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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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I'm on a "standard" server sometimes it even go's over to "heavy" Its EU PvP The Kumingah or something like that.(On phone) And its dying.I can't find groups for FPs, ops, nothing. I've not been able to do one hardmode as the lack of healers who do pve is appauling on this server. It needs a merge me and guildies are talking about switching servers as a last case senario, Afew have quit because they don't have the time or energy. A merge would be nice. Or just good tools so I can do some end game.Just sayin


Yup I'm on The Kumumgah EU PVP also, its very dire :( the most I have seen on Jedi side Fleet is 30 and that was 2 weeks ago. I went and had a look on a busy server and the difference was amazing 200+ on fleet with shards. The Kumumgah wouldn't know what a shard is unfortunatly. Seriously something needs to be done. For all those high pop people complaining about us on low servers, come and check it out for yourself.. try and find something on the GTN, try and find a group for a FP and try waiting for a WZ... I feel for the 50s (only 30 myself), they must have to wait forever for a WZ :(

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There's little need for server merges on EU side based on last evening. Lot of Heavy and Very Heavy servers, couple of Full and just two Light English PvP servers. There seems to be just one English PvP server too many. Edited by Rouge
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given the choice between heavily overpopulated, queued servers and too many medium pop servers, i'll take too many servers anyday. Getting online and actually getting anything done without people constantly kill stealing in desperation the first week was dreadful.



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Seems like almost every server is low population. At Peak hours, there are not many people on any one server. Rift had this issue, and in the beginning, they shut down servers, and allowed people to merge to other servers. It's odd that it takes hours at lvl 50 for a PVP game to pop, as there is hardly anyone on the servers. They also need to implement CROSS REALM Ques. WOW did this, and was a huge success. For any new MMO not to include this off the bat, is beyond bizarre to me. I think Bioware is too focused on fixing bugs than getting these servers in line. Wish I never leveled on what is now a "Low POP" server, as most of the time I feel like this is a single player game.


Bioware, what say you?


You need to spend more time on the fleets coz that's where everyone is.

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Had queues on Nadd (and LoL I believe) just this tuesday. Just saying.

So... 2 of the most populated EU servers are doing well. Shocking :rolleyes:


However the issue was about low pop servers.


I dont think they made any mistake 90% of the servers are standard or above

Standard doesn't say anything. A server that is 1 player above light and a server that is 1 player short of heavy are BOTH listed as standard, the margin is very wide. Standard doesn't always mean a healthy population.

Edited by byteresistor
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You need to spend more time on the fleets coz that's where everyone is.


wrong, during our main play time,

just 3x ppl on the fleet,

and need LFG more than one hour if u just want a simple HMs group.


some on the fleet told me,

the game is dying.

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As far as the gaming community is concerned, server merger is the kiss of death. Server merger is widely perceived as 'game failure.' That's why WoW is sitting with dozens of empty servers right now. Activision won't admit that the flagship game is in decline.


If EA cuts the number of TOR servers now, it will cause a firestorm of TOR hate and 'I told you so' in the Internet game forums. Since most people are sheep, that would drive away many potential customers.


true, EA wont do this so quickly,

they should desgin a MMO that

diff server owns diff zone,

dont close ppl in one server,

that's stupid,

with time goes by, the newbie zone will have few player there,

BW should put diff zone into diff server,

and whole players can communicate and group to others

without binding in one server.

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logging in and seeing 30 people on the fleet and having to wait over an hour for a 120 sec pvp game is just depressing.

for those of you that are actually on heavy pop server, good for you. but for low pop server players, server merge is seriously needed.

leave the heavy pop servers as it is and just merge the low pop servers. I don't see why some of you are so against the idea


if nothing, then AT LEAST make server transfer possible so i can get out of this empty server

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logging in and seeing 30 people on the fleet and having to wait over an hour for a 120 sec pvp game is just depressing.

for those of you that are actually on heavy pop server, good for you. but for low pop server players, server merge is seriously needed.

leave the heavy pop servers as it is and just merge the low pop servers. I don't see why some of you are so against the idea


if nothing, then AT LEAST make server transfer possible so i can get out of this empty server

Yes . . . this before mergence. Please. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Do something for crying out loud, it is impossible to get any groups going on these low population servers with 20-30 people in the fleets during prime time. Swallow your pride and fix it. What a waste of a game since half the content at 50 can't be accessed with these populations.... Edited by shmacks_
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Seems like almost every server is low population. At Peak hours, there are not many people on any one server. Rift had this issue, and in the beginning, they shut down servers, and allowed people to merge to other servers. It's odd that it takes hours at lvl 50 for a PVP game to pop, as there is hardly anyone on the servers. They also need to implement CROSS REALM Ques. WOW did this, and was a huge success. For any new MMO not to include this off the bat, is beyond bizarre to me. I think Bioware is too focused on fixing bugs than getting these servers in line. Wish I never leveled on what is now a "Low POP" server, as most of the time I feel like this is a single player game.


Bioware, what say you?


my server if realy populated so far on both sides but i agree if their are realy servers that are low on players merge them.

