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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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BW will not merge servers, they have already prove they way to stupid to do whats good for the game, it slay me that Dev's do not learn for past game mistakes.


Low population servers cause people to quit, most people who quit never come back (note for the crybaby fanbois I said most)


The game has way way to man servers and a lot if not half or more are dead, or very close to it.


I remember BW saying a long time ago that they unlike other mmo would not just launch a rash of servers, then they went out and launched more servers than any other mmo.


But they will continually lie to themselves and us thinking things like patch 1.2 will sort issue out, it will not once people leave they gone and no improvements will bring the majority back.


Server merges need to happen today as even tomorrow will be to late and the damage done is never recouped and every day they not merged, and populations raised the damage increase.


I'm lucky I'm in good sized guild that lacks for nothing, but I'm not stupid I can see that beven on our server we have lost over 50% of the player base.



Yep I agree with you and know the feeling since I had land on same server as you...dont know if you notice but friday, Saturday and sunday at prime time Ilum had like 6 or 7 players runing around looking for a good figth.


A Ordem


We Bow To No One!

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I hear you friend, perhaps I am ignorant in parts. How is it BW's fault? I ask for an answer, not to stir the pot.


I fully agree that the servers perhaps should have been segmented in order to allow more of an informed choice but I have no idea how that segmentation could have worked better. I was not here at launch deliberately: I wanted to see where the action went so I could make a better decision of where to live.


That's great for you. And I don't mean that in a derogatory manner. However, I'm sure we can agree that if everybody did as you did, the game would be worse off at launch and some of those who were patient/forced to wait due to various circumstances might actually consider not buying the game at all.


In thinking about it, I guess I blame the player for the choice because there was NO information about why certain servers were better or worse from the outset.


Bioware could have refrained from artificially capping server populations. It led to massive queues that people endured due to guilds being pre-assigned etc... And then refrained from making brand new servers that were unaffected by Early Access (such as Senator Constipex, Tott Doneeta, The Kumumgah, just to name a few). It led to far, far, far too many servers. The math's already been done in another thread, but with the current amount of servers, provided Bioware's own stated 1.7 mio. active subscribers is used as reference, each server would have 13 people per zone, if we assume perfectly equal distributed populations. This, of course, assumes that SWTOR follows the general tendency of 10-15% of active subscribers being online at any given time (which I concur is anecdotal, but it's a realistic pointer. At most I'd be willing to concede a maximum of 20% of subscribers online in the game concurrently, at this stage of the game).


Populations are not equally distributed. Faction imbalance is prevalent, skewering it even more. Even if they were, 13 in each and every zone on each and every server is not alot.


It was pure blind luck and a bit of impatience about waiting to join. I waited 2 months to join so I could let others test the waters and then took a leap after some minor searching, a few phone calls and the beckoning of a former guild.


Again, good for you. I honestly mean that. However, should it be the norm of MMOs really? As you say, the people who injected cash into the game right from launch had no way of conducting empirical research. Speaking for myself, I always conduct research, it's part of my mind-set. However, I had the choice between queues or taking a leap of faith for the sake of the game and spreading the population a bit, just as Bioware intended. I don't expect thanks from it. And honestly I am fine where I am, I have cleared 10/10 Nightmare mode and got a good guild.


But should your case be the 'only viable norm' really? "Wait 2 months to get a good experience, the first batch of people are merely lab-rats". Isn't it bad enough that paying customers have to put up with:


Lack of basic MMO features such as combat log? (and addons, parsing tools etc, but that's more of my personal diatribe).

Gamebreaking bugs that has:

- Ruined economy on several servers.

- caused huge pvp imbalance by having people farm 10+ valor ranks in a span of few hours on Ilum?

- Operations bosses that continue to bug out immensely (Soa is, 2 months after launch, still a bug-lottery on Nightmare mode).


And the list goes on. However, those bugs are 'institutionalized' as acceptable to the MMO crowd. It's "part of the package" so to speak. Or at least we've gotten used to it. Which leads on to...


I guess I don't understand how other people made their choice and why there is so much bitterness but I just cannot blame BW for it, they never gave me any indication of where to go at all, in any way, shape or form.

