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Whats the point in playing a pure DPS class?


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i have asked bioware to at least give the jedi sentinel the ability to remove these shield buffs and delay these OTT players.


Once the general mass hits 50 and starts to pvp and not just the hardcore elitest gamer then we will see more of these posts.


we can see exactly were bioware stand, and thats purely behind the sith. The republic before any world pvp really kicks off into the history books need to have a class with the ability to counter balance these problems.


PVP should never ever have CC in it. where is the skill of a player when on one side they can bubble, heal, CC, dps, and kite all in one where as the other is just cannon fodder.


this isnt about learning to play our class, having one class get all the cookie skills and the other not, isnt about skill its what has bioware given that player.


I got a socerror to level 13 and already see they are one man walking tank jobs. with insane dps and healing abilities. But hey cant take the kiddies i win class away can we?


this is why this game will fail on the pvp front.


***? Republic Sages are EXACLTY the same as Imperial Sorcereres (besides animations).

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i have asked bioware to at least give the jedi sentinel the ability to remove these shield buffs and delay these OTT players.


Once the general mass hits 50 and starts to pvp and not just the hardcore elitest gamer then we will see more of these posts.


we can see exactly were bioware stand, and thats purely behind the sith. The republic before any world pvp really kicks off into the history books need to have a class with the ability to counter balance these problems.


PVP should never ever have CC in it. where is the skill of a player when on one side they can bubble, heal, CC, dps, and kite all in one where as the other is just cannon fodder.


this isnt about learning to play our class, having one class get all the cookie skills and the other not, isnt about skill its what has bioware given that player.


I got a socerror to level 13 and already see they are one man walking tank jobs. with insane dps and healing abilities. But hey cant take the kiddies i win class away can we?


this is why this game will fail on the pvp front.


pvp is not dictated by how well classes perofrm at low level so stop acting like your a beast on your level 13 sorcerer. step into the lvl 50 bracket and see how well you do against real pvpers. They're definitely not walking tank jobs.


Pvp should never have CC? lol? how boring would that be. Extremely.


its about the skills you're just not playing correctly and this is a mmo where all the classes compliment each other differently.


i would never dare to stand my ground and fight a sith marauder/juggernaut whose at full life because i will be crushed horribly.


Without CC a sorc has zero chance of killing anyone who is melee.

Edited by OsirisZoran
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It's not about medals, it's about making your team win. Do I jump into the pack to AoE to get damage up (=> proceed to forums claiming class X is OP and Y needs buffs) or jump that healer as "useless" DPS, debuff his healing and disintegrate him before slamming their next healer into the ground. Priorities are class dependant, pure DPS has its role with buffs and debuffs. People should really roll one of every AC and at least get it to 25 to understand the mechanics.


The republic before any world pvp really kicks off into the history books need to have a class with the ability to counter balance these problems.


With some flaws, all classes have mirrors. And to be honest, in the last few days even the PUG republicans have been wiping sith all over the place on Ilum on my server. Both sides had to give up as 30 vs 38 pvp became too laggy. Reps don't need buffs. In fact, I can say the PvP severely improved in both open world and warzones post Ilum 1.1. A lot of the worst Republican players left/rerolled, increasing quality in the 50's bracket. In fact I'm happy to say I recognize names of people that aren't in my guild from which I can say: "In them I trust to do their job".


PVP should never ever have CC in it. where is the skill of a player when on one side they can bubble, heal, CC, dps, and kite all in one where as the other is just cannon fodder.


If this is the case, you're forgetting to apply snares as melee, which is about one of the most priority skills ever in any PvP as. Still getting kited? Close in with stealth instead of burning your leap at the slightest bit. Trait zealous leap as guardian. Use your pulls as other classes, etc. There's skill in knowing what to apply and when. You're not going to choke someone at full resolve for example. That's more a good time to root. CC = PvP basics.


this isnt about learning to play our class, having one class get all the cookie skills and the other not, isnt about skill its what has bioware given that player.


