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The Lightning is BULL!!


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Yes. Because slowing opponents with a range attack isn't helpful. :rolleyes:

regardless, it's not just force lightning. It's literally everything else the class can do in addition to this. Two AoE CCs per player is a pretty big advantage when you have 3 or more on a team. Resolve don't mean crap at that point. And interrupts are on a 2 min CD.


So much misinformation.....

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The lightning is symptomatic of the mammalian fight or flight response coming to the fore. You see the Sorc and the scary graphics coming towards you and you flee in terror of the primeval force of nature you see before you. Irrational fear in PvP is a major enemy when playing a class, you build up a mental fear of your main predator, just the sight of the graphics is enough.


exactly what it sounds like, he's getting psyched out before he even tries. I see this all the time on my sorc, my damage isn't even that great at 33 yet people just run once I start casting that lightning.

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It's the stun lock issue, not damage. Go up against 4 sorcs and it's pretty rough.

Stunlock for the win.



Erm, if 4 are Stunlocking you - what are the other 3+ people on your team doing to them?


If theres less than 3 of you, why shouldnt you get rolled ?



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Yes. Because slowing opponents with a range attack isn't helpful. :rolleyes:

regardless, it's not just force lightning. It's literally everything else the class can do in addition to this. Two AoE CCs per player is a pretty big advantage when you have 3 or more on a team. Resolve don't mean crap at that point. And interrupts are on a 2 min CD.



...but but but you guys get guard & can grip me back & slow me & stun me & interrupt me & heal a bazillion health a second while kiting & do 30k damage with one nuke & light me on FIRE!!!!!


There is about the same amount of truth in both our statements.

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...but but but you guys get guard & can grip me back & slow me & stun me & interrupt me & heal a bazillion health a second while kiting & do 30k damage with one nuke & light me on FIRE!!!!!


There is about the same amount of truth in both our statements.


What part of what I said isn't true?

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exactly what it sounds like, he's getting psyched out before he even tries. I see this all the time on my sorc, my damage isn't even that great at 33 yet people just run once I start casting that lightning.


I tell you I dont try and run, I try and get to them, though of course I have tried to break LOS, but I'm slowed, so it aint easy. Normal string of events: I run/charge whatever to you. You slow/stun me and move away, my leap/break is used, you slow/stun me again. Your lightning or whatever skill it is hits me for a lot of dmg. Enough to kill me after a few seconds. I use my shield, it doesnt stop 100% of the dmg. It has a 3 minute timer so after the one use, if not dead during, dead soon after. Maybe I am panicking, but it feels to me like I am trying to get to you and do as much dmg as possible before you get away or kill me. Maybe the other team is just better at working together (or premades) and I am getting stuned by multiple sources. If the resolve is working, it sure dont feel like it.


I've asked for help against ligntning in previous threads that were ignored. I read class faqs, and I have read many, many posts on these forums. Give me some helpful advice. Maybe I am not using the best sequence? I just can figure it out on my own as from my point of view, my breaks and leaps do nothing as the Inquiz gets away each time after I use them.


Your right, all I see is lightning kicking my butt. Doesnt mean I aint trying.

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Thanks for the lowbie player post. Sentinels are one of the best pvp classes if played correctly. Get to 50 and get championship gear and you ll be a force to be reckoned with.


Yeah, next in line for a nerf after Sorc and Ops.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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I tell you I dont try and run, I try and get to them, though of course I have tried to break LOS, but I'm slowed, so it aint easy. Normal string of events: I run/charge whatever to you. You slow/stun me and move away, my leap/break is used, you slow/stun me again. Your lightning or whatever skill it is hits me for a lot of dmg. Enough to kill me after a few seconds. I use my shield, it doesnt stop 100% of the dmg. It has a 3 minute timer so after the one use, if not dead during, dead soon after. Maybe I am panicking, but it feels to me like I am trying to get to you and do as much dmg as possible before you get away or kill me. Maybe the other team is just better at working together (or premades) and I am getting stuned by multiple sources. If the resolve is working, it sure dont feel like it.


I've asked for help against ligntning in previous threads that were ignored. I read class faqs, and I have read many, many posts on these forums. Give me some helpful advice. Maybe I am not using the best sequence? I just can figure it out on my own as from my point of view, my breaks and leaps do nothing as the Inquiz gets away each time after I use them.


Your right, all I see is lightning kicking my butt. Doesnt mean I aint trying.


Here's what happens. You get hit by one guy. You interrupt him. Before you can do damage to him another range FOTM hits you with lightning and your stunned. Then you die. It's the fact that they can stay ranged, blanket damage AoE. Stun. Slow. Heal. Bubble. Blind if bubble breaks. AoE pushback. People see this and go 'awesome I want to do that' and roll the same class. So next time you do a Warzone, you'll have another one to face.


Seriously. There's at least three Sith Inquisitors in every match I've played over the last week. There's a reason for it. And it's not just because 'lightning is cool.'

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I agree with the early poster that asked why you think you alone should be able to take 3 of any class at once? That is ridiculous.