Cheers for your response mate :)




Except Bioware did. They opened a whole new batch of servers upon launch to accomodate the seemingly large amount of players playing the game (which was apparently not as large as everybody would have liked to believe, since the population caps were artificially lowered). So people were given the false impression that some servers were filled to the brim. Those servers are the mere Standard/High servers of today (are there even any Very High or Full left?). Those new servers they opened were subsequently deserted once population caps were lifted and people who had been 'queued out' of their servers could return.


It was a blatant bait & switch.


Bioware did indicate they wanted people to spread. They did indicate that new servers would be viable when they opened alot of new servers while others were "Full" and had queues. Truth is, those new servers were never viable. The "Full" ones weren't near the actual cap. Now the people who picked one of those new servers which were supposedly opened to accomodate "the massive influx of players which obviously surprised even Bioware" pay the price.


So people are asking Bioware to fix their mess. Because it is a mess. But at least people are still asking for transfers or mergers rather than 'voting with their wallet', though that time isn't far off and, sadly, hinges on an often-alluded to March patch which we're still not having any concrete, detailed patch notes on.

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It was a blatant bait & switch.



As much as I wanted to highlight a bunch of other stuff in your thread, this line gave me the most realisation of what you mean.


Sincerely, thanks for enlightening me, I have more to think of and I agree with alot of what you posted. Cheers for at least showing a more detailed version of alot of the whinging I've read so far in this thread.


You make valid points mate.





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I guess perhaps, correct me if I'm wrong, that BW wasn't quite prepared for the volume of pre-sales and knee-jerk reacted by opening a whole bunch of servers.


Has this been a case of hype gone wrong? While it worked well for the Blair Witch Project and the Matrix, perhaps SWTOR has realised how it will not work the same as a movie when it becomes interactive and personal.




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BW will not merge servers, they have already prove they way to stupid to do whats good for the game, it slay me that Dev's do not learn for past game mistakes.


Low population servers cause people to quit, most people who quit never come back (note for the crybaby fanbois I said most)


The game has way way to man servers and a lot if not half or more are dead, or very close to it.


I remember BW saying a long time ago that they unlike other mmo would not just launch a rash of servers, then they went out and launched more servers than any other mmo.


But they will continually lie to themselves and us thinking things like patch 1.2 will sort issue out, it will not once people leave they gone and no improvements will bring the majority back.


Server merges need to happen today as even tomorrow will be to late and the damage done is never recouped and every day they not merged, and populations raised the damage increase.


I'm lucky I'm in good sized guild that lacks for nothing, but I'm not stupid I can see that beven on our server we have lost over 50% of the player base.


This is most likely the unfortunate truth :(


Though I mean I can understand them not wanting to merge servers, at this point they would have to lop off about 30% of them to stabilize things.


Of course this just gets worse as time goes on...


The devs really need to get their backsides in gear, or they will preside over the fastest downfall of a major budgeted mmo in recent times, or ever...

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Seems like almost every server is low population. At Peak hours, there are not many people on any one server. Rift had this issue, and in the beginning, they shut down servers, and allowed people to merge to other servers. It's odd that it takes hours at lvl 50 for a PVP game to pop, as there is hardly anyone on the servers. They also need to implement CROSS REALM Ques. WOW did this, and was a huge success. For any new MMO not to include this off the bat, is beyond bizarre to me. I think Bioware is too focused on fixing bugs than getting these servers in line. Wish I never leveled on what is now a "Low POP" server, as most of the time I feel like this is a single player game.


Bioware, what say you?


Merges should happen soon tbh. It's always felt like a single player too, because it is.

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(Just quoting Malt)




That's great for you. And I don't mean that in a derogatory manner. However, I'm sure we can agree that if everybody did as you did, the game would be worse off at launch and some of those who were patient/forced to wait due to various circumstances might actually consider not buying the game at all.




