 second channel ability over and over in pvp with no real cooldown on it. Since every classes channel ability is pretty much their highest dmg ability. If those classes are left unchecked or challenged in pvp then they get a little out of hand. Pure dps classes can get on top of those and make it to where they will never be able to spam that ability. The only classes that can totally shut them down from doing that are pure dps classes. such as sentinel and gunslinger. Also a good little tip is since its a tech attack and a force attack is you have resilience pop it and they will be waisting their time doing no dmg to you. Only pure dps classes have thier channel ability that isnt tech or force ability its just straight dmg and cannot be ignored by resilience.


If you want to stop those ranged tanks/Healers that are just spamming those buttons to do dps. you MUST have pure dps on your team to stop them from ever getting a chance to do that.


So, for example, a Marauder can shut down a caster in ways that a Juggernaut can't? How so?

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and to all classes. that pretty new button that intterrupts skills.. doesnt mean it shouldnt be attached to your toolbar. USE IT! it will stop healers and spammers in their tracks.


I long ago sacrificed strafing while out of mouse look so I could have my interrupt bound to E and always easy to press.


And Q to my PBAoE carbonize :)

Edited by Jestunhi
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On occasion I do feel a little outgunned on my gunslinger /cough by a powertech or merc and on rarer occasion by the occasional inquisitor but I'm not terribly unhappy yet. I think things will even out and as far as I'm concerned the class balance so far is some of the best I have seen over all on a mmo.
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So, for example, a Marauder can shut down a caster in ways that a Juggernaut can't? How so?


My interrupt abiltiy is up every 4 seconds.. i have a force choke i use as another interrupt.. they push me away I jump back on them which is also another interrupt.. i can interupt 3 times in 4 seconds and maintain it constantly.. A juggernaut can as well but i think its harder to maintain that constant stream of interrupts like the dps classes have since my main intterupt ability is half the time of yours.

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It's quite simple any DPS class that stops to heal has **** DPS.


However pure DPS classes just die and do even worse DPS because nobody is healing. If people were healing the pitiful healing coming from a DPS'er would be insignificant and waste of time.


Then again nobody but other healers will support each other so you guys are on your own.:cool:

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Pure DPS classes take skill to master. Sadly, most players in those roles do not have said skills. Therefore, they see every other class as OP. When they do reroll to said OP class, they suck there too. It's just a viscous cycle that never ends. Edited by Qilz
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Pure DPS classes take skill to master. Sadly, most players in those roles do not have said skills. Therefore, they see every other class as OP. When they do reroll to said OP class, they suck there too. It's just a viscous cycle that never ends.


Its 3 hotbars worth of abilities ffs with the dmg on the gd tooltip and they all have the same crit dmg barring aa's.


Its not difficult in anyway, the problem is why dps the same as someone who can do the same dmg as you with more utility and/or heals?

Edited by Seriasx
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Nice we can compete with people who can also heal and tank while putting out the same dmg, thanks for the heads up everything is ok now.


Protip = Bounty hunters cannot heal and tank. They can do one or the other.


Powertech - Tank/DPS

Merc - DPS/Heal


Thanks for showing your ignorance baddie.

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Pure DPS classes take skill to master. Sadly, most players in those roles do not have said skills. Therefore, they see every other class as OP. When they do reroll to said OP class, they suck there too. It's just a viscous cycle that never ends.


I haven't been on these forums a lot, but what's with every thread like this having a post like this or L2P?


It's not like it takes very long to "master" your class. Game has been out for a month and if these posts are coming out already, that just proves my point.

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Protip = Bounty hunters cannot heal and tank. They can do one or the other.


Powertech - Tank/DPS

Merc - DPS/Heal


Thanks for showing your ignorance baddie.


Oh so they can only do healing or tanking while putting up dps numbers.


My mistake, this solves everything.

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