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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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A merger is a last ditch thing games do. Mega servers and the such are a pain in the ***. People lose guilds, names, and all sorts of stuff. Please correct me, but WoW never combined servers. Ever. These are the MMOs i know of that have done so.






Know what they all have in common? They were losing players badly. DCUO has seen quite a bit of a pick up since it went F2P, but these transitions happen to a MMO that can smell its end.


I mean, christ people, the game is just a little over a month old, and we're calling for mergers? It launched during the holidays and considering all of this, BW has had a great response time to the problems that have come up (for the most part).


Give them some time to fix the problem that just tonight they said they are working on.



Even wow merged some servers at TBC ( eu-region ) . One of them was heavily russian populated. It was like warsong or something else im not sure.After russian realms were invented bliz gave free migration to russian players to russian region servers.


Its fair to merge servers to let all players on the server enjoy the game more even there are some guilds , players who have same names.

Edited by kijthae
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Ahh, thanks Gizbug for the message that only people who agree with you may post in your topics.


I play on a Standard/Heavy EU server, with healer/DPS characters on both sides of the war. When I come online at 06:00 local time, I see maybe 10-15 people in Dromund Kaas, and similar numbers in Corellia, Illium, and so on. More on the fleets but not that many, and the server pop is listed as light. It is difficult to get a group, so I don't bother.

When I come online in the EU evenings or at the weekend, it is Heavy/Very Heavy, with anything from 150-300 ppl in the zones.

Spamming for a group? My healers rarely have to even spam for the groups - when I log in, I get whispers asking if I want to come on a mission. My DPSers generally have to spam 2-3 times to find there is no group so I make one, and have a full group of 4 within 5 minutes. Just enough time to set the loot rules and party roles, show ppl the datacron locations they are missing, stuff like that.


If you are finding it so hard to get groups, I would make one of 3 guesses.

1. You are playing a class or type that is heavily over-represented on your server.

2. You have been looking for groups in the wrong places.

3. You have been ninja looting FPs and instances, and got yourself blacklisted by the population of your server. Or a ******* in General, and just gotten yourself blocked by the populace.


Dude we are talking about servers which have 50 people ( and only a few of them are level 50 ) online at prime time on imperial fleet. You are saying that there are 300 people in the zones. You should really roll on lightest populated server and try to find some attraction. You will understand what we mean after a few hours of your queue. Your guesses are funny too :)

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AIf you are finding it so hard to get groups, I would make one of 3 guesses.

1. You are playing a class or type that is heavily over-represented on your server.

2. You have been looking for groups in the wrong places.

3. You have been ninja looting FPs and instances, and got yourself blacklisted by the population of your server. Or a ******* in General, and just gotten yourself blocked by the populace.


Yes, it could'nt possibly be that there is a lack of people available, how silly of us, we're obviously all just ninja looting flavour of the month classes spamming for groups in Ord Mantell general.


Many thanks to Erevan for showing us all the error of our ways...in fact your advice works so well i'm going to use it to cure world hunger, just watch.../clears throat


Hey everybody, I had a really nice dinner last night and have never suffered from malnutrition at any point in my life. Since this is the case for me it must be the case for everybody else too, so all those people complaining about being starving in Africa are obviously just liars who want this world to fail, and anybody who says different is just trolling.




In all seriousness though, if you play on a high pop server, then bully for you, enjoy it but stop trying to make out that our experience=your experience.


You mention getting spammed for groups the minute you log on and there being 150-300 people online, thats great, fantastic.


On my server nobody is spamming anybody for a group, and the Fleet peaks at around 60 people during peak ours (with maybe half of them being level 50) with the occasional spike to 80 if we're lucky (this is after being flagged as very heavy poulation when I rolled on it during early access)


This means my server at any given time has 20-40% of you servers average population, so you could see where this would start causing issues with grouping particularly at level 50.


People on high pop servers need to go back to their servers and enjoy the fact that they can actually get a pug started without a couple of hours lead in time and leave us folks with complaints to our business, your input is neither required nor desired.

Edited by jedip_enguin
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Even wow merged some servers at TBC ( eu-region ) . One of them was heavily russian populated. It was like warsong or something else im not sure.After russian realms were invented bliz gave free migration to russian players to russian region servers.