Bioware could have refrained from artificially capping server populations. It led to massive queues that people endured due to guilds being pre-assigned etc... And then refrained from making brand new servers that were unaffected by Early Access (such as Senator Constipex, Tott Doneeta, The Kumumgah, just to name a few). It led to far, far, far too many servers. The math's already been done in another thread, but with the current amount of servers, provided Bioware's own stated 1.7 mio. active subscribers is used as reference, each server would have 13 people per zone, if we assume perfectly equal distributed populations. This, of course, assumes that SWTOR follows the general tendency of 10-15% of active subscribers being online at any given time (which I concur is anecdotal, but it's a realistic pointer. At most I'd be willing to concede a maximum of 20% of subscribers online in the game concurrently, at this stage of the game).


Populations are not equally distributed. Faction imbalance is prevalent, skewering it even more. Even if they were, 13 in each and every zone on each and every server is not alot.




Again, good for you. I honestly mean that. However, should it be the norm of MMOs really? As you say, the people who injected cash into the game right from launch had no way of conducting empirical research. Speaking for myself, I always conduct research, it's part of my mind-set. However, I had the choice between queues or taking a leap of faith for the sake of the game and spreading the population a bit, just as Bioware intended. I don't expect thanks from it. And honestly I am fine where I am, I have cleared 10/10 Nightmare mode and got a good guild.


But should your case be the 'only viable norm' really? "Wait 2 months to get a good experience, the first batch of people are merely lab-rats". Isn't it bad enough that paying customers have to put up with:


Lack of basic MMO features such as combat log? (and addons, parsing tools etc, but that's more of my personal diatribe).

Gamebreaking bugs that has:

- Ruined economy on several servers.

- caused huge pvp imbalance by having people farm 10+ valor ranks in a span of few hours on Ilum?

- Operations bosses that continue to bug out immensely (Soa is, 2 months after launch, still a bug-lottery on Nightmare mode).


And the list goes on. However, those bugs are 'institutionalized' as acceptable to the MMO crowd. It's "part of the package" so to speak. Or at least we've gotten used to it. Which leads on to...




Except Bioware did. They opened a whole new batch of servers upon launch to accomodate the seemingly large amount of players playing the game (which was apparently not as large as everybody would have liked to believe, since the population caps were artificially lowered). So people were given the false impression that some servers were filled to the brim. Those servers are the mere Standard/High servers of today (are there even any Very High or Full left?). Those new servers they opened were subsequently deserted once population caps were lifted and people who had been 'queued out' of their servers could return.


It was a blatant bait & switch.


Bioware did indicate they wanted people to spread. They did indicate that new servers would be viable when they opened alot of new servers while others were "Full" and had queues. Truth is, those new servers were never viable. The "Full" ones weren't near the actual cap. Now the people who picked one of those new servers which were supposedly opened to accomodate "the massive influx of players which obviously surprised even Bioware" pay the price.


So people are asking Bioware to fix their mess. Because it is a mess. But at least people are still asking for transfers or mergers rather than 'voting with their wallet', though that time isn't far off and, sadly, hinges on an often-alluded to March patch which we're still not having any concrete, detailed patch notes on.





+1. All I can say is thank you for your time you've taken to write what you have. Sadly our guild moved from a more populated server (Bloodworthy EU) to Uthar Wynn EU. Now we're pretty much always light population, I've been taking numbers and we're under 500, usually at about 340-400 OVERALL server population at peak times compared to other servers which have 2500+ people on at the same time.


We've had alot of people asking us in our guild what we are going to do in regards to merges, transfers ect but the answer is : We don't know till Bioware talk to us.


Its becoming harder and harder to PvP, even at low levels and there are many guilds which have infact, rerolled onto another server such as Tomb of Freeddon Nadd.


There is a problem, they can't deny it, it doesn't effect everyone but alot of people are being effected and instead of saying anything they are just giving up. All I can say is each day Im seeing guild after guild reroll, friends of mine I know just quit or keep questioning the game.


Without a healthy population, the game just isn't as fun as it could be. There are numerous bugs and our guilds cleared NM, all we are doing is waiting for 1.2 and as there is no word on our fate, we've got to hope that more people will return with 1.2..


I personally want the game to do well, but something needs to be done.. And soon. No more "Keep you in the dark" policy from Bioware please <3

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My account is active for this month; after paying it i inmediatly cancelled since i every day i notice this game won't anchor me here for long, keeping in mind i still have those 30 days to enter the game o check for changes/fixes.