It only feels that way if you:

a) Don't feel comfortable with the class you are playing.

b) Feel comfortable but see no need to use all your skills/don't have them yet due to level.


I'd strongly suggest to reroll to see if the grass is really greener on the other side. I've seen gunslingers do things that are beyond comprehension of how the hell they actually did it. Just find your own comfort zone. I suck as trooper, but on sentinel.... :mon_biggrin:


I got a socerror to level 13 and already see they are one man walking tank jobs. with insane dps and healing abilities. But hey cant take the kiddies i win class away can we?


I 2 vs 1 killed 2 16k sorcerers on my own in Ilum. They weren't tanks. They just exploded (guessing they had raid gear instead of pvp though...). Apart from the bubble that blows up in 1 good crit anyway, they're made of cardboard.

Edited by Fryingtoasters
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My interrupt abiltiy is up every 4 seconds.. i have a force choke i use as another interrupt.. they push me away I jump back on them which is also another interrupt.. i can interupt 3 times in 4 seconds and maintain it constantly.. A juggernaut can as well but i think its harder to maintain that constant stream of interrupts like the dps classes have since my main intterupt ability is half the time of yours.


Immo jugg is pretty damn good at interrupting . Backhand stun, no channeltime choke, forcepush followed by charge and basic interrupt and if you que those your target ain´t casting anything.

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so force pull or grapple a healer while keeping the tank busy and then stunning them wont work?


btw you do know there is a 30% healing debuff in pvp right? people were crying about that at the start of the game that healing was useless in pvp....now all of a sudden its too powerful? It feels just right to me if you play smart and use team work (like you're supposed to). i think too many people got used to WoW where a single dpser could easily kill a healer.


Sorry in SWTOR healers are not EASY free kills (they're still free kills though).


an intelligent any class is powerful. gunslingers can crit for 5k easy and are immune to knockbacks. i think the class just requires more finesse than your typical player possesses.


When the hell did Gunslingers get force pull or grapple? Oh yeah, we have nothing even close to that. Yet another bad misdirected point.


Also, Gunslinger DOES NOT crit for 5k, EVER. NEVER EVER EVER. Talk about blatant lies. I have maxed out guns, pvp gear, and there are absolutely no 5k crits. Though I'm sure you could fish out a old youtube video of a biostem stacked geared 50 popping relics and grabbing pvp buffs and critting a lvl 1 character for 5k, and that isn't even a possibility anymore. If i could crit for 5k, i would be the one defending my class. That would mean I would 3-6 shot everyone, considering a slingers crit is around 50%. Try more like 2-3k crits on squishies, and tanks for 800-1.2k on charged burst, which has the highest crit dmg, due to the sharpshooter tree)


As far as finesse goes, I became a pro gamer at the age of 11 during the blockbuster game challenge, by winning state. Well before the term was even coined. My guild in GW finished fourth in the world tourniment, losing to MATH, during the first season. (The korean team that won was actually hired by the korean government to play GW for a living, believe it or not, its a fact) Almost every game I play, I end up being one of the best. Go 78 and 2 on a counterstrike scrim, then we can talk about skill. Talk trash as much as you want, but chances are you've never even competed on the level I am at. So really it just makes you look like a pile of trash. Especially to those who know me.


I actually uninstalled WoW after playing it for roughly 10 days, right after its release. It is a horrible game, and the community is even worse. Blizzard in general has gone to **** since WoW came out, firing all of their developers and hiring customer service. (Seriously, anyone else notice the credits on Starcraft2 had like 5 programmers and over 2000 customer service agents in its credits? Terrans were so OP on launch that SC2 was called terrancraft for a while, not enough devs)


Its not WoW that a single DPSer can take down a healer, its every MMO ever made.


Tank beats DPS.

DPS beats Healer.

Healer beats tank. (though this is more figuratively, as its not by killing them but by debuffing them, they make their damage useless generally, allowing them to be ignored.)


And this has become, young uneducated one, what the MMO community calls the HOLY TRINITY.


