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Early Access Broken Promises....Not a good start, EA


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I would not have expected to get in to early access if EA had not announced that everyone who pre-ordered would have access. But, they did make that announcement, so (silly me) I believed them. I've been playing mmo's for more years than I care to remember and I always pre-order. Quite a few games I've played have offered early access to all who pre-ordered. The difference here is that all other games actually delivered. I've never heard of a game letting people in in waves. A ton of us who have pre-ordered have not so much as received an e-mail yet.


I cannot understand the thought process behind their "wave" system. Didn't their stress tests tell them anything? How could they possibly expect the people left out of wave after wave of early access to be happy with it? Or, is it that as long as we are willing to pay them, they simply do not care?


It really should not matter when a pre-order happened. It has never mattered with any other game. This system is utterly absurd. :mad:

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"this isn't how other games did it" is a silly argument


Not really, it's an acceptable thing now... Allowing people that paid the same money at different times is definitely not. A lot of us were cautious and wanted to try the game first because of all the lies previous MMO companys told about games. Just because some of us did not know of, or have the money, etc should not entitle any difference since everyone paid the same.

Edited by MaGicBush
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Feed the troll...


Every ad said "Up to Five Days of early game access" or something of the sort. Currently we are 6 days before launch. Ignoring the "Up to" tomorrow is the day you should have maybe expected to play. But even then, it says up to. You were not lied to, nor promised anything you haven't received.

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Perhaps I don't understand, but when I preordered I was offered, Up to 5 days of early game access and a yellow lightsaber crystal. I'm not sure how they broke these promises before the game has officaly released?


Exactly as stated by you. UP TO 5 Days. Not even up to 7 days, but up to 5. That means you May only get 1 out of the 5.

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Im total agreement with you I was in beta for 3 weekend tests now Im sitting on the sidelines wondering what the hell is going on seriously this is a bad way to release the game while my some of guildmates are in now im going to playing catch up to them while there going to be lvl 30+ by the time i get this so called pre release invite im so angered by this launched just horrible done :mad:
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I would not have expected to get in to early access if EA had not announced that everyone who pre-ordered would have access. But, they did make that announcement, so (silly me) I believed them. I've been playing mmo's for more years than I care to remember and I always pre-order. Quite a few games I've played have offered early access to all who pre-ordered. The difference here is that all other games actually delivered. I've never heard of a game letting people in in waves. A ton of us who have pre-ordered have not so much as received an e-mail yet.


I cannot understand the thought process behind their "wave" system. Didn't their stress tests tell them anything? How could they possibly expect the people left out of wave after wave of early access to be happy with it? Or, is it that as long as we are willing to pay them, they simply do not care?


It really should not matter when a pre-order happened. It has never mattered with any other game. This system is utterly absurd. :mad:


When did you preorder? If it was anytime after say mid to late November, you really have no argument. I ordered after Thanksgiving, didn't redeem my code until Dec. 2 and i knew exactly what I was in for because I read about it. Up to five days, meaning you're not promised ficve days, just really ONE before launch, all depending on when you redeem the code.

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I'm sure you feel hurt and betrayed, but it not like they stole your lunch money and gave you wedgie. As everyone is saying and continue to say; Up to 5 days early access. It's not saying guaranteed 5 days total. I know you want to play the first day, but that goes to those that reserved it early.
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Perhaps I don't understand, but when I preordered I was offered, Up to 5 days of early game access and a yellow lightsaber crystal. I'm not sure how they broke these promises before the game has officaly released?


It says "up to 5 days". So it could be 5, 4, 3, 2 or a single day of early access and they still would have kept their word.

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Dchristine, they promised "UP TO 5 Days" now let me tell you what that means. It means that you will get anywhere from 1 day to 5 days of early access. This means that you can get invited 1 day before the official launch, it could also mean that you could get an invite 2 days before the official launch. In the English language when someone says "UP TO 5 Days" they do not mean you are guaranteed 5 days, it just means that you could have 5 days, or you could have 1 day.


Other games had lots of problems with their early access, some problems that even occurred well after launch because of early access (really low pop servers for one). This is Bioware's system to make decrease these problems as much as possible.

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I would not have expected to get in to early access if EA had not announced that everyone who pre-ordered would have access. But, they did make that announcement, so (silly me) I believed them. I've been playing mmo's for more years than I care to remember and I always pre-order. Quite a few games I've played have offered early access to all who pre-ordered. The difference here is that all other games actually delivered. I've never heard of a game letting people in in waves. A ton of us who have pre-ordered have not so much as received an e-mail yet.


I cannot understand the thought process behind their "wave" system. Didn't their stress tests tell them anything? How could they possibly expect the people left out of wave after wave of early access to be happy with it? Or, is it that as long as we are willing to pay them, they simply do not care?


It really should not matter when a pre-order happened. It has never mattered with any other game. This system is utterly absurd. :mad:


Tell ya what.


You find me where in writing Bioware wrote that all pre-orders would get access to the servers for a full seven days before release and I'll help you sue them.


If you can't (and you won't) then just shut up.

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tommorow we are all in , ELSE last week of november and dec, wich will get in friday , go eat your poptarts......... so we all had at least 5 day as we expected , and for who preordered 2 week befor the Erlie acces ,can eat nutella toast for 1 more day and get 4 day wich is truly not so far from 5 day
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Blatently lying in your thread title... Not a good start Christine.


I understand you're upset, but you need to be honest with us (and most likely yourself).


Please edit your original post to the following:


"I want to play this game really bad, and the fact that other people get to play it before me makes me feel really really mad, because I expect get everything I want all the time when I want, even if it was clear I wouldn't get it at the same time as others in the beginning.


That's why this game will fail."

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I would not have expected to get in to early access if EA had not announced that everyone who pre-ordered would have access. But, they did make that announcement, so (silly me) I believed them. I've been playing mmo's for more years than I care to remember and I always pre-order. Quite a few games I've played have offered early access to all who pre-ordered. The difference here is that all other games actually delivered. I've never heard of a game letting people in in waves. A ton of us who have pre-ordered have not so much as received an e-mail yet.


I cannot understand the thought process behind their "wave" system. Didn't their stress tests tell them anything? How could they possibly expect the people left out of wave after wave of early access to be happy with it? Or, is it that as long as we are willing to pay them, they simply do not care?


It really should not matter when a pre-order happened. It has never mattered with any other game. This system is utterly absurd. :mad:

They could just give you no access at all. Wouls that make you feel better?

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