Today i barely enter the game anymore, and can't understand how come that every time i enter the oficial forums Bioware dont say a word about our current population problem.


Thats the biggest error devs can in an MMO: ignore the playerbase.


Our criticism could be childish, unmature, irracional, splendid, intelligent, versed or whatever... its there but no replies from it; we are being ignored.


Things like now today, makes me know i wont stay here in march for sure, blame that another game, ironically a biowares one, ME3.


If all this was a masterplan to make us aim for that game, it worked for me. The pitty is i had expectations with this game and i feel myself slapped in the face and ignored...

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(Just quoting Malt)









+1. All I can say is thank you for your time you've taken to write what you have. Sadly our guild moved from a more populated server (Bloodworthy EU) to Uthar Wynn EU. Now we're pretty much always light population, I've been taking numbers and we're under 500, usually at about 340-400 OVERALL server population at peak times compared to other servers which have 2500+ people on at the same time.


We've had alot of people asking us in our guild what we are going to do in regards to merges, transfers ect but the answer is : We don't know till Bioware talk to us.


Its becoming harder and harder to PvP, even at low levels and there are many guilds which have infact, rerolled onto another server such as Tomb of Freeddon Nadd.


There is a problem, they can't deny it, it doesn't effect everyone but alot of people are being effected and instead of saying anything they are just giving up. All I can say is each day Im seeing guild after guild reroll, friends of mine I know just quit or keep questioning the game.


Without a healthy population, the game just isn't as fun as it could be. There are numerous bugs and our guilds cleared NM, all we are doing is waiting for 1.2 and as there is no word on our fate, we've got to hope that more people will return with 1.2..


I personally want the game to do well, but something needs to be done.. And soon. No more "Keep you in the dark" policy from Bioware please <3


But server merges will not happen the Dev's have already proved they way to incompetent to move quick and fix a problem before it gets out of hand.


They will drag their feet kicking and screaming all the way, saying its not a real problem, 1.2 will sort out the issues, where anyone with reasonable intelligence will tell you its a major problem and 1.2 will not fix it no matter how good it turns out to be .. and even on that I have huge doubts.


they capped server way to low as they were greedy and it was all about milking the cow ..and I can see I/we as a guild will be long gone by the time the actually do a fix, and that helps no one.

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My account is active for this month; after paying it i inmediatly cancelled since i every day i notice this game won't anchor me here for long, keeping in mind i still have those 30 days to enter the game o check for changes/fixes.


Today i barely enter the game anymore, and can't understand how come that every time i enter the oficial forums Bioware dont say a word about our current population problem.


Thats the biggest error devs can in an MMO: ignore the playerbase.


Our criticism could be childish, unmature, irracional, splendid, intelligent, versed or whatever... its there but no replies from it; we are being ignored.


Things like now today, makes me know i wont stay here in march for sure, blame that another game, ironically a biowares one, ME3.


If all this was a masterplan to make us aim for that game, it worked for me. The pitty is i had expectations with this game and i feel myself slapped in the face and ignored...


Really, how dare you claim to speak about what YOU think the developers and publisher should do to make your insignificant time matter?


You expect to one day log in and see the greatest of all updates/changes in mmo history and that will salvage your meagre $15/month.


Get a grip mate. Your post adds exactly fark-all to the topic of this thread and exactly fark-all to the understanding of the underlying issue.


A personal request, refrain from posting again until you learn to appreciate what an mmo actually is. Massive. Multiplayer. Online (roleplayinggmae). It is not a shoot-em-up with instant-gratification. It is not a bang-per-minute attempt to capture your fleeting and shallow imagination. You are not a target for the mmo market, clearly from what the content of your post implys.


There are issues and there are some great posts in the past few pages which clearly highlight the pro's, con's and in-betweens concering such. Your post does nothing to help anybody make an informed choice, gain a deeper understanding nor offers any practical solutions or insights.


Fark, I've forgotten the depth of idiocy which plagues game forums just when I thought this was turning into something intellectual and informative.




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We are barely having more then 3-4 Warzones in the 50 bracket going on at the same time. Not to mention how hard it currently is to get the daily heroic done, especially for the republic players.