This balance has been around for a LONG time, well before WoW. Heck, before people even played MMO's, there was D&D/Palladium, and there too, the holy trinity exists. (not that paper games were balanced for pvp, but the concept exists there indeed)


Now there is another way to achieve balance, you can look at Guild Wars for that. Honestly I have yet to see a MMO that has PVP system that even comes close to touching it as far as balance, skill, and smooth game-play go. As well as different styles of PVP play. I would love to see a spike team become viable in this game, but that won't happen... SWTOR is just too unbalanced, and ability delays absolutely prevent it as a possibility for organized gameplay.


Of course people *****ed about the 30% heal debuff in pvp, they ***** about everything. Every scoundrel/ops *****ed about their incoming nerfs, and of course you will too.


This game cannot achieve the type of balance found in GW with the system that is in place, it is more built around the typical holy trinity.... and very poorly so. Rock beats both paper and scissors, therefore one should only play rock. Thats the plain and simple truth.


Your trying to defend something that is ruining the PvP system in the game, CONGRATS... i guess. Yes you have a right to defend your class. Charles Manson also had the right to defend himself, but it sure as **** didn't make any of his insane points valid or right.


The fact remains, unbalanced game is unbalanced. Keep fighting it Mr 50 sorc, you might win. Of course, unbalanced gameplay will end in a vastly reduced game population, continued poor pvp experience, and eventually the game will die along with the hundreds of other MMO's that came and are now gone. Your 50 sorc won't be very OP when there is no one to play with or against, so I suppose that is a fix too.


Guildwars 2 will come out, and every gamer that plays for the pvp will move on to it, unless of course PVP in this game is fixed. For a game that had such a long beta period, there appears to have been very little listening to the beta-testers. GW2 isn't the only competition that SWTOR has coming either, we're looking at Diablo 3 (which is finished, but they are stalling launch to make sure its polished. AKA waiting for the SWTOR fanfare to die down.) Dota, which, while being a different genre will pull a lot of people in. And countless others, as there always has been.


Argue this if you want, but history repeats. Numerous game sites have articles talking about how SWTOR pvp needs to be fixed. Everyone that needs nerfed will always drag their feet with "NUH UHNS", and bad logic, claiming that nothing is wrong. Likewise, everyone that needs buffed will be flailing their arms and typing as fast as they can on forums trying to make all their wasted time and money worth something.


Truely, not everyone can be made to be happy. But the game can be made balanced. Unbalanced pvp is unplayable pvp.

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People complaining actually have their minds set that hybrids are so much better after seeing, for example, a bounty hunter doing good damage, another one doing nice healing and a third one also having some protection score.

After this, they alt-tab to the forum and say: "DAMN, this hybrid can do it all!" thinking of a single player when actually there were three.



- a fully specced tank can do (not so great) damage and bring protection to the table;

- a fully specced dps can do good damage but little protection/healing;

- a fully spcced healer can't do that much damage.


This is an MMO, if you get friends to back you up (heal, cc, peel), you can decimate people in PvP as a marauder/sentinel/slinger/sniper better than a hybrid.


L2P and bring your friends along.

Edited by decazut
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When the hell did Gunslingers get force pull or grapple? Oh yeah, we have nothing even close to that. Yet another bad misdirected point.


Also, Gunslinger DOES NOT crit for 5k, EVER. NEVER EVER EVER. Talk about blatant lies. I have maxed out guns, pvp gear, and there are absolutely no 5k crits. Though I'm sure you could fish out a old youtube video of a biostem stacked geared 50 popping relics and grabbing pvp buffs and critting a lvl 1 character for 5k, and that isn't even a possibility anymore. If i could crit for 5k, i would be the one defending my class. That would mean I would 3-6 shot everyone, considering a slingers crit is around 50%. Try more like 2-3k crits on squishies, and tanks for 800-1.2k on charged burst, which has the highest crit dmg, due to the sharpshooter tree)


As far as finesse goes, I became a pro gamer at the age of 11 during the blockbuster game challenge, by winning state. Well before the term was even coined. My guild in GW finished fourth in the world tourniment, losing to MATH, during the first season. (The korean team that won was actually hired by the korean government to play GW for a living, believe it or not, its a fact) Almost every game I play, I end up being one of the best. Go 78 and 2 on a counterstrike scrim, then we can talk about skill. Talk trash as much as you want, but chances are you've never even competed on the level I am at. So really it just makes you look like a pile of trash. Especially to those who know me.