If you're refering to me, my point is 3 of one class can hold 6-8 people from achieving objectives due to utility. Warzones is an objective based game. Sage/Inquisitors hold significant advantage over other classes for said objective.

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If you're refering to me, my point is 3 of one class can hold 6-8 people from achieving objectives due to utility. Warzones is an objective based game. Sage/Inquisitors hold significant advantage over other classes for said objective.



if 6-8 cant kill 3 then there just bad tbh.

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Sents can be very good in PvP, when played correctly. On my server, I've only seen one marauder on the empire side that's any good.


I play a Vig guardian. I decimate most other classes in 1 on 1 combat. Alas, its almost never 1 on 1.

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Here's what happens. You get hit by one guy. You interrupt him. Before you can do damage to him another range FOTM hits you with lightning and your stunned. Then you die. It's the fact that they can stay ranged, blanket damage AoE. Stun. Slow. Heal. Bubble. Blind if bubble breaks. AoE pushback. People see this and go 'awesome I want to do that' and roll the same class. So next time you do a Warzone, you'll have another one to face.

That happens to everyone with every class. I see a melee charging me I slow him, dot him, FL him, maybe stun or knock-back if he gets in range depending on the situation and if off of cooldown ....and then another comes out of nowhere and eats me for lunch.


However I do not run and whine to the forums calling for nerfs when it happens...instead I curse myself out for being dumb enough to leave myself so exposed that happened to me and remind myself how I should work better as a team to prevent it from happening again.

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It's funny how force lightning gets so much hate. You guys realize that it's just a filler spell between procs for our bigger damaging spells right? Seriously, do all of you have nothing better to do then make another "QQ I SUCK AT THIS GAME NERF EVERYTHING BUT ME" thread?
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If you're refering to me, my point is 3 of one class can hold 6-8 people from achieving objectives due to utility. Warzones is an objective based game. Sage/Inquisitors hold significant advantage over other classes for said objective.


That can be said on practically any class if played well, particularly against 6-8 who don't know how to fight that class. This is not an SI exclusive thing, regardless how much you want to believe it. If 6-8 of you don't know how to zerg down one Sorc, with interrupts and such, then you deserve to lose the battle.

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He didn't say kill, he said hold off. Big difference


I've held off 6 from an objective with just two people. Me (vanguard) and one other healing class. At least long enough until reinforcements arrive, since I'm assuming that's what we mean by "held off".


So based on that standard, there should be a nerf Vanguard + Healer combo.

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I noticed no one ever mention rolling with a healer. If you roll with a healer, this doesnt happen much. Also, if your 1v1, u got the warzone medpacs and adrenals, o and also ur relics.


The only thing I would say in regards to Lightning, is that if you dont have a "great" computer, every Lightning you see lags you down. So for me, it is more of a graphical killer than any other move in the game.

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You have force leap to interrupt them, not to mention an interrupt of your own. Start using them to lock them out of lightning. L2P Please. :D

Same thing Scoundrels/Operatives were telling people and they still cried to get them nerfed. It's time for you guys to get nerfed next. You can't ask for a class to be nerfed and expect no retaliation towards your class, sorry.

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Same thing Scoundrels/Operatives were telling people and they still cried to get them nerfed. It's time for you guys to get nerfed next. You can't ask for a class to be nerfed and expect no retaliation towards your class, sorry.


except you cant do anything against a 6k crit in the back from stealth with a 4/5 second stun duration. thats why it got nerfed nothing else.


the damage wouldnt be so bad. but the fact it stuns at the same time allowing for another free3/4k crit in the face is just too much

Edited by Tsubodia
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I am sorry, I am so frustrated!


I started another toon since my Sentinel is pretty much garbage. Same problem, once I start getting hit by the lightning its over.


And the removing level 50s doesnt help with all the rebs are under 20 and all the sorcs are in the 40s.


I actually do ok and am enjoying myself until the cookers open up.


Please figure out a better way to balance this, I am sure I am not the only one who is sick of trying it but gets their arse handed to them over and over by lightning. This new toon even has a whoping 6% elemental resistance.... LOL




well as an SI almost every hit on me seems to be at least 10% of my health (snipers much more), my bubble does not absorb all that much damage, and to be honest my lighting seems fairly weak and the crits are very low. but I have heals you say? ya healing while being beat on does not work so well for me they take a long time to cast and are kind of small. but I am used to being squashy I played a mage for a long time so and I know SI's are more of a support toon.


I don't know exactly what you are complaining about.

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3 Sorc can not hold off 6-8 attackers simply because we are far too squishy.


What Lazorous said can happen because it was a tank and a healer...sure they won't kill anyone else but that is not what their job is.


That was basically my point. Someone feels that just because 3 of "x" class can hold off 6-8 attackers from an objective means they should be nerfed. By that logic, they should nerf my vanguard + healer combo. OR, they didn't realize that the only reason their 6-8 ppl were held back by 3 sorcs, was because their team was extremely bad.


It's the case of, "It can't be because I'm a bad player. It's got to be that the class is too OP".

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