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Can I Start to Tank HMs?


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So I just hit 50 a couple weeks ago. My buddy wants to try HM BT tonight, but I'm not sure how well I can tank it wearing just quest gear (I'm pretty low on cash for new mods at the moment). In terms of stats or relative gear levels or some vaguely quantified metric, when can I start tanking these things? Are the first few fairly easy relative to normal mode FPs? I've tanked directive 7 normal mode with no major issues. If I was a dps role, I would be less concerned and just make a group drag me through. As a tank, though, I have to be able to hang or it just won't work.
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With the way things work dragging an healer/tank through an hm is easier then an dps, mostly because enrage timers are really the only thing you have to worry about, assuming people know their job.

You should have orange gear yeah? Do the dailies, you can buy level 50 epic armorings and a hilt for the daily commendations and some of the elite dailies get you epic enhancements and mods.

If you do em all for 2-3 days you should get all you need for hms, worst case you have to spend some of the credits you earned along the way to fill in the missing parts, should be no problem.

Actually you need no gear from the level 48+ normal mode flashpoints at all to get ready for the hms because of the dailies.

Oh and eternity vault normal mode is really easy, once you are ready for the hms you are good to go for that one too. Guild mate was full columni within 3 days of being 50, got to hate his drop luck...

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Depends on your own skills and that of your healer's. If a boss enrages due to lack of dps you are most likely screwed. But BT is easy as hell, if you have above 12-13k hp and your healer doesen't suck you should be alright.
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Thanks for the feedback.


To the second poster: my class quest is bugged out around level 40, and I can't finish the quest line. Because of this, I'm unable to unlock the dailies that everyone else seems to be enjoying so much. I think my only real option to gear up before diving in would be the GTN and pvp. It's not something I'm happy about, but there are worse bugs in game.

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Thanks for the feedback.


To the second poster: my class quest is bugged out around level 40, and I can't finish the quest line. Because of this, I'm unable to unlock the dailies that everyone else seems to be enjoying so much. I think my only real option to gear up before diving in would be the GTN and pvp. It's not something I'm happy about, but there are worse bugs in game.


In that case you can still do the belsavis dailies, only the starter quest on ilum is bound to the class quest, just means you need twice the time and you have no access to the enhancement reward, because it's an ilum quest. But that should not be a problem, with the money you get for the belsavis dailies you can just buy em on the galactic trade market.


Edit: that enjoying part was a sarcastic remark, wasn't it? :rolleyes:

Edited by Naudr
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BT is very easy, the hardest part of that place is pressing the spacebar fast enough so that your group mates don't whine at you for slowing the process down :D


When I first tanked it I had a few pieces of gear already, so I can't answer you based on personal experience. But to be honest, the first thing you should concerntrate on the minute you hit 50 is the weekly and daily PVP quest. If you've done things the right way :p You should have a champ bag in your inv and 1000 mercs and 1000 wz commendations (so that's 6 bags before you even start). Get your two weeklies done in a day and the dailies too of course and you are looking at at least 14 and probably more bags to open on day 1. There's a good chance that you'll get 3 or 4 pieces out of that lot.


like a poster above mentioned, you really notice if your DPS classes are not up to it during the enrage phase. For BT tanking when the boss is not enraged is super easy, just make sure you interupt when you can and save your cooldowns for the enraged phase. The final boss is a mechanic thing really, although she can one shot people too when she charges.

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That's good news, I must have misunderstood what I've been told before. As I understand, the belsavis quests start with a bonus series? Is this on the fleet? I thought I had scooped up all the quest givers once I capped, but I'll check again.
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That's good news, I must have misunderstood what I've been told before. As I understand, the belsavis quests start with a bonus series? Is this on the fleet? I thought I had scooped up all the quest givers once I capped, but I'll check again.


Belsavis bonus series is bound to your level, you get the starter quest for it on the belsavis space station upon reaching level 50.

Ilum bonus series starter quest is the one bound to you finishing your class quest line, but you should still be able to do 1-2 of the dailies on ilum without advancing in the bonus series. Actually you might even be able to do more of them, the ilum and belsavis bonus series guide you around, but i am not sure how far they are needed to unlock the dailies. I am sure there are some daily quests on both planets that don't require you to advance in the bonus series.

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I didn't do any of the bonus series on Illum and I have full access to the daily quests there.


well, that clears up that, so you just miss out on the daily commendations you get for doing the bonus series, no big deal.

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