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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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OP, in about 12 years after the subs for this game go below 10 million, and yes, this game will have 10 million subs within 2 years. I guarantee it.


LOL your delusion but this is funny nonetheless...


Anyway, they DO need to merge servers. There are far too many and more then half are usually standard or light. There was nothing wrong with Bioware adding servers at launch to prevent ques, but now that launch is over, they can tighten up servers to get more pops so people can actually do things at all times of day such as PVP and grouping for heroics and FPs.


They will not do this however, because if they begin to merge servers people are going to be crying that the game is dying and blah blah blah. Meanwhile, if they DON'T merge servers the subs will drop because of players unable to get into WZ's or being able to run the harder content.

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So BW get slated for having a low pop cap - they increase it and ppl slate them as their pop on the server is no longer ranked as high?




And now wanting to merge servers?

BW, imo and history of being involved with several mmos of the last 10 years, will not even consider a server merge so early after rel.


Also, to complain about them wanting to fix bugs etc instead of merging a server?


I see that poor argument a lot.


Explain to me how a few days of angry custmers waiting in queue is better than LOTS of players being stuck FOREVER (until mergers/server transfers - paid of course) on a ghost town server.


This is not the players fault. Players will be players, there will be whining, trolling and "I CANNOT LOG IN!!!.FIX THE QUEUES OR I CANCEL MY SUB (you know I really won't because I have nothing more interesting in my life going on anyway but I feel like begging is simply not enough)


Opening WAY too many servers was a giant mistake, that of course will go unacknowledged. I feel sorry for all the players on vastly underpopulated servers, especially Republic.


All you will get are ******** responses like "We see more players playing the game every day. Our metrics are more valuable information than what you can see with your own eyes on the server you play on. Get your eyes checked, imo. Everything is just fine and dandy! May the force be with you"



Unfortunately that is the reality of gaming today. It's all a really big business now.

And the suits calling the shots don't really care about you, all they care about is the money they make from products like this and it's not the best marketing to announce server mergers.


Welcome to the age of multi-billion-dollar-revenue mega-companies like EA having complete control over the majority of the market. Outlook for the future? Cloudy with a chance of **** storms.

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There was nothing wrong with Bioware adding servers at launch to prevent ques, but now that launch is over, they can tighten up servers to get more pops so people can actually do things at all times of day such as PVP and grouping for heroics and FPs.


That doesn't make sense. EVERYTHING was wrong with opening too many servers.


You can't just open them up and then merge. Merging is a horrible, horrible thing for everyone, the creators and the players.


The trick is to not let the siutation get so worse it is necessary (we reached that point really quickly in this game)


Enjoy renaming all your characters once the merges come...

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I would rather rename my char then not be able to do the things I enjoy in the game with a group like...almost EVERYTHING.


Merging 1 server to another and doing it gradually over time I think is not a bad idea. They don't have to do it enmasse, just merge a few servers see what happens, then go from there.

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Merging 1 server to another and doing it gradually over time I think is not a bad idea. They don't have to do it enmasse, just merge a few servers see what happens, then go from there.


You just can't gradually merge a few servers, and even if you could, that would lead to panic. Server mergers are server megers and the MMO herd reacts to them by heading to the lifeboats.


And rest assured, if there would be server mergers and people would lose their character names and Legacy family names - after all the positive hype towards Legacy from BW - then there would be a lot of loud complaining on the forums and doomsaying from the game industry media.

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You just can't gradually merge a few servers, and even if you could, that would lead to panic. Server mergers are server megers and the MMO herd reacts to them by heading to the lifeboats.


And rest assured, if there would be server mergers and people would lose their character names and Legacy family names - after all the positive hype towards Legacy from BW - then there would be a lot of loud complaining on the forums and doomsaying from the game industry media.


the alternative is even worse...


I am absolutely sure we will see paid server transfers very soon though.

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the alternative is even worse...


I am absolutely sure we will see paid server transfers very soon though.


We will get free server transfers soon, if I remember dev comments correctly. They are far better compared to server mergers, because they are voluntarily.

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So what is?


More marketing, free transfers and other kinds of promotion. I would for example give people who buy new EA games, especially ME3, free trials and discounts on SWTOR subscriptions. Like: Buy ME3 and get a 7 day free trial on SWTOR and 10-15 percent discount for both SWTOR's price and to the subscription.

