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Do you skip quests?


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There's one quest that I always skip on the Imperial side now.



The revenite quest chain is out in the middle of nowhere, with no other story/side quests going to the same area, and by the time you receive that quest chain, you might as well work your way to the dark temple and grab your ship. A title does nothing for me.



I usually don't bother to finish the planet quest chain if it turns green, instead I just finish yellow+ side quests and story quests to move on.

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lol, I skipped entire planets! My guild got a little too into running Maelstorm Prison so we ran it about 15 times. Took my from level 36 to about 42. Skipped Hoth and Quesh, doing only my class quests until I finished Belsavis (getting my final pet) then went back to Belsavis world quests and continued from there.
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I often skip heroics (unless some friends are on).


I skip all bonus quests (unless I can finish it while completing the main part without going out of my wait to grind and extra 35 mobs)


I've skipped entire zones on some characters because leveling is too fast (I will cover those zones on alts)


I do not repeat dailies while leveling (leveling is too fast)


So....yes. :D

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This is a game where i found myself to be very thorough, i don't skip anything.


I was especially surprised when i first got Bonus Series quest chain after completing all the quests on the planet, i was actually thrilled, like couldn't believe they thought of that. :)

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I skipped a few missions on my first 50, mainly because the missions were too stupid for me to care or finish, or I simply had enough of that planet and left (Taris and Hoth were main offenders).


For the most part I won't skip normal missions, since I don't do heroics or flashpoints (time and availability issues) these normal missions and space battles are what I do for experience gain. Bonus series I will finish when I get around to it, again mostly because I need the exp as well as getting some orange gear for it.


I still skip heroics and flashpoints for the most part on my alts now, the rewards are mostly just palette swaps so I'm not missing out by not doing them. Even the prototype/artifacts from being in a group is usually only good for a level or two, and then replaced once you reach a higher level to swap out a few mods. I'm not a stat gamer, I'll choose appearance over stats if it doesn't make much of a difference.


Social points are more or less useless to me due to their light armor type, so there are even less incentives for me to group up and complete these other types of missions.

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I've skipped virtually all the heroics and substituted flashpoints. I do PvP and some space missions, so I don't worry with doing every single quest, although I do the vast majority. I'm considering skipping some quests on Taris just because I dislike the place.
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Depends really. I only ever play one character in MMOs to maximize my effectiveness with said character. Right now my Sith Warrior Juggernaut (Immortal Sped'd) is at level 48. Up until Voss I was doing every single quest I came acress. Every Class quest. Every side quest. Planetary Bonus Series. You name it. When I was questing on Voss though I noticed I was a little higher that I'd like to be for the quests on the planet so I stuck to my Class Quests and just a few side quests here and there. I literally just left Voss at level 48, so Corellia is next. I guess I could say 99.99% of the time I do each quest and don't skip them, but I just did not want to be out levelling Corellia when I finally arrive so I had to skip a few.


I have enjoyed each quest that I have come across though so I have had no need to skip any.

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I pick and choose what I want to do. When I first started playing steady back in Nov I picked everything I tried to do it all. But after a few wipes and now 3 character in the live game I concentrate mostly on class quests if it is a class I played before.


but if its a new class I still get pretty thorough and take my time.

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I do every single quest, but sometimes ignore the bonus kill x # if by the time I finish the main objective of the quest I am not at least halfway done with it.


Oh yeah, I definitely skip heroics, but that is only becuase I waste too much time trying to find a group, but if someone is spamming for a group for a heroic in an area I am currently in I do it.

Edited by Maeleena
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Never on my first character and on class quests.


Always on the second character of that faction. seeing how all the quests are the same and the game is so linear.




I did all solo quests on my first character (though not all bonus series), except Corelia, because I was 49 when I landed there, and did only class quests.


On any alt of the same faction, I will most definitely be skipping any non-class quest I can. No real point to seeing things twice if I can have more fun doing flashpoints and warzones on the way up.


The only current issue I see with doing it this way is light/dark side points. But perhaps "gray" items will come in, like the devs hinted at. But the light/dark side is so..not interesting (and also so forced) the way it's implemented that I don't really mind not making the choices, because there comes a point (when you are 10k either way, and a gear or 2 depend on staying there), that the choice is made for you.


That's not exactly an exciting "choice".

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Depends on the planet. I certainly do on the godawful horrible grindy ones like Balmorra and Nar Shada. I rather like Tatooine, so I do it all. Most of the side quests are extremely repetitive and grindy, even a lot of the dialogue is recycle after the first few planet, so there's really no point in doing them after you've seen them once.


They need to do a better job on future content of making the story quests bigger and better, instead of throwing in little grindy side quests as filler. In that other game, almost every single quest ties in to the overarching zone story, and most manage to do so without feeling grindy. The story quests are quite good in this game, but the sidequests feel like they were taken out of that other game 5 years ago, instead of the 12 months ago that they should have been.

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