You might not feel like your server is underpopulated. But you are most likely an imperial if you feel so.


I'm afraid that i can't even participate at the upcoming rated WZ's. There are hardly enough (good aka "no keyboardturning backpaddlers") people left to get a 8man group done on my server...

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But server merges will not happen the Dev's have already proved they way to incompetent to move quick and fix a problem before it gets out of hand.


They will drag their feet kicking and screaming all the way, saying its not a real problem, 1.2 will sort out the issues, where anyone with reasonable intelligence will tell you its a major problem and 1.2 will not fix it no matter how good it turns out to be .. and even on that I have huge doubts.


they capped server way to low as they were greedy and it was all about milking the cow ..and I can see I/we as a guild will be long gone by the time the actually do a fix, and that helps no one.


Thats pretty much what I'm thinking but for the money I've put into this game and the years I've been waiting for it you've got to stay hopeful.. Right?


I can see them making a huge profit out of this problem with introducing paid transfers and not free, but that opens up alot of problems like multiple characters and so forth and huge costs to move them.


Things have gotten better in regards to patches fixing a few more problems, but I would have thought an experienced company in the current day would be able to avoid some of these problems


Either way, alot of people not just myself feel like the service we are paying for is more of a paid Beta-test, and if things continue I think we will just leave it at that. Im glad people are enjoying the game on populated servers and personally I wish I could - maybe then you wouldn't get so frustrated at all of the bugs.




Also another topic closed and pointed to here.. Seems the Mods are watching, but still - No response what so ever :/ Is it that hard to discuss what you guys are thinking of doing with the public more than a week before its released?

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Doesn't matter what patch 1.2 brings, I won't be able to play it anyway. Our server can't muster up enough bodies to even get a que to pop.


Re-rolled onto a busy server, but instead of leveling my new toon, I find myself posting/reading the forums...that's how much interest I have in leveling yet another toon. Like to play the game, can't, not going to pay $15 a month for forum access.


Moving on. CYA

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Doesn't matter what patch 1.2 brings, I won't be able to play it anyway. Our server can't muster up enough bodies to even get a que to pop.


Re-rolled onto a busy server, but instead of leveling my new toon, I find myself posting/reading the forums...that's how much interest I have in leveling yet another toon. Like to play the game, can't, not going to pay $15 a month for forum access.


Moving on. CYA


Would you like somebody to ask you to stay? Would you like a hug? Would you like other people to leave with you? Would you like to lead a revolt and claim you and your minions will all quit unless something happens?


I'm just trying to work out what response you intended for such a fruitless post....

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Seems like almost every server is low population. At Peak hours, there are not many people on any one server. Rift had this issue, and in the beginning, they shut down servers, and allowed people to merge to other servers. It's odd that it takes hours at lvl 50 for a PVP game to pop, as there is hardly anyone on the servers. They also need to implement CROSS REALM Ques. WOW did this, and was a huge success. For any new MMO not to include this off the bat, is beyond bizarre to me. I think Bioware is too focused on fixing bugs than getting these servers in line. Wish I never leveled on what is now a "Low POP" server, as most of the time I feel like this is a single player game.


Bioware, what say you?


There are way more things that Bioware need to fix before addressing this issue...

Some of em I listed here


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Merges should happen soon tbh. It's always felt like a single player too, because it is.



When i checked the servers last night at around prime-time hours they were all at standard to heavy ... which to me seems appropriate.




i believe the problem you are seeing is because of how the game was designed as a mostly solo experience 1-50 and has nothing to do with server populations.


they could jam 9784759326578264529578465 people on a server and if the game was designed to be played solo you would still feel like it was a single player game...

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Really, how dare you claim to speak about what YOU think the developers and publisher should do to make your insignificant time matter?


You expect to one day log in and see the greatest of all updates/changes in mmo history and that will salvage your meagre $15/month.


Get a grip mate. Your post adds exactly fark-all to the topic of this thread and exactly fark-all to the understanding of the underlying issue.


