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I must say that it's kinda ironic that you seeking for inovation, and giving up from this game for the lack of it...but you still want to came back to something so...old!:rolleyes:


That's not at all what he said. He said that if he wanted to play World of Warcraft, he'd be playing World of Warcraft. He doesn't, which is the entire point of this thread.


Reading comprehension, people. Learn it. Use it.

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Sandbox MMO is lame and out-dated. People don't want a sandbox, they want content, and a sandbox is just mindlessly milling around useless content that you can't do anything in anyways. Blizz took 100% of the exploration out of wow when they removed the chests. There is zero reason to go out in to the world in WoW, whereas in SWTOR you can find chests and datacrons.


Enjoy your *great* <cough sarcasm cough> game though!


Swtor is not worth exploring and most times you can do so freely. The maps are full of mountains and impassable terrain which makes it feel that much more linear. The chest are worthless and datacrons are gimmicky and annoying, that not exploration its trolling.

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you think this is more linear then WoW when i comes to levling? when in wow u go from 1-86 picking up a quest, press "M" and then go to where you are suposed to go kill 10 somethings or use an item and then go back and turn it in.. thats linear to me.. and in this game you atleast got a story and atleast i felt very happy while levling.. when i wow its just like ahh dinged 50 now.. still have 35 more levels to go.. in this game (on your first char) its alot of fun to level up.. so when you say its linear your wrong... atleast when you compare it to WoW...


Wait, that is exactly how this game operates. I pick up 3 quests at a hub and it sends me out to a centralized location where there is a good chance I'll pick up 1 or more bonus quests. My little map quest thingy points me exactly where to go and where to return.


I mean, really what are we comparing here? They are almost identical when it comes to leveling process. WoW ='s interactive, "vehicle" type quests and Swtor ='s Cinematic story telling. Current WoW is very story driven 1-60. It's still not compelling or open world but very Swtor like nonetheless.


Swtor leveling is excruciating to me now. I mentioned in another thread that I was captivated until the Justicar section of Coruscant when I realized that I had just done that 2 previous times. By Taris I was skipping side quests and by NS I was spacebar'ing through the class quest and skipping the world arc altogether. It's not that I don't want story, I do. It's I don't want a boring, non-compelling rehash of the previous zones story. I mean hopefully at some point I do something other than save a Jedi Master that's been brainwashed. Whoa, innovative.

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I'm not picking on you specifically, but this has been bothering the hell out of me and I need to get it out.


Pandaren (the "kung fu pandas") have been around since Warcraft III. They are actually a part of the lore. Now, I know that there are a lot of people here who were not old enough to be playing video games at the time, but they've been around forever. Deal with it.


Putting in a Pokemon Lite minigame is probably one of the smartest things they can do right now. That will actually create an end game alternative to the never ending loot treadmill that is grinding dailies, dungeons, and raids. We have jack crap to do at end game in SWTOR if your idea of fun isn't playing the part of a hamster on a wheel.


The fact that they were joke characters in Warcraft 3 does not warrant their being made into an expansion. I much preferred good old Warcraft 2 anyway.


Of course, Blizz could do a great job and wow everyone with MoP. Still, I've had enough of WoW and Blizzard games in general so I won't be around to see it.


I think that MoP is marketed towards the Asian crowd more...

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Swtor is not worth exploring and most times you can do so freely. The maps are full of mountains and impassable terrain which makes it feel that much more linear. The chest are worthless and datacrons are gimmicky and annoying, that not exploration its trolling.


Funny, because last night I was in Tatooine doing a class quest and I tried to run up this little baby hill to avoid a pack of mobs and it wouldn't let me. I was running into an invisible wall. Very unsatisfying and very un-Rift like where you could basically traverse anywhere. Mountain climbing in that game was pretty satisfying.

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Given, it IS another themepark MMO, but a very good one, with a strong IP and fanbase... I never thought it would crush WoW or whatever, but it will do just fine for the years to come... I mean, it's STAR WARS for Pete's sake!



Pretty much this... People just set their expectations much too high, and let their imaginations run away with them I think.

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Sandbox MMO is lame and out-dated. People don't want a sandbox, they want content, and a sandbox is just mindlessly milling around useless content that you can't do anything in anyways.
Actually, not everyone wants the same thing.


No one should want any game to fail. If someone doesn't want to play a particular game they don't have to, but more games and more options leads to more competition and more innovation which everyone should want.

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The fact that they were joke characters in Warcraft 3 does not warrant their being made into an expansion. I much preferred good old Warcraft 2 anyway.


Of course, Blizz could do a great job and wow everyone with MoP. Still, I've had enough of WoW and Blizzard games in general so I won't be around to see it.


I think that MoP is marketed towards the Asian crowd more...


... it wasn't a joke character in Warcraft III. It was a part of the lore. Thrall allied with a brewmaster in the War3x Orc RPG-style campaign. Just because you don't like them doesn't make them a joke character. I also find it odd that pandas are a bridge too far, but man-cows and space goats are perfectly okay.

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The fact that they were joke characters in Warcraft 3 does not warrant their being made into an expansion. I much preferred good old Warcraft 2 anyway.


Of course, Blizz could do a great job and wow everyone with MoP. Still, I've had enough of WoW and Blizzard games in general so I won't be around to see it.


I think that MoP is marketed towards the Asian crowd more...


What's weird, though, is I totally don't remember WC2 story... I remember WC3's, though!


