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A Universe At War - Ilum/Open World Redesign


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I like the idea of changing "Ilum OWPVP" in general altho some things seem obviously wrong but its a good start to give maybe BIOWARE something to work with.


to all:

Well YES there are pros and cons in the said #1 post but well thats how the gaming industrie works, you have your pros and cons bring the idea to your boss or else ^^ and instead of talking this idea down they call in a conference etc. see if they can improve this idea and make it possible or say nah nothing of the said things will work.


For now i see just people saying YES it works and NO it wont work...where are the people who say thats a good idea but has a lot of flaws lets talk about how we can improve this theory and make it better/ballance it or whatever.

Edited by Meeporized
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I like the idea of changing "Ilum OWPVP" in general altho some things seem obviously wrong but its a good start to give maybe BIOWARE something to work with.


to all:

Well YES there are pros and cons in the said #1 post but well thats how the gaming industrie works, you have your pros and cons bring the idea to your boss or else ^^ and instead of talking this idea down they call in a conference etc. see if they can improve this idea and make it possible or say nah nothing of the said things will work.


For now i see just people saying YES it works and NO it wont work...where are the people who say thats a good idea but has a lot of flaws lets talk about how we can improve this theory and make it better/ballance it or whatever.


There is no idea in creation that couldn't be improved upon.


For example, instead of the health buff expertise could be used in a way that would do exactly the same job (countering one sided faction balance) with a mechanic already in the game.


There is plenty to be improved upon but the point is, this is an improvement over the current system in place by far, MMO's should never stop trying to improve themselves and be happy with the status quo :)

Edited by Aneu
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Its a great idea, though at this point just about anything is better then currently ingame.


The biggest issue is that something like this would take a long time to develop and the abysmal state of the engine would be a huge hindrance.


Though if Bioware and EA realize that they need to do some massive revamps of the game if they don't want a F2P game in 9 months. They should actively work towards something like this and have rated pvp in forms of WZ and possible arena as a PvP alternative and as a stopgap between now and 12 months down the line which would be a rough estimate to how long it would take to get something like this ingame.

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Its a great idea, though at this point just about anything is better then currently ingame.


The biggest issue is that something like this would take a long time to develop and the abysmal state of the engine would be a huge hindrance.


Though if Bioware and EA realize that they need to do some massive revamps of the game if they don't want a F2P game in 9 months. They should actively work towards something like this and have rated pvp in forms of WZ and possible arena as a PvP alternative and as a stopgap between now and 12 months down the line which would be a rough estimate to how long it would take to get something like this ingame.


While implementing the idea in its entirety would indeed take quite some time and effort to do, changing Ilum to this system would not take very much time at all.


The problem would be that development cost is small compared to redesign cost however I am pretty sure they could have a working system up and running inside of a month that may not incorporate everything stated in this design but would involve a "balancer" and "flip mechanic". The development is not the problem as its not hard to do, the longest part of the process would be the QA. :)


Note: While I myself have a grasp on some of these things I am in contact with people who have a working knowledge that makes what I know look insignificant - However none of this should be taken as gospel or can be backed up with numbers in terms of staff at Bioware Austin, just reliable guestimates :)

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Another future expansion could elevate the war into already known areas of space and lead to huge battles taking part on Dromund Kaas or Corucscant with variable objectives on either planet


Excellent post, and a well thought out system with the epic scale that I attribute to Star Wars. Well done.


This last bit however seems a bit myopic in that it is purely from the PvP point of view. What about new players starting to level up, and who have to play through these home worlds. We cannot simply shut down the experience for new players to give older, more advanced players something to keep their attention. Would you suggest a separate instance of the home world for the PvP war? How would that work?


Apologies if this has already been brought up; I have not read all pages yet.

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Excellent post, and a well thought out system with the epic scale that I attribute to Star Wars. Well done.


This last bit however seems a bit myopic in that it is purely from the PvP point of view. What about new players starting to level up, and who have to play through these home worlds. We cannot simply shut down the experience for new players to give older, more advanced players something to keep their attention. Would you suggest a separate instance of the home world for the PvP war? How would that work?


Apologies if this has already been brought up; I have not read all pages yet.


It hasnt been brought up yet and its a valid point, it can be easily off-set by making the "area" where these battles occur separate from main PvE areas, other options could include instancing off the PvE areas, making it so that only space combat will occur around those planets thus not interrupting new players and I'm sure there are some very smart people out there who could come up with some other interesting ideas :)

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It hasnt been brought up yet and its a valid point, it can be easily off-set by making the "area" where these battles occur separate from main PvE areas, other options could include instancing off the PvE areas, making it so that only space combat will occur around those planets thus not interrupting new players and I'm sure there are some very smart people out there who could come up with some other interesting ideas :)


How about this: clone the entire galaxy, but the opvp can only be accessed via the guild capital ships. That way the battle can rage *anywhere* yet not interfere with PvE. Plus it would minimize time spent coding these new battlegrounds.

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In this system you have outlined Aneu i have the following questions:


To me it looks like the battle will rage back and forth on a ever moving front-line going between the imperial and republic home worlds. But what determines which side will attack/defend and how is it determined what system becomes vulnerable? (Edit: The map you suggested seem to only have one base, so i assume each planet "copy" would have a imperial base map for imperial defence and vice versa. but it still has to be determined somehow who actually attacks and defends. you see where i'm going with this i hope)


You mentioned that more than one system can become vulnerable at a given time. When this happens, how is it then determined which one will have a battle?


i am asking because... Say you have a line of planets (simplified): [imp world] [planet 1] [planet 2] [planet 3] [planet 4] [planet 5] [republic world] Then planet 3 and 4 becomes vulnerable. Republic then wins the battle of planet 3 and imperials win the battle of planet 4. Now what just happened to the front-line? Or am i misunderstanding?


Now don't get me wrong, i like the idea and i really really think this game needs something like this. But what i want to avoid, seeing how we now play "the siege at the republic base" day after day on ilum. I really want to avoid playing the invasion of coruscant over and over.

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fighting planets is great! fighting for gear? eh. forget it.


whilst i agree there should be more of a incentive to win and hold these planets (i personaly like the idea of having pvp venders on certain bases or having a auction house that sells to both factions maybe even having rare resources on to farm) if you dont fight for the gear how else do you sugest people gain it?


hold a tea party and vote who makes the best lemon cakes?

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/Signed, This type of pvp play would be legendary, however i would like to propose an idea as well.

Implement Guild banks and charge the guildbank instead for base upgrades. That way not one individual has to pay the bill

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I applaud the effort and it sounds fun (which is why a lot of people are responding so positively), but I think we all need a little perspective about the scale of what you're proposing.


Essentially what you suggest (which again is an interesting concept) is an entirely new MMO and the time and resources it would realistically take to create, code, write, balance, etc. all of this is unfeasible.


Again, I think this is a remarkable display of creativity and passion, and I applaud you for it, but short of a paid-for expansion, nothing like this will ever happen. If Ilum is going to change in the short (6mo-1yr) term, then they will have to make adjustments within the framework already established.


The game has a core architecture that cannot be radically changed at this point.


You can't simply clone a planet and make it into a PvP zone. Look at the development history of any good (or not so good) PvP map and you will see that they take a significant amount of time to develop, test, balance, and fix, and fix, and fix.


And that's just one of the many areas where Bioware would have to spend time and money if they were to try anything like this.


It's a beautiful dream, but it's never going to happen in this game.

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