Its fair to merge servers to let all players on the server enjoy the game more even there are some guilds , players who have same names.


Actually the warsong server was closed when they made the russian servers. I don't think there ever was a merge. And since we currently have servers with less than 50 people on both factions combined in wow and no indication of merging...

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So BW get slated for having a low pop cap - they increase it and ppl slate them as their pop on the server is no longer ranked as high?


its not about being ranked high or low i dont even look at that , .. i , and obviously more people on SOME server notice having less people around then normal , not as this can be the couse of people being in different zones i could agree , but playing on alts have made me realise that tere accualy IS a decrease in pop , sins i have alts all spread over in levels i can tell in almost all zones are only a few people , cant get groups for HC4's can't get groups for FP's , do nothing realy , and not even talking when playing late or not on primetimes , even then tere should be enough people to get around for this is a mmo after all , i'm not used to this in a mmo


And now wanting to merge servers?

BW, imo and history of being involved with several mmos of the last 10 years, will not even consider a server merge so early after rel.

oh rly ? Bioware was involved or even had experience in making mmo's :s? .. i tought this was tere first one ?, .. anyway doesnt even matter :s


Also, we'll notice soon enough if BW dont want to act to this , if all is true what i am saying and the fact is that it is happening on multiple servers , couse i seen lots of posts about this so



Also, to complain about them wanting to fix bugs etc instead of merging a server?


you think a low server pop isnt as bad or even worse then bugs in this game , your wrong , allot of people that are playing , want to play a mmo , and then log on and realise were is the M in this MMO, this can also realy hurt the game , couse even more people will leave



just wish we could get some answer about this from a BW Official , they are very quiet about this topic aint they , makes me even wonder more , that this is the case , couse if they dont want to talk about it it means to me they just want to hide the fact that they are already losing subs fast and dotn want more negativity towards this game and thus keeping it qiet ....


otherwise they could have posted somethign about the game still being very succesfull but they opened to much servers and thus now we have pop decrease on some servers ... but i hear nothing ... weird huh ? ..


ah well we notice soon enough , maybe BW makes a official post about this soonish, maybe they wil lanounce a free char transfer next week who knows , all we can do is wait i gues ... i having still fun playing on my alt and main for a wile longer .. gues i just skipp the Hc'4s 's

Edited by Genesizs
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I think some people need to remember that not everyone is at max level, looking to enter into end-game content.


Just looking at my fellow guildies, we have one lvl 50 (me), a group at the mid-40s, a group in the mid-30s, and then a few newcomers in the 20s and below.


Nearly everyone is in a different zone, levelling or questing - even those ones of a similar level, because they may have done their story quest a bit quicker and wanted to move on.


I think the ability to get groups together will be a LOT easier when the general population have reached the same point and are at max level, looking to take on end-game content.


Quite simply, there is a large proportion of each server population who are not at that stage yet. This was made even clearer to me when I was flying through some lower level zones yesterday. They were as populated as Fleet was!

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When they open the new servers for Australia, and if they allow those players to transfer to the new servers. Then it may be time to revisit this issue. But now is not the time, it is way to early in the life of the game to start with mergers.


Why is it too early? The population on the really low servers is fading fast as more and more people take other people's advice and reroll to other servers, making the situation even worse. Some of these servers will effectively become like quicksand, and any new subscriber unfortunate enough to randomly select one to start in will likely get a poor impression of the game from the 'massively multiplayer' point of view.

Edited by Wizzrobe
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the server merges needs to happen fast. my server is about dead and rerolling all my characters would be huge pain. I put a lot of time into them and basically being punished for picking a server at random doesn't sit well with me. it is almost 5pm right now and there are only 10 people on the imperial fleet. that seems exceedingly bad. by about 10 or so I'll be lucky to even see 20-30 on the fleet.
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and i predict you go back to wow in near future. audieu.


That was completely unnecessary, and immature.


I have played many MMOs and I can honestly say that if Bioware does not pull something big out of their back pocket in the near future, this game will go FtP.


Yes, every MMO goes through growing pains, but some MMOs fail to keep their subs interested enough to stay.

