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If Op/Scoundrel was so OP...


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2 possible reasons:

1) The game had just launched so less players or people intended to level then get an Op/Scoundrel later on.

2) It wasn't as OP.




There is one other possibility, people wouldn't want to roll Jedi/Sith classes as much right out the box because loads of people already had the classes to start off with. Now people are levelling alts who are those classes.

Edited by MrDeas
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What does one thing have to do with the other?


In vanilla wow shamans were the most overpowered class, and also the least played. Same thing for warlock during the Burning Crusade. Not everyone insta rerolls FOTM classes.


1) There is a certain portion of people that do reroll FOTM

2) Regarding Shaman, it could only be played by 1 side and so by definition was one of the least played, plus there was no competitive PvP at that point and so there was no incentive to reroll

3) Warlocks I don't remember being OP but I missed most of BC so can't comment

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Where is this polling that tells you everybody is re-rolling sorc/sage?


Countless ad-hoc forum and in-game surveys + subjective observation.


Yes, there's no amount of scientific rigor in this analysis but multiple instances of similar observations gives it credibility. Would be nice if there was some official tally.

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I have only seen two scoundrels in total in my guild, two total. I'm one of them and I'm healing specced so.. What does that tell you? That you, like everyone else on these forums like to make **** up.


I've seen over two hundred scoundrels in my guild, two hundred! I'm not one of them. What does that tell you? That you, like everyone else on these forums like to make **** up.


Am I doing it right?

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You forget that op/scoundrel takes some effort to play, is melee and doesnt get good until 36.


Sorc/sage is awesomely devastating by 16, is ranged and requires no effort besides jamming face into keyboard until force runs out.

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I've seen over two hundred scoundrels in my guild, two hundred! I'm not one of them. What does that tell you? That you, like everyone else on these forums like to make **** up.


Am I doing it right?


Except that his comment was reasonable and yours is not at all. Nice straw man though.

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Except that his comment was reasonable and yours is not at all. Nice straw man though.


as with most of his posts (that i have seen)... it is less than "reasonable"

Edited by Gryn
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The most played class often isn't the most overpowered one.


Smuggler has always been the least played Republic class. A melee Scoundrel also plays like crap compared to an Operative until they fix all the animation issues.


Dirty kick maybe, but the gun fires off about as quick as the stab motion of Ops..


Anyways, a better question is this: the average person isn't going to see how strong the classes are at release. They're going to roll what they feel like, so the question you should be asking why there were so many sorc/sages, before people saw them in action, in Huttball especially... also I don't think many people pay attention that the sorc and assassins have the same icon.

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Except that his comment was reasonable and yours is not at all. Nice straw man though.


No.. no it wasn't reasonable, which is why his mocking works. Only having 2 of a class in his guild is in no way indicative in of the popularity of the class. There's endless reasons why their is so few in his guild that have nothing to do with the Class popularity or "OP-ness."


And there were quite a few people leveling Scoundrels and Ops up until the announcement of the incoming nerfs. I ran into them on my Shadow alt all the time in <50 Warzones.

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Back Shot has a pretty slow animation, unless they fixed it. Pretty sure there's one or two others. Having played a Scoundrel and Operative both to mid-level an Operative feels like a well-oiled machine and a Scoundrel feels very clunky.


I'm not really sure Sorceror/Sage are really OP, and there being a lot of them doesn't necessarily mean that either. I had a game of Voidstar with SEVEN Sorcerors on the Empire team. They got creamed. If there were seven operatives might as well just immediately leave.

Edited by savionen
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I suspect the popularity of sorc/sage will go up because op/scoundrels were keeping them in check, and they just lost their biggest counter, insta-gib death from an op/scoundrel.


It has less to do with sorc/sages being too powerful (they are) and more to do with their perceived counter getting nerfed.

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No.. no it wasn't reasonable, which is why his mocking works. Only having 2 of a class in his guild is in no way indicative in of the popularity of the class. There's endless reasons why their is so few in his guild that have nothing to do with the Class popularity or "OP-ness."


And there were quite a few people leveling Scoundrels and Ops up until the announcement of the incoming nerfs. I ran into them on my Shadow alt all the time in <50 Warzones.


It was an honest response to the question and reasonable. It's not the be all and end all but it's a data point that has been reinforced by plenty of others on the forums. The population is heavily weighted towards sorc/consular because it was clear during beta and alpha testing that they were the most powerful class both in PvE healing as well as PvP due to the huge amount of utility.

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Why didn't everyone reroll op/scoundrel like we're currently seeing with sorc/consular?


Have you not been in the 10-49 warzones? 50% of them are Op/Scoundrel loaded.


Last night I was in one with 14 operatives/scoundrels out of the 16 players. Maybe your server is a little slow.

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The most played class often isn't the most overpowered one.


Smuggler has always been the least played Republic class. A melee Scoundrel also plays like crap compared to an Operative until they fix all the animation issues.

Yeah tell that to the Bright Wizards back in the Warhammer days, there was a point where you were guaranteed at least 5 BW every game, usually more.

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