A personal request, refrain from posting again until you learn to appreciate what an mmo actually is. Massive. Multiplayer. Online (roleplayinggmae). It is not a shoot-em-up with instant-gratification. It is not a bang-per-minute attempt to capture your fleeting and shallow imagination. You are not a target for the mmo market, clearly from what the content of your post implys.


There are issues and there are some great posts in the past few pages which clearly highlight the pro's, con's and in-betweens concering such. Your post does nothing to help anybody make an informed choice, gain a deeper understanding nor offers any practical solutions or insights.


Fark, I've forgotten the depth of idiocy which plagues game forums just when I thought this was turning into something intellectual and informative.





horrible fanboi post shrouded in semi intelectual crap.


your not convincing anybody.


let me help you:


i and everyone who is unhappy with the game DOESNT pay the developers and publisher salary anymore.


please refrain from posting while you have tunnelvision.


thank you !

Edited by Toxic_Waste
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Why exactly are guys not rerolling on higher pop servers? Game has been out just over 2 months, you guys have been crying about this issue for a while.


It boggles my mind that you all are willing to just sit there and make yourselves miserable simply cause you don't want to lose out on an investment of less than 2 months? Because of that you are willing to sit and be miserable for who knows how long. I could unserstand if you don't want to lose out on years of "work". But you've been playing for 2 months.


Even if they plan to offer server transfers, thats not coming within the next month or 2. If your server is that bad that its taking away your enjoyment of the game, you are still willling to stay there and be miserable for 6 months-1 year+ instead of rerolling simply cause you don't want to lose 2 months of "work"?


The quoted post made me want to post in this thread. It may not be a direct answer to the quoted post, but maybe more a description of how I feel about the issue of low pop servers and server merge/transfers.


First of all I haven't been "crying about" this issue, but the issue of low pop servers is affecting me. Second, I do not feel miserable and never have felt miserable playing this game. To me this issue is not a choice between being miserable or rerolling. There are also other options. Even though I haven't felt miserable, I have felt bored playing this game lately. The reason is that there are few players on my server at the times I play. My play time varies and I am not claiming it is prime time. Some days early afternoon and other days in the evening, and at weekends it varies depending on real life happenings. When there are few people to group with to do flashpoints or heroic4 quests I get bored. The guild I am part of had lots of players online earlier, but now has about 2-4 players online on afternoons/evenings.


So I had a choice. Reroll on another server or cancel my sub. To keep on playing on the server I was currently playing on was not a choice as it was no fun, and I play to have fun. I kind of chose both. I cancelled my sub, but since I had 20+ days left of my existing subscription, I decided to give rerolling a go. I chose a server that more often is classified as heavy and that seemed to have an active community based on server group forums. A complete different world then what I was used to. I could even get a group for early heroics. Not that you always need that to do them, but I consider it more fun to group then to play solo.


But the question is, will I keep on playing and renew my subscription when my current sub runs out? I am not sure yet. I am a casual player and do not normally level up a lot of different classes in a MMO, because I don't have time to do it. So it is hard to predict if I will find the process of starting over fun for a long time. I really don't know. What I do know for sure is that if there comes a server merge or a possibility to transfer my main character to a different server, I will renew my subscription because then I will be able to group with my main character, whom I have put quite some time into (well not much time compared to hardcore gamers, but much time in my view).


That's my view on this issue. I don't demand Bioware (or anyone else) to listen to me or to take my view into consideration. Whether it will be taken into consideration probably depends on, among other factors, whether enough subscribers feel the same way or somewhat similar. Whether I subscribe or not depends on one thing only: Do I have fun playing or not. And I know I would have fun for some time with my main character on a more crowded server.

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Just brought 12 more friends over from WoW...whats your point?


Wow is **** (Never really used to be but Pandas ect change the game too much but thats besides the point), apart from getting people to change from a old game to a new game what's your point?

Edited by Mysquine
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Wow is **** (Never really used to be but Pandas ect change the game too much but thats besides the point), apart from getting people to change from a old game to a new game what's your point?


Well to be truthful panda's arent in game yet

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Well to be truthful panda's arent in game yet


Nope but its on the horizon, They've released enough information for people to decide whether the game is for them or not :) Its just a case of if you want to complete the current content before the expansion comes.

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