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is the OP trolling? I was on last night (during Peak admittedly) and out of all the US servers, there were 4 light, 3 servers that had wait times over 20m, several very heavy and heavy then the overwhelming majority as standard.


I mean, merging those handful of light servers might help but that gives no room for growth...

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If WO didn't go free to play, this game won't go free to play either. It won't necessarily do worse than WO, but the expectations for this game were so high, it's not going to go down as a great MMO success. That being said, the server caps for this game are lower than other MMOs and Republic players are generally outnumbered on whatever server they are on, that even if wanted to take the publicity hit with the server merge, they might not be at the point where they can do that, which will only cause more reps to leave.
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May not need many. Below is typical @ fleet during peak hours on Mask of Nihilus. We can't be the only ones . . .


Friday night Republic Fleet: http://www.galactickegger.com/SWTOR/swtor_screenshot_RepFleet.jpg

Saturday night Imperial Fleet: http://www.galactickegger.com/SWTOR/swtor_screenshot_ImpFleet02.jpg

Edited by GalacticKegger
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way to insult people without knowing what the hell you're talking about. Biowares "increased caps" caps a server at about 1.5k people. both sides COMBINED. Go through the zones and check how many people are one of those heavy servers. 300ish imperial fleet / 180ish republic fleet on mine at prime time. other zones 120ish for lvl 10-16 planet, 50-60 people per planet up till belsavis, then it drops to 25ish for pubs and 40ish for imps. Corellia 25ish both sides at most time.


eidt* oh lets not forget quesh, 9 people republic side, 15ish imperial.


The population cap is CRAP. its half what a normal MMO server population is.


Holy crap! I'd kill for numbers like those. During peak hours on my server, Imperial Fleet has maybe 50 people. Dromund Kaas maybe 60 and planets like Ilum and Belsavis have 10 if you're LUCKY. And I certainly didn't rush to 50. Took me a full month.

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Rwookroo is completely dead. Can't even Q for pvp as a 50 during prime time hours.


Please help us low pop servers. People are leaving at an alarming rate. Much of my guild has already re-located. I still want to play, without re-rolling imp. Soo boring.

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Even heavy servers seem to have population issues right now. This might be a good short term solution. I dont see many people coming back to SWTOR anytime soon.


Many people that I have seen leave do not like the lore and hate the cinematic. I am guessing BW will not change that at all so we might as well deal with shutting down servers and moving their populations.

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My Republic Fleet only has 13-15 usually at max, even on weekends and weekdays nights. Tatooine is usually about 9-13. Alderaan is pretty good, so far about 25. Coruscant used to register 25-30 people, but now it's a constant 18-20. Maybe there are more people in other planets, but it's very difficult for me to find flashpoint groups.


Sometimes to find flashpoint groups, I would have to shout in Fleet, and then I fly to Nar Shaddaa to shout there, then I leave my friend to shout inNar Shadaa. I then fly to Tatooine to shout in Tatooine, then fly back to fleet. After 1.5 hours, we're usually up to 3 people.


If you don't think there's a problem with the server population, you have to thank yourself you end up in a moderately populated server. My server is quite hopeless at this point.

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Can I suggest that sooner rather than later to start merging etc. I am on a low pop server in a small guild - don't think there is a large one on the server :) Like me I guess most people are playing solo with the odd Heroic or Flashpoint in PuG's. If you transferred my character to any server it would not worry me - I might even get to see more of the game. If you don't do it soon then servers will just die and that aint good news for us or Bioware.
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I feel that there are population issues both with servers in general and the growing imbalance of republic and imperial sides. The servers need to be condensed and so does the republic faction.


I would certainly put server merging on the top of the priority list.

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Yes! Something needs to be done.


Yesterday I played on The Arkanian Legacy server.


When I was on Quesh there was only me and 7 other ppl. Then I traveled to the Rep fleet. Thought I would do some flashpoints. There was me and like 27 others. So it was impossible to get a group together.

Then I went on to Hoth. ONLY 8 PPL THERE. It's impossible to do Heroic and Flashpoint.


This is my first MMO and I really like it but I can imagine that I will be bored if I can't use all the content in the game. I am only lvl 38 so far so I have not yet been to Ilum. And what I understand from more experienced MMO player the end game is very important if the game will survive.

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