I actually uninstalled WoW after playing it for roughly 10 days, right after its release. It is a horrible game, and the community is even worse. Blizzard in general has gone to **** since WoW came out, firing all of their developers and hiring customer service. (Seriously, anyone else notice the credits on Starcraft2 had like 5 programmers and over 2000 customer service agents in its credits? Terrans were so OP on launch that SC2 was called terrancraft for a while, not enough devs)


Its not WoW that a single DPSer can take down a healer, its every MMO ever made.


Tank beats DPS.

DPS beats Healer.

Healer beats tank. (though this is more figuratively, as its not by killing them but by debuffing them, they make their damage useless generally, allowing them to be ignored.)


And this has become, young uneducated one, what the MMO community calls the HOLY TRINITY.


This balance has been around for a LONG time, well before WoW. Heck, before people even played MMO's, there was D&D/Palladium, and there too, the holy trinity exists. (not that paper games were balanced for pvp, but the concept exists there indeed)


Now there is another way to achieve balance, you can look at Guild Wars for that. Honestly I have yet to see a MMO that has PVP system that even comes close to touching it as far as balance, skill, and smooth game-play go. As well as different styles of PVP play. I would love to see a spike team become viable in this game, but that won't happen... SWTOR is just too unbalanced, and ability delays absolutely prevent it as a possibility for organized gameplay.


Of course people *****ed about the 30% heal debuff in pvp, they ***** about everything. Every scoundrel/ops *****ed about their incoming nerfs, and of course you will too.


This game cannot achieve the type of balance found in GW with the system that is in place, it is more built around the typical holy trinity.... and very poorly so. Rock beats both paper and scissors, therefore one should only play rock. Thats the plain and simple truth.


Your trying to defend something that is ruining the PvP system in the game, CONGRATS... i guess. Yes you have a right to defend your class. Charles Manson also had the right to defend himself, but it sure as **** didn't make any of his insane points valid or right.


The fact remains, unbalanced game is unbalanced. Keep fighting it Mr 50 sorc, you might win. Of course, unbalanced gameplay will end in a vastly reduced game population, continued poor pvp experience, and eventually the game will die along with the hundreds of other MMO's that came and are now gone. Your 50 sorc won't be very OP when there is no one to play with or against, so I suppose that is a fix too.


Guildwars 2 will come out, and every gamer that plays for the pvp will move on to it, unless of course PVP in this game is fixed. For a game that had such a long beta period, there appears to have been very little listening to the beta-testers. GW2 isn't the only competition that SWTOR has coming either, we're looking at Diablo 3 (which is finished, but they are stalling launch to make sure its polished. AKA waiting for the SWTOR fanfare to die down.) Dota, which, while being a different genre will pull a lot of people in. And countless others, as there always has been.


Argue this if you want, but history repeats. Numerous game sites have articles talking about how SWTOR pvp needs to be fixed. Everyone that needs nerfed will always drag their feet with "NUH UHNS", and bad logic, claiming that nothing is wrong. Likewise, everyone that needs buffed will be flailing their arms and typing as fast as they can on forums trying to make all their wasted time and money worth something.


Truely, not everyone can be made to be happy. But the game can be made balanced. Unbalanced pvp is unplayable pvp.







Edited by Retro_Chrome
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This game has major issues; particularly in rewarding classes with an AOE DPS focus over classes with a single-target (and often bursty) DPS focus.


I imagine they'll eventually scramble to fix this, but it will probably be too late.


EDIT: Credential moment. I am infamous for not dying once during an entire season of play on COD2 in CPL. I did this while playing THE SWEEPER for my team. Cue accusations of hacking and general shenanigans.

Edited by Talkative
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the poing to be a dps??