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More marketing, free transfers and other kinds of promotion. I would for example give people who buy new EA games, especially ME3, free trials and discounts on SWTOR subscriptions. Like: Buy ME3 and get a 7 day free trial on SWTOR and 10-15 percent discount for both SWTOR's price and to the subscription.


Sure I'll take the free server transfer offer.


I doubt discounting and limited freebies are going to entice enough new players to make a difference.


Edit: after thinking about it I still think server mergers are the way to go initially. Bioware can attempt to merge low pop servers in addition to servers with faction imbalances. If you just hand everyone a free ticket to a new server you might end up with a situation where people picks the heaviest server possible.

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We will get free server transfers soon, if I remember dev comments correctly. They are far better compared to server mergers, because they are voluntarily.


Free server transfers? If you can find it, please link the quote.


Obviously free transfers would be better (although technically they are the same thing as a merger unless the only way the transfer works is from a heavy-->low pop server)


the problem with paid transfers (which I am expecting will be what we are getting, I just don't see EA passing on that much easily earned money. It's not in their nature) is that it will leave people unwilling or unable to transfer all their characters in an even more dire situation than before.

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Put this thread together awhile back and am still waiting for character transfers to appear on the PTS. But they ARE coming. SR's podcast touches on it if you'd like to have a listen - there's a link to it in the OP. I think it's around minute 20:45 or something where he talks about it.



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Edit: after thinking about it I still think server mergers are the way to go initially. Bioware can attempt to merge low pop servers in addition to servers with faction imbalances. If you just hand everyone a free ticket to a new server you might end up with a situation where people picks the heaviest server possible.


Server mergers because of "faction imbalances"? That's so not the way to go...


Server mergers are bad. After those, it's next to impossible to get a positive public image for the game. In public and media view, after server mergers there's just one way and it's down.


In this game, thanks to the Legacy system, server mergers are even worse idea than usually.


In the week ending 11th of February, VGChartz claims that TOR sold a bit under 28 000 copies globally. EA's big new solo RPG, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, sold just over 76 000 copies on PC. TOR isn't selling badly even now; at the same level, TOR would sell 112 000 copies a month still. With extra marketing, especially in connection with ME3 - there could be good synergy there - those numbers could be sustained and improved.

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Just wait until 1.2 when there will be a wealth of great changes added to the game and people come back. There is absolutely no need for server merges right now.


With server mergers they would come back to see that their servers have been closed and merged to others and their characters need to be re-named and they need to give up their Legacy last names. That alone would probably turn a lot returning of people off at the start.

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Just wait until 1.2 when there will be a wealth of great changes added to the game and people come back. There is absolutely no need for server merges right now.


Where have you been? People that play mmo's are not forgiving. You can look to the last few failures to see that. There's a window, if you can't keep your subscribers within 2-3 months of release you won't ever get em back. People are not forgiving in mmos they'll move on to the next new one or back to their old one if you can't grab them that first few months.

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Where have you been? People that play mmo's are not forgiving. You can look to the last few failures to see that. There's a window, if you can't keep your subscribers within 2-3 months of release you won't ever get em back. People are not forgiving in mmos they'll move on to the next new one or back to their old one if you can't grab them that first few months.


The MMO Herd prefers to wait months or years for a new game than to return to play an improved game that they abandoned en masse early in it's existence.

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No. Just no.


If I have to rename even one of my characters, I am gone.


Personally, I care a LOT more about keeping the archetypal character names I joined early to snatch up,

than sparse servers. As much as I like flashpoint rewards, I'd rather have ZERO group content than

lose the name that personalizes my character.


I don't want some random name, or 2 words glued together without a space. I don't want a random apostrophe

or a hyphenated word where you can only capitalize the first part.


When it costs 60 bucks (plus a subscription) to get/hold specific names, I expect to KEEP them.


No server merger EVER, EVER, EVER. Please and thank you.

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No. Just no.


If I have to rename even one of my characters, I am gone.


Personally, I care a LOT more about keeping the archetypal character names I joined early to snatch up,

than sparse servers. As much as I like flashpoint rewards, I'd rather have ZERO group content than

lose the name that personalizes my character.


I don't want some random name, or 2 words glued together without a space. I don't want a random apostrophe

or a hyphenated word where you can only capitalize the first part.


When it costs 60 bucks (plus a subscription) to get/hold specific names, I expect to KEEP them.


No server merger EVER, EVER, EVER. Please and thank you.


Have fun playing by yourself.

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