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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Lightning is BULL!!


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I am sorry, I am so frustrated!


I started another toon since my Sentinel is pretty much garbage. Same problem, once I start getting hit by the lightning its over.


And the removing level 50s doesnt help with all the rebs are under 20 and all the sorcs are in the 40s.


I actually do ok and am enjoying myself until the cookers open up.


Please figure out a better way to balance this, I am sure I am not the only one who is sick of trying it but gets their arse handed to them over and over by lightning. This new toon even has a whoping 6% elemental resistance.... LOL

Edited by Delekahn
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I am sorry, I am so frustrated!


I started another toon since my Sentinel is pretty much garbage. Same problem, once I start getting hit by the lightning its over.


And the removing level 50s doesnt help with all the rebs are under 20 and all the sorcs are in the 40s.


I actually do ok and am enjoying myself until the cookers open up.


Please figure out a better way to balance this, I am sure I am not the only one who is sick of trying it but gets their arse handed to them over and over by lightning. This new toon even has a whoping 6% elemental resistance.... LOL


Thanks for the lowbie player post. Sentinels are one of the best pvp classes if played correctly. Get to 50 and get championship gear and you ll be a force to be reckoned with.

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its a hard thing to fix with all the people for and against xserver pvp the talents at higher lvls make a diff but they cant exactly add more lvl brackets or ques would just be stupid at all lvls, to do it and not have long ques you'd probally have to do xserver pvp but as i said there are alot of people complain "it will ruin community" or "i like my servers rivalry"
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I am sorry, I am so frustrated!


I started another toon since my Sentinel is pretty much garbage. Same problem, once I start getting hit by the lightning its over.


And the removing level 50s doesnt help with all the rebs are under 20 and all the sorcs are in the 40s.


I actually do ok and am enjoying myself until the cookers open up.


Please figure out a better way to balance this, I am sure I am not the only one who is sick of trying it but gets their arse handed to them over and over by lightning. This new toon even has a whoping 6% elemental resistance.... LOL


I agree that the level difference in Warzones is still somewhat of an issue but honestly as a Jedi Sentinel @ LvL 26 I can easily kill level 40's. I just had to adjust my play style a bit because they have more spells and talents.


As for the lightning this does not need to be fixed. Some classes begin to shine later in the game than others. Inquisitors have stuns out the arse in the beginning but later in the game many other Classes can **** them. It might sound stupid now but keep playing and getting familiar with your class. The more you learn your moves and the other classes the better you will be and beating them.

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Sentinel bull?


Lets see:


Bleed damage

High damage output


Pala bubble for 5 seconds which practically makes you invincible. (which should really go to Juggs and Guards imo)


+15% more damage from Inspiration

2 slows

Rebuke which reduces damage for 20%


What drugs are you ON??


Sentinels causes mayhem in PvP. L2P i say.

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The lightning is symptomatic of the mammalian fight or flight response coming to the fore. You see the Sorc and the scary graphics coming towards you and you flee in terror of the primeval force of nature you see before you. Irrational fear in PvP is a major enemy when playing a class, you build up a mental fear of your main predator, just the sight of the graphics is enough. Edited by Ewgal
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The lightning is symptomatic of the mammalian fight or flight response coming to the fore. You see the Sorc and the scary graphics coming towards you and you flee in terror of the primeval force of nature you see before you. Irrational fear in PvP is a major enemy when playing a class, you build up a mental fear of your main predator, just the sight of the graphics is enough.


Nah, I just laugh mainly.

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Yeah force lightning is BS these L2P people are working around the problem and not dealing with it, riding the class nerfs and building off the websites for their epic builds.


Casters are seriously OP as hell, if you can't see it you've got issues Even bioware said they're op and they're gonna nerf it. Guess you don't know as much as you think you do if the game designer agrees with OP.

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Lightning, laser bolts, arrows, rocks, missiles, acid, tears, swords, fists, stocks, lightsabers, knives or a combo of all....it doesn't matter what it is. If there are enough of them hitting you, you are dead. Stop crying.
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Yeah force lightning is BS these L2P people are working around the problem and not dealing with it, riding the class nerfs and building off the websites for their epic builds.


Casters are seriously OP as hell, if you can't see it you've got issues Even bioware said they're op and they're gonna nerf it. Guess you don't know as much as you think you do if the game designer agrees with OP.


False. Bioware did not say such things. If anything Casters are UNDERPOWERED as it's easy to interrupt them w/ 80 stuns.


@TheOtherGuyWhoComplainsAboutCommandos You realize Empire has an equivalent class right?

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Wow that was fast, normally my posts get little to no responses.


Guess all it takes is a frustrated/hurried post and BOOM.


I appreciate the construtive comment, was there one? My Sentinel is crap, finally got to Ilum the other day and though ohh nice, at last I can get some of this cool daily gear they all rave about. 10 deaths just trying to get through the second quest. I'm not the only one to post such frustrations.


So, decide to level a different adv class, get into a WZ at lvl 18, and wham, get toasted, literally by lvl 44 Inquisitors. And I do use my force leap, my shield, anything I can think of. They stun me and slow me, after I break it they slow me again and I cant break it before I'm dead. I did fine againt the other combatents, but the Inquizzies are super OP IMHO.


Yeah I aint the best player around but the lot of you must just be awesome studs cause I find it extrememlly difficult to play against an Inquiz. At least I keep trying, but thats getting harder and harder to do as I continually walk into a meat cooker.


No wonder I am usually a lurker and am scared to post, back to my hole...

Edited by Delekahn
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Yeah force lightning is BS these L2P people are working around the problem and not dealing with it, riding the class nerfs and building off the websites for their epic builds.


Casters are seriously OP as hell, if you can't see it you've got issues Even bioware said they're op and they're gonna nerf it. Guess you don't know as much as you think you do if the game designer agrees with OP.


Are you referring to the force lightning or the shock ability here? Force lightning aint all that, its best feature is that it hits you with a slow. Its a 3 second channel, easily interruptable (either with interrupt or force leap or any knockback)...What exactly is the issue? It doesn't do nearly as much damage as shock does.

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Are you referring to the force lightning or the shock ability here? Force lightning aint all that, its best feature is that it hits you with a slow. Its a 3 second channel, easily interruptable (either with interrupt or force leap or any knockback)...What exactly is the issue? It doesn't do nearly as much damage as shock does.


It's the stun lock issue, not damage. Go up against 4 sorcs and it's pretty rough.

Stunlock for the win.

Edited by jdnyc
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Lighting doesn't even hit hard roll a sorc or sage and you'll see.


Shush you! I want them to be afraid of our filler attack we use between our strong DPS abilities. The most scary thing about Force Lightning is the graphic is big.

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Shush you! I want them to be afraid of our filler attack we use between our strong DPS abilities. The most scary thing about Force Lightning is the graphic is big.


Yes. Because slowing opponents with a range attack isn't helpful. :rolleyes:

regardless, it's not just force lightning. It's literally everything else the class can do in addition to this. Two AoE CCs per player is a pretty big advantage when you have 3 or more on a team. Resolve don't mean crap at that point. And interrupts are on a 2 min CD.

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