1- playsyle

2- tank need to tank for the dps to make dmg and keep them alive cuz deffence if deffecs

but somone shueld brack the enemy tanks no??

send a healer to kill the tanks? nope

3- top dps can score 500k dps + - in wz means that he killd or arresd more then 50 ppls...

and give the others more time to counqer or to goal...

4- to take out the enemy healers.... only brust dps can do that



and there is much more point of being a dps type.... do u need more?


Hello, and welcome to the PvP forums! You don't seem to be lost... well, maybe you do, but not "I don't know what forum this is" lost. Still, we're glad to have you here! However, something you should be aware of if you are planning to continue posting on these forums is that saying things with no regard to spelling, grammar, or punctuation will cause people to dismiss your opinions as asinine drivel. This would be sad, because you did make (I think) a couple of good points, even though half of what you said (I think) was wrong.


First, tanks cannot tank players, unless the players are feeling stupid that day (which happens frequently, but I digress). They can guard, but that's not tanking, nor is it always easy to Guard the right person. Smart dps will simply attack the person who's not guarded, if they can. Another problem is that doing a ton of Damage (not"dps;" that's the rate of damage, not the total - it's important) in a warzone does not necessarily mean that you're killing people, or even distracting them well enough to be effective. You can pound on that healer till doomsday, but if he just LoS's you and heals the tank while he shields, you might not be using your time productively. Similarly, the tank doesn't care if he crosses the line with only 50 hp - so long as he scores.


The poster's question isn't whether or not people enjoy the playstile; he's concerned about his effectiveness and ability to contribute - other classes seem to be able to do just as much damage as he can (or close enough that the difference is negligible,) but have the ability to root, heal, guard, or shield themselves and others to the extent that they are much more flexible and effective, even in a DPS role.

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Sorry to but in the discussion but enlighten me... there are pure DPS classes in SWTOR? Thats news to me. Last time i checked there is no single class that is dedicated purely to making dps and have no utility or options to do something else.


Juggernaut - Tank, Burst or DPS

Maradeur - Tank, Burst or DPS

Merc- Healer, Aoe or DPS

Powertech - Tank, Ranged or Melee Dps

Assassin - Tank, DPS or Caster

Sorcerer - Healer, Damage or DPS

Operative - Healer, Melee Burst, Ranged DPS

Sniper - Support, AOE Dps, Ranged Burst


So where is the class thats "true dps" and that should be "above all other dps"?


Marauders/Sentinels are not tanks.. They have no heals. They have no tank tree. "Burst or DPS" sounds a lot like "DPS"


Same with Gunslingers/Snipers. They are not "Support" unless by support you mean damage - which is dps. "AOE dps" and "Ranged Burst"? Is that a joke? That is also dps.


So...what's left? Oh right, both classes can only DPS.

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that BH spamming tracer missle is hitting me, the ball carrier, trying to make a goal/trying to protect the ball handler


oh and they can bubble and heal


don't worry though, if I'm lucky I can hobble over to the health power up


So you are the ball carrier..and this guy is hitting you...and your team is.. doing?


Really if tracer missile kills you..then its the fault of either you or your team.

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People complaining actually have their minds set that hybrids are so much better after seeing, for example, a bounty hunter doing good damage, another one doing nice healing and a third one also having some protection score.

After this, they alt-tab to the forum and say: "DAMN, this hybrid can do it all!" thinking of a single player when actually there were three.


No, it's because in this game it's terribly easy to play multiple level 50 alts because ranking is so insanely fast. Spaceship missions and PVP daily is all it takes until you're in the 40's.


I know which classes I have, have played and can play and I know which one I'd *like* to play but my guild is always going to pressure me to play the effective characters and not my main. Just accept that this isn't quantum mechanics and shockingly people can figure out what is effective and what is not and what needs to get nerf'd or boosted.