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i logged on Earlier Went to quest to start there ... there were 7 other players .. 7 and this was between 6-8pm which should be around prime time. i mean i hope there is a server merge.


Hopefully a LFG tool for flashpoints as standing round on the fleet for over an hour to get a

group .. (( btw i am dps so takes longer than most who boast as their tanks and healers ))


i know when the first month the game was busy and la de da but now days people who have ground to 50 only login to do daily's or possibly 1-2 fp with guilds and thats it .. besides the fact that pvp and questing there is nothing else to do.


gathering mats for crafting is pointless just set up long missions for crew and log off .. there's not really anything thats a great time burner and fun so far. unlike other mmo's where there are like faction rep grinding and such ..

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logging in and seeing 30 people on the fleet and having to wait over an hour for a 120 sec pvp game is just depressing.

for those of you that are actually on heavy pop server, good for you. but for low pop server players, server merge is seriously needed.

leave the heavy pop servers as it is and just merge the low pop servers. I don't see why some of you are so against the idea


if nothing, then AT LEAST make server transfer possible so i can get out of this empty server


The problem is money and resources. It's no mystery that while the game has a healthy population right now- it's numbers are going down. Subs that it should have... and don't because of many reasons. I get my information from reading Analysts and Stock broker reviews for AE since SWTOR launched.


This is pertinent because games that look shaky don't get as much funding as those that aren't. We're fortunate that the game is still relatively new... so some hiccups are to be expected; but if they can't start holding onto more subs soon... not good.


Why is this germane?


Server Mergers take money and resources away from game fixes. Additionally- you are complaining about a dead population... so why should a 'minority' get juice... whereas there are heavy population (more subs) that want fixes???


In short- you're screwed... your whole faction on that server is screwed. IMHO- reroll. You'll be hitting 50 again...even at a leisurely pace before server mergers even make to the 'need to do list' at AE/BW.

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I get my information from reading Analysts and Stock broker reviews for AE since SWTOR launched.


And does your source also indicate this game is the most successful MMO ever launched as far as subs/intitial gameplay/bugs? That fact has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that there 10 servers with EXTREME low pops. Ignoring this issue is ignoring the requests of thousands of customers who need help from BW regarding the issue.


I hope that you sir, never find yourself in a position such that BW is now. I have no doubt you will be an epic fail based on your logic. Good day.

Edited by Ushela
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I love when BW says "Here at BW we are all about listening to the customer and implementing the things the players want..because its YOUR game."


HAHA pretty sure we want server transfers..at least the thousands stuck on dead servers do.

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this is how it went-


brand new game!

servers jammed with activity!

during pre-launch bioware adds several servers.


game release! servers jammed!

the people went, "wah! queues!! give us more servers!"


bioware said, "gee, we really don't want to do that, cause you know, people will stop playing and the servers will even out"

people said, "we don't care! we'll unsub! you're horrible! more servers now!!!1!"


so bioware raises some population caps and adds new servers, and guess what?


Likely the same people who asked for more servers the first week are the same who are complaining now that that servers feel less busy...


Here's something to consider and someone did the math on this... The server pops are fine, they feel emptier because the planets are massive, there are a lot of them and people are spread all over the server on different level toons...


Not everyone rushed to 50 in the first week.


I have 11 toons over two servers and have not had any issues at all seeing low population.


Roll alts, like it appears many others are doing.

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Likely the same people who asked for more servers the first week are the same who are complaining now that that servers feel less busy...


Here's something to consider and someone did the math on this... The server pops are fine, they feel emptier because the planets are massive, there are a lot of them and people are spread all over the server on different level toons...


Not everyone rushed to 50 in the first week.


I have 11 toons over two servers and have not had any issues at all seeing low population.


Roll alts, like it appears many others are doing.


These posts are hilarious "my server is just fine, i dont know what the problem is?"




If you cant see the problem with that, or see that having 200 people COMBINED for both factions online at the same time is a problem you are ignorant due to the fact that the TWO servers you play on are "normal". Stay out of this thread please. You aren't offering any help whatsoever.

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TRANSFER SERVERS theres over a dozen dead servers, talk about money your wasting it on these servers like the one im unfortunetally on with 9 people at imperial fleet at 2 in the afternoon...***?


I enjoy this game, but if there is no server transfer or even a confirmation of date or rough estimate of transfer, after this month I refuse to re-subscribe. I know just me not playing isnt goign to hurt BW, but I CANNOT do anything. I get on once a day now to do a Weekly/Daily on Ilum today there were 4 people there. Ghost Town? Not even enough people to do a FP.

Edited by MerkSauce
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These posts are hilarious "my server is just fine, i dont know what the problem is?"




If you cant see the problem with that, or see that having 200 people COMBINED for both factions online at the same time is a problem you are ignorant due to the fact that the TWO servers you play on are "normal". Stay out of this thread please. You aren't offering any help whatsoever.



wow 20? your lucky mine never has more than 9....haha

Edited by MerkSauce
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