And i'm not asian but I <3 pandas. :p

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Someone help me. Quitters tell me this game is a WOW clone, so they are quitting but then others say that they are quitting because it does not have enough of WOW's features. So which is it?

Sometimes you feel like a nut...*bomp-bomp*...sometimes you don't.

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... it wasn't a joke character in Warcraft III. It was a part of the lore. Thrall allied with a brewmaster in the War3x Orc RPG-style campaign. Just because you don't like them doesn't make them a joke character. I also find it odd that pandas are a bridge too far, but man-cows and space goats are perfectly okay.


Wait a tick... Are you actually taking Blizzard lore seriously? The panda was a drunk:/

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Someone help me. Quitters tell me this game is a WOW clone, so they are quitting but then others say that they are quitting because it does not have enough of WOW's features. So which is it?


It's a WoW clone with almost zero of the polish.

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Wait a tick... Are you actually taking Blizzard lore seriously? The panda was a drunk:/


So are the dwarves. :p


I still love pandas. :D


Someone help me. Quitters tell me this game is a WOW clone, so they are quitting but then others say that they are quitting because it does not have enough of WOW's features. So which is it?


Umm... There are different oppinions out there. And if you read his post, he doesn't want to play another WoW clone (with nice story, but that's it), he wants to play something a little different. End-game is just like WoW, rift's isn't... /shrug

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... it wasn't a joke character in Warcraft III. It was a part of the lore. Thrall allied with a brewmaster in the War3x Orc RPG-style campaign. Just because you don't like them doesn't make them a joke character. I also find it odd that pandas are a bridge too far, but man-cows and space goats are perfectly okay.


Oh I don't really mind them... It's just that the Pandaren Brewmaster hero struck me as comedic rather than "serious". Cairne and the Tauren's induction into the Horde felt quite awesome and "warcraft-y" so man-cows are fine by me!


Pandaren are not a bad thing in the context of Warcraft 3... But I just feel that this whole Pandaria thing is a bit too far-fetched to be an entire expansion.


But then again, the Warcraft franchise kinda went down the drain with WoW and it's Barbie version of the once ****** Night Elves anyway. Not to mention Gnomes. And Space Goats. And Blood Elves. Ugh.

Edited by archifikoss
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I'm outta here. If I want to play WoW, I'll go resub to WoW.


The lack of game innovation is amazing to me. Making players churn through quests in a linear fashion is utterly unacceptable for a game that took so long to develop.


It kills me when people say things like this. What's with this obsession with innovating the character progression system? Questing works, that's why so many games have stuck with it over all these years. You all cry that you want something different, but you never offer up any suggestions. What would you like to see in place of questing?


And funny how in a thread crying that there's not enough newness here you mention going back to the SAME OLD WoW. Um... am I missing something here?

Edited by DarrkLore
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It kills me when people say things like this. What's with this obsession with innovating the character progression system? Questing works, that's why so many games have stuck with it over all these years. You all cry that you want something different, but you never offer up any suggestions. What would you like to see in place of questing?


And funny how in a thread crying that there's not enough newness here you mention going back to the SAME OLD WoW. Um... am I missing something here?


Not just leveling, have you dinged 50 yet? =/

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So are the dwarves. :p


I still love pandas. :D


Umm... There are different oppinions out there. And if you read his post, he doesn't want to play another WoW clone (with nice story, but that's it), he wants to play something a little different. End-game is just like WoW, rift's isn't... /shrug


Ha touche.


That's what I understood by his post as well. Sounds like he is past such mmorpgs, can't say I blame him. Even though I won't be playing TOR I still hope it succeeds as the market needs more success stories.

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Pretty much this... People just set their expectations much too high, and let their imaginations run away with them I think.


Well, that's pretty much the players "fault"... but in the long run, it will not hurt the game.


GW2 will be more of a let down, I think, cause it is advertised as an innovative MMO, but it will not be as innovative as people think (still much instancing, questless design and dynamic world are very shallow, boring story presentation, etc.).


I think there are only so much possible typs of MMO one can make today... and for a story driven one, themepark is the only way to go.

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This game is linear all of the way up to the end game - from a mission standpoint - because it pretty much has to be. Your character has a story, and in order to achieve everything that your character is supposedly capable of, you need to follow that plotline.


It would be extremely difficult to offer the same level of story (whatever you think that level is) and also allow the player to choose where they go and when. It doesn't work.


The linear progression from 1-50 isn't necessarily due to lack of time or other resources but was more likely a design choice. Players get the story for the class they chose, and the only way to get around the current situation is to cut content from the existing planets and force players to go somewhere else to get mission experience. Ultimately, people are going to follow the class quests. Adding new planets loaded with side quests won't change that.


I enjoy the leveling process in this game much more so than others I've played, but I am also glad that I like PVP as well as PVE. This is where I get my leveling options.

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Swtor is not worth exploring and most times you can do so freely. The maps are full of mountains and impassable terrain which makes it feel that much more linear. The chest are worthless and datacrons are gimmicky and annoying, that not exploration its trolling.


Agreed +1

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I'm outta here. If I want to play WoW, I'll go resub to WoW.


The lack of game innovation is amazing to me. Making players churn through quests in a linear fashion is utterly unacceptable for a game that took so long to develop.


I hope SWTOR's failure sends a message to game devs.


Godspeed Bioware and EA, because you will surely need it over the next few months.


byebye and next time...please dont make a forum post..cause noone cares :)

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