Edited by dcgregorya
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i could see pure dps classes having a dps edge in pve, but not pvp.


not to mention, NOTHING gets a class on the nerf wagon faster than concentrating on damage in pvp. and unlike pve, pvp viability is not solely determined by how much damage you do.


after all, you are playing a role that the vast majority of people WANT to play as in pvp. It is not like you are sacrificing anything for the good of the group.


people who use guard are sacrificing their own fun by significantly shortening their lives for the benefit of the entire team. Healers are playing a vital role that most players would prefer not to do if given the chance, but know that their healing is probably more beneficial than dpsing for the team.

Edited by Ryotknife
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Not sure how it goes for Gunslinger/Sniper but for Sentinel/Marauder I've noticed the following:


1. We do, flat out, the most potential damage of any class. Under ideal circumstances and with identical gear, a Sent/Mara will out-damage anything.


2. We have to be in melee to do pretty much any of that damage.


3. We spend a lot of time being punted around/rooted/stunned or focus-fired.


If you're left to your own devices you will absolutely destroy people. This rarely happens, but when it does it is GLORIOUS.


Personally I'm not all that bothered by raw numbers in pvp - it's all about the win. I help where I can by pressuring healers, which Sent/Mara are naturally good at.


For PvE I've never had a problem doing an absolute ton of damage - so much so I find myself using my aggro-wipe pretty regularly on bosses/champions and my tanks know what they're doing. I've never heard them complain about anyone else being hard to keep aggro from. I prove my worth - particularly in longer fights where Juyo stays stacked up, Zen keeps those burns critting and I don't have to worry about running out of Force or Ammo.


There's also a lot to be said about itemisation - two fresh 50's in basic gear might be close to each other in damage terms, making the dps classes seem pretty worthless, but as gear improves that gap gets bigger since our damage scales better with improved gear.

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so force pull or grapple a healer while keeping the tank busy and then stunning them wont work?


btw you do know there is a 30% healing debuff in pvp right? people were crying about that at the start of the game that healing was useless in pvp....now all of a sudden its too powerful? It feels just right to me if you play smart and use team work (like you're supposed to). i think too many people got used to WoW where a single dpser could easily kill a healer.


Sorry in SWTOR healers are not EASY free kills (they're still free kills though).


an intelligent any class is powerful. gunslingers can crit for 5k easy and are immune to knockbacks. i think the class just requires more finesse than your typical player possesses.


I've never crit for 5k...ever. And if I have, I haven't seen it (thanks to damage numbers not showing up at 35 meters).


And we're immune to knockbacks? Since when? Oh you mean once every ~half a minute?

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This is a very VALID point. Why are Healers topping the charts in DAMAGE and HEALING?


Just because a sage is topping the damage meter does not mean they are a healer. And topping the heal meter when there is no dedicated healer is like beating a room full of blind kids at "where's waldo".


Try using common sense before you say stupid statements that are not true.

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Just because a sage is topping the damage meter does not mean they are a healer. And topping the heal meter when there is no dedicated healer is like beating a room full of blind kids at "where's waldo".


Try using common sense before you say stupid statements that are not true.


A better statement would be, why are DPS Sorcs topping damage and healing?

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an intelligent any class is powerful. gunslingers can crit for 5k easy and are immune to knockbacks. i think the class just requires more finesse than your typical player possesses.



What fantasy game about Star Wars are you playing btw? My biggest crit ever was 4k..a flat 4k...i did that one time..in a warzone...on a guy that was either lvl 5 or naked. 5K does not happen at all using 1 skill for a GS..made me laugh a bit though...I keep trying to reach 5k!

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I'm trying to grasp this as I'm seeing bounty hunters and other classes like Inquisitors doing all types of insane damage, yet being able to provide protection in Warzones along with heals. So what is the point of playing a class that can only do damage?


There is no reason.


That is why Marauders and Sentinels are the lowest population classes in the game and are being refused spots in Operations.

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At 1700 cunning and 200 expertise, I haven't seen 5k crits from my sniper either. I'm close (4700ish) but haven't reached that point to be honest. I'm marksman btw.


Someone also posted that pure dps classes are not pure dps and they have secondary roles as well? They even had the audacity to say sniper has a support role?


I'm sorry but the only thing we can do is dps.

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